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Author Topic: The last biju fight: Kaboom?  (Read 5789 times)


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The last biju fight: Kaboom?
« on: October 30, 2013, 04:23:14 PM »

After some minutes of contemplation, I decided that I shouldn't try to be too contrarian today, and I should go ahead and get this out of the way while it is still relevant. I have an issue in a biju fight and I'm bringing it to the forum, although this is quite straightforward.

The main question, is whether or not there is a "second wave" of Raiton strong enough to render Eric essentially brain dead. Tachi offered to have Nathan judge the matter, but I decided I would just cut to the chase and go ahead and get this over with instead.

Tachi vs Eric has been going on for a good bit now, as some of my challengers have probably been counting, and it has been staled for a bit now. Up to the point in question, the fight was going smoothly (albeit, not entirely in my favor); Empty Town early on a cool morning is the setting (not necessarily the zone as this was done in a private dwelling).

I was going to post the entire fight, but due to character limits, I figured it wiser to instead post only the latter parts of the fight. A quick summary before we begin:

Eric enters and throws smoke bomb at Tachi, summoning Rita shortly thereafter. Tachi responds by dodging and deploying the descending hell technique, and then hurling some fuma shuriken attached to some wire. Eric is caught, but Rita breaks the genjutsu and works on deflecting the shuriken by using the Wind Release: Tearing Beast Gale Palm technique. And now to the fight:

TachiUchiha It was not hard to read that this summon had some sensing abilities of sorts seeing as how she had read
through the genjutsu so and noted the Fuma Shurinken clear as day. However Tachi himself had great sensory skill
lying within his eye sockets+
TachiUchiha that read everything allowing his mind to evaluate the situation as he gathered the visual tracking of
things. It was apparent that Eric himself was not adapt to fighting Genjutsu perhaps as he seemed to take shelter under
the dragon from the +
TachiUchiha illusion above. Thus Tachi had already concluded what needed to be done. His eyes took in the Futton
claw as his fingers quickly adjusted at the last moment to assure Rita would not alter the path of her swing. The dragon's
muscle movement +
TachiUchiha would tell all as Tachi could easily read the projector of this Fuuton counter. The Fuma Shurinken would
be altered in their path by the wire as Tachi forced them to glance of to the sides bypassing the Fuuton claw that would
now clip the wire +
TachiUchiha as it dispelled the Raiton flow to the weapons. Freed from the wires that manipulated them the shurinken
would now be forced to fly in a certain path. Tachi had read everything to align this path the way he wanted though,
using the claw's +
TachiUchiha cutting of the wire and a last split second alteration via a tug of the fingers the Fuma Shurinken would be
sent under Rita missing Eric by a meter. It would seem to the Nara that he had escaped a close call perhaps but that
was only what Tachi +
TachiUchiha wanted him to think. The two Shurinken interlocking with one another as they stuck into the ground. Now
the real assault could be begin as Tachi formed a few hand seals quickly. The most basic of jutsu would do here, one
that was very over +
TachiUchiha looked these days but used in the right hand was a great asset. After a second of being stuck in the
ground the two Shurinken would disperse in a small cloud of smoke around them, that could be seen threw easily, as
Tachi appeared in their +
TachiUchiha location now having used the Substitution Jutsu with the two large shuriken that had interlocked, creating
plenty enough mass together to supply the substitution with the young boy. Of course the Uchiha underling gave no
hesitation in his attack+
TachiUchiha as the moment he appeared, a meter from Eric under Rita, he would release a strong surge of Raiton
Chakra from his being that would fire out from all aspects of his body withing a radius of just over five meters. The
currents of Raiton seeked +
TachiUchiha not only to shock Eric, if caught, but also slice into the belly of the dragon above giving Rita a good
shocking that would not only cut and literally cook her flesh from the heat of the Lightening Based Chakra but also cause
her muscles to +
TachiUchiha become temporally paralyzed. The main goal was to cause damage to the dragon making her summon be
undone and getting rid of her sensory abilities in Eric's play. Plus if Eric was to be caught himself he would be shocked
into submission and this +
TachiUchiha fight be over with already. Timing would be what was key here as the attack was launched the moment
Tachi had came into the location and due to the natural speed of Raiton and the jutsu at hand it would be like a near
instant hit, probably far +
TachiUchiha quicker then the two could physically react to. Unless they did pull something off they would be taken out
before Tachi could even mutter, "Chidori Nagashi..."
Nara Eric Tachi had cleverly forced his hand, which would cause a change in the way that the fight was engaged; Tachi
tactic was quite nearly flawless in execution. In order to counter a strategy like this, a similiar strategy needed to be
employed, the (c)
Nara Eric likes of which may, or may not, surprise Tachi. Daylight would rise slowly, with a gregarious speed in the few
seconds which were given to react. The chain reaction would start with Rita (as to be expected even by his quarry).
Tachi's last (c)
Nara Eric second redirection would not go unnoticed; Rita herself had greatly damaged the alleyway upon entry, and as
logic would dictate, this would mean that she was roughly the width of the alley if not slightly greater. The shuriken would
have (c)
Nara Eric hardly any space to go to the edges of the wind technique, unless they dramatically scaped at the sides,
which would slow and even misdirect slightly the shuriken from a linear path once the strings were cut; however, this
could be most (c)
Nara Eric 'prediected' by the sharingan, so although the shuriken would fall short of their actual goal, this would prevent
the shuriken from landing at the location Tachi would originally seek. Nevertheless, while the terrain had granted a slight
kink (c)
Nara Eric in Tachi's plans, substitution with the shuriken would still inevitably come. Thanks to all of this, Rita would
complete the remainder of her wind armor, the shroud completely covering her being by the time the shuriken had
landed. (Jūha (c)
Nara Eric (Reppū Shŕ no Yoroi; Beast Tearing Gale Palm Armor) A second after the shuriken landed, the chakr
around the mismangled shuriken changed, and Tachi would appear, surging Raiton in the form of a widespread current.
While too weak to easily (c)
Nara Eric penetrate Rita's wind armor (especially as it was in the form of a current rather than a spear, and the Futon vs
Raiton) Rita spared no precautions in launching herself from the ground; the powerful beat of her wings kicking up the
dust and (c)
Nara Eric rubble from earlier, creating a massive smokescreen that would, if Tachi kept his eyes open for any sort of
duration, get sand, dirt, and small particles in general into his eyes, obscuring his vision and temporarily reducing his
ability to (c0
Nara Eric utilize the sharingan. (Fūsajin no Jutsu; Dust Wind Technique) This powerful windcloud, however, was not
without its drawbacks; while Rita was on her way into evasive manuevers, this strategy had largely priorized her
immediate safety (c)
Nara Eric rather than Eric's. Eric, unfortunately due to circumstance, was almost completely caught off guard to his
surroundings; he noticed the shuriken and their actions, but, as Tachi had previously prediected, he had been unable to
pick up on (c)
Nara Eric Tachi's true motives for the shuriken throw in the first place. As Futon was mixed in with the particles and
Rita's armor generated light, intermixed signals from his shadow finally allowed him to grasp the severity of the situation,
just in (c)
Nara Eric time to be shocked by Tachi's technique. While the eletricity had been slightly dulled by the Futon, it was still
more than enough pain to bring Eric fully back to his senses (though his earlier reception of his shadow had effectively
served a (c)
Nara Eric similiar purpose, as the illusion would not have stretched Eric's actual shadow, though the shock removed
any remaining doubt). The end result was, while free from the earlier used genjutsu, the man crumpled to the ground as
dust surrounded (c)
Nara Eric his entire being. Even for Tachi, this would likely make breathing somewhat difficult, but Eric's natural
contractive reactions brought him to the ground, where he could use his body as a temporary barrier to reduce the
severity of the dust (c)
Nara Eric and particle storm. Of course, in that same sense, he himself was practically blinded by the dust, and
combined with Tachi's attack, this would render him temporarily unable to move, though already his brain was working
on a way to get back (c)
Nara Eric into motion.

TachiUchiha Checkmate! is what Tachi would think to himself as the dragon lifted off the ground to avoid the Raiton
Currents. Of course she would be unharmed but Eric was in a different case. (Notes Eric acknowledged the shock
happening which by default +
TachiUchiha makes him paralyzed in that sense) The Fuuton Jutsu had keep the Raiton at bay from reaching Rita but
it had not prevented Eric from being shocked it seemed, which even if dulled for a moment would still cause the man's
muscles to be contracted +
TachiUchiha and unable to move as his body would probably go numb. Of course it wouldn't fry his organs or brain
right off the bat as the winds passed by but Rita had actually countered the Raiton Currents in a bad way placing Eric in
greater harm. +
TachiUchiha Sense the Fuuton Jutsu was directly functioning to blow the particles on the ground into the air it seemed
this would only allow the Raiton to be able to travel through the area with greater efficiency. The particles all being
conductive to the+
TachiUchiha flow of Lightening based chakra; therefor, even though the currents had been dulled for a moment they
would quickly be amplified throughout the dust could which was bad news for Eric would would lay within the area,
unable to move no doubt. This+
TachiUchiha shock would be more than enough to end the Nara as it would fry his skin and shock his organs into
stopping shutting down his heart and brain. Of course this would happen rather fast as soon as the Fuuton collided with
the ground below to pick up+
TachiUchiha the particles so preventing it would be rather hard not to mention Rita may have very well been
unsummoned upon the fight shock to Eric has maintaining the summon while being paralyzed would be rather tough...
That wasn't the last part of this +
TachiUchiha though as Tachi would brace for impact the particles in the air taking charges and the friction between
them causing the dust cloud to explodes violently from around Tachi's location. The explosion would harm him on a
large scale as it pushed +
TachiUchiha out from his being but would knock his air out and cause him to temporally loss his hearing. However, for
Eric if the man had survived the second part of the shock then he would now be facing being burnt from the explosion
and the impact +
TachiUchiha causing large amount of damage as his body would be sent flying to clash into a building perhaps and the
possibility of dubree being sent into his body from the explosion.

Nara Eric the primary reason Eric had been shocked had been due to both geography and the way in which Rita
countered; as Tachi himself appeared, he had executed his Raiton surge with the intent of targeting both Rita and Eric.
So, as logic would then (c)
Nara Eric suggest, Tachi had been directly between Rita and Eric at the time the execution of his attack. Despite the
wingbeat of Rita's travelling at decent wind speed, Rita would not have been able to completely stop the technique from
reaching Eric, (c)
Nara Eric and as the dust particles and wind would be kicked up at around the time Eric would have earlier hit the
ground. Rita, with the dust storm in place, reasoned that this was a good time to remove the situation Tachi had forced,
and that was (c)
Nara Eric splitting the duo up. Rita herself had to gamble a particularly dangerous situation. Although she could
remotely assess that Eric wasn't dead and Tachi's location, the only way to capitalize on the situation would be to
attempt to physically (c)
Nara Eric maneuver around, or through, Tachi, both of which were not options that she favored very highly. As a result,
for the most part, Eric would temporarily be on his own; despite not being shut down to his core, the man's mobility had
been (c)
Nara Eric hindered. However, though he required mobility for many of his movements, he did have one way to get back
into the fight; and that was to finally utilize his tailed beast's power for one of the first times since he recieved the beast.
The way (c)
Nara Eric of doing this would be supplementary in nature. By using his/biju's chakra, he would extract the physical
energies directly from said chakra; normally he would have preferred to take it from the environment, but that wasn't an
option that (c)
Nara Eric was available to him at this moment. By extracting and using this physical energy to regenerate the motion
within his limbs, he would take the time Tachi braced himself from the dust/wind attack to heal himself. Rita decided on
what she was (c)
Nara Eric going to do; despite the risk, Eric didn't seem to be doing much of anything judging from his chakra
(timeframing) and, sensing the relative position of her opponent, she could assume that either another Raiton attack was
on its way, or yet (c)
Nara Eric worse she didn't dare utter. Of course, she didn't utter much of anything as she rapidly moved along the
flanks, her speed considerably increased as she was airborne at this time. She had little interest in protecting the
buildings, but with (c)
Nara Eric the earlier dust cloud, it was quite likely that Tachi would notice her noises before noticing her moving. It
would take her little time to cover the distance, all the while keeping her extrasensory alert for any reactions from either
Eric or (c)
Nara Eric Tachi.
Nara Eric (Yŕton:shintaishutsu; Yang Release: Physical Extraction Technique)

TachiUchiha Teh second wave of Raiton Currents that rushed through the dust cloud just as fast, if not quicker, would
strike Eric has he layed on the ground. The shockign being more then enough to kill the man and end the match as his
brain would be fried +
TachiUchiha along with the other organs. Of course this would prevent Eric from healing himself as without the brain he
could not do anything... Seeing the speed of the Ration would make it hit him no soon as the dust arose... Tachi (just like
my previous +
TachiUchiha post stated) would have shocked Eric the second time before bracing for anything, the shock being
nothing but a follow up of the first and probably not leaving a gap between the two really. And with that Rita would be
sent elsewhere her +
TachiUchiha summoner no longer being able to keep her in the area, by the time she realized what happened it would
be to late...

There was debate on whether the explosion would happen at all, and after that was, for the most part, completed, I posted yet again my response as if the explosion did not happen, as can be seen. Then came the point that a "second wave" would have shocked me to death.

I do not see a second wave, but perhaps there is something quintessential that I missed.

So, I ask again: was there a second wave of Raiton that could have killed me, or even severely injured me? From what I had read, Tachi deployed chidori nagashi, I get struck, Rita's wind technique comes into play to conceal the area.

*Editted for colors, to make distinguishing between posts a little easier.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2013, 04:27:57 PM by Eric »
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: The last biju fight: Kaboom?
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2013, 05:36:46 PM »

I'll make a post about this when I can get to my parent house later today. Their e-net is back up so my laptop functions there.

However, I do find it displeasing that you drop the judge that we both picked on the drop of a hat like that. I don't even think Nathan had made a ruling on the issue either... Kinda extreme in my opinion bit meh.

Akasaka Rakudo

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Re: The last biju fight: Kaboom?
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2013, 07:46:11 PM »

Personally I think you guys are drastically overestimating what Raiton can do.
Bee gets covered in water, eats a Chidori, and STILL dodges Juugo's attack. I don't understand how Eric is going to be shocked to death if he is flying away on a dragon.


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Re: The last biju fight: Kaboom?
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2013, 07:59:10 PM »

Before I say anything let my first apologize for all the typos in this. Remember I am doing most of this from my phone and auto-correct hates me plus my grammar isn't that great to start with as you all know.

Code: [Select]
...The Fuuton Jutsu had keep the Raiton at bay from reaching Rita but
it had not prevented Eric from being shocked it seemed, which even if dulled for a moment would still cause the man's
muscles to be contracted  and unable to move as his body would probably go numb. Of course it wouldn't fry his organs or brain
right off the bat as the winds passed by but Rita had actually countered the Raiton Currents in a bad way placing Eric in
greater harm.  Sense the Fuuton Jutsu was directly functioning to blow the particles on the ground into the air it seemed
this would only allow the Raiton to be able to travel through the area with greater efficiency. The particles all being
conductive to the flow of Lightening based chakra; therefor, even though the currents had been dulled for a moment they
would quickly be amplified throughout the dust could which was bad news for Eric would would lay within the area,
unable to move no doubt. This shock would be more than enough to end the Nara as it would fry his skin and shock his organs into stopping shutting down his heart and brain. Of course this would happen rather fast as soon as the Fuuton collided with the ground below to pick up the particles so preventing it would be rather hard not to mention Rita may have very well been unsummoned upon the fight shock to Eric has maintaining the summon while being paralyzed would be rather tough...

To sum this up right here the raiton current was dulled by the fuuton jutsu which paralyzed Eric leaving him to lie on the ground. Then the dust knocked up by the jutsu, it was never noted to be a continues jutsu just seemed to me that it was aimed to hit the ground and knock up dust, allowed the raiton currents to travel through the space more effectively via them conducting throughout the area, blah blah blah. This second surge, I guess you would call it (which is what I referred to as second wave of raiton currents in my last post), occured from the first after the passing of the fuuton to the ground and was noted in my post that it would indeed kill Eric... This shock was not dodged in his post but rather he did lay there unable to move from the first and was shocked again.
I rped it to were the Fuuton nulled the raiton currents which keep Eric from being killed by the first shock but then the dust particles allowed the currents to travel full force and hit Eric with a much great deal of damage. My actions were accepted by his posting, you can't say now that it did not happen for it would be retro-posting I do believe.

I had also told Eric in a pm that I had done this by continuing to release the Raiton Currents by not ending the jutsu but instead focusing chakra from my being in the form of Raiton Currents. Seeing as I would still have chakra to do so that is not an invalid move by any means. However, the pm seems to have been deleted as it was over 14 days ago it seems.

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---Original Message from Nara Eric(2013-10-23 19:44:14)---
I don't think so Tachi, a standard explosion does not have to be enclosed, but a dust one does have to be enclosed.

The flames would not have occurred, period, considering your post; it is ridiculous to claim that you either caused an explosion or set the whole thing ablaze under the conditions in which it were at.

I refuse to comply with that bs.

---Original Message from TachiUchiha(2013-10-23 18:31:05)---
An explosion doesn't have to be enclosed you know. The sheer way the dust flames over would create an explosion.

Either way I don't care cause you are paralyzed no doubt and probably fired before this explosion... So rp it as a flash over if you wish... Then you will just have your dead body burned. And I'll be burned, want kill me as this is the Naruvers and we saw explosions not kill people before let all one some fire.

From the above pm we did agree that the explosion would not occur. Although, I think I could have gotten Nathan to rule in my favor I just let it go as arguing of it was no big deal. What can clearly be seen though is that I state there that he would still be killed from the shock. I noted the first one would paralyze him. The second one is the one that would kill him. Eric did not argue here that that would not be true but rather that there would be no explosion.... Therefor when he didn't post to avoid the second raiton currents and laid there paralyzed from the first I took it that this was accepted.


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Re: The last biju fight: Kaboom?
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2013, 08:02:16 PM »

Personally I think you guys are drastically overestimating what Raiton can do.
Bee gets covered in water, eats a Chidori, and STILL dodges Juugo's attack. I don't understand how Eric is going to be shocked to death if he is flying away on a dragon.

Ummm.... from what I read he is laying on the ground paralyzed not flying away on a dragon. Rita herself lifted off but Eric was not positioned atop her.

Add in: And a full on Raiton Shock can indeed kill you, especial if the person says that it will do so in their post.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2013, 08:03:43 PM by UettoSenju »

Akasaka Rakudo

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Re: The last biju fight: Kaboom?
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2013, 08:30:41 PM »

I just assumed he was on it, what ever, too long to keep reading. x.x


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Re: The last biju fight: Kaboom?
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2013, 08:49:43 PM »

I just assumed he was on it, what ever, too long to keep reading. x.x

Nope he's laying on the ground a few meters from me I do believe.


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Re: The last biju fight: Kaboom?
« Reply #7 on: October 30, 2013, 09:11:26 PM »

Chidori Nagashi, despite deriving from the highly lethal chidori, is not a very strong lightning release style attack in terms of killing potential.

From point blank range, Naruto and Sai both survived it and got up just fine; albeit, they didn't get up just seconds later, but the worst that they endured was being stunned.

For this situation, the particles and such are stirred up by this wind style technique strengthened through the usage of both of Rita's wings:

While the dust cloud itself would not last for a significantly long time, the entire time that the particles are being blown through the air, they are intermixed with Futon; this would make it highly difficult, unlikely even, that they would conduct near enough Raiton to do the severe amount of damage being claimed.

This I noted in my post:

the shuriken and their actions, but, as Tachi had previously prediected, he had been unable to
pick up on (c)
Nara Eric Tachi's true motives for the shuriken throw in the first place. As Futon was mixed in with the particles and
Rita's armor generated light, intermixed signals from his shadow finally allowed him to grasp the severity of the situation,
just in (c)
Nara Eric time to be shocked by Tachi's technique.

The only reason that I was struck was because Tachi was between Rita and myself; when Rita performed her counter, Tachi had begun his attack. I don't know how fast Raiton moves, but I projected that some of it would get to me faster than the Futon attack simply because Tachi was closer to me than Rita was.

As a result, no "second shock", as far as I'm concerned, could have happened while this was going on. The released stream of chidori would not have been 'carried further' by the dust particles, certainly not to the strength of killing power.

*Minor edit of last sentence and to make 'quote' look neater*
« Last Edit: October 30, 2013, 09:13:19 PM by Eric »
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: The last biju fight: Kaboom?
« Reply #8 on: October 30, 2013, 09:54:33 PM »

Then why did you accept these conditions and not say so in your post. I stated in my post what would happen and you ignored it not posting that it wouldn't nor dod you ever argue in the pm about it. It is my win.

Adds: Also you said your question was if there was a second shock as in you didn't see it in my post, not my fault you over looked it. I showed that there was and now you try to say that there is no shock because I showed there was. You posted and therefor accept my post, our judged ruled in my favor... We agreed on a judge and I think such should be honored. Just like in Rakudo's case Tsuyo's input made a huge difference cause the judge ruled.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2013, 10:03:51 PM by UettoSenju »

Akasaka Rakudo

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Re: The last biju fight: Kaboom?
« Reply #9 on: October 30, 2013, 10:04:27 PM »

Did Eric go into a bijuu cloak form?


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Re: The last biju fight: Kaboom?
« Reply #10 on: October 30, 2013, 10:09:41 PM »

Then why did you accept these conditions and not say so in your post. I stated in my post what would happen and you ignored it not posting that it wouldn't nor dod you ever argue in the pm about it. It is my win.

Adds: Also you said your question was if there was a second shock as in you didn't see it in my post, not my fault you over looked it. I showed that there was and now you try to say that there is no shock because I showed there was. You posted and therefor accept my post, our judged ruled in my favor... We agreed on a judge and I think such should be honored. Just like in Rakudo's case Tsuyo's input made a huge difference cause the judge ruled.

As if I didn't see it in your post? There was no second shock, period. Shock would insuiate that there was something to shock with, which there was not, as I clearly presented.

I already said in my post the result, if you would care to read it again. There would have only been one shock; unless someone is confusing the definition of shock. I was only shocked once, which you can clearly read in my post. There was no second shock to contend with in my latest post because it had already been dealt with in my previous post.

And Nathan had best post it in the dwelling at the least, because I am not going to just take your word for it.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: The last biju fight: Kaboom?
« Reply #11 on: October 30, 2013, 10:19:42 PM »

Rule of thumb: when you post you accept the previous post to be true. If there is an issue request a repost or state the flaw on your post.

Furthermore no where in you post did you say this futon jutsu would remain but seemed it would pass by and blow up dust that's it. You should have said it would remain in you post. It is a custom jutsu I believe and I had no link to it that could be found on google so I went be the details of your post.

Really to say what would happen now for previous post is retro-posting in my thoughts.

Akasaka Rakudo

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Re: The last biju fight: Kaboom?
« Reply #12 on: October 30, 2013, 10:20:37 PM »

You guys should just start the whole fight over. :D


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Re: The last biju fight: Kaboom?
« Reply #13 on: October 30, 2013, 10:23:39 PM »

Did Eric go into a bijuu cloak form?

From his post it doesn't seem like it sense he never noted chakra cloaking him. Unless now we can add stuff to our post without noting it in the post. Kinda like how this futon jutsu is continues without the post staying it.


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Re: The last biju fight: Kaboom?
« Reply #14 on: October 30, 2013, 10:37:36 PM »

Rule of thumb: when you post you accept the previous post to be true. If there is an issue request a repost or state the flaw on your post.

Furthermore no where in you post did you say this futon jutsu would remain but seemed it would pass by and blow up dust that's it. You should have said it would remain in you post. It is a custom jutsu I believe and I had no link to it that could be found on google so I went be the details of your post.

Really to say what would happen now for previous post is retro-posting in my thoughts.

This second shock that you are preaching about happened while the dust storm was active, according to your very own post, and thus, during the same time and place as the Futon technique.

I already did bring up my disagreements about your technique doing anything to me in PM's, not to mention your response to my move is no different in nature than my response to your move.

I'm not going to bother quoting it, as you can read. You smugly reported that the Raiton would have killed me off just as the dust rose, which was when my Futon technique was in action.

Did that report not just practically retropost the same action that I had already dealt with? Not to mention it just outlined the key flaw in your entire 'second wave'.

If we go by your rule of thumb, then my post is not only valid, but is accepted by you as fact since you posted after it.

A custom jutsu though? Really? I just posted a link to it several forum posts up. I noted in that same forum post that it was an enhanced version, but nonetheless it is the jutsu that I linked to you.

Even if it was custom, if you were confused about it, you should have asked a question or two about it before posting.

No, I did not bring up a biju cloak, although I probably should have, though I had been worried about it burning me and doing more damage to me. But now that I think about it, it is just the first tail, so it wouldn't have done that much to me anyways...

So what's next for our discussion? Perhaps we're going to go over the validity of the technique creating the describe dust storm in the first place?
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.
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