Game Development > Discussions

Ok so we're clear on a few things

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I certainly did not ignore the defenses, I broke them.

@ Nathan, the latter.

@Bocchiere, according to the fine citizens of Iwa you didn't break them. You ignored them.


--- Quote from: Zenaku on October 05, 2012, 08:14:28 PM ---@ Nathan, the latter.

@Bocchiere, according to the fine citizens of Iwa you didn't break them. You ignored them.

--- End quote ---

Well they are liars. I used Barrier Shatter to take their one barrier down.

If I am not mistaken; in order to use the "Barrier Shatter" technique you would need a team of four shinobi to lend you the chakras needed to execute it.
Edo Tensei, however are excluded since you also have to pay a chakra cost to maintain them which would kind of not make sense to even use in conjunction with Barrier Shatter.
I really need to go re-watch Shippuden Episode 144 since that technique debuted on there, before I am certain with my decision.


--- Quote from: Camel on October 06, 2012, 03:39:28 AM ---If I am not mistaken; in order to use the "Barrier Shatter" technique you would need a team of four shinobi to lend you the chakras needed to execute it.
Edo Tensei, however are excluded since you also have to pay a chakra cost to maintain them which would kind of not make sense to even use in conjunction with Barrier Shatter.
I really need to go re-watch Shippuden Episode 144 since that technique debuted on there, before I am certain with my decision.

--- End quote ---

Unless the chakra drain from having them active, which does not seem to be much since Kabuto did dozens for days (trademarked), is greater than or equal to the INFINITE chakra the zombies have, that doesn't make sense. Not that it matters in regards to Iwa since that's all long over with and was accepted when it happened to begin with.

edit* If it matters, a zombie was the lead one breaking the barrier anyway. So I wouldn't think one would need to funnel someone with bottomless chakra more chakra to begin with, though I did anyway.


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