Game Development > Discussions

HP limiter

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Mysties is screwed and can go to hell...I just spent 800 gold for sundaes...and got nothing...not a damn thing... THAT IS WRONG  :evil: :evil: :evil:

And an HP reset?...Man why is it when this was first brought up, everyone who has posted here was against the idea originally...and now you all turn around saying that it's a good idea?...RIGHHHHHTTTTT

If you do an HP reset(AND I HIGHLY DISLIKE THE IDEA) you should also do a few other things...

A: Take permanent HP and give something else Permanent in return(Gems, houses, perm attack points, etc.) :cool:
B: Find a new mod because DeadInside seems to be on the verge of leaving if this happens.. :shock:
C: Elevate all those who have the title and rank of Hokage to god status...because if you do the HP reset..there won't be a damn player who can kill them...  :evil: :evil: :evil:
D: Slap the Vampire in the forest...Which by the way...For those of you who keep losing more than 5 HP to that vampire...QUIT RUNNING AWAY!!!!

On the note of the vampire...I've met the vampire lord in the forest more than 6 times now...and I've only lost 5 HP....out of all 6 times...It's easy...DON'T RUN AWAY!!!  :-x :-x :-x :-x
Anyway Mysties can burn, the vampire lord can get a tan, this HP reset can die a horrible death, and I can keep my HP and take down a Hokage(right....maybe not a hokage but for sure a Sannin)

My one non-complaint is Sichaes...I don't mind Sichaes...Sure the price hike was a bit unexpected...but it's not bad...I'm willing to pay 1500 for a single, small apple that mainly gives me a little charm boost... :evil:

Anyway....If you haven't guessed..I dislike the idea of an HP reset GREATLY...If this comes to pass, I will slay each and every one of you excluding Neji and Baluski(Because Neji has it where I can't kill him :evil:, and Baluski is to strong at the moment :cool:)...but as for the rest of you..I'll do it before I lose my HP....Don't think I can't either...  :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

a) you don't need to run, the vampire will also suck if you stay. I fixed that.

b) no, not 3 gems for a soda pop, ridiculous. there is a blocker in it that once you have something good it will give you a "sugar hype" which takes 2-4 game days to go away. so long no gems or turns.

c) the apple shop is still too good. and I dislike the idea of changing gold at will into gems/turns at a minor random rate.

You should NOT get MANY gems by visiting a shop every day and get 1-2 gems almost each day.

You should earn them, and I have now options to give them out again in the forest, which I stopped before.

Also, new items you can sell will be added. So you indeed can *earn* your gems.

There are enough turns in there, believe me, I did not make 3 gamedays to push out tons of turns in modules... this was my fault, I should have seen it earlier.

Also, in the item system there were gold pieces created you can sell, and those might not go away after a oro kill.

so, please clam down


--- Quote from: Neji on August 24, 2006, 06:47:20 PM ---a) you don't need to run, the vampire will also suck if you stay. I fixed that.

b) no, not 3 gems for a soda pop, ridiculous. there is a blocker in it that once you have something good it will give you a "sugar hype" which takes 2-4 game days to go away. so long no gems or turns.

c) the apple shop is still too good. and I dislike the idea of changing gold at will into gems/turns at a minor random rate.

You should NOT get MANY gems by visiting a shop every day and get 1-2 gems almost each day.

You should earn them, and I have now options to give them out again in the forest, which I stopped before.

Also, new items you can sell will be added. So you indeed can *earn* your gems.

There are enough turns in there, believe me, I did not make 3 gamedays to push out tons of turns in modules... this was my fault, I should have seen it earlier.

Also, in the item system there were gold pieces created you can sell, and those might not go away after a oro kill.

so, please clam down

--- End quote ---

90% of my complaints go to the HP reset...I don't care at all about Sichaes, I'll still buy from her, Mysties doesn't need to call me fat though after I pay 800 gold...for 800 gold it would be nice to get +1 charm...

The Vampire lord comment is for those who keep complaining about meeting him in the forest and losing 20+ HP everytime...There is a way to avoid it...

*takes deep breaths and relaxes*
I'm going to play CS.. -_-

but replies to...

a) I am aware he sucks HP no matter what...but he sucks more if you run than if you stay...My advice is DON'T I know most of you have probably been doing

b) I don't mind not getting 3 gems for soda pop...but If i'm going to pay 800 gold for 2 sundaes i would at least like something other than getting called fat twice in a row.. otherwise the money isn't worth it..I could pay off my debt in the bank instead..

c) I have no complaints about Sichaes..Fine by me


--- Quote from: HatakeSakumo on August 24, 2006, 07:03:18 PM ---a) I am aware he sucks HP no matter what...but he sucks more if you run than if you stay...My advice is DON'T I know most of you have probably been doing

--- End quote ---

That was changed, the vampire will steal more then 5 hp no matter what option you choose. Sacrificing 5 hp was a loop hole that has been fixed now. Fear the vampire.

Vampire Lord Baluski is the HP limiter. Everyone got that? Good!

End of discussion, topic locked.


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