Game Development > Game Technics (outside gameplay)

Color code...

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What does SL uses for color code ? Hex ? We cant just try one by one all the keyboards touches and memorize them ... What i suggest is a HTML Whatever SL uses converter : we use HTML Color Codes and it translate into SL Color Codes . Other possiblity is that we make a SL Color Chart .

what for?

how about setting your own color codes in preferences so the different numpad keys set an exactly color? like #FFCC33 set to numpad 7

Seems like it'd put a crapload of stress on the server. Everyone DOES learn and memorize the color codes. Baa-san's has the full list of colorcodes just because people kept complaing about it. Learn some of the colors, find the ones you like, learn those three or four numbers/letters.

Proto, I have to burn you for bringing back another almost two year old thread...
And Hiro I have to burn you for saying nothing...


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