Game Development > Clan Requests

Village symbol luxury of variety

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Uchiha, Rares:
Not entirely a clan request but I'm guessing it would be mostly used by such, which is why I chose to place it here.

Now, I am no expert so Idk if this is even possible.

Make the area in your bio where the village symbol exists like a secondary smaller avi.

There are several clans rp'ing as villages and bearing a symbol of their own to which they should be just as entitles as Leaf/Cloud/Mist/Sand/Rock role-players. Not only that but other don't care much for the village and would prefer to have their clan symbol put there instead, like Uchiha members and the alike.

Bottom line, let the symbol/picture in the bio that represents what village you are from be what the player desires while respecting reasonable limitations regarding size and what not.

Angra Mainyu:
This actually sounds pretty nifty. Like for those who want to RP as missing-nin but have to put up with keeping their race set to Leaf/Mist/Rock(etc) can at the very least put a dash through their racial/village symbol. Or like Rares mentioned, if they prefer not to associate themselves with a village they can throw up an additional avi to symbolize *just that*.

Now of course, we'll always have clan avi's, but hey, this idea's a decent meal for thought. I say though that the size retains its original dimensions (114px*79px) purely to save Neji some face/time and limit disputes concerning overall biography appearance(s) (which may or may not arise in this particular thread).

You'll most likely end up with people that don't use this as intended, just like how some people put up silly pics for profile avis.


--- Quote from: cmage on August 01, 2012, 05:08:46 AM ---You'll most likely end up with people that don't use this as intended, just like how some people put up silly pics for profile avis.

--- End quote ---

So? There are content rules for a reason.

Angra Mainyu:
If a moderator deems it inappropriate, they could always replace the uploaded image with the standard 'Access Denied' one, or just retain the default symbol and request from the uploader to upload an appropriate image. If they don't comply after 3 requests have been made in succession, then keep the mod-made changes whilst deducting the DP required as payment (assuming DP is deducted, and not simply locked to the paying-character) from the uploader's account.


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