Game Development > Discussions

Who trained you in SL? [If you had anyone]

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Solo Iori:
I've asked some people to be my teacher back in the old days. Like Zen and Pete. But they both did the same thing and kicked my ass in one post instead of actually teaching me anything. Well, I guess Zen did teach me one thing. Fear Mokuton Shuriken. @.@

Hmm, no one really trained me. I definitely need a trainer - especially in role playing.

Tsuyo to some extent. I begged Rakudo before I met Tsuyo when I had just started the game but he rejected me. I should be ashamed to admit that.

You know Rakudo was me right? I don't train anyone though, not officially anyway. Best way to learn is  by doing and you don't need a teacher for that. Though I do answer questions if asked. :D

I trained myself. While that is true, I do tend to ask a few select people for advice and if my wording in a post makes sense or is just crap. For the latter I thank Bocc, Trev, Hazama, and the other few random people I ask.


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