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Author Topic: Secret Clan Jutsus  (Read 4657 times)


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Secret Clan Jutsus
« on: August 07, 2010, 10:34:29 AM »

Okay, I know some of these have been requested before, but what I hope to do is present a new idea to encompass multiple ideas into a format that they could be included into the game.

So to start, I assume to obtain one of these Clan jutsus would require a reset, as I can't think of a better way, plus it is basically the same as a KG, being born into that clan and obtaining their abilities. Also how they would interact with the current KG's I'm not sure, I assume you could combine them with a KG like KG's can be mixed.
So for a Clan Jutsu you would only reset once, and you would start with any bonuses that the clan gives, and the base clan jutsus, however, as a result the clans secret jutsus are the only option you have when choosing or changing jutsus, as you are so specialized in that jutsu set.
So the Clan Jutsu set would act like a normal jutsu set, but to earn skill points in it you must train with the clan (eg, train with master at academy) and fill other requirements. You still get extra Chakra points when you level up, just not skill points.
Now these are just ideas, and some are better than others, hence why I am posting so I can get more, especially for the ones which I'm not to sure about.
I have done ideas for the 5 Main Clans (Inuzuka, Nara, Akimichi, Aburame and Yamanaka) and I'm not sure about any others, but ideas are welcome. Also not all of these would have to be used, they are all just ideas.

So to make things tidier I'll post the clan ideas in separate posts, so here they are!
« Last Edit: August 07, 2010, 10:53:08 AM by Ice »


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Re: Secret Clan Jutsus
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2010, 10:43:56 AM »

Inuzuka Clan

You receive a Ninken (Ninja Dog) companion, which is renewed each gameday like you, also it can be healed.
You can spend Oro points on increasing the dogs stats. (eg, atk, def and chakra)
The dog may have it's own chakra points (Max 6?) to use jutsus on it's own, though they are weaker than the players Jutsus.


Player Jutsus:

-Shikyaku no Jutsu (3)
  5 Round buff that gives an increase in attack(?)
-Tsūga (6)
  Powerful attack the does multiple hits of damage dependant on level.

Companion Jutsus:

-Dainamikkumākingu (1)
  Slighty debuff on all enemies, def down.
-Jūjin Bunshin (2)
  Debuff on attacker, unsure who to attack so attack goes down.
-Tsūga (5)
  Powerful attack the does multiple hits of damage dependant on level.

Combination Jutsus:

-Gatsūga (5/4)
  Both use Tsūga at same time.
-Jinjū Konbi Henge: Sōtōrō (5/5)
  Companion Suspended, powerful buff Attack and Defend increase.
-Garōga (15)
  Super powerful attack, requires Dainamikkumākingu and Jinjū Konbi Henge: Sōtōrō to perform.


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Re: Secret Clan Jutsus
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2010, 10:45:24 AM »

Nara Clan

Access to the Nara forest were they can tend deer(?), and make medicines.


-Kage Shibari no Jutsu (2)
  3 Round Buff makes enemy unable to move, also you can't attack.
  Gives opitons to release.
-Kagemane no Jutsu (4)
  5 Round buff, both you and enemy can't move.
  Gives option to release, or attack which inflicts damage to both.
-Kage Nui no Jutsu (6)
  Does a small amount of damage to Enemy, then causes a debuff for 3 rounds.
-Kage Kubi Shibari no Jutsu (4)
  Does damage for 2 rounds, needs Kagemane no Jutsu.
-Kageyose no Jutsu (8)
  Binds and damages multiple enemies.


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Re: Secret Clan Jutsus
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2010, 10:49:54 AM »

Akimichi Clan

Start with Double HP, or increase the amount of HP given from Oro from 5 to 10 points.
Ability to use the Three Coloured Pills, one use per each pill each gameday after unlocking.
Receives item(s) 'snacks' each gameday which gives small HP increase.


-Baika no Jutsu (2)
  5 Round Buff, def up, atk down.
-Nikudan Sensha (5)
  Attack, does moderate damage, needs Baika no Jutsu.
-Nikudan Hari Sensha (7)
  More powerful Nikudan Sensha, maybe special conditions attached (eg, Item needed).
-Bubun Baika no Jutsu (5)
  3 Round buff to increase atk.
-Chō Baika no Jutsu (8)
  5 Round buff, Atk and Def increase.
-Chō Harite (6)
  Powerful attack, needs Chō Baika no Jutsu.


-Hōrengan - Green
  Cuts HP by %50, increases Chakra by 1-2 points.

-Karēgan - Yellow
  Cuts HP by %80, increases Chakra by 3-5 points.
  Maybe a Debuff that slowly drains HP for the rest of the gameday due to poison.

-Tongarashigan - Red
  Drops Chakra to 0 after use and HP Drops to 1, and costs 1 Perm hitpoint.
  Player uses the extremely Powerful Chōdan Bakugeki after taking.
  Player is left with a powerful debuff that will keep doing huge amounts of damage to them until they die or a new gameday comes.


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Re: Secret Clan Jutsus
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2010, 10:51:39 AM »

Aburame Clan

Bugs fed off chakra of enemies, hence jutsus are cheap, however only one jutsu can be used at a time.
So as such the player may have the bugs in his body to give slight buff, but if he uses a jutsu it will remove that buff, and apply the effects of the jutsu, which will stay into effect unto the player chooses another action for the bugs, which then overrides the last jutsu.

Jutsus or actions:

-Bugs return to Host (0)
  Slight buff.
-Mushi Bunshin no Jutsu (2)
  Companion clone.
-Mushi Kame no Jutsu (1)
  Defencive Buff.
-Hijutsu: Mushidama (1)
  Small damage to enemy each round.


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Re: Secret Clan Jutsus
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2010, 10:52:28 AM »

Yamanaka clan

Uses of Mind Control to gain companions from Enemies.


-Shintenshin no Jutsu (5)
  Creature at that this is used on will become a companion, and fight ends as though the player used flee.
  The player has a debuff so they can't attack until companion dies, or they release the jutsu, if released the companion will start fighting again.
-Shinranshin no Jutsu (10)
  Player gains enemy as companion as above, however the debuff only lowers def as player is easier to attack.
  Mind control


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Re: Secret Clan Jutsus
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2010, 05:42:14 PM »

While, cool, 5 different clans would take forever to implement, I think. Chouji's pills are already part of the game, and I think that Yamanaka doesn't give too many jutsus. After all, you're talking about taking away other jutsu as a replacement, so these would have to be on par with Med, Hyouton, etc. unless I'm understanding it incorrectly.

Also, everyone loves Shikamaru from the storyline, but the Nara clan jutsus are horrible. What's the point of trapping them and not doing any damage? The only thing you can really use is the next jutsu in the line, which will cost a crapload of chakra repeating for every enemy while doing a small amount of damage.

Will the dog automatically increase in power as you level up Inuzuka? Acad-Genin Akamaru, Chuunin-? Kuromaru, ~Kage+ Pakkun? Or would there be new dogs that you could name (I'm guessing this, as they're going to be treated as allies? Would you be able to buy a mount to go with the dog like Shukaku, Enma, Kyuubi, etc.?

What's in red is the biggest thing I see wrong with this.
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Re: Secret Clan Jutsus
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2010, 05:09:56 AM »

While, cool, 5 different clans would take forever to implement, I think.

Yeah like I said, not all would have to be added, these are just a bunch of ideas.

Chouji's pills are already part of the game,
Well you can double up on some things, and I'm not sure if the solider pills really act the same as the actual coloured pills, especially because they would have the same same effect on people of other clans etc...

and I think that Yamanaka doesn't give too many jutsus. After all, you're talking about taking away other jutsu as a replacement, so these would have to be on par with Med, Hyouton, etc. unless I'm understanding it incorrectly.
I also noticed this as I was posting this, so maybe something else like you only gain 1 skillpoint for every two levels, or capped skillpoints in a certain jutsu, so eg, you can only get to lvl 7 Med.

Will the dog automatically increase in power as you level up Inuzuka? Acad-Genin Akamaru, Chuunin-? Kuromaru, ~Kage+ Pakkun? Or would there be new dogs that you could name (I'm guessing this, as they're going to be treated as allies? Would you be able to buy a mount to go with the dog like Shukaku, Enma, Kyuubi, etc.?
They would increase in power by spending your Oro kill points on them instead of you as I stated, has it would be unbalanced I think to be powering up you and the dog at the same time. Not sure if you could still buy a mount though, because I guess the dog would be your mount.

Again these are just ideas, nothing set in stone.


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Re: Secret Clan Jutsus
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2010, 05:17:06 AM »

Well, if you spend your DK talent points on dogs, then you're leveling up without getting stronger. Kages could have acad stats with a kage-level dog.
Companions strengthen with you, not seperately.

I still want to know about that speciality replacement, Ice! >_>
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Re: Secret Clan Jutsus
« Reply #9 on: August 08, 2010, 05:24:52 AM »

Well, if you spend your DK talent points on dogs, then you're leveling up without getting stronger. Kages could have acad stats with a kage-level dog.
Companions strengthen with you, not seperately.
Yes that could happen, but who would be dumb enough to do that? *Looks at Hiro*  :twisted:

I still want to know about that speciality replacement, Ice! >_>
I gave my thoughts
I also noticed this as I was posting this, so maybe something else like you only gain 1 skillpoint for every two levels, or capped skillpoints in a certain jutsu, so eg, you can only get to lvl 7 Med.


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Re: Secret Clan Jutsus
« Reply #10 on: August 08, 2010, 05:24:45 PM »

Oh, I'm a retard. I saw the word Yamanaka and only glanced over it. >_>;; I guess that could work, as most people rarely use upper-level jutsus.
And even if you split it as evenly as possible, a 40DK Kage would been ANBU Captain-level with ANBU Captain-level dog. It'd destroy any Inuzuka PvPers or leave them with a completely useless mount.
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Re: Secret Clan Jutsus
« Reply #11 on: August 09, 2010, 12:24:19 AM »

Well, I'm not great at balancing, so I'm not sure how to do it then lol.
Seems unbalanced to be a 40DK Kage, with a Kage leveled mount as well doesn't it?


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Re: Secret Clan Jutsus
« Reply #12 on: August 09, 2010, 04:07:30 AM »

Um... no.
Kages should have kage-level companions.
That's why Acads can afford Akamaru and Kages can afford Pakkun!
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Re: Secret Clan Jutsus
« Reply #13 on: August 10, 2010, 04:46:17 AM »

Seems like a good concept.
If it were to be considered, wouldn't be implemented for over a year.
The sheer amount of coding that would need to be done, I cannot even fathom it. (Yet it can be done)

Yamanaka clan
Uses of Mind Control to gain companions from Enemies.
I would just like some clarification, the enemy turned companion would only last for that one turn, right?
Just as in the Chuunin exams, they make the opponent say "I quit" or whatever. Correct?

Inuzuka Clan
You receive a Ninken (Ninja Dog) companion, which is renewed each gameday like you, also it can be healed.
You can spend Oro points on increasing the dogs stats. (eg, atk, def and chakra)
The dog may have it's own chakra points (Max 6?) to use jutsus on it's own, though they are weaker than the players Jutsus.
Once again, I like the concept, can be done with code.
Yet, possibly instead of oro points, an additional attribute could be implemented to effect your relationship with your nin dog,henceforth, increasing its stats.

Aburame Clan
Bugs fed off chakra of enemies, hence jutsus are cheap, however only one jutsu can be used at a time.
So as such the player may have the bugs in his body to give slight buff, but if he uses a jutsu it will remove that buff, and apply the effects of the jutsu, which will stay into effect unto the player chooses another action for the bugs, which then overrides the last jutsu.
A jutsu would need to be added that decreases the enemy's chakra (Since the bugs feed on it)
Could be useful with the enemies in the forest that use Jutsu.

Overall, great concept. I would like to see more variety like this in the game.
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Re: Secret Clan Jutsus
« Reply #14 on: August 10, 2010, 07:58:29 AM »

If it were to be considered, wouldn't be implemented for over a year.
The sheer amount of coding that would need to be done, I cannot even fathom it. (Yet it can be done)
Have you ever actually done coding before? Because the coding I did for the Mokuton specialty and other modules I have written only takes me a couple of days, a week at most. So no it wouldn't take a long time, it's more when Neji gets time to put it in etc...

I would just like some clarification, the enemy turned companion would only last for that one turn, right?
Just as in the Chuunin exams, they make the opponent say "I quit" or whatever. Correct?
Umm... no, pretty sure if you read what I said properly you would see what it says:
Creature at that this is used on will become a companion, and fight ends as though the player used flee.
The player has a debuff so they can't attack until companion dies, or they release the jutsu, if released the companion will start fighting again.

Once again, I like the concept, can be done with code.
Yet, possibly instead of oro points, an additional attribute could be implemented to effect your relationship with your nin dog,henceforth, increasing its stats.
Another idea I was thinking was, you spend one Oro point on '5 Dog Skill Points' or something, and you can use them at the academy to increase the dogs stats eg. 1 point gives 1 HP or 0.2 ATK etc...

A jutsu would need to be added that decreases the enemy's chakra (Since the bugs feed on it)
Could be useful with the enemies in the forest that use Jutsu.
Yes! Thank you! I forgot to write that one in!
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