System > Bugreports

Possible Bug: Discrepancy between Login Page and Ninja Hall of Fame?

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I'll check when I get some time.

Actually I been looking into this myself. Is it possible the log in page for most cash is reading also people with negative values in cash. If you notice in the Hall of Fame those two that were listed here have an absurdly high amount in the negatives when it comes to cash.


The Hall of Fame current most cash is 113,344,700. At the time of this edited message.

We have 7 people in the negative values at goes to 2,000,000,000+ ? My guess it is something with the ones in the negative values.

I didn't even realize that such negative values for gold were possible - but I think you have found the answer.  It seems reasonable that there is somehow an overflow causing the large negative values to be interpreted as positive.

Yes, it was absolute value - so I fixed it, should be OK now.


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