System > Messages

Text Issues

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I think there's something wrong with the Text when you use the clone atk for Ninjutsu btw. I has the same message as LOTGD skeletons. I don't remember it off the top of my head though.

Neji: there were things changed :-/

did I mention that the current system ist *§$IUHF$* ^^

all buff messages need

I'll see what I can do.

Haha, yeah you mentioned that.

Anything I can help with? I was thinking about redoing the Whole text after you slay orochimaru.

I was gonna kill him, copy & oaste then edit...

If you're changing Violets you may want to look into the Fountain in Water Country when you toss a coin in and when the when you run from the Old Man with a stick in the forest. I think there may have been another, I don't remember.

When listening to Lee the Bard.

[b:4b3eff4164]Seth[/b:4b3eff4164] seems to sit up and prepare himself for something impressive. He then burps loudly in your face. "Was that entertaining enough?"


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