Game Development > Discussions


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Maybe it would be good being able to revive other players by using something like gems or something else maybe being able to transfer favor

To me that seems rather abuse-able, one would just transfer favor to a sitter alt then whenever they die just get on the sitter and send it over. Depending on how it's structured one could in theory have as many resurrections as they wanted.

Omega Purple:
Also I feel as though it defeats the purpose of being dead and the punishment of staying gone until the next game day. Additionally, people can abuse it, as Cmage stated, in ways such as getting Orochimaru kills multiple times in one real day, for instead of waiting, you'd just have to constantly revive a character.  I would say no in my opinion.

Solo Iori:

--- Quote from: Omega Purple on May 30, 2012, 02:26:28 AM ---Additionally, people can abuse it, as Cmage stated, in ways such as getting Orochimaru kills multiple times in one real day, for instead of waiting, you'd just have to constantly revive a character.

--- End quote ---

..... I agree with Madara.  ;)

Uchiha, Rares:
Revival* >>

No. As said, it can get annoyingly abusive. I could just make a bunch of alts and power level an account from acad w/o resets.

How about the favors=ff. I have 30 dk spent on ff, you get 40 favors! :D Jk, lol. xD


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