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Author Topic: Akatsuki is abolishing summoning contracts  (Read 7623 times)


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Akatsuki is abolishing summoning contracts
« on: May 05, 2014, 12:52:55 AM »

So I have mentioned this in the past but now I have had enough.

Acuna, a clan member of mine, is being told that even though he has signed the snake summoning contract, he cannot learn Snake Sage Mode because Ryuichi Cave is not in Iwa like has been claimed. Zanto, the new contract holder has decided the White Snake Sage is a nomad and moves around all the time. So no one can find him unless Zanto decided they are worthy.

The censored version of my opinion of that is that it is stupid. 

These are the rules regarding summoning animals that my clan will now be following that I suggest everyone else follow as well.

~Summoning Contract Rules~

*Anyone can summon any animal they want be it dog, cat, shark, whale, or kangaroo. The only way you cannot summon something is if it as a single canon thing (al la the Gedo Mazo) or if it is something that was actually invented by the original summoner (like Rares Dragon-Man hybrids). You can also claim Sage Mode for that summon. Let's be honest here, claiming you invented Dog Sage Mode because you were the one who decided it would give you enhanced smelling and hearing does not exactly make you a creative genius, anyone can look up the natural abilities of animals and deduce a Sage Mode variant.

* You cannot summon someones unique animal. If I claim to have a summon Perry the Platypus than no one can summon Perry but me.

* If someone invents a collaboration jutsu and/or Sage Mode Technique with their summon animals, a new jutsu with ninken lets say, then you cannot use that jutsu, even if you also summon ninken, without their permission.

~The End~

You'll notice that this does not affect anyone's current summons and abilities AT ALL. If someone else half way across the shinobi world has the same summon as you WHO CARES?!? There is even an anime reason this could happen.

"In the anime, it was shown that if a user attempts to summon an animal without first signing a contract, the user will be teleported to the home of the animal they have a natural affinity for."

Why is that not a thing? I could go on.

In short, this is not a discussion topic, these are the rules my clan will be following, don't like it? Don't rp with us. If anyone wants to continue to be a troll and say, "I invented Dogs/Snakes/Sharks, no one can have them without my permission!"  then be my guest, I will be ignoring you as you will no doubt be ignoring me.

Angra Mainyu

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Re: Akatsuki is abolishing summoning contracts
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2014, 01:34:11 AM »

RIP Bijuu Conquest.


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Re: Akatsuki is abolishing summoning contracts
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2014, 02:03:23 AM »

Dark mentioned this, and since I was not clear I wanted to say, that I still agree with people only being able to use one summon at one time. I meant that we should act like the animals have the contract like they actually do in the manga. Not that everyone should be able to summon a zoo.


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Re: Akatsuki is abolishing summoning contracts
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2014, 02:04:38 AM »

So I have mentioned this in the past but now I have had enough.

Acuna, a clan member of mine, is being told that even though he has signed the snake summoning contract, he cannot learn Snake Sage Mode because Ryuichi Cave is not in Iwa like has been claimed. Zanto, the new contract holder has decided the White Snake Sage is a nomad and moves around all the time. So no one can find him unless Zanto decided they are worthy.

The censored version of my opinion of that is that it is stupid. 

These are the rules regarding summoning animals that my clan will now be following that I suggest everyone else follow as well.

~Summoning Contract Rules~

*Anyone can summon any animal they want be it dog, cat, shark, whale, or kangaroo. The only way you cannot summon something is if it as a single canon thing (al la the Gedo Mazo) or if it is something that was actually invented by the original summoner (like Rares Dragon-Man hybrids). You can also claim Sage Mode for that summon. Let's be honest here, claiming you invented Dog Sage Mode because you were the one who decided it would give you enhanced smelling and hearing does not exactly make you a creative genius, anyone can look up the natural abilities of animals and deduce a Sage Mode variant.

* You cannot summon someones unique animal. If I claim to have a summon Perry the Platypus than no one can summon Perry but me.

* If someone invents a collaboration jutsu and/or Sage Mode Technique with their summon animals, a new jutsu with ninken lets say, then you cannot use that jutsu, even if you also summon ninken, without their permission.

~The End~

You'll notice that this does not affect anyone's current summons and abilities AT ALL. If someone else half way across the shinobi world has the same summon as you WHO CARES?!? There is even an anime reason this could happen.

"In the anime, it was shown that if a user attempts to summon an animal without first signing a contract, the user will be teleported to the home of the animal they have a natural affinity for."

Why is that not a thing? I could go on.

In short, this is not a discussion topic, these are the rules my clan will be following, don't like it? Don't rp with us. If anyone wants to continue to be a troll and say, "I invented Dogs/Snakes/Sharks, no one can have them without my permission!"  then be my guest, I will be ignoring you as you will no doubt be ignoring me.

Uh... This is news to me.  :shock: And I am a member of the clan.

I am not entirely sure how i feel about this. Now, you obviously stated that it is not a discussion, but you did post this here, so you must be looking for people to say something about it.

It is one thing to try to deny someone sage mode because someone is trying to claim that they invented it or whatever; it is another to deny that summoning contracts no longer have any true merit.

I forget actually my previous sentiments about contracts in general, but in the manner in which this is displayed, I am going to have to say "slow down and check the mileage".

This sounds like a matter of someone trying to claim a canon sage mode as their own invention, design, and accesibility. If you can summon the creature, then rule of thumb is that you can also get sage mode for it (whether you do it via RP or in-game resets or both).

Saying that anyone can summon anything is probably not a good idea. I have fought mammoths in the past, but I am not too keen on fighting a dragon just because someone saw me or Rani run around with one.

This may become a conflict of interest for me if you are enforcing this on all members of the clan.

And regarding that last line, as biju hunters, we cannot so willy nilly make rules like this and say "don't RP with us if you don't like", because if the jinchs decide not to RP with us at all on the legitimate grounds that we made and follow a rule of this nature without any sort of discussion, then we're kind of up the creek without a spare set of paddles.

Making up new tailed beasts and granting them to ourselves is not in the cards. Slow down and simmer down Bocc.

Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Akatsuki is abolishing summoning contracts
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2014, 02:11:14 AM »

The main issue here for me is the snake sage mode. Which in order to get you need snakes. Which I have, but due to zanto's and Kayenta's 'contract' they are claiming that I cannot learn sage mode without their damn permission. Let me just claim toads and everyone loses their sage mode. That's where the main issue is. Summoning contracts are in short; stupid. You cannot claim cows and then no one else can use them. Like Bocc said special things like a 'snake-falcon' hybrid can be contracted due to it being something specific.

You can by no means claim to have a contract with the 500000 snakes on the planet.

I can't use manda as that is someone elses animal, but I can summon my own Manda-nada if I so chose to. Why? Because you cannot claim a whole race of animal for your own.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2014, 02:13:19 AM by Shadowxx »
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

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Re: Akatsuki is abolishing summoning contracts
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2014, 02:14:48 AM »

I sent you the message as well Eric since you weren't in the clan to get the mail.

"but I am not too keen on fighting a dragon just because someone saw me or Rani run around with one."

Why? And why is someone going to claim dragons just to challenge you to a dragon-off?

I'm not taking advantage of this, I've had my summons for years, so have you. If it is decided that it is legit to void someone because they belong to a group that has the option of doing something you don't agree with than we have no chance of getting the bijuu anyway.


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Re: Akatsuki is abolishing summoning contracts
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2014, 02:28:08 AM »

It really is sad, Bocc, that Shadow felt it necessary to warp the truth in order to make you mad enough to have to post this thread, but if in fact this is exactly what he has told you then he is either doing one of two things.
1] lying
2] not understanding what he is being told.

so let's clarify WHY shadow/acuma is being told he cannot be doing Sage Mode with the snakes at this time.

When he came to me wishing to sign the contract, I at first told him no because I knew how it would be. He would claim too much too fast. Summons are an RP perk. They have to be earned.

I have very definite ideas about earning things through rp. By now they are well known. So I will not digress into that issue.

So his reply was that he would just do it anyway and go and find the cavern on his own and all sorts of nice threats to bully me into submission.

Eventually I figured wtf and said, you know what? Sign the scroll. BUT!!!!!!!

1] don't learn too much too fast
2] don't change your name
3] don't transfer the contract to a different character.

and he did all three.

He was told the cavern could only be found if the Snake Sage allowed you to do so. Only snake summoners find it. Period. He causes the entrance to the cavern to appear when and where he wishes. It is mystical. It does not wander around all over the land as is being exaggerated here or no doubt to you in pms from Shadow.

It was explained to him that only after you have mastered each different level of snake summons and are ready to meet the Snake Sage would you ever be permitted to find the cavern. If you have been to the cavern and seek to go back there...chances are you will not find it for the entrance will have been moved. But it resides in the land of Earth and won't show up in other lands.

Trev was also RP'd through the same situation where he met the last surviving member of his clan. So was Matsuo, a snake summoner.

Now whoever scripted the rules for snakes certainly didn't check with the scroll holder. These rules just pop up and I hardly have time to read an entire wikia to make sure I am  in compliance with something someone else decided was gonna be made law.

I know from RP president this is how it is because this is the way we RP'd it to be.

it is beyond ridiculous that since April 20th Shadow/ Acuna has acquired a mastery of  [6/6] in Snake Sennin Mode. I gave the scroll to Zanto so that this round HE could endure the bullying that no doubt was going to rise up once Acuma was told he violated the terms of his contract. It matters not what some wikia says, HE was told how it would be before he was EVER allowed to sign. I talked to him about it while he was making these claims and doing these things he was requested not to do. I do not have Acuna's signature on the snake scroll. I have Li Kai. I objected to this very strongly with him but he feels a name change is no big deal so I added Acuna to the scroll. NOT OOC issue. Which annoys me to death.

He asked about a snake sage he could train with during RP. I told him all about Zanto. Not once until Zanto called him out for his mastery claims did he bother to speak with the man to receive RP training.

This is not about preventing Shadow/Acuna from achieving power. But to put a little bit of validity into EARNING power. for the title of this thread, Akatsuki is abolishing summoning contracts...

I have to ask you, is this how we are really going to do things? Why stop with summons?

When I deleted my account I recently was surprised to see that Shadow wasted no time at all in editing the wikia to make himself the new contract though some one of the other 12 characters who HAD their name upon the contract would not have first it was I gave it to Mariko. Metagame much?

Of all the summons contracts Snakes has the most signatures. I feel that I have been quite accommodating in not hording this summons all to myself but in sharing it in a moderate fashion so as not to glut the site with snake sages. 

Additionally I have to wonder, did he bother to mention to you that even after all of this nonsense Zantos has agreed to train him so he can one day make the claims of being a snake sage?

1] I took a week to learn it as did Naruto basically. I enhanced the learning due to having natural senjutsu gathering from Jugo's clan.

2] I changed the name

3] The contract was never transfered

That's what your boy Zanto said. You two need to sit down and get your shit together if you are going to run around claiming two separate things telling me two separate answers.

The rules were told vaguely by you and Zanto is telling me different ones. You wonder why I'm confused.

Bullying? You're acting like I sit in pms with you and call you names, I do not. We've had plenty times where we had disagreements and if you were getting too heated I dropped it. You cannot deny that.

I have pms from you both which are both extremely different in how one finds the snake sage and the rules.
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

Something that can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


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Re: Akatsuki is abolishing summoning contracts
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2014, 02:30:17 AM »

I know how you feel about the contract Kay, and honestly I don't care about this specific instance with Acuna. I have always felt this way I just feel that enough is enough now. Whatever you and he agreed to is between you three I suppose, please make another topic if you want to discuss that specifically. None of that changes how I feel about these.

Should you rp getting your summons and Sage Mode? Yes. I just don't think anyone should be "in charge" of the summons. The Toads of Mount Myoboku have shown these animals are very capable of taking care of themselves.

Angra Mainyu

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Re: Akatsuki is abolishing summoning contracts
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2014, 02:36:33 AM »

In short, this is not a discussion topic, these are the rules my clan will be following, don't like it? Don't rp with us. If anyone wants to continue to be a troll and say, "I invented Dogs/Snakes/Sharks, no one can have them without my permission!"  then be my guest, I will be ignoring you as you will no doubt be ignoring me.
Jinchuuriki should totally take this to heart if they don't want to deal with Akatsuki. Akatsuki's leader gave the O.K! (No takebacks)
« Last Edit: May 05, 2014, 02:37:29 AM by Angra Mainyu »


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Re: Akatsuki is abolishing summoning contracts
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2014, 02:36:57 AM »

I can't even make a good decision post in this, too many moving parts at a time!  :-?

So I'll just stick with generalization for the sake of my sanity.

If the terms of the contract were broken, the the contract signer may have their name removed or whatever. Otherwise, once signed, learning sage mode is just a matter of resets and some RP.

And Bocc, you did mention that this was brought up again in part due to this matter, so it really is not a separate topic altogether.

I am opposed to contracts being just outright nullified without further discussion. As I've stated, I do not feel that removing the contract claiming is a good idea, especially for custom contracts.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Akatsuki is abolishing summoning contracts
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2014, 02:40:07 AM »

Pretty sure that's what Naruto did. .-.

I said it was faster due to Jugo's clan ability. Even so, I'm willing to take more time to learn it. Just Zanto and you need to talk about the exact rules as you both said different things.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2014, 02:41:24 AM by Shadowxx »
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

Something that can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


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Re: Akatsuki is abolishing summoning contracts
« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2014, 02:47:11 AM »

Pretty sure that's what Naruto did. .-.

I said it was faster due to Jugo's clan ability. Even so, I'm willing to take more time to learn it. Just Zanto and you need to talk about the exact rules as you both said different things.

Naruto could summon frogs years before he learned senjutsu. As you have Jugo's clan ability to passively absorb natural energy, then controlling natural energy flow into your body would have been something worth learning to control.

When we're first introduced to Jugo, the guy rampage alot, and is only calmed by certain things. By the time he gets split from Sasuke at the summit, he's mellowed out and seemed to be able to control himself very well.

Now, that is going into sage mode. Learning and utilizing the snake sage techniques and specific traits would take much more time to fully master. The main thing Jugo's ability does for you is make going into sage mode a much less complicated issue.

You said that you're willing to take more time to learn it, so it sounds like that issue has been dealt with at least.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Akatsuki is abolishing summoning contracts
« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2014, 02:48:28 AM »

Honestly I need Kay and Zanto to sit and redo it all instead of telling me different things. .-.
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

Something that can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


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Re: Akatsuki is abolishing summoning contracts
« Reply #13 on: May 05, 2014, 02:58:52 AM »

And so there's no misunderstandings, that wasn't even close about Naruto's case.

Sage mode training can take weeks if not even months, perhaps a year? Naruto cheated particularly heavily when it came to his learning. No? Oh yes he did.

Toad oil, not only gives you very limited sensitivity to nature energy, but also passively draws it in for you. Couple that with Fukasaku's staff that knocks it out of you, he was already given a major headstart because he could just trial and error his way through until he could both feel and sense the energy, and even draw it in on his own.

That wasn't all either, because he further cut this training time down to like what...was it a quarter or a fifth, due to 3-5 shadow clones? And in the end he was still a good few days at the mountain if not over a week.

So there. You want to RP achieving sage mode? Then, to put it bluntly with no offense intended, sit your ass the hell down and RP hardcore.


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Re: Akatsuki is abolishing summoning contracts
« Reply #14 on: May 05, 2014, 04:41:54 AM »

Dark mentioned this, and since I was not clear I wanted to say, that I still agree with people only being able to use one summon at one time. I meant that we should act like the animals have the contract like they actually do in the manga. Not that everyone should be able to summon a zoo.

Errr...I hate to burst your bubble, Robert buuuut Jiraiya actually carried the contract with him; and he even used it to teach Naruto the summoning technique by making him sign the contract.

If you need some more info, here is the link where I got this information; including manga chapter and episode number.

Edit; Bleh. :oops:
« Last Edit: May 05, 2014, 04:51:36 AM by Camel »
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