Game Development > New Features


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I'm pretty sure this event was taken out of the game. ;)

sadly.... yes. Why though?

Demon Bandit Taumaster:

Still scaring the living crap out of people Neji? I've been gone for like 8 - 12 months and your still scaring people.....Nothing changes  :cool: I'm gonna enjoy finding out this event   :D
You're alive!

And...why was it taken out? Bugs? Too annoying?

My guess as to why it was taken out is because that event is a very good one to some people, and by having that event stay in for ever, it might be wrecked.

It might just become one of those events.

You want something to look forward to every now and then.

There might be another reason though.

Kamui and Baluski were right this topic is pretty old and the event was taken out.  Very much like,"The Day the Sky Rained Blood", "Santa Neji", and "Pirate Day".  Particular events can only last for so long.  Konohamaru can't be around forever, like other aforementioned events it might be brought back at a certain time or junction of the year.  Having Konohamaru stay year around is like having the 'The Day the Sky Rained Blood' year around.  Plus, it wouldn't make much sense to have both Konohamaru and Shinobazu all year long.


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