Game Development > New Features

Item Forging

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I love this idea!
Although experimentation would be cool

Gold Bracelet+Silver Bracelet=Golver Bracelet!  :twisted:

Experimentation is bad.

=) No other game has it, the outcomes are always calculated... =)
just that there is no recipe...

@self-grown stick
as said, you have to stick to recipes, and there are NO weapons in it you have as normal weapon.

Demon Bandit Taumaster:
Will these act as normal items? Same way to use them?

Are the recipes permanent or do they perish after using the combination once (I wont waste my gems for this so I'm just interested)

Yes, "normal" items.

Can be lost at oro and whatnot.

Yes, recipes are permanent, except Oro take them *hehehe* and you have to buy them again.


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