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Is "clancop" a juvenile chauvanist?

Absolutely, yes.
Yes and no.
No, not at all.

Author Topic: Mumble-Grumble-Grrr. (Controversial)  (Read 823 times)


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Mumble-Grumble-Grrr. (Controversial)
« on: April 29, 2009, 07:57:45 PM »

By a friend:


So. My little brother by two years gets into an argument with this guy, "clancop" on his blog over a bit of disrespect. Something that I don't encourage often, but I feel that he had a valid reason to be upset. If you read the argument you will notice that my bro' (paratoxiclogic) has made referrence to something that he feels was next to being racist in his first reply.

"This idea of racial superiority and their romantic view of Eastern culture doesn’t go far with me, and simply because they want it to be so, doesn’t make it so."

This quote seems to be focusing not on one or two people specifically, but more on the Asian races as a whole. In his latest posts he seems to express a some form of resentment toward Asian people, having generalized and accused both my brother and said people of things that are not even next to being true. The insulting words that he dishes out to a kid that did nothing more than attempt to express his feelings seems like nothing other than a childish tantrum to try to further a point that at the end of it all, did not make a solid amount of sense within the context of his idea and attack Eastern culture.

After reading everything on that page and further looking into the show that I have watched with my brother since the very first showing ( can you believe that? ), I've come to the conclusion that this "clancop" is nothing more than a juvenile, chauvanistic, pompous piece of work. He didn't even take into account the data that they processed outside of the show's running time. There was a lot more to factor than what was originally released, but he missed that entirely. Aside from that, we have family native to China and Japan and we've been to each of the two. Why he has any right to say that he knows more than my brother at all when we are literally Asian-descended and more than familiar with the customs of the people, I don't have a single clue, but I would really like to know.

I have always heard the same arguments from people at my school about Chinese culture and I have constantly tried to explain to them how and why they are not factual. Thankfully, I know a few people who have lived there and are not native to China that understand where we are coming from; not every Chinese or Asian person is like that, but it seems that neither I nor my brother can ever stop hearing about the [arguably] rude behaviour of Asian people and getting pinned with the bad apples, which is ironic in my own opinion. I'm not attacking Western people when I show this following link, because that's just not the kind of person that I am at all. I'm not here to judge. This is just an example of why I feel there is a sense of hypocrisy coming from "clancop":

At the end of the day, I couldn't think of any other word to describe this entire ordeal that can legitimately be exchanged with the term "disturbing". By being born Canadian, I think that we [my brother and I] almost feel betrayed by this "good guy" clancop. The reason why I say "almost" is because after seeing the kind of person that clancop really is, I think that it is safe to say that he was never really a nice person to begin with, and his bio and demeanor are not persuading me to change my mind. As a Canadian I am disappointed, as an Asian-descendant I am sad, and as a person I am disgusted. How somebody can talk to another person in such a low and mean tone, I will never understand. I mean name-calling? really? Nobody should ever have to be spoken to in that way.

Being a Thai/Japanese descendant, I'm kind of offended. But I agree, with racial issues aside, that nobody should have to be subjected to that kind of treatment.
To me, it all seemed to be a bit dramatic on both sides.


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Re: Mumble-Grumble-Grrr. (Controversial)
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2009, 01:54:57 PM »

What the...?


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Re: Mumble-Grumble-Grrr. (Controversial)
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2009, 08:20:01 AM »

chauvinist is spelt wrong >.>

Anyways... Clancop's argument was childish in the least. He has an extravegant opinion that should be knocked down a few pegs. He slandered a show made for the viewing audience, not him personally,(That's a concept I think he needs to understand) and a whole culture.  He definately compared two completely different cultures, divided by hundreds of thousands of miles away in an age where means of communication never existed and made it seem like the Eastern culture was bad. Toxic was, however, quite antagonizing about the article, but I could see where he was coming from. Clancop thinks that proving reality in the slums of the world would change a thing, but it doesn't. Clancop himself should realize everything that happens, shows up in a degree and form in other places in the world. Not to mention that racism, in it self, is ignorance. We should realize that it's not racism, but personal segregation. We make ourselves offended. But attacking any culture has no reason or justification behind it. 

Sometimes when you see stuff like this you just ask youself, How can people be so dumb and disgraceful!?
« Last Edit: July 31, 2009, 08:47:49 AM by Maku »

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