Game Development > Discussions

Village Changes (Rework)

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What I had meant was new zones, since we tend to ues those as transitions between the villages in RP. Plus, it'd be cool to have more zones too.

So the Hoshi "location" was outright removed, and now the "Iwa" location is taken up by Amegakure right?

Edit: And if that is true... What happens to my Castle again?

2nd Edit: Hold on, it would seem like the color code for "Mist" ninja after you kill Oro got a little switched after "Ninja". Pluus, if you click the beginning of the description for "leaf", you will automatically choose Leaf.

Solo Iori:
The amount of travel points everything takes is way to costly. Especially for Tetsu no Kuni. I think it would be a good idea to either give the players more travel points, or lower the cost. Also, because of the transition, I now no longer have a city house that I used regularly in oto. Would it be ossible to move the old Oto dwellings to Iwa?

@travel points
might be reworked

it still exists? and so do the castles


well, empty zones "in between" ... hmmmmm... well. I don't know :/

It's basically just adding zones to the zones we have now, in that same location in the zone fight menu.

And Hoshi still exists?! D: Why was I informed but not informed about this!   :shock:

The travel system needs to be reworked. Leveling, for me at least, is pretty much impossible now due to the point system. In my opinion, all that should really be changed is Jesigakure. Make it how Ninja Central used to be -- like it only take two points to get to it from Konoha instead of it taking eight now -- and then place Hoshi back there. In other words, make it to where you have to travel from Jesigakure to Hoshigakure -- the old way -- instead of Jesigakure to Kirigakure to Hoshigakure. That takes up A LOT of points and, like I said, makes leveling nigh impossible. Other then that, though, the villages look fine to me.


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