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Author Topic: Clan Ability's  (Read 1291 times)


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Clan Ability's
« on: March 26, 2007, 03:30:11 AM »

This is a game I found on a forum about naruto a long time ago. I think its concidered role play.

Heres the deal wright a medium detail story and description of clan abilty. Also role play a fight using it and I and hopfuly others will Have comments on it . If its a story put it in color. Just for the sake of originality don't use already in anime Bloodlines.

The story of a clan with a name to fit its jutsu.

The clan named Raiton started in one of the Great Five Shinobi Villiges The Rock Villige. The clan was stated by a lowly chunin named munto (Mu-na-to) that though his father and his fathers father inherited a natrual abilty for lighting nature jutsu and a doujutsu that seemed to give off lighting nature chakra. Which was unique to this doujutsu for there has never been another doujutsu to give off natured chakra. As it happened this doujutsu wasn't discover until 250 years into its history where its leaders name was sakumo ( Sa-ku-ma) with a genius son named well his name was lost with the pass of time. An result of a this genius son is that in one of day when he was 12 he was training near water fall with his freind Suto when Suto's used a palm thrust to send the genius into a the wall of rock behind the waterfall,but before he hit the wall he activated his clan ability Zagurgun where the first stage of the wonderious ability where he was suspendended in mid air . Mean while Suto nearly died because of the massive serge of energy there was the second this happeneded. We don't exactly know what happened next all we know is that the genius boy was found knocked out. As time passed the genius unlocked Three more forms of Zagurgun. The following Sentences will explain the great last fight off this genius.

Genius= !?!?

"Hey gonjo im going left to take out the 3 soldiers",said !?!? "Roger leader,I'll go right",Said gonjo. As the leade appeard so fast in front of the konaho enemy that the stood no chance and killed every one of them and Gonjo being a stroung Sannin of Rock took the Shinobi on the right easily,but the soldiers in the middle where taken on by chunin Shinobi where the enemy was roughed up but was still alive. Instintaniously arived a man with very strong chakra which is rumered to be Konoha's yellow Flash. !?!? relised who he was and stated for him ,but the konaha already threw  teh leagendary kunai. Sadly it was too late for gonjo and the soldier but the second after the soldiers where massacured the Third stage of Zagurgan was activated and the two men were trabsported to a semenly different dimmension where !?!? seemed to just walk like a normall person and every one else didn't move. There was somthing different in this battle the men moved at near the same speed. it was a great battle that seemed to last only and miniute but to the men it seemed to last for hours. We have no great detail of what happened ,but we do know that the leader of konoha group won it was a very sad day for the RAITON CLAN.

Stage one Of Zagurgun

The eyes of the person turn bluish-white and sees every thing in a scale of energy and the person chakra can alter energy. (E.X Increasing the flow of energy in the air to kill/knock out somone)

Stage two
The abilty to alter energy takes less chakra and its can take place on a much greater scale. The abilty to perform Lighting natured jutsus increase.

Stage three
The person is able to enter a dimension and take a number of pople with them where the said person can swiftly take care of business.

This was made by opop


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Re: Clan Ability's
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2007, 06:08:26 AM »

*has done stuff like this, but is too lazy to now...*


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Re: Clan Ability's
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2007, 03:21:52 PM »

Ah :roll:

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