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Author Topic: Now Damage  (Read 12815 times)


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Re: Now Damage
« Reply #30 on: October 31, 2014, 09:40:26 PM »

How is Sabu the only one who can grasp the idea that if I could be right and no one can prove I'm wrong and since nothing has been stated to contradict what I am claiming then I'd be right and able to use my Izanagi. It's literally that simple...

You are proven wrong via the "if you didn't post it, then it didn't happen" principle. I explained that while by that theory you could still have Izanagi up in your last post (to dodge the first attack) I also pointed out that you clearly stated the the incineration technique would be used to dodge the second attack, not Izanagi. As I have also already stated, if Izanagi is not in effect when the technique would strike, then the Incineration technique would calculate the damage that you take. It would be too late to activate another Izanagi, especially if you are not given a reason to do so.

How does me dodging something with my Incineration Technique prove Izanagi isn't active? That's baseless character control.

I did not post that the Izanagi ceased, there for that did not happen.

Maybe I'm just not a complete moron like Danzo who activated Izanagi and then decided to go, "Yeah I'm just going to let EVERY ATTACK hit me full force now. It is in no way beneficial to continue to dodge attacks, including shuriken being throw straight at me, when every time I die and respawn it bounces me away from Sasuke, forcing me to charge straight at him again and get hit with yet another attack." 

I already stated what my reason for using Izanagi was, to bluff Hazama, however that was before people battering-rammed into my rp and decided they get to character control me. So instead of using the Izanagi that is still active because I never said it ceased I would simply activate another Izanagi and charge in.

@Trev: Yeah somehow I fail to see myself at fault for not preparing my posts for the off chance that someone might god mod into my rp and attempt to insta-kill me on their entrance post.

Or perhaps in the off-chance that Hazama might try to kill you with something half-feasible?

Your reason for using Izanagi, according to your post, does not suggest "bluff" anywhere within it. Exposing that you were trying to bluff Hazama in any way, at this point:

(9d2h) <暁> 真 Bocchiere went back to watching the fight between Hazama and Kamui after having become distracted by the altercation beginning in Iwagakure. Or at least he had planned to do that, but the two were no longer fighting. Bocchiere grinds his teeth-
(9d2h) <暁> 真 Bocchiere - in irritation as Hazama immediately shows just why Bocchiere has to do everything himself, mere moments after thinking perhaps that wouldn't be required. He had given Hazama a vial of Kamui's blood to kill the man with because -
(9d2h) <暁> 真 Bocchiere - the Oto nin wanted to regain the position of Otokage, not that Bocchiere could imagine why one would want that. So what does Hazama do in return? Not only does he fail to kill Kamui, he CHOOSES not to kill Kamui, blatantly blaspheming -
(9d2h) <暁> 真 Bocchiere - right in front of Bocchiere's face. This shall not stand. Bocch would grab the crystal ball as well as Saejima who was with him at the time and Hiraishin back to his Akatsuki hideout in the Mountain's Graveyard. The duo would appear -
(9d2h) <暁> 真 Bocchiere in the chamber where the Jashin no Keshin is housed, atop the Jashin marked dais in the center of the room. "Step back, prepare a Jinton blast." Bocchiere would withdraw yet another vial of blood from his Akatsuki cloak, a second -
(9d2h) <暁> 真 Bocchiere - of Kamui's. He had prepared it on the off chance that Hazama started to lose to Kamui. Bocchiere would have stepped in and saved him, as a reward for his devotion to Jashin, which was as much a farce as everything else about the man. Bocch -
(9d2h) <暁> 真 Bocchiere - injected the blood into his own mouth and took on the black and white Curse form. The circle of blood on the floor was still complete, and had been refreshed upon Bocchiere's capture of a man from the Kaguya clan. Bocchiere quickly glanced -
(9d2h) <暁> 真 Bocchiere - at the crystal ball and saw the two heretics still babbling before tossing it off the platform and activating a Senju enhanced Izanagi via one of the Sharingan eyes in his back. He turns to Saejima, "Do it."

Would not have been detrimental to your effort. Moving onwards, stating it here:

(7d15h) <暁> 真 Bocchiere would reform from the aether, the effect of Izanagi negating all the damage from the Dust Release blast. He quickly steps over to the crystal ball on the floor next to the dais and takes it into his hands. Using the Telescope Technique once -
(7d15h) <暁> 真 Bocchiere - again the Jashinist would scry for Hazama's chakra, and thus discover his attack was a success. The Jinton blast had entirely disintegrated Kamui's body, leaving nothing but a heap of his clothes on the ground where he once stood. The black -
(7d15h) <暁> 真 Bocchiere - and white markings of the Curse Jutsu would fade as he was no longer in the circle. "That's one." The Akatsuki leader activates his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan and turns to Saejima, tossing him the crystal ball, "I'll handle this one -
(7d15h) <暁> 真 Bocchiere - myself. Jashinist business and all." He taps Saejima on the shoulder and sends him back to Iwagakure via Hiraishin. He would then utilize Kamui to teleport himself to Hazama's position, appearing fifteen feet in front of the soon to be -
(7d15h) <暁> 真 Bocchiere - former Jashinist. Upon seeing the man with his own eyes he would begin to unconsciously release waves of Killing Intent, of a level unheard of in this world. It was something that could only be brought forth by someone who truly intended -
(7d15h) <暁> 真 Bocchiere - to end all life in this world. He speaks slowly and coldly, "You are a failure. Not only to Akatsuki but to Lord Jashin himself. You are no longer worthy of his gifts and I shall take them from you, along with your miserable life." In -
(7d15h) <暁> 真 Bocchiere - addition to the killing intent the chakra of the nine tails begins to seethe from the Jashinist's body. It bubbles out from his pores and forms a crimson chakra cloak over his body. His canine teeth lengthen and the nails on his hands turn -
(7d15h) <暁> 真 Bocchiere - into talons, the properties of the fox. The cloak currently stands at a single tail. Bocchiere did not believe that the Oto nin was capable of defeating him on his best day, the fact that he had already expended chakra on the various high -
(7d15h) <暁> 真 Bocchiere - level jutsu he had used in his fight with Kamui was just something Hazama would have to consider the first of many punishments Jashin was going to mete out to him.

Here it would not have been too bad either, though probably would have been very early to note that you were going to be doing any bluffing with Izanagi. I mean, here it is stated clearly that Izanagi negated the damage from the Dust Release, which is fine. It almost even makes it feel like here is where it ended, since this is the last time Izanagi is directly mentioned, even when you are dodge attacks in a later post. You neither state that Izanagi is continued nor ended in the words "it ended", so your assumption that it would continue is on the same basis of our assumption that it did in fact end.

So your argument does not hold more weight than ours, and vice versa just looking at this point.

(5d14h) <暁> 真 Bocchiere 's eyes would spiral into their Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan form. He had no intention of bantering with Hazama. Upon seeing Hazama withdraw a kunai the Akatsuki leader would immediately utilize a Kamui to snap off Hazama's hand and the kunai he -
(5d13h) <暁> 真 Bocchiere - was holding within in it, before he could drop it. Wasting no further time Bocchiere would dash forward toward the man, his speed along with everything else enhanced by his Nine Tails cloak. With a flurry of slashing motions he would send a -
(5d13h) <暁> 真 Bocchiere - barrage of bone bullets out of his finger tips. They would instantly coat themselves with black Hoton chakra as they flew at Hazama and aimed to surround him with a storm of digital shrapnel. The crystal spikes, assuming that Takeo would aim -
(5d13h) <暁> 真 Bocchiere - toward the moving Bocchiere, as he would have dashed toward Hazama before Takeo had planned to make them originally, would pass through his body harmlessly. When he saw them erupt in front of him he did not slow his pace and merely used his -
(5d13h) <暁> 真 Bocchiere - Shokyaku no jutsu to convert his body to fire where ever the crystals threatened to stab him, moving out of their radius at high speed before they could enclose and trap him. He did notice that their chakra was not Hazama's which meant, -
(5d13h) <暁> 真 Bocchiere - as usual, interlopers.

The crucial part here is where it should have been noted that you were trying to feint your opponent (by luring him into using water or something of that sort to revert you back to normal, when in truth it would do nothing to you and you could surprise him. My thoughts on what in the world a feint would do for you here) or at least pointed out that Izanagi was still protecting you.

Since you dodged via the incineration technique and listed no extra reason as to why you dodged with it and general movement, the most logical conclusion is that Izanagi is no longer active, as not dodging them would cause you damage. Assuming anything else is not basic zone fight protocol.

That is basic zone fight comprehension.

Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Now Damage
« Reply #31 on: November 01, 2014, 05:02:25 AM »

My opponent also made no effort to make sure I wasn't using Izanagi.

You know what I would do if I was trying to kill someone in this fashion? Read the freakin rp first.

What herculean task would have been required to negate this Izanagi possibility? Reading 3 rounds of posting, noting I had used Izanagi and never ceased it and then at the end of his post merely adding "Also, the damage would happen to be reflected exactly 64 seconds after Bocch used his Izanagi several posts ago." That's what I would have done and it takes no skill to do that, just reading of the rp that has happened before your attempt to join.

How incredibly presumptuous of me to suggest that someone attempting to kill me should read the rp I am in to make sure they have a grasp on the details of what is going on. Why I am responsible for making sure my opponent makes a proper post?

Also, basic "zone fighting protocol" would be to NOT read my own posts back at me and TELL ME what they mean.

Honestly I'm just not understanding the guilty till proven innocent approach being taken here. He wants to tell me that I cannot use my Izanagi then he should have to prove I can't use my Izanagi not, "Well it could honestly go either way and since we cannot make a real decision obviously the default position should be that the person on the offensive end of the argument be declared right without having to actually prove their point."

It doesn't make sense to me. All I am seeing is the first 99% of the statement that should end with ,"...and since we cannot conclude that it is impossible you would be allowed you use your Izanagi." but just inexplicably not ending with that.

I'm against this not only because of its obvious effect on me but the idea that someone can just barge into someone's rp and go,"That's god mod! Maybe it is and maybe it isn't, so I'm automatically right!"

I fail to see any situations in which that would be the logical course of action to take yet that is what is happening. Alek could have stopped any of this from occurring by just carefully reading the rp and considering the details, and he didn't, yet for some reason I am supposed believe that acting like his post closed loopholes that it did not is the proper course of action.


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Re: Now Damage
« Reply #32 on: November 01, 2014, 05:37:14 AM »

... Alek could have stopped any of this from occurring by just carefully reading the rp and considering the details...

Out of all that you said in that post, this I can agree with wholeheartedly. This whole mess could have been averted had he just had better timing.

... I'm against this not only because of its obvious effect on me but the idea that someone can just barge into someone's rp and go,"That's god mod! Maybe it is and maybe it isn't, so I'm automatically right...

What you claim is not god-mode. It is simply incorrect given what you posted. The only reason that there is a "maybe" is because both of you were at fault regarding details:

1) Like, for the love of goodness, at least state when in Bocc's RP the whole stab through the heart thing is going to happen!

2) Or, you know, at least not give contradictory information in your post and expect the "unsaid" portion will totally be taken as the post).

It was commented some time ago as to just drop the entire RP and pretend it never happened, but at this stage, that would probably cause so much meta that even Itachi couldn't comprehend the source code.

... Why I am responsible for making sure my opponent makes a proper post?

Also, basic "zone fighting protocol" would be to NOT read my own posts back at me and TELL ME what they mean...

You are not responsible for making sure your opponent makes a proper post. You are responsible for your own, which is the main one being questioned here.

And reading back people's posts and explaining to them why what they are attempting to do, based off of what they posted, is questionable if not outright objectionable, is kind of what happens around here. Or where have you been for the past 5 times a zone fight or biju battle has been brought to the forums?

Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Now Damage
« Reply #33 on: November 01, 2014, 06:51:52 AM »

I'd be super ok with Alek voiding himself and pretending he never posted actually. <<

My conditions for this topic to occur were that he and Tsuyo agree to follow my Jashin rules in the future, and that would not change if we decided to void his rp. So this would not happen again, or if it did I would have irrefutable claim to void it.

I don't know how you guys do zone fights but when Im arguing something it's usually that it is god mod in one way or another, or that someone should be dead. Not interpreting what their character planned to do based on their actions, but that's just me.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2014, 07:04:26 PM by bocchiere »


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Re: Now Damage
« Reply #34 on: November 01, 2014, 08:55:20 PM »

I refuse to void myself. Mistakes were made on both sides, but I will not allow that to be the bane of my attempt on your life when the overwhelming majority think that your Izanagi should be over or something along those lines. I will not back down because you said it's stupid, because that's all you ever do when someone has an opposing opinion to you. "You obviously have no idea how to zone fight." is the broken record I constantly hear from any argument you have on the forums or on SL.

Now, should everyone else tell me I am wrong, then I will accept it. Why? Because I am obviously wrong if so many people tell me I am. I am open to constructive criticism only. I get aggressive with you on SL because nothing you do is constructive. It's all "Ur dumb, lul" and that get's me nowhere. I learn nothing from that, and I get angry.  But if you give me valid reasons to why I am wrong (That actually make sense.) Then I will be more than willing to accept it. Just because there are no specific rules on how a jutsu works for SL, does not mean you can abuse it. Fun fact: Most schools have a rule now called the common sense clause. It was put in place for kids who like to skim the rulebook and find ways to break them and not get in trouble. "Well, I want to be funny. So, I am gonna wear a bunch of skimpy girl clothes even though I am a guy. In the rulebook it says that /Girls/ cant wear this crap, not guys." Well, he was right and now he can't get in trouble. With that rule in place, they can still get him in trouble because of the common sense clause. It should be in your common sense not to abuse something because specific rules were not made for it as of yet. I just made a forum topic that should allow people to submit jutsu to be analyzed and have rules made for them, because this is ridiculous.

Time on SL and time in real life are two different things.

Things like the Deva path cool down and the Kamui cool down are based off turns, not actual time. This Izanagi should fall under the same category. Deva path requires a turn of cool down (Depending on the size of the attack) Instead of 5 seconds. Though if you were to use that same measurement for Izanagi. 5 seconds being one turn, 60 seconds now turns into 7 turns where you can't die, and for a lot of people 7 turns is an eternity.

I think the Izanagi is over, and you cannot change my mind on this. No matter how much evidence I post, or someone else posts it will never convince Bocc otherwise so the only option I have to offer is a poll. Though every other time I have offered this, it fell upon deaf ears.  So if we truly wish to get anywhere with this argument, we vote.

Tl;DR: Abusing the loopholes because the rules have yet to be posted is asinine. If we want to get anywhere with the freakin fight we need to make a poll already. Jeez people.
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Re: Now Damage
« Reply #35 on: November 01, 2014, 11:47:02 PM »

  ...So if we truly wish to get anywhere with this argument, we vote.

Tl;DR: Abusing the loopholes because the rules have yet to be posted is asinine. If we want to get anywhere with the freakin fight we need to make a poll already. Jeez people.

Despite the flaws that votes have on this forum, I will merely state this. If you want a poll this seriously, then either have Bocc make it in this thread (unlikely) or create one yourself in a new thread. If you do not know how to do this, then ask, and surely you will be directed in how to make a poll.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Now Damage
« Reply #36 on: November 01, 2014, 11:49:04 PM »

  ...So if we truly wish to get anywhere with this argument, we vote.

Tl;DR: Abusing the loopholes because the rules have yet to be posted is asinine. If we want to get anywhere with the freakin fight we need to make a poll already. Jeez people.

Despite the flaws that votes have on this forum, I will merely state this. If you want a poll this seriously, then either have Bocc make it in this thread (unlikely) or create one yourself in a new thread. If you do not know how to do this, then ask, and surely you will be directed in how to make a poll.

Or you could ask me nicely and I can add that poll option to an already existing thread. :oops:


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Re: Now Damage
« Reply #37 on: November 02, 2014, 12:04:36 AM »

  ...So if we truly wish to get anywhere with this argument, we vote.

Tl;DR: Abusing the loopholes because the rules have yet to be posted is asinine. If we want to get anywhere with the freakin fight we need to make a poll already. Jeez people.

Despite the flaws that votes have on this forum, I will merely state this. If you want a poll this seriously, then either have Bocc make it in this thread (unlikely) or create one yourself in a new thread. If you do not know how to do this, then ask, and surely you will be directed in how to make a poll.

Or you could ask me nicely and I can add that poll option to an already existing thread. :oops:

Apologies, I did not realize that you had that power.

As it is somewhat clear that neither side is going to budge, then for shits and giggles I suppose a poll can be made. I will only put a leaf amount of credit into it though, especially if there is a disproportionate amount of people voting and those who actually commented on this issue.
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Re: Now Damage
« Reply #38 on: November 02, 2014, 12:09:22 AM »

I'm sorry I just really can't see either of us making any motion to give up. I would, if you all would provide something other than "You're character controlling me Q_Q" Or "No rules = I win" Sincerely, I just want this to end already, but that does not mean I am giving into his opinion for it.

If you really think a poll /won't/ work, then I really can't see the point in it. 
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Re: Now Damage
« Reply #39 on: November 02, 2014, 12:11:34 AM »

I'm sorry I just really can't see either of us making any motion to give up. I would, if you all would provide something other than "You're character controlling me Q_Q" Or "No rules = I win" Sincerely, I just want this to end already, but that does not mean I am giving into his opinion for it.

If you really think a poll /won't/ work, then I really can't see the point in it.

Would you listen to a poll against your logic? Maybe. Would Bocc listen to a poll against his logic? Maybe. 

I mean, seeing as the discussions have not advanced much farther in either direction since we started (as Trev as attested regarding that, though not as explicitly) due to stubbornness, I highly doubt a poll will make things significantly different.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Now Damage
« Reply #40 on: November 02, 2014, 12:23:16 AM »

I'm sorry I just really can't see either of us making any motion to give up. I would, if you all would provide something other than "You're character controlling me Q_Q" Or "No rules = I win" Sincerely, I just want this to end already, but that does not mean I am giving into his opinion for it.

If you really think a poll /won't/ work, then I really can't see the point in it.

Would you listen to a poll against your logic? Maybe. Would Bocc listen to a poll against his logic? Maybe. 

I mean, seeing as the discussions have not advanced much farther in either direction since we started (as Trev as attested regarding that, though not as explicitly) due to stubbornness, I highly doubt a poll will make things significantly different.

Le Sigh. We could have each person post their vote, and the reason they think it, and I would be more than willing to accept the answer even if it was against me, should the reasons be legitimate. And I would hope Bocc would do the same but I doubt it. I just want this to move to the next step already. I am surprised we reverted back to the Izanagi argument. It seemed the consensus was that it would be over, but I may be wrong on all accounts. I still think he needs to post first, then we can move onward. Because depending on how he posts his response would actually put us on track. If he messes up, then the argument is over. If he makes the perfect post, and everyone agrees he will live, then *snaps his fingers* Darn you! Foiled my plans once again!
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Re: Now Damage
« Reply #41 on: November 02, 2014, 12:52:09 AM »

Or you guys could get a mutually picked judge. Once Takeo and Hazama post, have Bocc post his defense (Be it Inzanagi, or incineration). Then make your arguments to the judge and have him decide. Then presto, done.

As shown in the past, polls can be deceitful, and people can vote out of spite. A judge is the best answer, as it always is. The forum is usually only good for making rules (And sometime a village fight, albeit rarely). Judge is the best way. You both pick someone you trust and like, and whatever they decide is law. Plus you can't really ever deny a judge, as it just makes you look stubborn and shows you won't try to find a solution, leading you to have the right to post whatever outcome you want, as your opponent is being a poor sport.

Though if you do that way, I suggest finding someone who didn't post their opinion here for obvious reasons. But to me a judge seems the easiest and fastest.
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Re: Now Damage
« Reply #42 on: November 02, 2014, 03:16:40 AM »

... Though if you do that way, I suggest finding someone who didn't post their opinion here for obvious reasons. But to me a judge seems the easiest and fastest.

Good luck with that criteria, though I agree on the mutually accepted judge idea. No need to make the situation even worse with multiple judges.
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Re: Now Damage
« Reply #43 on: November 02, 2014, 05:55:06 AM »

Well as Alek knows from his fight with Shadow just because people agree I'm wrong doesn't mean I'm actually wrong.

My argument for this, the one Alek is summarily ignoring, is that since we are at a complete 50/50 shot with this and can make no decision then since I am on the defensive side of this discussion I should be the one to get the ok. Champion retains in the case of a count out or disqualification. If we're going to just ask one random persons opinion we might as well just flip a coin instead you know?

I don't know who we'd get for a judge that hasn't posted about this topic already.


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Re: Now Damage
« Reply #44 on: November 02, 2014, 06:06:48 AM »

My main argument in my fight against him was basically this;

It was only shown that CT and ST can be used at the same time and never was it shown that it couldn't be used at the same time. Therefore based on what we've seen I would be able to use both and there are no rules regarding CT with the deva cool down. No matter how it was strung out, I was in the right by default.

Only shown able to use CT and ST at the same time.
No rules prior to the fight that CT was part of the deva path cool down.
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

Something that can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

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