Game Development > Discussions

Ok so we're clear on a few things

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First order of business is something that i thought to be the case but i'm not perfect so i can be wrong. What i'm referring to is village wide sustained jutsu that affect the entire villages RP. My understanding was that the only ones that had the power to put village wide jutsu, barriers seals or whatever into play that could affect everyone entering the village was only the kages themselves. Why? Because coming with the rank of official village kage that would dictate that the kage can do so as defensive measures for their village and they've been acknowledged as having been given the backing of the majority of the village in question as being kage. Again i could be wrong, but please chime in people so we can get this cleared up as this is what i thought was always the case.

If it's rp, I don't see why, if I can bring up barriers and sustain them then, why I should not be able to? I am not claiming them to be invincible, there are ways through and around barriers.

If you read my statement you'd understand why I even asked. For clarification lol

Omega Purple:
What about if a group of powerful shinobi in combination set up something for the village, but with the permission from the kage? A kage would naturally be assumed to be able to pull off some powerful stuff, but would a group of stronger people together be able to put something together since it would be not just a single person carrying the burden of putting it up?

The question isn't about ability. One person with an Edo Tensei army could undoubtedly perform such a task. I'm talking about something for an extended period of time that affects the rest of the villages RP. I'm asking if it's accepted, not if it's possible. I know the kages have the authority to do such a thing as they are acknowledged as having authority over other people's RP. If the kage in power gave authority to somebody to do such a thing it'd probably fall under the same thing as the kage is the one who gave the authority


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