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Author Topic: Ban Techniques?  (Read 34073 times)


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Re: Ban Techniques?
« Reply #15 on: November 03, 2014, 10:00:37 PM »

I know that's asking for quite the impossible.

Theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen why are you asking for it?

Nijiri Rinha

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Re: Ban Techniques?
« Reply #16 on: November 28, 2014, 03:44:28 AM »

The reason I'm asking for it bocchiere, is to cut down on the multiple arguments that happens on this server. I read the posts concerning your fight in Iwagakure. Lots of bickering over idiotic nonsense. "Oh the Izanagi lasts sixty seconds per eye." "How many seconds does one post take?" That technique being one I remember right off hand. There needs to be set rules on these techniques. Like how many posts the technique can be used for before the user goes blind for good. (considering the user of the technique is using their own sharingan. Now if I am missing some details on this move, you'll have to forgive me, I go as far canon as I possibly can. However, I don't jump ahead and watch the Japanese dub. I stick with the English.) The arguments that have been going on in Iwagakure perfectly make my point about these far advanced techniques.

I've already noticed some restrictions on the Edo Tensei. To whoever crafted that thread, I thank you. There needs to be more threads like that.


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Re: Ban Techniques?
« Reply #17 on: November 28, 2014, 05:10:06 AM »

Or we could just cut out the middle man and ban fun.


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Re: Ban Techniques?
« Reply #18 on: November 28, 2014, 05:13:20 AM »

Or we could just cut out the middle man and ban fun.

rofl Although I must say I totally understand where Rinha is coming from.

Nijiri Rinha

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Re: Ban Techniques?
« Reply #19 on: November 28, 2014, 08:30:26 AM »

Or we could just cut out the middle man and ban fun.

Or we could set up some rules on these techniques that have been causing so many arguments and save a lot of trouble for a lot of people. Banning fun not required. I read the arguments concerning the Izanagi and if there were some guidelines for using that technique in the zones then there wont be so many problems and not as much bickering about it.

Now the techniques wouldn't be banned to everyone. Only to those who haven't met the prerequisites. Now this is why I like how the Edo Tensei is restricted to a few people so it isn't used by just everyone.

But Kayenta made a good point too. Roleplaying with pals also helps with this. However, I do like to zone with other people from time to time. And I prefer to keep the techniques at a reasonable rank based level. Meaning, I don't really want a Genin using an S rank technique on me unless I know he/she has had the proper training. (I do know Naruto mastered an A rank and an S rank of his own, but most Genin of the Naruto verse don't jump to those heights without training. Especially training under a master.)
« Last Edit: November 28, 2014, 08:42:10 AM by Nijiri Rinha »


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Re: Ban Techniques?
« Reply #20 on: November 28, 2014, 09:01:42 AM »

The argument about Izanagi happened because some guy battering rammed into my rp and decided to kill me in the midst of me using the jutsu. There would not have been an issue if the rp had go on without him. I seem to frequently have issues with people refusing to talk to me about wanting to join an rp. You'd be amazed how many problems are alleviated when you just set up how the rp is going to go beforehand and not just have people kicking the door down willy-nilly.

Small rant over, that level of moderation is never going to be in place on SL. Case in point,

" I don't really want a Genin using an S rank technique on me unless I know he/she has had the proper training."

Ok, how do you know? Do I need to save every rp I do so at any point in time someone can demand to see that I practiced using whatever jutsu? Because I don't really find it fun that I have to create some kind of filing system for rp's that I do, nor do I think it's reasonable that I should have to be able to prove these things to people on a whim. What if you wanted proof that I have Hiraishin but won't accept word of mouth from anyone? I couldn't do it, I don't have rp's saved from 4+ years ago.

Nijiri Rinha

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Re: Ban Techniques?
« Reply #21 on: November 28, 2014, 09:30:25 AM »

Perhaps noting the master you trained under in your bio would help bocchiere. Role playing with someone who has learned a technique out of thin air isn't all too fun for many people. Myself included.

I never once demanded that you make your special little file system of your rp's bocchiere. And no I would not accept it by word of mouth. The Flying Thunder God Technique is an S rank move. The only proof I would want is, WHO did you learn it from? Techniques are created by ninja. And are thus taught to their students. Then the cycle continues. (Unless stopped otherwise)
« Last Edit: November 28, 2014, 09:47:01 AM by Nijiri Rinha »


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Re: Ban Techniques?
« Reply #22 on: November 28, 2014, 09:56:24 AM »

So then would proof for any other prerequisites also be just telling you that yes I meet all the prerequisites?

Nijiri Rinha

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Re: Ban Techniques?
« Reply #23 on: November 28, 2014, 10:10:43 AM »

See? This is why I would like a set of guidelines for these advanced techniques. Like I've been telling you over and over again, word by the user's mouth alone isn't proof enough. I would like to know who taught the shinobi the technique in question. If the master did indeed teach it, then I would have no arguments.

Izanagi for example: Izanagi can only be used by those with genetic traits of the Sage of Six Paths. (That sentence taken from the naruto wiki)  And the Uchiha are descended from the sage, so they can use their eyes as mediums. So if I were to have the proper Uchiha reset, then I wouldn't have a problem with them using that technique. It being a kekkei genkei of course.

But this thread was just an idea. I seriously doubted this rule set would be set in the first place. Any moderators can feel free to lock this thread. I believe nothing will come from this.


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Re: Ban Techniques?
« Reply #24 on: November 28, 2014, 10:18:47 AM »

And in my case I learned Hiraishin via the 4th Hokage, who no longer plays SL, so what do you do in that case?

...Yeah? That's a fact of how the jutsu works. We know that, there wasn't anyone trying to use Izanagi via Byakugan. You also wouldn't need resets to use Izanagi since you could implant eyes like Danzo. Would we remove the ability to do that for some reason? I don't know.

Nijiri Rinha

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Re: Ban Techniques?
« Reply #25 on: November 28, 2014, 10:30:12 AM »

In your case I would accept it. I have seen multiple people accept your usage of it.

I never said Byakugan. I said Sharingan. And in Danzo's case he stole those sharingan, and he also had Hashirama's DNA. Users who do not have sharingan (whether they were born with or have stolen them like Danzo had) should not be able to use Izanagi.


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Re: Ban Techniques?
« Reply #26 on: November 28, 2014, 05:44:46 PM » I would not accept it by word of mouth. The Flying Thunder God Technique is an S rank move. The only proof I would want is, WHO did you learn it from...

The only way to get that information across is word-of-mouth. The "master" of the technique can be redefined, and has been in the past. Hiraishin is just an example. Tomi claimed to be the creater of the technique and all that, but by the time he was RPing as such, I am quite certain that there had been some others out there who had similar claims at the time.

In the end though, his hiraishin legacy is the one that carries the most weight.

... The argument about Izanagi happened because some guy battering rammed into my rp and decided to kill me in the midst of me using the jutsu. There would not have been an issue if the rp had go on without him. I seem to frequently have issues with people refusing to talk to me about wanting to join an rp. You'd be amazed how many problems are alleviated when you just set up how the rp is going to go beforehand and not just have people kicking the door down willy-nilly...

The argument/discussion happened primarily because the timeframe for Izanagi was incredibly hard to pinpoint when an action that took place outside the zone, without referencing the actions that occurred in the zone. That was the initial issue, but this would later on evolve into just how long Izanagi actually lasts, and there is where Rinha would like some definition at. As it is now, it is largely ambiguous just how long Izanagi can last, because the set time for the most optimal conditions is anywhere between 1-10 minutes (or something like that, I and others figured those numbers out in the actual thread more accurately) or even post-mortem if there is a transcript Izanagi going on.

Initially yes, someone butting into the fight without bothering to reference the fight caused the discussion to start. However, how long Izanagi can last did become a question at one point, and was a cause for further arguments/discussions.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Ban Techniques?
« Reply #27 on: November 29, 2014, 08:21:14 PM »

And in my case I learned Hiraishin via the 4th Hokage, who no longer plays SL, so what do you do in that case?


Tomi taught it to you?

holy Eeeffin heffer!!!!

The way I recall it was you bought his account and then claimed all his perks after hacking his body to bits...oh and making parodies of him with spectacularly scathing name changes and bannable rps.

Whereas I reverse engineered it from a Kunai Darkshinobi left stuck in a training post in Suna. And Dark actually backed my right to know it...until this year when he suddenly decided I misunderstood him--> "Yes, your claim is valid, I remember you doing this Kay." -->like English is a second language to me or something.

Or am I just making all this up? >.>



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Re: Ban Techniques?
« Reply #28 on: November 29, 2014, 08:42:44 PM »

I said I learned it via the 4th Hokage. I didn't say he taught it to me. I gained the rp character along with the account and I rp'd sending Bocchiere information on Hiraishin and Tomi's Rasengan variants. So yes I did actually rp it. It just so happened I was the Tomi at the time. Nice random rant about something that happened somewhere around half a decade ago though. >>;


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Re: Ban Techniques?
« Reply #29 on: November 30, 2014, 01:15:20 AM »

I find it odd that a majority of users on here ban Izanami but not Izanagi.
Why ban something that can effectively counter a forbidden technique that allows users to cheat death at practically the same cost; losing an eye?
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