Game Development > Discussions

Forum - new template



the old one got kind of buggy with the new versions of SMF.

I took one from the theme site and installed it as default theme.

Any input? Bad? Worse? Better?

It sorta reminds me of the Team Omen forum website... However, as far as things go, it's a change. I'll play around more in the new look before making a final statement, but so far, it looks newer and more 'advanced'. Not to mention snazzy and somewhat sleek.

I'll comment again another time (or just edit this one) after I get a good browse.


Dis color scheme and how it was used... Included with the slightly more linear appearance of most of the forum, it is a style I can say, thumbs up to.  8)

Omega Purple:
>.> I like the colors.  It is rather streamline, easy to read, and an overall nice stylistic change. New things feel refreshing. XD  The only thing that slightly bugs me is the "simplemachines forum" logo in the top right. Is there any way to remove that?

I agree with Purple the logo in the top right doesn't need to be there. Unless you got a sponsor. >.>

Well this explains a lot. I thought...well who cares.

It looks fine to me.


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