Game Development > Discussions

Top 10 strongest shinobi

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Since there's a top 10 drunks and speedy shinobi, I figured there should be one for strength too. You're free to list in any order... now begin!!

Omega Purple:
Strong in which manner? Just sheer power? Influence that they hold? I feel as though there are some people who are influential and powerful in the respect that they command, whereas there are other people who are just dang powerful in general due to their fantastic imagination and ability to form descriptive, coherent sentences. XD

For me, just going off of sheer power, in no particular order...

- Kamui
- Raifudo
- Zenaku
- Rakudo
- Kayenta
- Rares
- Yūmei
- Nathan
- Zyeta
- Isaribi

D: I'm not on your list.

I'm surprised I'm even on that list since I've never even spoken with Purple on SL.

I meant like sheer power, but I'm flattered to be on that list


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