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Author Topic: Eric Nara vs Masane Uzumaki  (Read 4616 times)


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Re: Eric Nara vs Masane Uzumaki
« Reply #15 on: January 27, 2015, 02:01:34 AM »

I want to continue, but with a new judge.

When you smell like you can do anything, there is nothing you smell like you can't do.


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When you smell like you can do anything, there is nothing you smell like you can't do.


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Re: Eric Nara vs Masane Uzumaki
« Reply #17 on: January 28, 2015, 11:54:15 PM »

As expected, she had failed to take his head but as soon as she claimed the two tails she would clap her hands and enter Sage mode. The bracelets on her wrists were previously stored with Senjutsu chakra allowing her to enter Sage mode easier.(Used the left granting 5 turns of Sage mode) Before he could hit the ground, her palms would be placed upon the earth and this would cause a massive stone dome to burst from the ground around them. (55 yards around them) Of course she used senjutsu to create this dome making it much stronger than usual. The point of this was to cut off his light source, eliminating the shadows altogether. The shadows his Chakra occupied was of course still of use to him but she had a plan for that.

Her sealing barrier would last for one more turn. Plenty of time to set up her trap. The Stone wall would sprout at nearly 90 mph and enclose them both in complete darkness. This dome allowed no light to enter thus there was now way for a shadow to exist. Without light there can be no shadows and the complete absence of light (darkness) is not a shadow. Now the wall to her dome sprouted right behind her so she was able to quickly weave three seals and place her hand upon the stone structure. The same sealing formula would form on it and rapidly spread to cover the inside of the dome. Should he touch the walls, his chakra would be sealed within a seal on her left arm. Though she would not be able to see him, she would be able to sense him perfectly. For now she would wait for his next move as she plotted on removing the shadows that he could still manipulate.

*Just for ease of reference*

Just as he was coming to a skidding halt on solid ground, the earthen wall began to sprout up, signalling a very dire need to act quickly. Eric very quickly realized that he was dealing with a barrier-fuinjutsu expert. Naturally then, the more he continued to use his chakra, the more his foe was going to attempt to use that against him.  Though he would still have control over his shadows, it would be redundancy to maintain his hiding in shadows technique, if it were not for the fact that she still had the sharingan active and likely ready to seek at killing him again.

Nonetheless, the enclosure would become dark particularly quickly, Eric would continue expending chakra to block Masane's line of vision (via maintaining the hiding in darkness technique even if its main effect is largely redundant) and being able to detect her and her actions through the sensory connection to the large shadow within the earthen barrier, it was important for him to reduce his stamp on the battlefield.

Even as the tailed beast chakra receded, for now, Eric withdrew swiftly from his tools pouch five flash bangs attached to kunai. He would hurl them seemingly haphazardly, one going directly for Masane at about eye level, another two high above to peak directly above her current position before arching downwards to where she currently stood, and the other two going to the left and right of Eric's current stationary position. The left one would carry on to hit Eric's original position while the right would be aimed to thump into the earthen wall.

Now came the hard part. Very shortly after his tools were let out, Eric, being at this point 40 meters from Masane, would begin zig-zag dashing towards her, using the aforementioned technique's chakra to conceal himself from her sight (adjusting as necessary and removing any unnecessary portions, such as the portions that would have been behind him in the original technique). Although he was unaware, the woman still had sage mode, which would have allowed her to detect him.

Hearing in his left ear was beginning to come back, but it was mostly his right ear that listened for anything suspicious, despite the entire inside of the barrier being covered in shadow (which he could use to detect her movements and such anyways). It would look like he was going indirectly towards her, using the zig-zag motion as a throw-off. However, in fact, Eric was waiting on two things to happen; her to react to his flash bangs and/or react to him.

Timing would be important for his upcoming plan to come to fruition, and he needed to know what kind of time that he had. He would not quite get close enough to strike at her this turn, for despite his speed, he was taking rather long zigs and zags, wanting to first tempt her into attacking.

Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Eric Nara vs Masane Uzumaki
« Reply #18 on: January 29, 2015, 05:42:06 AM »

As the man's cloak faded, Masane weaved three seals again placing her palms to the earth. She would use the same jutsu as before only this time it was Senjutsu enhanced and would spread much further and much faster. By now her sealing formula would be covering the eternity of the inside of dome and would also seal the chakra in the in his shadows into the seal on her arm. (Should they be touching the walls of the dome and since Darkness is the same as a shadow to you guys, they would be.) As stated before this would seal the chakra in his shadows (any foreign chakra) into the seal on her left arm. The seal would spread out 45 meters upon the ground. Having ducked to the ground she avoided the first Kunai letting it hit the wall behind her. The spread of the seal would stop him from advancing seeing as it would seal his chakra into her seal on her arm and literally leave him no room to react. Seeing as he was 40 meters from her, it would be possible for him to run right into her seal least he sensed it spread and altered course. This seal would last for 5 turns and Mansane would mutter--    "Phase one complete."

She stated as she used her second action to render herself intangible to exit the dome dodging his other kunai. Eric would have ten meters to move lest his chakra be sealed. Upon exiting the dome she immediately nipped her thumb and weaved the seals required to summon Berial. She now stood upon the Sphinx's head. He had a humanoid torso With the head and the body of a lion. The fiery beast stood 25 meters and held a large stone sword in it's right hand. She would hope to keep Eric in the dome for just a bit longer. The flaming beast roared as flames burst from his body about the shoulders and back resembling wings. (Though he could not fly) Masane pulled from her pouch a small marked marble and swallowed it as she focused on Eric inside the dome.   

When you smell like you can do anything, there is nothing you smell like you can't do.


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Re: Eric Nara vs Masane Uzumaki
« Reply #19 on: January 29, 2015, 02:18:34 PM »

Having a sensory connection to his shadow, Eric would be able to pick up on Masane's chakra draining seal, the siphoning of chakra from the shadow not exactly something he would miss. Having the shadows outside to play with, Eric very quickly judged his options; attempt to force his way out of the barrier, or attempt to attack Masane before she finished her plan.

The former carried the serious risk of failure; he did not have enough physical strength to break down the earthen barrier, especially if it were by chance enhanced with senjustu chakra (which it was) and if he were to use explosive tags at this relatively close range, he risked blowing himself up along with it.

No, much rather, the moment he detected Masane solidify again, he would perform a handsign, manipulating the shadows outside, and attempt to utilize two things. The first, to curse Masane's shadow, which he would be able to do remotely thanks to the cursed shadow that she re-entered upon returning to the plains (this would hardly take a second), and the second to form shadow spikes originating from her body. It was a last ditch effort of sorts to kill her, since as he had explained earlier, his prospects for getting out of the barrier without further endangering himself were rather slim at this stage.

Kage Nui no Jutsu; Shadow Sewing Technique

All of this would take place during Masane's summoning of the beast, which she would have needed to be tangible for, so it is likely that his shadow curse would at the least would succeed. Since the spikes would emerge from her body, the entire completion of the attack would be concluded by the time Masane's summoning technique would be complete, forcing her to either abandon the summoning or risk being killed.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Eric Nara vs Masane Uzumaki
« Reply #20 on: January 29, 2015, 09:06:34 PM »

Upon exiting the dome she knew that she would be faced with his shadows on this outside. As such she would simply make use of the incineration technique turning her body into fire. Cant stab that. She was able to sense his chakra molding for his attack and she knew that he would try something like this. Since Berial was not the target here, he was free to weave three seals and cast a barrier that Eric was familiar with, though she did not know this.

Kekkei Jutsu-Pyramid of light: Colosseum of the mortals. 

As Masane remained a blaze upon the beast, she would be safe from being stabbed by the shadows that were no longer on her body but on her Sphinx, who had already erected the barrier of light over the dome. (60 meters in every direction even up) His shadow manipulation would do little for him seeing as this barrier repressed the usage of chakra. This would mean that even if he managed to use his shadows to target Berial, it would him little good. Eric would find it near impossible to manipulate the shadow outside the barrier as well as using even the most basic jutsu. The barrier was also physical allowing those to enter but not exit. (Unless you have the pass which she swallowed.)

Buy now, using his chakra would be a very hard thing to do. She stood upon Berial Still ablaze. She wanted make sure that this barrier worked before she re entered the dome to face him and end this fight. Sensing him perfectly in Sage mode, she would see how difficult is was for him to use his chakra now. (It should have been extremely hard making his jutsu MUCH weaker and less effective.   

When you smell like you can do anything, there is nothing you smell like you can't do.


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Re: Eric Nara vs Masane Uzumaki
« Reply #21 on: January 30, 2015, 04:45:44 AM »

Re post was in order.

As the girl realized that coming out of her dome from the side was a bad idea, (realizing her shadow had been cursed) she would use her left eye to swirl into her pocket realm. This would happen relatively quickly considering she was in sage mode. Upon entering her Kamui, she cursed herself for making this mistake against an elite target. The Uchiha understood the situation even further now and would indeed be more careful. She would again weave the seals and summon the beast Berial. She looked at him as the massive creature flared his flames.

Masane knew that she had a bit of time to work with and had a better idea than what she intended on doing. She pulled a scroll from under her cloak and unrolled it before him. Also she produced a small marked marble from her pouch. She showed it to him and then swallowed it.

Hurry up I don't have much time.

She stated  while Berial continued the string of kata he begun when she swallowed the marble. His large stone sword stuck into the ground next to him. She was betting aggravated and tired. Masane waited until Berial was done sealing his jutsu inside the scroll. (4 minutes) She would roll up the scroll and take a deep breath as she prepared to enter Phase two of her plan, clutching the scroll as she did so.(To be clear I spent 4 minutes in my realm.)   

When you smell like you can do anything, there is nothing you smell like you can't do.


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Re: Eric Nara vs Masane Uzumaki
« Reply #22 on: February 01, 2015, 02:46:00 AM »

Eric would continue to attempt to shadow sew his opponent until he could no longer. It would be very likely that he would also succeed in very seriously injuring her if not outright killing her as a result of the shadow spikes completely impaling her at almost every angle reasonably possible, using the shadows on her body as the point of origin for the shadows.  He would then proceed to try to escape the earthen dome by burrowing underneath it, using the space that was allotted by the ground range of Masane's seal.

That is the short and dirty of it. The longer, necessary bit, is as such:

Eric specifically targeted Masane the moment she would become tangible again. His actions were tailored to the original post of Masane attempting to summon her sphinx. As a result, Masane's shadow would not have been cursed, at the earliest, until she began performing the handseals for the summoning technique, and at the latest, the instant she went to the last step of actually using the jutsu. This is where the scenarios branch, so let the first instance be A and the second instance be B. Taking her re-post exactly as it is written without filling in any logic details can be considered instance C.

A) Near the beginning of her summoning effort, Masane realizes that she has been shadow cursed (as can be read in her repost, as she did not react until her shadow was cursed) and decides to activate Kamui in order to teleport herself to the presumed safety of her pocket dimension. The handsign required for shadow sewing would have already been made by this point, so no additional time would be required to execute that technique immediately after the cursing.

It is stated in my post that all of this would be done by the time Masane finished her summoning technique. She does not take very long to do this action, I doubt any would argue otherwise. Now, her Kamui, senjutsu-enhanced or not, would take time to complete, and even then, she is teleported with her shadow in-tact; as a result, turning intangible would have done her absolutely no favors, and even in her current course of action, there would be just enough time for the spikes to do some harm before she fully escaped, considering that it takes more time for the user to warp themselves than other objects. The only thing going to her pocket dimension would do would be to render Eric temporarily unable to to take advantage of her cursed shadow until she re-opened the Kamui portal.

B) This scenario is very similar to the above, but her own shadow would not be cursed until she prepares to at last summon her sphinx. Now, considering the timing of this, she would have likely had to first stop her summoning technique (having already done most of the handsigns and thus molded her chakra for this summoning) and then activate her Kamui. This would add a very small amount of time to the evasion, but it would be a time she could not afford considering the rapid execution of the techniques. Without a doubt in this scenario, she would be dead, and her Kamui attempt would outright fail.

C) Taking her repost for exactly as it is stated, she would only act once her shadow was cursed. Considering the execution of the shadow sewing immediately afterwards, she would then not be able to Kamui in time to save herself from being sown from the inside-out, especially if she had already performed the set of handsigns for the summoning technique:

She would again weave the seals and summon the beast Berial.

No matter the scenario, Masane cannot get off scotch-free, and more likely than not, would likely be killed at this juncture. Severe injury is quite likely as well, but to escape without any damage, I feel, is outright god-mode.

Now, for the remainder of my post:

Regardless of the success of his attack, Eric needed to escape this accursed barrier of hers. He needed to be ready to strike at Masane at any moment, but at the same time, if she decided to wait him out in her pocket dimension, he would be in serious trouble. As a result, he needed to break this accursed fuinjutsu that she had on the floor.

It absorbed chakra, but as his shadow sensory's "darkness" (it being hindered in areas where chakra absorption is active) could tell him, there was a small area on the floor where he could operate without having his chakra sapped judiciously. Moving himself to this small section, the Nara once again activated his tail beast cloak, Version 2, though this time, he would be taking advantage of the increased strength. Since the senjutsu-enhanced dome was stated only to be the walls and the ceiling, then it can be presumed that the ground was not also transformed in this manner.

Though it was a risk, Eric needed to get out of the situation that he was on. Using his increased strength and the chakra arms, he would attempt to burrow into the ground and out. Considering that the seal spread from her location near one of the walls of the earthen barrier  outwards along the ground about 45 meters, then that meant that his safe area would likely be on the exact opposite end of the dome area.

As a result, his aim would be to pop up on the other side of the earthen dome, just on the other side and prepare running forward on all fours in an attempt to leave the space-time barrier restriction area.

Of course, if Masane decided to return at any point during this, Eric would at once stop and use shadow sewing to try to do her and potentially her sphinx in (since it's shadow would have been cursed as well, since its shadow emerged from the shadow of Masane).

Again, most of this second part would only be very important if Masane was not killed in the earlier attack. Best to cover my bases rather than just assume that the auto-hit attempt would go in my favor.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Eric Nara vs Masane Uzumaki
« Reply #23 on: February 01, 2015, 03:10:55 AM »

You got me. Not because of your shadows, I could have dealt with that. but since I stayed so long in my realm, it gave you the time to get far outta the range of my plan to win. I dont want to re plan my strategy so I yield.  I'll be back in three months.  :twisted:

When you smell like you can do anything, there is nothing you smell like you can't do.


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Re: Eric Nara vs Masane Uzumaki
« Reply #24 on: February 01, 2015, 03:21:57 AM »

Okay. Battle concluded then.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.
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