Game Development > New Features


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I'm a clan leader (30) and I still don't know how to get to it.. ._.;

A lack of skill perhaps? :D


It should be hot key "E"  ;)

Nicely done Neji.
I can finally have a log to keep track of. :D


--- Quote from: kboogi on June 23, 2007, 12:52:00 AM ---A lack of skill perhaps? :D


It should be hot key "E"  ;)

--- End quote ---

Don't be an inconsiderate, ignorant troll. The humanity trait for common sense is what *you* lack.

There is *NO* E hot key for Drago. Viceroy-30. Where's the problem? Don't open your mouth unless *you* have the 30 rank trying to report the problem. K, thanks. I'm tired of you disrespecting me. I go out of my way to *ignore* you. So really, leave me alone. I've done nothing to you.

i think you're overreacting lebis, he made a small joke and you went all out. Ignorant troll? Thats a bit too much. I don't know why you're letting him get to you but you're the one ended up looking inconsiderate. And when i try to promote people i keep getting the same message that Shukaku got. I'll go try again


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