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Author Topic: Athos vs. Bocchiere (Take 172)  (Read 3149 times)


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Athos vs. Bocchiere (Take 172)
« on: December 23, 2014, 08:15:20 AM »

Current Host: Athos

Affiliation: Uzushiogakure, Uzumaki Clan.

Preferred method: 1v1 OOC Deathmatch

Current Six Tails Challengers: Bocchiere

Special Conditions

-The match is OOC unless otherwise agreed upon.

-If the match is IC, it will be, what people refer to it as, "staggered IC". That meaning we can rp whilst the match happens, but the end result of the match will still occur IC. Once a victor is decided the Jinchuriki and Challenger then finish whatever rp they are in and immediately post going to begin the fight, so that is when it happens chronologically. If you manage to get yourself killed before the fight happens it will be voided, but I'm not forcing you to rp elsewhere during the fight.

-Once a judge is agreed upon, either before the fight starts or the first time a decision is needed, they are the judge for the rest of the fight.

-The Challenger and Jinchuriki each have a one time ability to boot a judge. If the agreed upon judge makes a decision just so despicable that you need to get a new one you can say that after this decision you are requesting a new judge. Each participant can do this ONCE, and NOT while a decision is being made. Once a new judge is picked they are the set judge for the rest of the fight, or until the remaining boot is used on them.

-Resets are to be used for Kekkei Genkai, though one "elemental" KG i.e Ice Release, Magnet Release, whatever Release can be used for "Free". Any of them except for Mokuton.

-You cannot borrow techniques from your friends like Dust Release or Hirashin. You can only use what abilities and tools you have In-Character during the fight, even if it's OOC.

-If you take 14 days to post, the fight will be called off and you will be declared the loser. Note that the timer does not reset if you posted once and then have to repost. I.e. You waited a week to post, but your post was all godmodding and autohitting, and then waited 8 days to repost, then you still lose.

-Everyone gets ONE repost only.

Non-Negotiable Voids

-Swift Release
- Izanami
- Any of the recent Rikudou powered abilities 
- Body Revival Technique (If used to survive opening the 8th Gate. That was made before we knew what the 8th Gate does, regeneration does not let you tank disintegrating into ash.)
- Uchiha Return
-Hijutsu: Kirisame

**Rules and Void list subject to change**

Rules Above agreed to.

Judge is currently Kage.

Fight is OOC, of course.

And the setting is Zone Six(Plains)

As the challenger, Bocchiere can have the first post.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Athos vs. Bocchiere (Take 172)
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2014, 08:53:41 AM »

The sun was at it's apex in the sky as a pillar of fire erupted from the grassy plains, scorching a barren crater fifteen feet wide into the lush landscape. As the flames subsided none other than the Akatsuki leader himself would be standing where the inferno had just been raging. (Katon Shunshin)

The man was garbed in his ever present shirtless Akatsuki uniform. Three tomoe Sharingan active, seals on arms hidden by the cloak, we all know the drill. A slight new addition was a greenish-blue crystal set into the center of his amulet of Jashin, suspended within the circumscribed triangle.


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Re: Athos vs. Bocchiere (Take 172)
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2014, 09:06:14 AM »

Why did this scene so familiar to him? It wasn't the type of familiarity that one would enjoy, either. The crimson red haired Uzumaki would arise from the ground at Bocchiere's right, about ten meters from the man. He was cloaked within his Uzumaki Leader Cloak, his weapon known as Rebellion upon his back and his crafted sword, Oken, was resting upon his right hip.

His arms were crossed over his chest, a heavy sigh leaving his lips as he would let his golden gaze fall upon his opponent. There had to be some sick irony hidden somewhere here,"Ooohh boy. I think we've danced this dance before."
Spoke the beast inside of Athos, causing the man to almost mentally wince,/If you don't have something nice to say, then don't say it at all./The Slug would scoff slightly before falling silent. He would call out to the man now, his eyes resting on his form,"I'm almost wondering why we're not friends, with how often we see one another, Bocchiere."
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Athos vs. Bocchiere (Take 172)
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2014, 09:33:01 AM »

Bocchiere would scoff and reply, "I would guess that has something to do with your repeated insistence on having something I want. As well as your equally concrete refusal to surrender it to me. Now I do not know how you came to receive Saiken from Shadow, but that is irrelevant, as he will be returning to the Akatsuki with me, once again."

With that Bocchiere would begin his attack, chopping his hand down through the air to shoot five bone bullets toward Athos, aimed to strike him in a vertical line down from his forehead to his stomach.


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Re: Athos vs. Bocchiere (Take 172)
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2014, 10:00:45 AM »

As the bone bullets came flying towards him, this all felt too familiar to him. His right hand would come up to his back and quickly draw forth the large weapon that rested upon his back. The weapon's large flat side would come to mimic the motion Bocch's hand had made. So, as the bullets got close, his sword would come to slap each of them easily into the treeline in the distance, even with such a simple gesture,"You could also stop wanting my stuff."

His own attack was next, which was simple for the most part. His left hand would disappear beneath his cloak, seeing as his right hand would be wielding his weapon. He would seemingly draw a single kunai, one marked for Hiraishin, and fling it towards the man. Of course, hidden in the shadows of this Kunai was a second weapon, a thin senbon. This senbon aimed not for Bocchiere but for his shadow, having been cursed so that if it stuck into his shadow, he would be unable to move suddenly(Kagemane Shuriken no Jutsu).

Athos, on the other hand, would twirl the large weapon in his hand and bring it to rest against his shoulder. While the man would be distracted for even a moment, he hoped to quickly create a Bunshin that contained only one tenth of his total chakra, which was actually fairly large all things considered. As soon as it was created, it would utilize the Mayfly technique to disappear quickly behind the cover of the real Athos.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Athos vs. Bocchiere (Take 172)
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2014, 07:57:45 PM »

Bocchiere would make a single kata to make use of Futon: Daitoppa. A powerful torrent of wind twenty-five meters wide and fifteen meters tall would be generated in front of Bocchiere and it would cover the distance between himself and Athos, essentially, instantly.

The gust would be powerful enough to lift the man and blow him backwards, in his current state anyway, and of course would send his weapons hurtling back at him. Should Athos still make his clone in response to this it would be blown back as well and likely rendered unable to use Mayfly, for the moment anyway, as it was pushed through the air.

Following up on this defensive move, Bocchiere would generate Hōton chakra in his hands which would spring into action and move in a flurry across the ground toward Athos. It would move at high speeds to get behind Athos while he is still be blown through the air and then form into a large box when an open side facing the Uzumaki. Hōton: Kurohitsugi.

If Athos continued on his path back he and his clone would be knocked back into the coffin which would then precede to instantly seal its open face shut and skewer the two with hundreds of Hōton chakra spikes.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2014, 08:00:30 PM by bocchiere »


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Re: Athos vs. Bocchiere (Take 172)
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2014, 06:16:56 AM »

Perhaps Bocchiere was underestimating the actual strength of his 'long-time' foe. Although the attack would cross the distance between them so quickly, he wouldn't so easily be launched back off his feet. Actually, the best it got from the large Uzumaki was his feet digging into the ground as he skidded backwards almost a total ten feet, give or take. As for his own Kunai that came hurling back at him, all it took was a simply flick of his wrist and his large weapon would be able to alter it's course, so it would fling backwards and to his left.

Now, the clone would also be formed and also sent back a distance, making it much more of a target for Bocchiere's attack. This didn't mean the end of beloved Athos-clone, right? The clone would move as fast as it could but, the timing would just be too bad for the poor thing. As for the real Athos, the Kunai that was to the far left of Bocchiere would, would be his target. His hands would move in a blur as he would disappear within the color of a rust-type of flash.

As for his last action, the man would reappear to the far left of Bocchiere, where his kunai was originally flying, catching it within his left hand as he would appear once more. Within his right was another Kunai that he had drawn, the hand-seals he had preformed placing a sealing jutsu specifica to his clan upon each of the Kunai. He would spin his body whilst it was still in the air, three tomoes dancing around the golden canvas of his eyes, signifying his Sharingan. His measurements were right and, with the help of his increased vision, he doubted his marks were wrong. The Kunai in his left hand would be flung away from Bocchiere and into a tree upon the tree line of the opening they were in. As for the other weapon, this one was launched towards Bocchiere, but poorly so it seemed. Although it so dangerously ripped through the air, it would miss Bocchiere by a clear six feet in front of him, and unless it was stopped for some reason, it would harmless 'clunk' into another tree, as well, all the way almost on the other side of this opening they were in.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Athos vs. Bocchiere (Take 172)
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2015, 08:20:44 PM »

Bocchiere would immediately turn to face Athos upon his teleportation. Seeing the two kunai being thrown he would make a single kata and two wood forms would rise from the ground, Mokuton bunshin. They grew a distance from Bocchiere, in the path of each kunai. The two bunshin each with 1/3 of Bocchiere's overall chakra would snatch the kunai out of mid-air to crush them in their grasp, enhanced with chakra to be enough to destroy the weapons of course.

The original Bocchiere would follow this up by making a quick two-kata string, causing wooden roots to burst from the ground under and all around Athos in an attempt to restrain him. Each tendril was as thick as a man's leg and would not break too easily. Though since they could merely regrow from  anywhere they were sliced and diced it would not be too much of a problem for Bocch to attempt to overwhelm Athos with them, assuming he tried to fight them off.


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Re: Athos vs. Bocchiere (Take 172)
« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2015, 11:59:00 PM »

Regardless of having enough strength or not to destroy the Kunai that were launched, each had been marked with the Uzumaki Sealing Formula. So, instead of reaching the results that Bocchiere would have originally aimed for, each of his Bunshin would have activated the seals upon contact. This would cause each of them to be sealed almost instantly, although the path of the Kunai would be stopped and each would probably fall where they were, which was almost to their goals, seeing as it was never stated exactly where the clones would have jumped in the way. This would also leave the real Bocchiere with only a third of his whole chakra left, seeing as they were not dispelled but sealed away.

Athos' golden hues were still in Bocch's direction as he started his handseals, although this gave him little time to do something amazing. As the roots came to attempt to wrap around his form, seeing as Athos was still in the motion of trying to land, dodging becoming a bit more trickier for him. So, he did what he could best think of... From his back, in an innumerable amount, would come thick and spiked Uzumaki Chains. These chains came out with enough force to destroy the Mokuton that attempted to ensnare him and the multitude of how many he released and controlled stopped any regrowing bits from getting the chance to snatch him from the air either. Athos' feet would come to land upon the ground, sliding as he did so, to create even more of a distance between himself and Bocchiere. His large blade was lwhere he teleported from originally, since he had two free hands when he would reappear and had originally thrown his marked weapons.

Now on his feet again, Athos aimed to make a simple handseal so that he could create a pair of Shadow Clones. One contained fifteen percent of Athos' current chakra pool while the other only accounted for five percent, adding for a total of twenty. The real Athos, as for the stronger Shadow clone of the two, would move to strike while the weaker clone of the two moved to use the Mayfly technique to disappear into the ground behind the two other Athos. As for the real Athos, with the chakra chains still something, they would mold into larger versions. Now with each chain almost four inches thick and the spikes sharpened and larger to match, there was about a total of fifteen that Athos controlled. Ten of this would arch out from his back and launch itself towards Bocchiere, as if all of them meant to meet at a single point, that point being Bocchiere. The end of the chains were tipped and pointed, strong enough to pierce through most defenses, normal ones, at least. The other five kind of hovered around Athos as a defense of sorts, playing on the defensive, if you will.

As for the stronger Bunshin that was created, it would charge forth towards Bocchiere, in front of the real Athos. This created a type of wall assault towards Bocchiere. Save for letting it's hands start to weave the handseals for Gogyō Fūin, but besides that, the copy of the man would simply move forward towards Bocchiere.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Athos vs. Bocchiere (Take 172)
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2015, 07:21:32 AM »

Bocchiere's two bunshin would be sealed into the kunai, since they were somehow sealed instantly in spite of how the jutsu actually works. Since the fuinjutsu formula would apparently have a mind of its own and be able to jump off the kunai even if Bocchiere had destroyed them it seems they'd be sealed regardless of what they did. Clearly the Akatsuki leader is not up to date with the Uzumaki clan and their new nonsensical style of sealing arts.

Bocchiere himself would immediately tap into the Kyuubi's chakra and enter his Bijū Mōdo, refilling his chakra pool completely. A deep crimson red chakra cloak would envelop his body, skin-tight onto him and his clothing. Black marking ran from his chest and across the full length of his arms and legs, and magatama-like marking circled his neck and the collar of his Akatsuki cloak. Bijū Mōdo was the next level up from Kyūbi Chakura Mōdo and was significantly stronger in every way.

As the chains and clone approached him Bocchiere would quickly dash across the area, the ground cracking under his movement, covering the entire distance from where he stood to the tree-line at the edge of the plain within a single second. His speed was such that his movement would be nothing but a nearly indecipherable blur to the Sharingan of his enemy. Of course he would move out of the way of the attacks as he did this. The force from Bocchiere dashing within twenty feet of them would be enough to bludgeon Athos and his bunshin. It would be enough force to disperse a Shadow Clone, and would probably give Athos something to think about too. Like cracked bones and concussions, for instance.

He would be holding a single kata upon his reappearance and was utilizing a Yoton technique, which he still retained from having mastered the four tails. Many large pillars of lava would erupt from the ground, underneath the various marked weapons Athos and tossed about the area, attempting to destroy them all, as well as Athos himself. There were a dozen-odd pillars just coming up at random spots around the plains, just to spread lava about. Since the other Athos was in the ground and not stated to have moved anywhere he would have no way to stop the pillars of lava from erupting and destroying him and the portion of ground under Athos that he was currently combined with. Large portions of the plains would be covered in the lava, setting the grass ablaze.


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Re: Athos vs. Bocchiere (Take 172)
« Reply #10 on: January 09, 2015, 05:39:00 AM »

The speed at which everything had just changed was something that Athos almost couldn't wrap his head around. It was almost  graceful how fast things had changed. Both Bunshin had found themselves dead, in one way or another. As for the claim of the real Athos being rattled about, the man was trained in the Strongest Shield, as well as simply a physical monster. The damage that was done to him wasn't too severe and, well, it wouldn't matter for much longer, either way. He let out a low roar, he knew he wasn't going to be able to enter Sage Mode and his eyes... Barely could even see Bocchiere once he moved. Quickly those same eyes would turn into their Eternal State once this thought crossed his mind. The chains from before were quickly gone, like disappearing in the wind, and Athos moved to make his final plan.

Both his hands moved but not in gestures of attack towards Athos, his natural speed allowing this to be done almost instantly. He didn't have long before the Lava would soon overtake the battlefield. As for the large weapon known as Rebellion, it'd withstand the heat for only a period of time before it would start to melt and give into the heat. Athos brought his left hand to his stomach, over top of his Bijuu Seal. As he did this, with a quick jerk of his wrist, inside the seal his beast was inside of, Giant Torii Gates dropped down upon the Six Tails and he would mutter his apologies but now he could control the beast's chakra pool as he saw fit. At the same time he did this, his right hand formed a fist, save for his thumb, which came towards his heart. As his thumb would strike his heart, all at the same time, the man would sign the contract that would end his life. All Eight of the Celestial Gates would be opened and the infamous Red Mist would erupt from around his form with such great force, any lava that was near would easily be launched away. As for the ground that was beneath his feet, it would be shattered and obliterated as he took his first step. Now, with his control of his beast's chakra, it was used to fuel his Healing Power, instead of Sage Mode, seeing as reaching such would be impossible.

Athos was an amazing warrior, better than most. And, in a sheer Taijutsu fight, Bocchiere would lose. Now Athos was on par with the man, for the most part, and the distance between the two of them would be closed in almost the same speed that Bocch had originally used to cross such distance. But, on the way there, he would have prepared to strike. The Uzumaki Leader was n a glorious blaze, his long crimson hair seemingly on fire, the element seeming to cover his shoulders and back. It looked pretty cool.

So, with his speed matching Bocchiere's and his healing factor buying him some time, not saving his life, Athos would already be near Bocch at somewhere near half a second, or so. His right first moved outwards to punch near the man and, moving faster than Bocchiere would hopefully be able to fully get out of range of the attack, an immense amount of condensed air pressure would aim to slap against Bocchiere. This was the first punch of the Evening Elephant, a move that had an extremely large attack range and, with how fast he had been moving, he hoped to catch Bocchiere in his attack. If he was lucky enough to make contact with the man, even in his Bijuu cloak, his body would suffer from the damage and he would be knocked around. Athos worked through the pain his body was in, aiming to surround Bocchiere to complete the move and aim to crush the man with the other four attacks. Of course, if Bocchiere did somehow manage to fully dodge this barrage, seeing even grazed by this attack would get him caught by another, Athos would only aim to use the other four strikes, each getting increasingly stronger, to try and crush Bocchiere.

If hit by all five, seeing as he had no amazing and Godly Healing Factor, Bocchiere would probably find himself brittle and shattered. The bones in his body completely shattered and his spin destroyed. Even if alive as a Jashinist, he would still be unable to move. Even with his Bijuu Modo, even though it granted no Jesus-Level Healing Ability, he would still take some time before he would even be close to being able to move again. If Bocchiere was to pull out all the stops, so was Athos.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Athos vs. Bocchiere (Take 172)
« Reply #11 on: January 09, 2015, 11:02:08 AM »

Bocchiere is unclear how Athos is not dead from the lava that he allowed to just explode out of the ground under him, since he is acting after both clones were destroyed and the second was killed by the same pillar of lava that is hitting Athos, but alright. Let's say him bearing the Strongest Shield ability lets him survive that, and somehow he continues with his actions instead of screaming in pain while being incinerated.

Athos would use some seal that would apparently allow him to effortlessly access all of his Bijuu's chakra, in spite of the fact that he has not mastered it, so that's... neat. (Guess what forum topic is getting made after this post.)

Opening the 8 Gates though, or perhaps rather, attempting to open them. To open the 8th Gate, the Gate of Death, the user has to puncture their chest just above their heart. This is a requirement to using the last Gate. Now that is obviously not normally an issue, unless of course, you happen to be one of the people who possesses the "Strongest Shield" ability.

Yes, that's right, since all he had done was jab himself in the chest with his thumb with no enhancements (He isn't in a bijuu mode but is merely drawing on the chakra for his Healing Power), Athos would be unable to puncture his own super-durable chest. Unless he wanted to try again, enhancing his hand with something, it would be physically impossible for Athos to open the 8th Gate as the Strongest Shield is just the user's own passive durability.

So, while Athos' various powers were cancelling each other out, Bocchiere would further manipulate the lava. It had not yet ceased erupting, including under Athos. Since he had been unable to blow it away by opening the 8th Gate he would be covered in it and the Akatsuki leader would cause all of the lava to move toward Athos. Already coated in it, the molten rock would continue to pile itself on him. The pain of being constantly incinerated and healed would no doubt leave him unable to perform jutsu anyway, but the lava would hold Athos after his failure to open the 8th Gate, leaving him unable to move to make another attempt. Just in case.

A veritable Yoton: Chibaku Tensei would form. The lava had ceased erupting and had buried Athos in the center of a massive sphere which begin to lift into the air.

"We're done here."

The Akatsuki leader would scoff. The head of the nine tails would form around Bocchiere, its flickering crimson form to scale with the actual Kyuubi. Bocchiere would extend both hands toward the molten planetoid and the Kyuubi head would open its maw and begin to gather positive and negative chakra for a Bijūdama. Quickly forming, the ball would be aimed at Athos' prison and it would dwarf the size of even the entire Kyuubi.

With a smirk Bocchiere would fire the massive attack toward the trapped Athos. The Bijūdama would collide with the sphere of lava and penetrate half-way into it before exploding with enough force to level a mountain. The earth-shattering blast would reduce the entire area to a crater and Bocchiere was forced to activate his Mangekyo and use Kamui to slip through the blast to avoid being destroyed by it as well. Athos would of course by destroyed without a trace, ending this battle.

Since the lava would have been constantly frying his eyes until the Bijuu Ball destroyed him Athos should not be able to Izanagi out of this either, since his Sharingan would not be functioning.



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Re: Athos vs. Bocchiere (Take 172)
« Reply #12 on: January 13, 2015, 07:55:28 AM »

As decided between Bocchiere and myself, we are going to call this match a draw.

Meaning no one loses a Bijuu and we can go on with our lives!... Even though it was OOC, hah.

Bocchiere will post confirming this so, you know, I'm not speaking nonsense.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Athos vs. Bocchiere (Take 172)
« Reply #13 on: January 13, 2015, 07:56:54 AM »

As decided between Bocchiere and myself, we are going to call this match a draw.

Meaning no one loses a Bijuu and we can go on with our lives!... Even though it was OOC, hah.

Bocchiere will post confirming this so, you know, I'm not speaking nonsense.

Yup, I'm done here, all that. ^

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