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Author Topic: A little sound play.  (Read 7921 times)

Keito Uzumaki

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A little sound play.
« on: February 27, 2015, 10:50:32 PM »

Prior to joining SL I saw that there wasn't much use towards Sound base techniques; noticing the lack of info on the wiki and from Otogakure nin in general. So somewhere along the line me and Trev decided to create a wikia page for such, with a broader range in what it can do. Some of you hate the originality of it, but I'd rather not care about that because we devised it to be fair and restrict its OPness that it may have. But then I started to see a chain of followers; gaining the concept of 'Sound resistant ear buds'. Needless to say there is a yin for every yang, but I don't see it with this.

Either way I made this topic to address such 'resistance'. Since for starters those who opt to wear these 'ear buds' essentially gain no enhancements at all. Quite frankly they hinder their character when in combat. One aspect; is to completely eradicate all noises, you are essentially agreeing that your character is temporarily deaf. If that is a wrong assumption I quit trying to reason with your illogical claims. Alot of your character's hearing senses are thrown out the window when he/she applies these buds. But then again you might think Ototon is just some annoying high pitched screech. Wrong.

Anyways I would like an explanation of what these ear buds do to prevent the enhanced vibrations to reach your ear drums. Just because you refuse to 'hear' it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. And by definition sound is released vibrations that travel through the air. Ototon allows users to enhance their sound with chakra; causing the pitch to become disturbing, focusing and allowing their voice to be heard to a specific person, reducing the noise emitted from their persons, and increasing heavily the vibrations emitted from their persons to direct their technique. I can agree that every day noises can nullified by the use of ear buds, head phones of the like; although Ototon noise is much different allowing everyone and their mothers to hear what was heard. Besides once those vibrations reach your body, the target may feel such through their bones; so how exactly is this sound being blocked?  And if one is to have these buds 'on hold' how exactly would they react in time to place them in without having a Sharingan to aide them before hand. Sound travels fast, but not as fast as light; and light travels pretty friggen fast.

On another note the whole Ototon is OP debate should be long gone now, especially with all you Sharingan/Rinnegan/Senju users running a muck I think some music is the least of your worries. I don't go about using Ototon every second of every time; it is something to fall back on when other opportunities aren't open and shouldn't be abused by those whom have it(there is a side effect from over exertion).

TL;DR What is with these 'Ototon proof earbuds' and how exactly do they stop the chakra enhanced vibrations being emitted towards their person. Even then so, having these buds in while in combat should essentially make your character deaf throughout the duration of the fight.


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Re: A little sound play.
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2015, 12:40:20 AM »

If they were made of rubber or some such substance, they could absorb vibrations fairly well, which'd null out at least small to mediocre stuff trying to enter. Could also additionally, or alternatively, contain a bit of chakra that disperses incoming chakra/ototon? Would be even more effective, though also detrimental to wearer most likely too since they'd screw with their own chakra inside the head.

In any case, boosting the ototon with chakra wouldn't really matter in those cases, it'd still be vibrations...well, unless of course it made them so strong they blew the buds away or just shook em apart, though then again they'd be pointless to begin with since an attack that strong would deal quite a hurting regardless.

As for nulling vibrations coming their way from afar...they do and they don't.

A far bigger nuller is actually air, since to keep the same significant potency you'd have to be right up their face when releasing it, such as how Dosu did to first Lee and later Choji. Otherwise there's a very good chance the worst punch is dulled over the distance and the jutsus loses the required strength to affect them otherwise than through the ear >> and in those cases, with the buds in place, they'd be safe.

Other than that though, if you're either right up their face, or simply release such a bit attack like say a friggin nuclear bomb without the fire, destruction and radiation, then no, buds wouldn't really do anything for them except maaaaybe prevent their ear drums would getting absolutely and utterly rekt, otherwise you'd still eat the full effects of the attack cause the body would transmit the vibrations.

In the latter absurdly strong case though, it also brings up an argument against ototon users themselves; when you use a sound blast that retardedly strong, how on earth do you protect yourself much less your own ears from it? I'd like to see something a bit more logical, instead of the age old blocking own ears with chakra, cause that reeeeally should not work on the worst  jutsus. At all.


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Re: A little sound play.
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2015, 01:24:27 AM »

Straight from my wikia page:

Sound Filtering Earbuds - These earbuds prevent the passage of harmful sound waves into the ear canal by reducing the frequency and volume of the sound to a level tolerable (and adjustable) to the ears of the wearer. These buds also can filter chakra from the waves, making most sound ninjutsu useless on a wearer. Eric attained these from the Yondaime Hokage, Tommi.

There are many Leaf ninja (or former Leaf ninja) who also possess these earbuds. This protects solely the ear, so a sound technique that  rattles bone (Uetto's guitar hack) is not going to be hindered much if at all by the earbuds. Anything focused on busting eardrums, inducing genjutsu via hearing, etc. will be dealt with by these earbuds.

Other variants that I have noticed around the site absorb the energy from the waves if they reach a pitch intolerable for the human (or even superhuman) ear. Others merely act like mufflers and simply weaken the sound coming in by absorbing some of it. Then there are the variants that Warren already detailed.

Sound Filtering earbuds make the user resistant to Ototon, but not per say immune. I have also noticed a Asura (or whatever that machine thing) Path that outright removed hearing altogether from the user, and certain wind armors reducing the influence of if not outright negating the influence of many Ototon.

In short, the general explanation varies, but the general idea is to prevent the harmful sound from reaching its target through some preventative measure.

Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: A little sound play.
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2015, 02:01:03 AM »

A puppet wouldn't be immune either, not completely. Shake em hard enough and they'll rattle themselves to pieces.


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Re: A little sound play.
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2015, 02:56:52 AM »

The ear buds are actually legit to be used to counter most Ototon. However, sound biased ninjutsu is something very tricky and versatile. There are ways to get around the ear buds. I want say cause I don't like to tell people how to counter something. I think as a Shinobi you should learn this on your own. It brings you closer to pretending to be a legit ninja lol.

For instance the ear buds would not counter my 'sound' attacks at all really. I say sound attack cause my techneques tend to differs from the traditional sound jutsu. I don't really claim it as true Ototon not all of them at least. If anything I probably have the most OP Ototon on SL along with summons (bats). Sound is one of if not the most powerful thing at SL in the right hands. I claim my sound jutsu to be perhaps the strongest jutsu in my arsenal. I've used it to slay even dragons in one shot.

But yes these ear buds have their place but are not unstoppable.

I'd actually quite enjoy to pass on some of my sound ninjustsu and/or taijutsu to someone. Of course it is the way I use genjutsu as well.

Keito Uzumaki

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Re: A little sound play.
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2015, 03:30:27 AM »

The ear buds are actually legit to be used to counter most Ototon. However, sound biased ninjutsu is something very tricky and versatile. There are ways to get around the ear buds. I want say cause I don't like to tell people how to counter something. I think as a Shinobi you should learn this on your own. It brings you closer to pretending to be a legit ninja lol.

For instance the ear buds would not counter my 'sound' attacks at all really. I say sound attack cause my techneques tend to differs from the traditional sound jutsu. I don't really claim it as true Ototon not all of them at least. If anything I probably have the most OP Ototon on SL along with summons (bats). Sound is one of if not the most powerful thing at SL in the right hands. I claim my sound jutsu to be perhaps the strongest jutsu in my arsenal. I've used it to slay even dragons in one shot.

But yes these ear buds have their place but are not unstoppable.

I'd actually quite enjoy to pass on some of my sound ninjustsu and/or taijutsu to someone. Of course it is the way I use genjutsu as well.

I agree on many points, as I am not really complaining on behalf of these ear buds. I just wish to let it be none that simply placing ear buds into your ear doesn't immediately cause you to become immune. Like you just said there are ways around such when it comes to sound vibrations and frequency. TRUST ME, I know. Which is why I made this topic, just so I know what they're about.

Also to the fact being Ototon itself isn't supposed to be a consecutively free to use technique. You should only use it when you know for a fact that your opponent is ready to run into such; thus I love to set up Ototon techniques. Being that it has Otogakure relations; the technique itself is very vile and unnatural to begin with. Most of its attacking techniques are extremely lethal and dangerous meant as a one a day type of thing (like Kamui or w.e.) Ototon users shouldn't be constantly straining their vocal chords with the amplification of chakra and what not, its too much stress. Personally my character Takeo has been working with Ototon in a delicate manner, progression over the years has allowed him the capabilities to 'abuse' its deadly components more often than not. Otogakure ninja are normally experimenters at heart! Thus he studied and adapted to working with the obscure sound frequencies and has actually come to enjoy them. Similarly or not, its like someone who constantly listens to music through their headphones at max volume; that volume is their normal, where as to someone else it may be extremely loud.

By the way there are techniques that can be projected through a similar relation with Fuuton; in which the air and sound travel as one; giving off the same sound throughout that wave range. That prevents 'everyone' from hearing such sounds to the afflicted target hearing such sounds. Or there can be techniques that literally send pulses of ground ripping vibrations that can splinter your bones upon contact. The usage of Ototon isn't for everyone that is why in my opinion its sacred to know how to utilize such and handle its performance in combat. Regardless of such, Ototon does not only have to be projected through your voice. I have on countless occasions used various instruments, which preferably grasp a better way at manipulating a target. Also like Kirk mentioned it has a way with wonders in applying Genjutsu. Sound can be very OP, which is why I tried to bring it in a way with moderation. Although I don't want it to be mistaken as some puny thing that some simple ear buds can pass by. That is my point!
« Last Edit: February 28, 2015, 03:40:35 AM by Keito Uzumaki »


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Re: A little sound play.
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2015, 12:42:57 PM »

Ototon is the most OP thing ever created. It's fast and can be very low or very high. I've researched sound and a lot of the time I feel like I'm the only who does even though more than myself use Ototon. Ototon has been nerfed however like it should be. If left at 100% shit would get 'rekted'.

Now onto the issue at hand. These earbuds will and do work. Why else in real scenarios would we wear ear protection? Think of them as stereo earbuds with a filter attached onto it. Say you only want to hear things from 50 dB to 150 dB and anything below or above that is automatically filtered out. Like the sound volume on TVs and such it auto adjusts the sounds to a safe level.

Now onto science! 185-200 dB will kill a person if done correctly. Standing next to a chainsaw is like 120 dB. Eardrum rupture is around 150 dB and usually only done when standing next to a jet engine or in an explosive blast at short range. (in which case you want to worry more about shrapnel than sound) Hearing protection is only partially effective, as the bone conducts the vibrations and rattles around the inner workings of the ear enough to cause hearing problems in the long run anyway.

Now then while your ears are protected the rest of you body is not. As said bone conducts sound and boy oh boy does it do it well. Here's the 'killer' for you earbud users if Ototon users can find a way to use it. Sound can travel through your skull bone, directly to your inner ear. This bypasses any problems in your ear canal or middle ear. Effectively bypassing the earbuds. How you do this is up to you. Google it, it's real.

Also there's a thing called infrasound which can apparently cause your eyeballs to vibrate. Take that Uchiha hax!

I can go on and on about how to bypass the earbuds. Like said Ototon is so diverse that it's impossible to fully nullify unless it's blocked by futon bubbles or something. The ears aren't the only thing that sound can damage. Remember when Kabuto used his dragon sage thingy and had to turn his body to water to avoid death? I do. :P
Find a way around the wall or knock it down like a titan. Like I said the ears aren't the only thing affected.


Earbuds work. However sound can travel through your bones and even then Ototon can make Uchiha hax unusable by vibrating the eyes. You only are protecting your ears the rest of your body is still in trouble of Ototon attacks.

*drops mic on the stage and leaves*
« Last Edit: February 28, 2015, 12:43:21 PM by Madara (Shadow) »
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

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Re: A little sound play.
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2015, 03:43:16 PM »

The ear buds are actually legit to be used to counter most Ototon. However, sound biased ninjutsu is something very tricky and versatile. There are ways to get around the ear buds. I want say cause I don't like to tell people how to counter something. I think as a Shinobi you should learn this on your own. It brings you closer to pretending to be a legit ninja lol.

For instance the ear buds would not counter my 'sound' attacks at all really. I say sound attack cause my techneques tend to differs from the traditional sound jutsu. I don't really claim it as true Ototon not all of them at least. If anything I probably have the most OP Ototon on SL along with summons (bats). Sound is one of if not the most powerful thing at SL in the right hands. I claim my sound jutsu to be perhaps the strongest jutsu in my arsenal. I've used it to slay even dragons in one shot.

But yes these ear buds have their place but are not unstoppable.

I'd actually quite enjoy to pass on some of my sound ninjustsu and/or taijutsu to someone. Of course it is the way I use genjutsu as well.
...Similarly or not, its like someone who constantly listens to music through their headphones at max volume; that volume is their normal, where as to someone else it may be extremely loud...

I am pretty sure that in this example, the person in question simply has deafened themselves to a certain point, as the ears adapt to constantly hearing loud sounds by decreasing in sensitivity to the sounds.

For the topic at hand, I think the earbud point has already been hashed about as it's only partially effective, and only against certain techniques.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: A little sound play.
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2015, 03:49:01 PM »

Still waiting for an explanation on how do ototon users protect themselves from those doomsday-level loud jutsus.


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Re: A little sound play.
« Reply #9 on: February 28, 2015, 03:58:11 PM »

Still waiting for an explanation on how do ototon users protect themselves from those doomsday-level loud jutsus.

Even so it's concentrated in one direction away from the user or one could say since they use it they are immune to it. Or we'd call Mei Terumī dead from her lava. Sasuke dead from lightning and so on.
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

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Re: A little sound play.
« Reply #10 on: February 28, 2015, 05:03:06 PM »

If you can somehow explain it being completely funneled into one direction, then I could maybe buy that. I don't think the can't harm yourself with your own jutsu really applies though, since ultimately even the juubi blew itself to hell with its own bijuudama.


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Re: A little sound play.
« Reply #11 on: February 28, 2015, 05:30:36 PM »

If you can somehow explain it being completely funneled into one direction, then I could maybe buy that. I don't think the can't harm yourself with your own jutsu really applies though, since ultimately even the juubi blew itself to hell with its own bijuudama.

I wrote a longer post but scrapped it. Point of the matter is that no one will accept being hurt by their own jutsu. (Exceptions apply to those jutsu that have shown to hurt the user) There's no canon to back it up in the show that sound hurts the user. Kabuto's white rage tech is the perfect example. It was said that Kabuto wasn't impaired by it due to him using Hozuki. In this case, yes it would hurt the user. However all the other times Ototon was shown. Nothing ill came to the user.

The majority consensus is the same. Can't debunk a whole set of jutsu by saying the sound hurts the user or all Ototon becomes useless.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2015, 05:32:25 PM by Madara (Shadow) »
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Re: A little sound play.
« Reply #12 on: February 28, 2015, 05:42:25 PM »

I'ma rephrase.

I'm not saying all jutsu should, just that common sense should apply. Don't want your own debilitating shout or whatever to affect you? Sure. However you just chilling out in the middle of indiscriminate nuclear bomb level of destruction should not fly.


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Re: A little sound play.
« Reply #13 on: February 28, 2015, 05:48:21 PM »

I'ma rephrase.

I'm not saying all jutsu should, just that common sense should apply. Don't want your own debilitating shout or whatever to affect you? Sure. However you just chilling out in the middle of indiscriminate nuclear bomb level of destruction should not fly.

I myself and Keito have said Ototon was nerfed by the users or those true to it. If one claims that level of power with it please by all means void them.
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

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Re: A little sound play.
« Reply #14 on: February 28, 2015, 05:50:31 PM »

Oh, well okay then. In that case this threads more or less done I believe.
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