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Author Topic: Bijuu Rules Clarification  (Read 12171 times)


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Re: Bijuu Rules Clarification
« Reply #45 on: October 03, 2014, 11:30:15 PM »

Honestly Kage, I still see little problem in it.

First off, if someone were to ever have that many biju, then there is an issue in itself. However, he/she worked for it, so why do we want to restrict what they could do? It's one of those things where people wants to limit those who put in the work to get where they got. What's the point? They beat the odds, so let em play with the toy they earned.

One person with half the nine tails' power could counter all five of those Biju dama. So Kurama firing a biju bomb at one is essentially the same destruction.(and before we go into, "Well Kurama's bomb only knocked it off course" Just know that his bomb still caused the combined bombs to stop. If it was really so underpowered, the combined bijuu bomb would have torn through Kurama's like nothing.) What will we do then? Void Kurama or underpower him? At this point, I severely doubt that'll be the case.

All in all, I personally don't feel that one should have to give away biju that they fought for just because they're a Jinchuuriki of the x tails, and want to summon on the side. It limits RP for a jinchuuriki, defeats the purpose of fighting for em if you are one, and really is nonsensical. If you got the power fairly, why not use the power? Not to mention, what if you're by yourself? What does that jinchuuriki do in that situation when a spare biju falls in their lap? Can't summon it, so they're forced to simply drop it? Where? It's just too limiting.

That's all i'm really sayin, before I end up going in circles XD
Acquire loyal followers. They're just as scarce as the Biju, so it evens out. And if you're powerful enough to capture all these Biju, then you're sure to have a few candidates. But that also means you're powerful enough to smite them if they dare to go against you and run away. I don't have to worry too much about that, because I can literally make them explode at the snap of my fingers. The price of betrayal is and has always been a high one.

What we're talking about here though, is being a Jinchurikki and a summoner. It presents somewhat of a problem if the Jinchurikki that controls all the other Biju happens to lose. They lose their Biju, but what of the others? If death is pretty much guaranteed when getting a Biju extracted, then the other Biju are unaccounted for since the genjutsu on them would be dispelled. Either they also fall into the victor's hands, fall over to the village/organization, or they are put into RP Limbo and we'll have a whole other discussion/argument about who gets what and how they get it. It will most likely be the latter.


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Re: Bijuu Rules Clarification
« Reply #46 on: October 04, 2014, 12:57:08 AM »

As I said when Dart first brought it up just have them defend all of their bijuu. If someone has the 9 tails and the 4 tails (cough) you don't challenge them for one or the other you just challenge them for both. If you want to have multiple bijuu it's either everything or nothing.


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Re: Bijuu Rules Clarification
« Reply #47 on: October 04, 2014, 01:03:43 AM »

...defeats the purpose of fighting for em if you are one...

That's the point of the proposal if I so recall correctly. Whether that is in good spirits or not is up for debate, but the point of limiting in this fashion was to make people who are already jinchs less desired to get another tailed beast to add to their collection (unless they have someone they can chain, I meant grant it, to). As if alts can't be used for said purpose (and if this were implemented, I am sure they would be).

... So, Eric, it is too limiting to rp to make people have to have Sharingan or Rinnegan to control a bijuu but it is ok to force people to give up the bijuu they captured for no reason? Because that's what I am being told I have to do, if I can't declare the bijuu as my summon then I have to seal it in someone and there is no one I want to seal a bijuu in right now, which is why I want to use it as a summon.

This is just another Bocchiere rule, like the Edo Tensei nerfs that make no sense, because almost no one but me is ever going to have multiple bijuu in the first place...

You guys are seriously intent on making it just crap to rp as a villain. Edo Tensei is already pathetically weak and now we want to make it impossible for someone to capture and hold multiple bijuu.

If you're going to insist that Jinchuriki not be allowed to summon bijuu then we need to change the rule for how possessing bijuu works so that I can have the 4 tails sealed away but just not be able to summon it...

It is making it crap to RP as a solo villain, because alone, under proposed rules, you can't really accomplish what you're trying to accomplish completely on your own, which has practically been the lesson the Naruto series has been trying to beat into our heads. It tries, or sort of tries, to makes you RP with other wannabe villains (or have plenty of alts on the side if you're that adamant), for better or for worse.

And people are not forced to completely surrender tailed beasts to anyone that they do not want to. I hate to bring this up again, but alts are always an option (as long as folks don't know/can't definitely prove that that alt is you) if you really wanna solo the crap out of it. No, we are not forcing people to do anything. If they choose to give up their tailed beasts rather than simply work-around/with the system, then I dare say they have not attended the Bocc school of getting shit done around here.

To be able to have tailed beasts in a pot would, in my opinion, only be acceptable if and only if there is someone to fight for it when challenged (excluding those already with challenges list, I.E, other hosts or controllers). A champion for the tailed beast as Kay once put it. Other than that, I'm against it because it defeats the purpose of making that rule in the first to keep tailed beasts from just sitting in jars and stuff.

...Making it too hard to be a villain...I think being a villain is a very hard thing to do. You kind of have to be willing to not destroy the game but to provide the service of being an antagonist rather than a competitor in a win or lose situation...

You have to be willing to destroy the game (as it is anyways, the status quo) in order to be a villain in SL, or at least I think so. Why?

Well, let me take Bocc for example. He is an exceptional antagonist; and as a result of that, not many people care much for his way of doing things. And he kills people, something that a protagonist in SL is hardly going to (or willing) to do without an antagonist who kills or seeks to kill in the first place.

And killing ANYONE in SL is almost paramount to an attempt at destroying the game. Because once that character is dead, unless they are revived, they stay dead, and no nobody is going to just up and fight a powerful villain character. Be a villain long enough, have enough successes, and you could literally kill off the game's status quo through IC means if people just stop re-making their characters post mortem. If you want to be a villain in SL, from my experience, you have to be willing to be the bad guy both IC and OOC. Because there are two ways to fight a SL battle: IC or OOC.

That is of course the extreme regarding the literal death of the game through death of all characters. But I mean, your options (thanks to OOC rules) are rather limited in what you can do as a villain, because there is no currency system to loot, no land of value really to conquer outside of villages and player created zones, and almost everyone is bound to gang up on you at one point or another. Being a solo villain is next to impossible without street cred and skill, something I am pleased to say Bocc has plenty of.

In conclusion, if folks are able to do everything on their own with enough skill, power, and cred, then what is the point in everyone else? Doormats? Clowns to laugh at their antics? Plebians who stab at every effort? By-standers in the one-puppet-master show? Even Madara in the series needed some help before he could finally become the SoSP copy, and even then, once it was him against the world, nothing short of story-writing could have saved him from his inevitable fate as an antagonist in a protagonist-centered story. Convert or die.

My points may seem counter-intuitive with each other, but they have a similar aim: to make it difficult to be a single master of all things, and to try to make it easier for cooperation, even if it must be a forced concept.  I get it, that is the bane of RP existence at times, and most characters are built around being a solo act. But does it always have to be that way?

I say no, and am willing to put my rep on the line to forward conversation and acts regarding that, even if it only half-accomplishes its goal by having a bunch of alts and a main working together instead different individuals. 

Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Bijuu Rules Clarification
« Reply #48 on: October 04, 2014, 07:55:47 AM »

If I can have the 4 tails sealed away and in the possession of one of my Edo alts (not sealed in them) since we seem intent on telling me how I am allowed to rp with the beasts I fight entire villages single-handedly for, then that would be fine with me.


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Re: Bijuu Rules Clarification
« Reply #49 on: October 04, 2014, 01:10:13 PM »

If I can have the 4 tails sealed away and in the possession of one of my Edo alts (not sealed in them) since we seem intent on telling me how I am allowed to rp with the beasts I fight entire villages single-handedly for, then that would be fine with me.

There are technically no rules as it stands that prohibit your alts (Edos or not) from using the tailed beasts as summons, or at least being their champion. Edo's simply cannot be hosts.

In case someone wants to add that though, let me go ahead and state that the odds of that passing are rather slim as it is; though the chakra depletion would be meaningless to an Edo, the remaining restrictions would still reasonably hinder the Edo in a sense. Even if prohibited from summoning, using Edo's as at least champions seems fair enough usage to me.

A dread that they may or may not be alts, but all the same.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: SL Official Bijū Guidelines/Rules and Current In-game Jinchūriki
« Reply #50 on: October 08, 2014, 07:36:04 PM »

I'd like to bring up a point about "1] ºHow to Challenge a Jinchurikiº".

It says to report it to other jinchuuriki; currently, the other jinchuuriki, essentially, fall into two factions. Reporting it to other jinchuuriki is unfair to the jinchuuriki in question due to the biases of these two factions. There needs to be some neutral party set aside which these reports can go to.
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Re: Bijuu Rules Clarification
« Reply #51 on: October 08, 2014, 10:51:04 PM »

I post this here as it and other threads other than the main one are the ones where discussions regarding the rules are. I have little doubt though that Kay does not mind either way.

I'd like to bring up a point about "1] ºHow to Challenge a Jinchurikiº".

It says to report it to other jinchuuriki; currently, the other jinchuuriki, essentially, fall into two factions. Reporting it to other jinchuuriki is unfair to the jinchuuriki in question due to the biases of these two factions. There needs to be some neutral party set aside which these reports can go to.

Your concerns are not necessarily unfounded, but it would be better to make the report here on the forum. I dunno about others, but I have my challenge list on here, so if someone formally challenges and I deny them thrice for whatever reason, the record is there for all to see.

But you know, aside from that, I would advise just posting it on the forum rather than reporting it to other jinchs. I do not see the point in that even IF all the tailed beasts were scattered throughout the site.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Bijuu Rules Clarification
« Reply #52 on: October 19, 2014, 07:30:19 PM »

I believe this reporting to the other bijuu is a throw back to when we still kind of had a bijuu council, that no one could agree upon. But it does not make much sense. That should probably be amended to add an unbiased element to things.

any objections or suggestions on to what the alternatives are?

Yeah it should just be removed from the rules it is no longer applicable. If there's an issue and it's not something an agreed upon judge can solve then you just make a forum post. There is no person who is completely unbiased that we can turn to.

Of course the forum is controlled by me and my "lackeys". As some people are of the opinion that people are required to surrender their free will and independent thoughts upon joining Akatsuki.


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Re: Bijuu Rules Clarification
« Reply #53 on: October 19, 2014, 08:48:14 PM »

I believe this reporting to the other bijuu is a throw back to when we still kind of had a bijuu council, that no one could agree upon. But it does not make much sense. That should probably be amended to add an unbiased element to things.

any objections or suggestions on to what the alternatives are?

Yeah it should just be removed from the rules it is no longer applicable. If there's an issue and it's not something an agreed upon judge can solve then you just make a forum post. There is no person who is completely unbiased that we can turn to.

Of course the forum is controlled by me and my "lackeys". As some people are of the opinion that people are required to surrender their free will and independent thoughts upon joining Akatsuki.

I am insulted at the notion that certain members of Akatsuki very ardent on this forum are merely referred to as lackeys while you are at least pet named.  :cry: Where is da luv and respect?

I believe this reporting to the other bijuu is a throw back to when we still kind of had a bijuu council, that no one could agree upon. But it does not make much sense. That should probably be amended to add an unbiased element to things.

any objections or suggestions on to what the alternatives are?

I don't recall saying that we should add that in the very first place, but I digress. Alternatives would be, indeed, either the forum or through the in-game channels. Again, the posting of biju lists and challenges in a public place should make it plaintatively obvious as to who is denying challenges and all. Shoot, posting the biju matches in public would also add to that, but "where" is always the issue with that kind of thing.

I mean, I go back to saying that we just get rid of the biju altogether and nip it in the bud altogether, but there has been an entire thread shooting that down, so it would just be digging a ditch in a river for me to voice that as an alternative.

If there must be an alternative, why not just report it to Kage? They are both in-game and (some of 'em) forum as well, making for an interesting middle ground. Will they be unbiased and fair? Well, politically speaking, maybe.  :twisted:

And I am not just talking about the big five (cause you know, the earth shadow is kind of moot unless you count Bocc as one) I'm including any of the heads still around who have had a tailed beast at some point. Off of the top of my head, Ame and Oto would fall under that category if I do recall correctly.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Bijuu Rules Clarification
« Reply #54 on: October 20, 2014, 05:42:25 AM »

Hey I'd be happy to act as a judge for a bijuu fight/ decision. At this current time the chances of such a thing concurring that does not involved an Akatsuki member is just very very low, thus it is unlikely anyone would pick me.


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Re: Bijuu Rules Clarification
« Reply #55 on: October 20, 2014, 07:10:45 AM »

Damn it Bocc you went and broke the system. Too many bijuu mang.

I don't see there needing to be an alternative anymore as we already have one.

"just posting it on the forum rather than reporting it to other jinchs." The forum will always work and it's not biased to one group.
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

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Re: Bijuu Rules Clarification
« Reply #56 on: October 20, 2014, 07:11:26 AM »

You could try and form a biju council, but we all know how that went last time >>

Idk, like Shadow just said, if a problem arises, just come here I guess.
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Re: Bijuu Rules Clarification
« Reply #57 on: October 21, 2014, 05:34:55 AM »

I'd be happy to lend my wisdom and opinion in any bijuu matter. Unbiased and sound.
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