Game Development > New Features

Village Buff Forest Events

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Do you know how depending on which village you are born in you have a certain buff?

~Sunagakure = Sand Sturdiness/constitution+2
~Kumogakure = Fierceness/intelligence+2
~Kirigakure = Mist Awareness/dexterity+2, Hanzo, CS2 = oto forest
~Konohagakure = Ninja Leetness/strength+2
~Iwagakure = Stubbornness/wisdom+2
~Otogakure = lost their buff! >.< so sad.

I was thinking it might be neat if there was actually a forest event specific to each village forest to add to that over all buff.

You will note that Kirigakure already has 2 village specific forest events. the Hanzo warrior and the CS2.
Additionally if Otogakure ever becomes a birth village again perhaps it could take the CS2 event? That is where the Sound ninja are from anyway.

Last time I knew CS2 was in every village. .-.

So is Hanzo. You can encounter him and his bandits in any forest.

Raifudo Oppa:

--- Quote from: Madara (Shadow) on May 21, 2015, 02:28:06 AM ---Last time I knew CS2 was in every village. .-.

So is Hanzo. You can encounter him and his bandits in any forest.

--- End quote ---

Being from Kiri does influence something with Hanzo, however. Provides another option in another event.

Kumo still has the event thing with the Kumonin the same as everyone else's-- which bugs me.

I thought the CS2 was Kiri forest specific. I know you can access the first CS event anywhere but to advance it I believe you have to be in Kiri.

I think it tends to show up in Kiri more, but is available everywhere. I remember this being a rumor, and when I lived in other villages, I rarely got CS2 event, but in Kiri it was much more often. Could have been a coincidence though.


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