Game Development > Discussions

Hyuuga Reset Revamp

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Leveling speed has a lot to do about game knowledge and simply endurance, but having the best build makes it effortless.
By picking Byakugan instead of Sharingan, you've gimped yourself.

Don't have to make Byakugan a permanent buff, but it would be very welcomed even if it rids a "different" play style as it would instantly boost Hyuuga. If you go that route, you'd either increase the chakra cost of the Hyuuga jutsus or nerf jutsu damage.
But instead I suggest Kaiten's damage to be buffed so it's not useless at higher DKs unless Hyuugas are meant to rely on Rinnegan/Sage Mode.

Extra information:
I had picked Hachimon, but later found out that there was a Hyuuga/Kaguya exclusive jutsu, so I told Neji this and he added a Hyuuga/Hachimon exclusive jutsu.

It's nice that Byakugan did get boosted to lasting 20 rounds from 10 rounds, but it has little effect for those who know how to properly use Byakugan/Kaiten.

Here's my two cents on what is needed.

1. Make the Byakugan last longer, as in, somewhere around 60 rounds.
2. Kaiten needs a bit of a power boost. Mostly in the aspect that it needs to keep becoming stronger even after that 50 oro kill line.

I agree the Hyuuga should have some change to it but still keep it unique in it's own way.

I personally think this how the turn spread should look, it is unique and it will give people working on it something to work for. Please note this is my view since I did own a Hyuuga at one point in time before the buff went to 20 turns.

20 Turns for Initiate
30 Turns for Honored
40 Turns for Master
50 Turns  for Grand Master

This is all rather entertaining but Neji has already spoken on this topic extensively and even after that he's not only boosted Hyuuga's turns but to be fair also nerfed sharingan's debuff in an effort to balance things out a bit more. There can be changes made to all KG's but are they going to be made reality? Probably not. Will Mokuton get an actual attack or will Kaguya become more chakra effective? Probably not. But nice ideas all the same  8)


--- Quote from: Zenaku on January 29, 2013, 07:17:39 PM ---This is all rather entertaining but Neji has already spoken on this topic extensively and even after that he's not only boosted Hyuuga's turns but to be fair also nerfed sharingan's debuff in an effort to balance things out a bit more. There can be changes made to all KG's but are they going to be made reality? Probably not. Will Mokuton get an actual attack or will Kaguya become more chakra effective? Probably not. But nice ideas all the same  8)

--- End quote ---

Yes well, this is in an effort to get Neji to rethink that.  Because even if people may disagree with a few of the overhaul ideas, it seems that most people are in agreeance that the Hyuugas still need a buff. 

Neji generally listens to the community if there is enough push behind it, the problem is just getting it going.


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