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Author Topic: Senju Clan Ability Amendment: Regeneration Ability  (Read 8575 times)


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Senju Clan Ability Amendment: Regeneration Ability
« on: July 07, 2015, 11:45:06 PM »

So I've been checking out some updated stuff on the Naruto Wiki, and wanted to bring to light an update on Hashirama's Healing Power.

When it was initially made a page, it was classified as a higher caliber passive Medical Ninjutsu. But as of recent from more translation from the latest databook, it's actually been given it's proper given name of Regeneration Ability. It also was removed as a Medical Ninjutsu, and then restated as a passive ability that Hashirama apparently naturally has.

I bring this up because it's currently claimed as Healing Power, and is based on information of old from that claim. But if it's a passive Hashirama trait, then it could mean that it's a passive trait of every Senju on SL. I say this, because we attribute the abilities of the Senju Clan from Hashirama alone. Like his Wood Release and cells being one of the components needed to unlock the Rinnegan on here. Now it won't be crazy healing like Madara when he healed his entire lower body, since a part of that had to do with him being the Jinchuriki of the Ten Tails. But I wanted to know what you guys think of this being an additional Senju ability.

Suishou Koji

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Re: Senju Clan Ability Amendment: Regeneration Ability
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2015, 02:10:35 AM »

If Uzumaki have a longer life span and can survive a Bijuu extraction, Senju should have this healing power. Be nice to have and of course cannot be on the scale of what Madara had. That would be to insane.
Current Raikage and Wikia Mod.

Keito Uzumaki

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Re: Senju Clan Ability Amendment: Regeneration Ability
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2015, 02:22:09 AM »

It doesn't seem to be a Senju trait alone, rather unique to Hashirama and those whom have gained access to his cells, otherwise any other Senju would have had it. From what it seems it stems directly from his cells alone. We don't have a Hashirama around here, so we can't benefit from such. But I'm pretty sure Healing Power was up on the claimed list >>; along with other things relating to 'Hashirama' if he existed in our world. Yet it was kinda known for Senju/Uzu lineages to have extreme regenerative abilities and strong life force. Hashirama just seemed to be that 'god' of a man though.


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Re: Senju Clan Ability Amendment: Regeneration Ability
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2015, 02:57:24 AM »

I'd say its a Hashi-only thing too. After all, Senju clan is fairly extensive in canon too, yet in entire known history only Hashi was known to have the healing power, and Madara spoke of it in a somewhat praising manner too, 'Hashirama's healing power', strongly implying it was unique to him.

Tsunade just managed to replicate it through medical ninjutsu with extreme chakra usage is all.


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Re: Senju Clan Ability Amendment: Regeneration Ability
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2015, 03:30:57 AM »

Wood Release was Hashirama-only too.
Chakra Chains was an ability that is stated to be selective of certain Uzumaki, with Kushina and Karin beign the only ones to have it.
Shikotsumyaku was a very rare ability that only Kimimaro was shown to have out of his entire clan.
Rinnegan was limited to only mixing Asura and Indra's chakras together. So by extension a Madara and Hagoromo-only thing.
Tenseigan was limited to Hamura and Toneri.

But like I said before, we change and adapt these special things to be available to a very large variety of people on SL. Especially when these special abilities are endowed upon single characters. Here's an SL mirror to the above, along with some extras thrown in.

Wood Release is inherent to the whole Senju Clan.
Chakra Chains are inherent to the whole Uzumaki Clan.
Shikotsumyaku are inherent to the whole Kaguya Clan.
Rinnegan is inherent to those with a pair of Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan and some Senju DNA.
Tenseigan is inherent to the Hyuuga and Otsutsuki clans, by having the DNA of both (and a pair of Byakugan, which they already have at birth).
Sand Manipulation has become a style for some in Sunagakure.
Blaze Release was shown to be Sasuke-only. But every Uchiha with Amaterasu can learn to use it.
Sage Mode can be learned by anyone who haven't gone down the Rinnegan/Tenseigan route.

If we're really going to go with "it was shown to only be unique to them" then we have a bit of striping and voiding to do.


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Re: Senju Clan Ability Amendment: Regeneration Ability
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2015, 03:46:10 AM »

Certain things however are far more potentially abusable than others. After seeing what people do already with crap like jiongu, jashinism and strongest shield, and that's with them being claim things, I'd rather not see healing that everyone here knows will get exaggerated significantly added to the list of senju freebies.

Keito Uzumaki

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Re: Senju Clan Ability Amendment: Regeneration Ability
« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2015, 03:55:23 AM »

Thats a fault of SL alone. I actually wanted to maybe organize our 'story line' so we can figure out just who is 'who' if you catch my drift. Obviously the characters of the naruto series, existed specifically to play a certain 'role' into the entire bigger plot and story line. I mean, from what it seems if we make this a Senju trait that is just another reason people will mix 'Senju' with their genes just to gain that passive ability. Does that mean that every Senju will now be comparable to Hashirama Senju? I think thats too far-fetched, especially with the Chakra Chains too. I know thats a powerful technique, which is why I keep that on lock down with who's allowed to unlock the ability to manifest them. Its a genetic ability able to convert large chakras stored within a person to create these nigh impenetrable, bijuu-restraining chains. Something along the lines of Healing Power/Regeneration Ability should definitely be kept in a similar fashion due to its 'perks'. Besides, its not known to be a 'clan trait' just unique to Hashirama himself so that makes it more so acceptable to be 'claimed' unless we suddenly have Hashirama-level shinobi running a muck now once they're born.


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Re: Senju Clan Ability Amendment: Regeneration Ability
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2015, 04:29:37 AM »

It is a secret skill hidden away within the SGT. That is the way I have always rped it. Uetto is very much the head Senju of SL.

Uetto also used this skill to form his own custom skill that is much like it.


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Re: Senju Clan Ability Amendment: Regeneration Ability
« Reply #8 on: July 08, 2015, 04:55:06 AM »

See now we're getting to regulating who can learn what with clan-related stuff. That's like trying to keep a large population of the Hyuuga Clan from ever learning Jyuken. Techniques that are custom are much easier to regulate, while inherent abilities aren't really regulate-able. Even the Chakra Chains can be hard to regulate if it's really an ability rather than a technique. Wood Release is also an ability. But certain custom techniques can be regulated.

Though let's remember that techniques that are kept under-wraps to a certain clan or small population within a clan, are really Hiden.

Though to blow Chakra Chains and Regeneration Ability out of the water, all any Uchiha has to do is go Perfect Susanoo and cast either Fist, Giant Sword, Giant Arrow, or all three at once. If there's any canon clan out there that's the most OP, it's the Uchiha.

Keito Uzumaki

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Re: Senju Clan Ability Amendment: Regeneration Ability
« Reply #9 on: July 08, 2015, 05:29:35 AM »

Its not impossible but its not something you just learn out of the blue and are like, wow I have chakra chains! Or wow! I have healing power! Yet the Chakra Chains alone are hiden, so I tend to keep that tradition continuing. If everyone who claimed to be Uzumaki had chakra chains, they could easily tank Susanno and be able to physically restrain them. >>; I mean even the Chakra Chains got an update after the series was over, showing how Karin's is more offensive where as Kushina's is known to be defensive and suppress and actually seal chakras within the chains, making it much more OP. As for Uchiha's they were screwed since the beginning in abuse and overpopulation. I bet no one's gone blind yet like in the series though ;)

Its more about moderation than regulation, sure you can have a small group who has it but when it goes onto the scale the Uchiha's have, well then that just breaks the 'system'. As for the Senju, the 'Head' of the Senju should have achieved such a feat or something, becoming the Hashirama of SL. From there we could stem the possibility of other's having this ability and being able to continue its restorative prowess. There really can't be multiple 'Hashiramas' all over the place because even in the series he was one of a kind.

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Re: Senju Clan Ability Amendment: Regeneration Ability
« Reply #10 on: July 08, 2015, 05:44:52 AM »

If we are over here "claiming" to be specific canon characters, then I'm calling Mei Terumī right now! XP


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Re: Senju Clan Ability Amendment: Regeneration Ability
« Reply #11 on: July 08, 2015, 05:54:32 AM »

I'm a Hashirama and Madara.

But it's a passive ability. That's like saying the Uzumaki's life force is something that has to be learned. Or that Senju vitality is something that has to be learned too. Heck, it even says on Hashirama's page "His body was brimming with vitality, granting him considerable regenerative powers that could mend most injuries with no residual effects, an ability that only Tsunade has come close to emulating."

Keito Uzumaki

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Re: Senju Clan Ability Amendment: Regeneration Ability
« Reply #12 on: July 08, 2015, 06:12:11 AM »

I mean again, this doesn't seem clan related though. Rather a unique passive ability granted from Hashirama alone. Without having a Hashirama we don't necessarily know where such a talent/ability stems from but its certainly not linked to just having Senju blood. Senju and Uzumaki alone have their own passive healing for minor cuts and bruises and what not, but not to the extent that Healing Power/Regeneration Ability provides. That alone is in its own subject. The quote even states Tsunade(a senju at that matter) could only come close to making something similar and not that exact ability, furthermore making it more of a custom/unique ability as opposed to something inherited through blood.

The only real reason anyone in the series was able to have this, is because Hashirama's cells were passed down and preserved after his death to keep the legacy living. Honestly I don't know what to make of this technique, but seeing as its a claimed list technique, might as well keep it there. There wasn't a change to make it noteworthy that it was a clan 'hiden'.


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Re: Senju Clan Ability Amendment: Regeneration Ability
« Reply #13 on: July 08, 2015, 06:23:34 AM »

Like I've been saying, it's one of those inherent Hashirama abilities that are attributed to the entirety of the Senju Clan. We might as well revoke Senju vitality, Wood Release and the ability to awaken the Rinnegan with that logic.


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Re: Senju Clan Ability Amendment: Regeneration Ability
« Reply #14 on: July 08, 2015, 06:36:30 AM »

I not for Uetto to be closest to being like him due to I was the leader of te Senju and spent more time focusing on the Senju than any other really, clan wise.

I advanced my Mokuton far beyond others way back.

I'm not saying I am him just relate to him.

Also I am not restricting the skill it is just no one had come seeking it yet. It is hidden in the SGT. A true member of the clan could achieve it. Note I said true member no just one with Senju DNA and such.

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