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Author Topic: Revised Sharingan (MAJOR Spoiler Alert!!! You-Have-Been-Warned!)  (Read 2099 times)


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Now then, do understand that everything posted here are ideas and nothing more! We don't know if any of them will be put into use, but we'll do it anyways!  8)

Now then, the Sharingan is, in fact, one of the most balanced (and powerful) bloodlines in the game (along with Byakugan -possibly- as I don't have a Hyuuga alt or anything).

In fact, it may be a bit too powerful. As well as a bit....not in touch with the show.

The biggest and most obvious misconception that everyone must have noticed:

The Mangekyo Sharingan doesn't add to the perception powers of the bloodline (and therefore should provide no further buffs) and couldn't be kept active constantly, as it continuously drained chakra.

So here is the general idea:

The activation of Mangekyo doesn't add to the buffs (or rather, de-buffs that the enemies receive), and isn't permanent. It will be more like a preparation technique.

Or we can just completely remove it, thus giving the user the ability to immediately use the Mangekyo Techniques, though for an increased price (12 instead of 10 for example). Though I believe that the loss of the extra buff could be enough on it's own.

Now, if we choose to have the activation of Mangekyo as a separate could work in a multitude of ways:

It could be activated for a certain number of turns, during which usage of the techniques is possible. Naturally, after those turns are over, the Mangekyo techniques do NOT end. You just have to spend chakra to activate it again and use them more.

It could drain chakra (like the Byakugan - though I don't know how that works exactly....maybe it's like my first suggestion? Dunno).

That is pretty much it. Though, there are a couple more things, but those are just to be in touch with the show.

In the game, Tsukuyomi lasts 15 turns and Amaterasu 2.

And so I ask: Why is that?

Itachi's Tsukuyomi did have the ability to torture someone for 72 hours. But not real time! In truth, it lasted a few seconds. So why does an ability that truly lasts only a few seconds last 15 turns?

And the Amaterasu.....that lasts a long time! You generate a flame that follows the center of your sight! You can move it around and chase an enemy with it. So why would this technique last only 2 turns?

So here is my suggestion about this: Just reverse the effects of the techniques. The turns, and the damage.
Have Amaterasu be like the current Tsukuyomi and Tsukuyomi like the current Amaterasu.
Though to be truthful, as far as gameplay goes, they are fine as they are. We are just picking at the details here, to make it feel more like the anime.

Also, from what we have seen, using the Mangekyo Techniques not only drain chakra, but also cause a considerable amount of pain. So, a small amount of affliction damage when using a technique or when activating the Mangekyo? About.....5-10% of your hp?

There is always the blindness thing too, but making your character blind and adding up de-buffs would be kind of silly and overly complicated. So forget that.

Now, lastly, some players have requested to be able to use Susanoo. I am....conflicted about this.

On one hand, a 4 times reborn Uchiha could say that he/she has the right to use it, because in a way, 4 times reborn would make one think of the Eternal Mangekyo (due to the fact that it's the highest form of Sharingan one can have).

But on the other hand, Susanoo is not a technique awakened by every Sharingan. Madara himself said that to awaken Susanno is something "incredibly rare". So, I will understand if Neji refuses this.

But, if we get will the technique be? How long will it last? How much chakra will it cost? This will definitely cause affliction damage. But, will it put buffs on attack and defense? Will it do damage on its own like other techniques? And how about the stages of the Susanoo? Skeleton, skin, first layer of armor and weapon and second layer of armor? Will those start to awaken as you get more Oro kills, what?

I am expecting the opinions of people on all of those things, and maybe even more.
It would be better if Uchihas said their opinions (and please, don't complain about losing the Mangekyo buff - we are just trying to get it closer to the anime), but non-Uchihas are also welcome.

Stay on topic and remember - we are just trying to make the game more fun! Alright, so shoot! Not literally!!!  :shock:

P.S. - Please, don't say anything about Izanagi. It just won't work out. (unless it has already been put into the game.....which I highly doubt)


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Re: Revised Sharingan (MAJOR Spoiler Alert!!! You-Have-Been-Warned!)
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2011, 03:33:10 PM »

My understanding of why Tsukuyomi last for 15 rounds is because that is the only way in game we can reflect the the 72 hours of torture. You see, we can't always make thing, exactly as the are in the series.

So in my opinion, Tsukuyomi and Amaterasu stay exactly the same. Well maybe something could be done to Ama to reflect it's '7 day' status, but I don't think it's important.

Now, you have a point on the Mangekyo buff... so perhaps it could be an extra buff instead of replacement buff, however it doesn't rwally do anything, it's just there to let you use the extra Jutsu. However again, I don't see much wrong with the set up how it is, Start messing with things like that, and you'll inbalance the Sharingan.

Side note, the over all theme of these topic seems to be tear down the Sharingan... as opposed to Boost up the bone dues... <_< Don't be hating on the Uchiha... we know where you live...  :twisted:

Now, the blindness was actually the thing I wanted to bring in!

Now to keep it balance, I think spamming of Mangekyo Jutsu should lead to blindness, but it get reset after every Oro kill, so all in all it doesn't have a huge effect... unless your a Uchiha sitter, in which case, I don't care, I hate sitters.

So what I propose is every time you use Tsukuyomi or Amaterasu this adds a 'point' of blindness, and each point slowly eats away at the Sharingan buff, and may even get to the point where it actually turns the buff around on the player, empowering the badguy instead of them. However getting to such extreme cases would take a fair few points to build up.

Also so on that, you could bring in the HP damage after the first 2 or 3 points, so after 3 points you lose 20% HP.

Now the thing everyone wants... Susanoo!

Two ways this could be done, a It could be an event or additional reset, or b, just slotted in to the current KG.

Anyway, you have it's multiple stages which I'll describe how they could work.

So first the cost for all stages would be 15 chakra, plus instead of adding 1 point like the other two, this adds two, as you use both eyes.

Stage one, available in the third reset, at about 20 kills onward. This is just the ribcage around you level.
(In the series you need to awaken both eyes, so you have a whole reset to master the first two.)
A 5 - 10 round buff that just gives are fairly good defensive buff, either an actual buff that gives a 40%-ish def increase, or a buff that decreases the damage done to player by 50%-ish.

Stage two, available in fourth reset at 20 kills again. This is a formed Susanoo, but it doesn't attack yet.
Again 5 - 10 around buff, but this time provides complete resistances to normal attacks. (Jutsus still work.)

Stage three, not sure when available, maybe after player reaches 80 kills or something. Full Susanoo, can attack now too.
Still same buff as stage two, but it also does a weak attack each turn.

Anyway, just some thoughts...

Oh, and on Izanagi, combination Jutsu for Mokuton and Sharingan... <_<



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Re: Revised Sharingan (MAJOR Spoiler Alert!!! You-Have-Been-Warned!)
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2011, 04:51:10 PM »

My understanding of why Tsukuyomi last for 15 rounds is because that is the only way in game we can reflect the the 72 hours of torture. You see, we can't always make thing, exactly as the are in the series.

So in my opinion, Tsukuyomi and Amaterasu stay exactly the same. Well maybe something could be done to Ama to reflect it's '7 day' status, but I don't think it's important.

What you said, about not being able to make it exactly like the series, is true. But I still believe that what truly matters is to get it as close as possible. Tsukuyomi is a technique used on only one person. It lasting 15 turns is just not....logical.

On the other hand, that can be easily said for Amaterasu, because you can keep it active for a long as you want (and can, of course). While I am fine either way, I believe that my suggestion is more canon.

Now, you have a point on the Mangekyo buff... so perhaps it could be an extra buff instead of replacement buff, however it doesn't rwally do anything, it's just there to let you use the extra Jutsu. However again, I don't see much wrong with the set up how it is, Start messing with things like that, and you'll inbalance the Sharingan.

Side note, the over all theme of these topic seems to be tear down the Sharingan... as opposed to Boost up the bone dues... <_< Don't be hating on the Uchiha... we know where you live...  :twisted:

I am not trying to tear down the Sharingan, just make it canon and more balanced actually. I mean, we are talking about adding Susanoo as well. If we're going to add an incredibly powerful technique to it, we have to deduct points from somewhere else (no matter how difficult we can make it to gain the Susanoo).

And, saying that I hate the Uchiha is silly. I AM an Uchiha reborn after all. And I assure you, I am no masochist, and do not like giving up my boons for no actual reason. Everything I've put here is something that I've put a lot of thought in (months actually).

But yes, do tell me if I start to suggest crazy things. But I don't really believe that I've said anything illogical.
So, stop being greedy mister  :D

Now, the blindness was actually the thing I wanted to bring in!

Now to keep it balance, I think spamming of Mangekyo Jutsu should lead to blindness, but it get reset after every Oro kill, so all in all it doesn't have a huge effect... unless your a Uchiha sitter, in which case, I don't care, I hate sitters.

So what I propose is every time you use Tsukuyomi or Amaterasu this adds a 'point' of blindness, and each point slowly eats away at the Sharingan buff, and may even get to the point where it actually turns the buff around on the player, empowering the badguy instead of them. However getting to such extreme cases would take a fair few points to build up.

Also so on that, you could bring in the HP damage after the first 2 or 3 points, so after 3 points you lose 20% HP.

I've thought about the blindness myself. But as for those blindness points.....that sounds overly complicated. Too big of a change, and all those new We can always put the affliction damage like I said, and maybe steadily increase it as you use the Mangekyo again and again in a single gameday.
The closest thing we can get to blindness is a few turns of a de-buff, something like:

"Your eyes hurt and your vision is blurry!", minus attack and defense.

And then "The pain fades away and your vision is restored."

Now the thing everyone wants... Susanoo!

Two ways this could be done, a It could be an event or additional reset, or b, just slotted in to the current KG.

Anyway, you have it's multiple stages which I'll describe how they could work.

So first the cost for all stages would be 15 chakra, plus instead of adding 1 point like the other two, this adds two, as you use both eyes.

Stage one, available in the third reset, at about 20 kills onward. This is just the ribcage around you level.
(In the series you need to awaken both eyes, so you have a whole reset to master the first two.)
A 5 - 10 round buff that just gives are fairly good defensive buff, either an actual buff that gives a 40%-ish def increase, or a buff that decreases the damage done to player by 50%-ish.

Stage two, available in fourth reset at 20 kills again. This is a formed Susanoo, but it doesn't attack yet.
Again 5 - 10 around buff, but this time provides complete resistances to normal attacks. (Jutsus still work.)

Stage three, not sure when available, maybe after player reaches 80 kills or something. Full Susanoo, can attack now too.
Still same buff as stage two, but it also does a weak attack each turn.

Anyway, just some thoughts...

Hmm, maybe...but do remember, that Susanoo has 4 stages.

First is the skeleton.

Second is the muscles and the skin.

Third is the armor and the weapon (unless I remember wrong and the second and third stage are one)

Fourth the last layer of armor that goes over the first one.

My suggestion is that every stage is unlocked every 15-20 Oro kills after the 4th reborn. Getting training, or through an event in the forest, would be a bit too much work. I mean, it's obviously going to cost a lot of chakra, so you won't be able to use it until you get the SST/CS.
And you've already done 320 Oro kills to become a Grand Master. Adding a Rasengan-like chain of events would not only make things overly-complex, but it would be unfair to the other bloodlines as well.

I mean, as an Uchiha you get cool new events, and for the others you get nothing? I don't really like the sound of that.

Oh, and on Izanagi, combination Jutsu for Mokuton and Sharingan... <_<

Like I said, it wouldn't work. In the anime/manga, you lose an eye for that, and for the game, that's unacceptable.
But, taking that away and finding a de-buff in order to conveniently get past that is also too....unfair.

No, like you said, we can't make things too canon. And that is why going steadily blind, and using Izanagi have to be left out. We are already pushing things by asking for Susanoo (even if I suggest weakening the Sharingan to balance, as well as canon....ize (?) things).

We need to get more people to voice their opinions, as well as for Neji to say his opinion, as well as if anything we say is possible.
Changing the bloodlines, Uchiha and Shikotsumyaku and anything (I'm guessing that people, after seeing these threads, will surely try to ask for tweaks in the other bloodlines - I'm sorry Neji, please don't kill me  :cry:) is a major thing after all.


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Re: Revised Sharingan (MAJOR Spoiler Alert!!! You-Have-Been-Warned!)
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2011, 06:29:19 PM »

Well after hearing your opinions and myself being a long time player and reborn in both kaguya and Uchiha i have to say there's some merit to what's being proposed. For the sake of staying on topic i'll voice my thoughts on Uchiha here. I agree with the sharingan being one of, if not THE most powerful reborn on the site as it is now. However, changing the bloodline too much in the nerf department may turn quite a few people off as well.. Having sacrificed 320 dk's to get that far i for one can say that there's also a danger of nerfing things so much that people may feel slighted after having given up so much. I mean, to a certain degree it may make the sharingan lower on the totum pole and people may be upset as the change took place but now there's nothing anyone can do about it.

My opinion is as such. Not changing any bloodlines with massive nerfs without first offering some sort of option that one can reset their reborns or something via the mission headquarters or something. That way people can atleast make informed decisions..
Zenaku is a Godaime Raikage
Title: Grand Raikage
Gender: Male
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Born as Warlord of the Kaguya Ichizoku
Born as Child of Prophecy to the Toads of Myōbokuzan.
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Born as Grand Master of the Uchiha Ichizoku
Orochimaru Kills: 234


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Re: Revised Sharingan (MAJOR Spoiler Alert!!! You-Have-Been-Warned!)
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2011, 06:50:54 PM »

Well after hearing your opinions and myself being a long time player and reborn in both kaguya and Uchiha i have to say there's some merit to what's being proposed. For the sake of staying on topic i'll voice my thoughts on Uchiha here. I agree with the sharingan being one of, if not THE most powerful reborn on the site as it is now. However, changing the bloodline too much in the nerf department may turn quite a few people off as well.. Having sacrificed 320 dk's to get that far i for one can say that there's also a danger of nerfing things so much that people may feel slighted after having given up so much. I mean, to a certain degree it may make the sharingan lower on the totum pole and people may be upset as the change took place but now there's nothing anyone can do about it.

My opinion is as such. Not changing any bloodlines with massive nerfs without first offering some sort of option that one can reset their reborns or something via the mission headquarters or something. That way people can atleast make informed decisions..

That's basically what I'm saying. The only true change that I really want to take place is to make the Mangekyo Sharingan non-permanent and to provide no further bonuses.
And as for the Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi, nothing really changes. The effects are just reversed. So, when you would use Amaterasu you use Tsukuyomi and the opposite.

The affliction damage is really small (5-10%, maybe just 5%), and it won't be able to kill you. I don't really care whether it is added actually. Buuut, if you want to add the feeling that you use the incredible Mangekyo Sharingan and feel a small sting of pain.....

And as for the blindness de-buff and Susanoo....I'm not sure, just speculating. Personally, I already find the Uchiha bloodline, even after it is weakened by my main ideas, still very powerful. I mean, remember the damage of the techniques? Amazing...

Anyways, this thread is not supposed to be as big and important as that of the Shikotsumyaku bloodline.

Just those 2 small changes, I don't think the Uchihas should be bothered that much. Everything else is just a long shot that, even though it will most probably not be put into play, is just said to get it out of our system. That's how I see it at the very least.

I myself wouldn't like it if we fudged up the bloodline too much.   :)


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Re: Revised Sharingan (MAJOR Spoiler Alert!!! You-Have-Been-Warned!)
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2011, 06:55:16 PM »

I say we get to one thing at a time. Let us see how the Kaguya thing pans out and then perhaps after the changes with the villages that everybody is yelling about we can look at the Uchiha ^_^.. Why fix what isn't that broken? Or something like that :cool:
Zenaku is a Godaime Raikage
Title: Grand Raikage
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Re: Revised Sharingan (MAJOR Spoiler Alert!!! You-Have-Been-Warned!)
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2011, 01:42:51 AM »

Well if you just want to make to small changes that really do nothing, then what's the point? This seems pointless.
And the blindness taking too much to code, not really, and it's would most likely be me who codes it anyway.

Anyway, the fact of the matter is none of these changes will ever get put through, that's just how it is.

We're lucky to get anything at all these days.


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Re: Revised Sharingan (MAJOR Spoiler Alert!!! You-Have-Been-Warned!)
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2011, 03:12:33 PM »

Well if you just want to make to small changes that really do nothing, then what's the point? This seems pointless.
And the blindness taking too much to code, not really, and it's would most likely be me who codes it anyway.

Anyway, the fact of the matter is none of these changes will ever get put through, that's just how it is.

We're lucky to get anything at all these days.

Ice has a point actually. We have to count our blessings so to speak
Zenaku is a Godaime Raikage
Title: Grand Raikage
Gender: Male
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Born as Warlord of the Kaguya Ichizoku
Born as Child of Prophecy to the Toads of Myōbokuzan.
Born as Senji of the Forest
Born as Grand Master of the Uchiha Ichizoku
Orochimaru Kills: 234


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Re: Revised Sharingan (MAJOR Spoiler Alert!!! You-Have-Been-Warned!)
« Reply #8 on: June 17, 2011, 01:15:10 AM »

I mean, coming with ideas isn't bad, it's just these would be very low on the list of things to do.
And the things higher up on the list are struggling to be done, so yeah.

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