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Author Topic: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP  (Read 37387 times)

Akasaka Rakudo

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Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
« on: October 27, 2013, 04:40:59 AM »

First off, if we decide to just void bijuu challenges and say you need to come find the hosts in rp, then fine, lets do that. I don't like the idea of just voiding them entirely though. We just need to make so it isn't beneficial to just be as insufferable as possible to your opponent.

Angra Mainyu

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Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2013, 04:45:24 AM »

just void bijuu challenges and say you need to come find the hosts in rp

I'm in favor of that.


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Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2013, 05:11:56 AM »

just void bijuu challenges and say you need to come find the hosts in rp

I'm in favor of that.

That solves absolutely nothing. The end result will still be nothing but major OOC conflict and end in void after void. If anything the idea really makes things worse... Now the village boards will be polluted with this curse that brings nothing but hardship it seems plus it will clash with site rules no doubt. One major example I can think off is the fact that sure these events I bet the host and attacker are gonna want the board closed off to others for their rp. That isn't far to other rpers, who may not even follow your plot, and becomes a huge inconvenience to everyone which will just bring more fighting and make rping at SL even less fun cause people want to rule over others and why? So your OP character can get even more power so you can feel like you are billy bad ass because you can access a trillion skills all will forgetting the most important one, rp skill.

This is what SL has become whether you want to face it or not. A place were those who have super characters and accounts get to lead the rp world in the way they desire when SL was meant to have free rp with equal rights to even those who want to dance backed in the rains of Kirigakure while sporting their vampire fangs.   

The only way to start getting back to the way SL was meant to be played is to she'd ourselves of the very things that are dragging is farther and farther away from it.

Void these damn hindrance, stop being whinny power hungry chumps, and resort back to the ways that made SL the great site it was and still can be.

Akasaka Rakudo

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Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2013, 05:18:35 AM »

Like I ALSO said, we should just make some rules about taking months and months to post or something so it is not beneficial to be insufferable to your opponent. If you start swearing or calling your opponent an idiot or things you get auto hit by their attack or something.

Kirk your idea is not a final solution either. Ok no more bijuu. But I want to attack Kiri and get all the swordsmen blades. Alright void those. Ok I want to attack Kumo and get all the Sage Tools, ok void those too. Ok I want to attack Otogakure and get Edo Tensei, ok void that. We'd have to just void everything anyone could want to fight another person for. Even if we voided everything canon, ok I saw you have a cool custom sword imma come fight you and take it. We can't just void our problems away. The issue is not the Bijuu it is the Jinchuriki.

Angra Mainyu

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Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2013, 05:30:17 AM »

just void bijuu challenges and say you need to come find the hosts in rp

I'm in favor of that.


First off, knowing who has what bijuu isn't exactly common knowledge (beyond metagaming), so you shouldn't need to worry about random folks strolling up to your village and going haywire to garner attention (unless they're well, complete maniacs in which a change in bijuu challenging rules would have next to no influence over whatsoever).

If the rules were to change, it's logical for new guidelines to be introduced in favor of both the hunter(s), the prize, and those that couldn't really give a toss. For instance, lock of a part of the village for those who wish to be involved and give others the chance to move to the other parts. That should be negotiated between the hunter(s) and the jinchuuriki (and perhaps the respective village council). There shouldn't be any Pain-level destruction going on unless the entire village population opts to participate; others are free to join and flee the fray as they please, even the hunter(s) if things look bad (if they can survive getting out).

Casual roleplayers shouldn't need to be involved.

Suddenly it isn't so terrible.

Bijuu shouldn't need to be banned outright. If you think they're OP, you might as well ban Ninjutsu in its entirety too, heck, even the concept of chakra. Because they'd provide means to be equally OP. And in its eventuality, RP won't even be based off of the Narutoverse anymore (not even a fan interpretation either).

As Rakudo's implied, banning bijuu could lead to a very gruellingly painful slippery slope.


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Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2013, 05:55:42 AM »

First off I'm not really so sure that SL was ever meant to follow the Naruverse outside of in game stuff. As I recall in elder days there were more vampire and werewolves then there were Shinobi or ninja.

And voiding the Biju are nothing more then a step in the right direction the finally result being that we need to go back to being a clan based system again. SL ran far more smoothly back when clans were more important then these village ideas. And the village boreds were a place for just random stuff. The zones were where all fighting basically took place and stuff of that sort.

So yeah I still strongly believe these tailed beast need to be shed along with this what is correct rp and what is not. What is official and what is not...

Like I have pointed out the reason you want do away with the Biju is because you are to power hungry. Having these things make you feel like you are better then everyone else and it is that very greed and power struggle among the community that considers itself the official rpers that has corrupted a great site.

I don't expect you to agree with me, he'll I don't even expect you to give my words much of a thought. But regardless I'm a fighter, all ways have been always will be, and I don't need some character to do it for me. I will stand for what I believe in and perhaps one day it may sink in just a little... Truly if the ways of old were so wrong them explain to me why SL seemed to be so much more enjoyable and prosperous back then?

Akasaka Rakudo

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Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2013, 06:08:38 AM »

It's called nostalgia Kirk, and I'm sorry but I think you're wrong. Regardless of what you think about me removing the bijuu from the game won't help anything. You think people are power hungry jerks because bijuu exist, while really people are power hungry jerks AND bijuu exist, they aren't related at all. People covet things because that's what people do.

I do want to get all 9 bijuu and if I do I'm just going to be the host of the 9 tails and spread the rest out again, FYI, I'm not just going to keep and defend all 9 forever.

I was exaggerating in my last post but that kinda is what will happen. If we void the bijuu people will just go, "Ok what is the next most powerful thing I can get?" and then it'll start all over with those. There should not have to be rules regarding polite and proper behavior in a bijuu fight, but we've shown that we clearly need some, and that's what will fix this issue. Some change in the rules has to occur, but voiding the bijuu is not it.

Angra Mainyu

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Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2013, 06:18:46 AM »


I was referring more or less to things being removed from the Narutoverse, rather than being added in SL's case.

More like a step backwards. If bijuu aren't a vital ingredient to becoming OP, then you can sure as hell bet it'll be the techniques which are heavily sought after next. Removing one feeder of power won't famish it. Basically what Rakudo inferred.

Anyway, I am not in the least convinced that bijuu should be outright removed from the SL realm.


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Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2013, 06:41:49 AM »

I am convinced that biju should be removed outright from SL, at least from the mainstream continuum. My reasons are slightly concurrent with Kirk's, just at a slightly different angle.

Alright, biju are gone. What's next, the ninja swordsman swords? I don't recall them being even challengeable if you were to ask the holders, and there so far hasn't been any regulation on forcing them to fight. Problem solved. You want it bad enough, claim it anyways and see if they care enough about it. If they don't, then so be it right?

Can't really do that with the biju. You start running around with two kyubi and suddenly the whole donation mount thing starts to make RP sense rather than just leveling sense.

The next OP thing is already in existence; the Rinnegan and custom techniques of any background. Rinnegan-Sharingan is the next OP thing (hell, they're even more OP than the biju in my opinion, just less to fight about who has it). Nothing to grab for now...

So now what? Kageship? Plundering? Whatcha gonna do when boredom comes to you? Sad face sad face, whatcha gonna do when boredom comes to you...
Remove the biju. If there is something else to fight and kill each other over, it will be found, it will be exploited, and it just might get taken off the table of the mainstream as well.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.

Akasaka Rakudo

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Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2013, 06:44:29 AM »

The things don't need to be challenge-able like the bijuu, nothing else is, it doesn't stop people from trying to get them. If there are no bijuu all the wanna-be villains and such will be coming to Kiri for Samehada, or Iwa for the Kusanagi. It's not fixing the problem it's just stalling it.

Kyutu - Super King -

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Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2013, 07:53:20 AM »

I have to ask. What problem is it exactly the Bijuu are causing? I'm looking around, and I'm seeing nothing specific pointed out.

Is it because they are too OP? Well, so are a bunch of other things on SL, it has always been that way. Ever since I can remember there have always been people and things that were over-the-top, unkillable, and other "OP" things. Yet, good RPers could find a way to win anyway so there is that.

So then, is it because people are fighting over them? I think that's the point. They are  there to stimulate RP and country relations. If things about them were peaceful, then it'd be really damn boring. While I agree that the challenge system should be worked on or removed, the bijuu themselves are not the problem.

Are they interfering with non-rpers? This is a silly thing to say. Why the hell would non-rpers care? Are you seriously trying to say that non-rpers are  being affected at all by the rp world in SL? That makes no sense. At all.

So someone, please enlighten me as to what the issue is at its core; specifically why bijuu are the problem. As you can see, I really do not know what this topic is trying to argue and why.

As a side note, Uetto, I'm not sure where your memories are  founded, but I always remember people completely disliking vampires and werewolves and other things. The only reason some of them were even mildly accepted was because they RPed well and within the rules of the Naruto-verse. Even the most outlandish abilities still need to be justified with "chakra magic" or some such for anyone to even think about it  seriously for half a second, and even more justified were they to use it in some sort of battle. That's how it's always been.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2013, 08:19:08 AM by Kyutu - Super King - »
>INB4 banned for opinions.

Akasaka Rakudo

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Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
« Reply #11 on: October 27, 2013, 07:55:40 AM »

I like this guy. ^

Angra Mainyu

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Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
« Reply #12 on: October 27, 2013, 10:31:03 AM »


We could always do with more level-headed Rance's.

Bijuu...OP? Not really, a TBB on its own isn't almighty given the considerable number of techniques capable of siphoning/defending against it. A TBB coupled with Hiraishin/Kamui-warping could be considerably OP given just how 'unavoidable' it'd be though. But that isn't the bijuu's problem, it's the jinchuuriki's. And even then there's a ton of other jutsu capable of wiping people off the map in some form or another aside from what they (bijuu) are capable of unleashing.

Indeed, if the bijuu were gone, then what in God's name would stimulate/motivate a mass of people from differentiating origins to roleplay together? Mock exams? Half-baked missions or wars? You must be joking if these improvisations are a suitable excuse to mark 'treasure' hunting off the global To-Do list and general aspirations.

Casual roleplays may find it annoying that there are people quarreling over somebody attacking their village, which they only ever casually pay attention to, but hey, nobody's going to stop them from doing what they're doing at the time if they ask to be excluded from it and so forth. They have a right to post where they want, and so they shall. No rules are being infringed there.

Anyway, RP'ing was considerably simple in the past. Why? Because Kishi fed what can be considered 'vanilla' content to his fans, before unloading expansion after expansion of content. Yes, RP's different these days because there's a considerable number of powers which dwarf those introduced back when Naruto and Crapsuke was getting kicked around by Zabuza. Put the past aside and focus on the present for all its worth.


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Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
« Reply #13 on: October 27, 2013, 05:37:50 PM »

The simple fact is that the Biju bread these crazy ooc conflicts that do nothing but cause problems. Of one can not see that then truly you are blind to the fact in my opinion.

I just strongly feel that taking the Biju away and reverting back to a more clan based rp ordeal would be beneficial.

As for OPness, well ideally of course I'd like to see it go down but that isn't really gonna happen. Me myself I careless what my opponent claims...  However I still think that it breeds problems and the Boju do inspire for you to be more OP. You try to become more OP to compete with the OP of the host and the cycle goes on and on.

Like I sad I don't intend for you to agree with me but I have the right to stated my mind no matter how outrageous my thoughts may be. If I step on a few toes then so be it, never really have been one to care what others think of me anyways.


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Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
« Reply #14 on: October 27, 2013, 08:22:37 PM »

As Kyutu pointed out, it's not the problem of being OP. It's the problem of the quarrelling between those who do RP among them (since the non-RPers really don't care). The biju do not motivate people of different RPing styles and/or origins to RP together!

For one, many of the current hosts (and challengers) actually do belong to a certain RPing niche, if you would notice. All of the 'major' nations of SL (I put that in quotes since major can be relative) have at least one beast, and many times, the host belong to a somewhat familiar group of RPers who, in one shape or another, has links and lurking marks to said group.

Even within this group, there are sub-groups that usually vary between nations, but the major group has the same kind of rules and regs (more or less). Those of differing groups rarely get involved as far as I know of.

Arguing that the biju bring different origins together is invalid, because the biju are contested by the some for the few (albeit, with reason). The site itself is what brings people of different origins together, not these biju. Logging in and finding some folks who type similar, write something that you wanna be involved with. These biju and their challenges do none of that as it currently stands.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.
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