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Author Topic: IC/OOC option on village boards  (Read 7953 times)


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Re: IC/OOC option on village boards
« Reply #30 on: December 09, 2014, 07:06:00 AM »

I'll bring this to his attention if he has not seen it.

This feature was implemented on LoB because we thought it best to separate the conversations to avoid confusion, arguments, etc..
« Last Edit: December 09, 2014, 07:15:53 AM by Ace »


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Re: IC/OOC option on village boards
« Reply #31 on: December 09, 2014, 07:14:49 AM »

I saw this on another site once. My only concern is there the ability to page back to older posts in the OOC chat was disabled. Does it function like that on LoB too?


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Re: IC/OOC option on village boards
« Reply #32 on: December 09, 2014, 07:15:02 AM »

I'll bring this to his attention is he has not seen it.

This feature was implemented on LoB because we thought it best to separate the conversations to avoid confusion, arguments, etc..

Yeah. So since everyone on SL gets along and never argues with each other why would we need that?


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Re: IC/OOC option on village boards
« Reply #33 on: December 09, 2014, 07:16:40 AM »

I saw this on another site once. My only concern is there the ability to page back to older posts in the OOC chat was disabled. Does it function like that on LoB too?

Back paging works as it should. =)


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Re: IC/OOC option on village boards
« Reply #34 on: December 09, 2014, 07:26:11 AM »

Nice. I like to catch up on things when i've the time to.

baits Eric from another board...
it's still a hamburger with cheese!



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Re: IC/OOC option on village boards
« Reply #35 on: December 09, 2014, 01:14:35 PM »

I'll bring this to his attention if he has not seen it.

This feature was implemented on LoB because we thought it best to separate the conversations to avoid confusion, arguments, etc..

Well, I can imagine how it managed to avoid confusion, but I am a little confused on how it hindered arguments.

Nice. I like to catch up on things when i've the time to.

baits Eric from another board...
it's still a hamburger with cheese!

*takes bait out of the incessant need to correct her on this matter*

When you have the time to, make sure you check up on cheeseburgers. Plain ole' hamburgers do not have cheese on them.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: IC/OOC option on village boards
« Reply #36 on: December 09, 2014, 06:01:49 PM »

I will talk to Phantom about it.
Never judge a cow by its udder.


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Re: IC/OOC option on village boards
« Reply #37 on: December 10, 2014, 01:49:45 AM »

Yes Eric you are correct. Plain old hamburgers do not have cheese on them.

However, my hamburger is not plain. It has cheese on it.

If you will note, that burger is not made of cheese. it is made of beef. So I can have a hamburger with or without cheese, but a cheese burger somehow implies that the cheese is inseparable from the item in question. And at McDonlads, that item would be the rapper.[rim shot] in MY kitchen...I put the cheese onto the burger and it is not inseparable. It is a burger in the skillet and on the plate and on the bun, an din a house, and with a mouse, and in a box, and with a fox. It's a burger here or there. It's a burger anywhere.  and just because at the last minute before i shut the bun I put a slice of cheese on it, it does not magically turn into something else.

It is still in the larger group called Burger. Which is much more inclusive than cheeseburger.

Yes a woman is a special type of human. but human still. And if I call her a human instead of a woman, I am correct. So a human with female gender is just as accurate as calling her a woman.
ergo: hamburger with cheese is also descriptively accurate.

And Neji...I think that's great.


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Re: IC/OOC option on village boards
« Reply #38 on: December 10, 2014, 07:13:31 AM »

And Neji...I think that's great.

I agree.

Yes Eric you are correct. Plain old hamburgers do not have cheese on them.

However, my hamburger is not plain. It has cheese on it.

If you will note, that burger is not made of cheese. it is made of beef. So I can have a hamburger with or without cheese, but a cheese burger somehow implies that the cheese is inseparable from the item in question. And at McDonlads, that item would be the rapper.[rim shot] in MY kitchen...I put the cheese onto the burger and it is not inseparable. It is a burger in the skillet and on the plate and on the bun, an din a house, and with a mouse, and in a box, and with a fox. It's a burger here or there. It's a burger anywhere.  and just because at the last minute before i shut the bun I put a slice of cheese on it, it does not magically turn into something else.

It is still in the larger group called Burger. Which is much more inclusive than cheeseburger.

Yes a woman is a special type of human. but human still. And if I call her a human instead of a woman, I am correct. So a human with female gender is just as accurate as calling her a woman.
ergo: hamburger with cheese is also descriptively accurate.

I disagree. To help get my disagremeent across, I shall parody my favorite youtube style of criticism:

+1 sin for suggesting that the pronoun game that makes people ask what and who the heck you are talking about is A-okay.

+1 another sin for suggesting that hamburgers can be either plain or unplain and not have their designations change. Calling a cheeseburger a hamburger is an insult to the ever evolving English language, which makes up these new words for a reason. It isn't for our health.

+1 another sin for being sexist. Wait, calling a woman a woman and not a human is sexist in the regard that the noun "woman" strictly applies to human women while human is more gender neutral for the species, and thus, I'm the sexist one?
Well, +1 anyways for a human taking women down a notch.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: IC/OOC option on village boards
« Reply #39 on: December 10, 2014, 08:56:12 AM »

What's the pronoun game?

saying a cheeseburger is not a hamburger is like saying a sycamore is not a tree. is not sexist to say a woman is human...I think you need a nap. You don't make sense when you are lacking sleep...are you cramming for finals yet?
1] never said you were sexist
2] never said a woman was not human
3] how does being human take a woman down a notch?

As far as sexism and liberation issue go though, I believe it is the right of each person to determine how they will be designated and never ever the purview of another to make these determinations for them. So...if as a woman I am fine with the label 'human' instead of being threatened by so called degenderization, it is indeed quite liberating to be above such rigid and politically correct agendas which are designed to tell a public who are too uninformed to make these qualifications for themselves, what they should be thinking and feeling all for the sole purpose of adding just one more person to the social sheep herd. Baaaaaaa!

I am woman, hear me roar. Yes indeed, do you even know who Helen Reddy is?
But above all, I am human. Never let it be said that I allowed ANYONE to take my humanity away...especially because it offended some movement's idea of what my identity should be.


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Re: IC/OOC option on village boards
« Reply #40 on: December 10, 2014, 01:16:08 PM »

What's the pronoun game?

saying a cheeseburger is not a hamburger is like saying a sycamore is not a tree. is not sexist to say a woman is human...I think you need a nap. You don't make sense when you are lacking sleep...are you cramming for finals yet?
1] never said you were sexist
2] never said a woman was not human
3] how does being human take a woman down a notch?

As far as sexism and liberation issue go though, I believe it is the right of each person to determine how they will be designated and never ever the purview of another to make these determinations for them. So...if as a woman I am fine with the label 'human' instead of being threatened by so called degenderization, it is indeed quite liberating to be above such rigid and politically correct agendas which are designed to tell a public who are too uninformed to make these qualifications for themselves, what they should be thinking and feeling all for the sole purpose of adding just one more person to the social sheep herd. Baaaaaaa!

I am woman, hear me roar. Yes indeed, do you even know who Helen Reddy is?
But above all, I am human. Never let it be said that I allowed ANYONE to take my humanity away...especially because it offended some movement's idea of what my identity should be.

Cram is one way to put it, but more pertinetly, I wish not to keep up a tanget that has nothing to do with the thread too much. It's bad form ya know.

And the pronoun game is when a character does not specify exactly who they mean, wasting often precious time by making the other characters ask who they mean instead of just telling the other characters from the get-go. Like in the series when they use "him" instead of just saying Madara, if you need a comparison.

The cinema sins parody was not intended to actually use anything that you actually said. The joke... Ah nevermind, the creep has found the bottom of my sheets again. I'll have to say yay women and argue later that a prostitute would probably prefer to be called a prostitute over a whore, since he/she would likely know that whore has a far more negative (and less profitable) connotation. Political correctness is not the only reason I would rather someone just call a woman a woman and a cheeesburger a cheeseburger. There is less confusion, nevermind liberation style "free to call it whatevs". If everyone spoke at least a similar way, there would be far less confusion and misunderstanding in the world.

The Naruto Series is united in while by this one facker who says the same thing over and over again in pretty much the same way. It would have been far more difficult for all the talk no jutsu, especially in part II, had each of the great nations had their own unique language, or dialect even.

I apologize, we may continue this in spam, or put it in the OOC section of the forum. Do we have an OOC section and an IC section on the forum? Or is it all kind of OOC? The site using such differences seems somewhat like an excuse for tabbing village boards, or for posting inflammatory material in the OOC and not clogging up the IC with it, which is still kind of wrong in the grand scheme of things.

Post concluded.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: IC/OOC option on village boards
« Reply #41 on: December 10, 2014, 09:43:11 PM »

The Village Square will hopefully be "redone" a bit, Eric. =)
There, members will be able to OOC/IC chat, we'll see.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2014, 09:46:05 PM by Ace »


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Re: IC/OOC option on village boards
« Reply #42 on: January 20, 2015, 08:00:21 PM »

Thank you Oliver. =)
And thank you LoB.


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Re: IC/OOC option on village boards
« Reply #43 on: January 20, 2015, 09:11:05 PM »

It's a really neat function. Only issue I see is when you're scrying, you don't have the option to what board you want to scry to. Don't know if that's gonna change at all, but just something to consider.

Most SL RPers these days -


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Re: IC/OOC option on village boards
« Reply #44 on: January 20, 2015, 09:14:47 PM »

This is really cool.
I hope people start hanging with each other more out in public. That used to be so much fun.
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