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Author Topic: Amendment to the Biju Rules (Where do Stripped Beasts go?)  (Read 2820 times)


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Amendment to the Biju Rules (Where do Stripped Beasts go?)
« on: July 01, 2015, 06:48:08 PM »

Titles says it all, pretty much. Due to certain circumstances, it has been proposed that an amendment be made regarding the placement of tailed beasts stripped from their hosts.

ºHosts Must Committ to Active Statusº
Jinchūriki have an obligation to be active, and are stripped of their bijū if they cannot get online and do their round (1 post every week), regardless of the reason. The leader of their clan/organization will inherit the bijū; if the jinchūriki wasn't in a clan/organization, then a tournament/event can be arranged to determine a suitable host.

This is the rule in question. The easiest amendment would be to simply add a clause explicitly dealing with how to handle stripped beasts if foul play is suspected.

Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Amendment to the Biju Rules (Where do Stripped Beasts go?)
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2015, 06:52:36 PM »

Going into a bit more depth. >>
(Not talking about the player Kage, but village Kage, even though it involves him. Haha)
The issue here is the Kage and jink passing around the beast like a joint.

Kage is active and the  jink is inactive thus gets it stripped.
Jink is active once more and gets it passed to them from the kage.
Rinse and repeat.

As said in other topic. Make it 3 months before the previous jink can get said beast through the gift method.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2015, 06:53:37 PM by Madara (Shadow) »
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

Something that can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


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Re: Amendment to the Biju Rules (Where do Stripped Beasts go?)
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2015, 10:54:53 PM »

Titles says it all, pretty much. Due to certain circumstances, it has been proposed that an amendment be made regarding the placement of tailed beasts stripped from their hosts.

ºHosts Must Committ to Active Statusº
Jinchūriki have an obligation to be active, and are stripped of their bijū if they cannot get online and do their round (1 post every week), regardless of the reason. The leader of their clan/organization will inherit the bijū; if the jinchūriki wasn't in a clan/organization, then a tournament/event can be arranged to determine a suitable host.

This is the rule in question. The easiest amendment would be to simply add a clause explicitly dealing with how to handle stripped beasts if foul play is suspected.

Honestly I feel the rule should be reworded better since a majority of the roleplays that occur on the server usually transition onto these sub-boards and vice-versa.

As for Amegakure's situation? If foul play is suspected amongst the clan, I feel something should be done; whether it get stripped, offered as a prize in tournament or we draw names from a hat. :oops:

Quote from: Shadow
As said in other topic. Make it 3 months before the previous jink can get said beast through the gift method.
Three months? I think six months is a much better proposal for these type of shenanigans. :twisted:


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Re: Amendment to the Biju Rules (Where do Stripped Beasts go?)
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2015, 11:06:54 PM »

I see potential here but an issue I see becoming relevant has yet to be discussed.

What if the Jinck is inactive, not responding to challenges, or rather is simply ignoring them, and get's stripped. Now the people who wanted to fight for the bijuu have to wait a week or two at the earliest for the beast to get sealed, then another two weeks minimum for the new Jinck to accept the challenge, and that system is completely exploitable.

Watch: Jinck gets too many challenges for his liking, or simply doesn't want to fight, allows himself to get stripped, the village gets it, they take their sweet ass time to get it sealed, then the new jinck takes his/her sweet ass time to accept the challenges, or not. Meanwhile they are free to do whatever they want within their villages, happily giving the challengers the Middle Finger.


I believe that when a jinck has challengers, and get's stripped, the village should have to put up a champion immediately, and have to fight down the list, or they simply give up the Bijuu. We have given people the benefit of the doubt for far too long, and all they have done is shit on our chests, something needs to change.
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Re: Amendment to the Biju Rules (Where do Stripped Beasts go?)
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2015, 11:29:06 PM »

Elaborate a bit more on this foul play that I'm being accused of. As far as I'm concerned, I don't really see any as I've already addressed I don't know how many times the situation of Ichirou -> Myself -> Ichirou. He couldn't get on, so he lost the beast and I held it. And when he was able to become active once more, I gave it back. Though we made it public in one of these other topics about this very same month-old issue that there would be no grace period for Ichirou after he got it back.

I mean, if some of you are butt-hurt about not being the first to IC hunt him down and then isolate him into a challenge, like Shadow has done, then deal with it. If he wins, then you'll have to deal with him. If he doesn't, then you're more than welcome to attempt the same he did and use your ninja intellect and public information of Ichirou being a Jinchuriki to hunt him down, without shouting in the village of your intentions to hunt him down. I've already debuffed myself and my village's defenses, even after having to give reasoning behind NINJA MAGIC.

But if we're talking about punishment here, then what rules have we broken? It was public knowledge that IC hunts were Ichirou's desired preference. And if anyone didn't like that, then they had to deal with it. I don't see any rules that say I couldn't give it back to him.

And this was a one-time thing from an RL circumstance. Now I know some of you would rather not think about the existence of RL, but even during that circumstance, everyone had to comply with it and Ichirou was stripped. And within the two week grace period I had of needing to choose whether or not to leave Son Goku as a summon or give him to another shinobi of my village as a Jinchuriki, Ichirou came back and was able to become active again. All I remember is that more whining ensued. And during that whining, Shadow came in and actually did what others couldn't bring themselves to do, and RPed.

But come on, throw some more at me. I'm willing to take part in this discussion/accusation. If you want, we can take this to a different thread. You can even title it "Stripping of Son Goku from Amegakure". Of course, you might inconvenience Shadow since he's currently in the middle of a match with Ichirou. But depending on where this whole stripping goes, or if it even happens, then it'll end up as either a tournament thing where Shadow's efforts are void. Or he just gets the Yonbi simply because once again, he's the only dude that actually went to find and challenge Ichirou into the match.


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Re: Amendment to the Biju Rules (Where do Stripped Beasts go?)
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2015, 11:59:55 PM »

Elaborate a bit more on this foul play that I'm being accused of...

If I am reading it correctly, taking the tailed beast from Ichirou because he would become inactive, then giving it right back to him. The idea of that being an exploit that may be abused, particularly by folks who regularly go inactive regardless of the reason IRL is why some of the torches have been lit.

I got my pen ready, since I don't want to see abuse, but at the same time, it was circulate dwithin the clan/organization for a reason; to keep one player going inactive from screwing the entire village out of a jinchurikii. It was not meant to be used as a way for an inactive host to still keep the beast, it was intended to keep a village from losing the beast simply because of one player's inactivity. That had been deemed fair in previous topics.

To strip it from the individual villages would mandate provisions that also outline the tournament, the hat, whatever is going to be used to pick or weed out the new host. A tournament of the challengers seems the most reasonable (keeps # of participants down to those interested in the beast from the get-go) in a Jounin Exams-like style elimination tourney (1v1). If there are an odd number of challengers, then the "lesser" challengers (those not directly next in line) fight each other till one stands, then fight the challenger next in line.

Default wins will be considered unacceptable, the beast instead will be GM'd by one of the host's preferred judges (hopefully the less biased of the two) and the otherwise defaulter will have to fight with the tailed beast. An easier fight in some regards, but still a fight all the same.

Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.

Dart Terumī

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Re: Amendment to the Biju Rules (Where do Stripped Beasts go?)
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2015, 12:23:39 AM »

No matter how hard we try and how organized it becomes, tournaments do not work.

Besides that, Kage, I do not believe this is specially against you any. At least, I'm not against you.

However, I do agreed that a bijū gets stripped from an inactive jinchūriki and it goes back to the village heads then that player has to wait 3 months. Not 6, that's too long. Essentially, it would make the former jinc another challenger therefore the 3 month cool down period applies.

Amegakure is the most current example of this inactive -> [insert village]kage -> back to former inactive. I know even my village has done it before. I remember Konoha doing it as well. It is an abusable system but no one should be "punished" for what has happened in the past.

No. We amend the rules now to prevent it from occurring it again. That's what this is about. Not a personal attack on any one person or village.


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Re: Amendment to the Biju Rules (Where do Stripped Beasts go?)
« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2015, 12:30:37 AM »

No matter how hard we try and how organized it becomes, tournaments do not work.

Besides that, Kage, I do not believe this is specially against you any. At least, I'm not against you.

However, I do agreed that a bijū gets stripped from an inactive jinchūriki and it goes back to the village heads then that player has to wait 3 months. Not 6, that's too long. Essentially, it would make the former jinc another challenger therefore the 3 month cool down period applies.

Amegakure is the most current example of this inactive -> [insert village]kage -> back to former inactive. I know even my village has done it before. I remember Konoha doing it as well. It is an abusable system but no one should be "punished" for what has happened in the past.

No. We amend the rules now to prevent it from occurring it again. That's what this is about. Not a personal attack on any one person or village.

I totally agree with the the above, I called for this amendment not as an attack on any village in particular, certainly it may have seemed that way, considering the timing of things, but I will assure you, this has been on the back of my mind for ages.

Though there has to be some way that the Bijuu just aren't infinitely circulated around the village without any means for challengers to ever attain it. As I said before, the village in question picks a champion to fight the challengers that have active challenges out before the bijuu was stripped, and that person fights until they die, or runs out of challengers, failure to do so results in immediate lost of the bijuu, and it will be given to the challenger first in line.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2015, 12:39:26 AM by Riku »
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Re: Amendment to the Biju Rules (Where do Stripped Beasts go?)
« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2015, 02:55:23 AM »

Kage, as the others have said we're not personally attacking you. Yes you did what we're speaking of and are the most recent person to do it, but that's all.

I'm in a fight with Ichirou and as it stands any decisions made here regarding anything will not effect that fight since it is already in motion.

I'm sticking with my idea of the 3 month stipulation. Added, Riku is worried about champions and so

ºHosts Must Committ to Active Statusº
Jinchūriki have an obligation to be active, and are stripped of their bijū if they cannot get online and do their round (1 post every week), regardless of the reason. The leader of their clan/organization will inherit the bijū; if the jinchūriki wasn't in a clan/organization, then a tournament/event can be arranged to determine a suitable host.

My revision: (Please note I'm messy in my thoughts)

ºHosts Must Committ to Active Statusº
Jinchūriki have an obligation to be active, and are stripped of their bijū if they cannot get online and do their round (1 post every 2 ((TWO)) weeks), regardless of the reason. The leader of their clan/organization will inherit the bijū; if the jinchūriki wasn't in a clan/organization, then a tournament/event can be arranged to determine a suitable host.

If the village leader is also inactive then it goes onto the next person in line. Usually council members or previous Kage. From there they deal with the beast and what happens.

Due to issues regarding time consumption and overall loopholes in the process some might try to take advantage of time requirements are added. As listed below.

Jinchūriki have to post once (1) every two (2) weeks.

Pass -> Keep the bijuu
Fail -> Bijuu goes to village/organization leader.

Kage/leader has to make sure the bijuu gets a new host or they find a champion to defend the beast. They HAVE ONE (1) WEEK.

Example: Mizukage gets the 19 tails, he now has 1 week to find a host AND FINISH THE SEALING PROCESS. Meaning the kage cannot take a week to decide and then another 3 months to do the rp. No. It doesn't take that long to seal a bijuu. You want to do some long drawn out rp? Do it in staggered rp. That way the previous challengers don't have to sit there while you take your sweet ass time.

However if the Kage/leader is also inactive it goes onto previous kage or council members. They follow the same rules as above. 1 week.

If both kage, previous kage, and council members are inactive then the first challenger gets the beast.

If a Jinchūriki goes inactive and it goes to the leader/kage/council/previous kage then they CANNOT hand it back to said Jinchūriki until after a 3 month period. (Unless they haven't used their free card) By then however it will already be sealed inside someone else.

If the Jinchūriki comes back within a WEEK of the kage/leader having it (and they still haven't picked a new host champion) then the previous inactive host can have it back. This is a one time pass. It cannot be done again. Ever. If it passes the 1 week mark then you're SOL.

I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

Something that can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


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Re: Amendment to the Biju Rules (Where do Stripped Beasts go?)
« Reply #9 on: July 02, 2015, 05:05:34 AM »

Kage, as the others have said we're not personally attacking you. Yes you did what we're speaking of and are the most recent person to do it, but that's all.

I'm in a fight with Ichirou and as it stands any decisions made here regarding anything will not effect that fight since it is already in motion.

I'm sticking with my idea of the 3 month stipulation. Added, Riku is worried about champions and so

ºHosts Must Committ to Active Statusº
Jinchūriki have an obligation to be active, and are stripped of their bijū if they cannot get online and do their round (1 post every week), regardless of the reason. The leader of their clan/organization will inherit the bijū; if the jinchūriki wasn't in a clan/organization, then a tournament/event can be arranged to determine a suitable host.

My revision: (Please note I'm messy in my thoughts)

ºHosts Must Committ to Active Statusº
Jinchūriki have an obligation to be active, and are stripped of their bijū if they cannot get online and do their round (1 post every 2 ((TWO)) weeks), regardless of the reason. The leader of their clan/organization will inherit the bijū; if the jinchūriki wasn't in a clan/organization, then a tournament/event can be arranged to determine a suitable host.

If the village leader is also inactive then it goes onto the next person in line. Usually council members or previous Kage. From there they deal with the beast and what happens.

Due to issues regarding time consumption and overall loopholes in the process some might try to take advantage of time requirements are added. As listed below.

Jinchūriki have to post once (1) every two (2) weeks.

Pass -> Keep the bijuu
Fail -> Bijuu goes to village/organization leader.

Kage/leader has to make sure the bijuu gets a new host or they find a champion to defend the beast. They HAVE ONE (1) WEEK.

Example: Mizukage gets the 19 tails, he now has 1 week to find a host AND FINISH THE SEALING PROCESS. Meaning the kage cannot take a week to decide and then another 3 months to do the rp. No. It doesn't take that long to seal a bijuu. You want to do some long drawn out rp? Do it in staggered rp. That way the previous challengers don't have to sit there while you take your sweet ass time.

However if the Kage/leader is also inactive it goes onto previous kage or council members. They follow the same rules as above. 1 week.

If both kage, previous kage, and council members are inactive then the first challenger gets the beast.

If a Jinchūriki goes inactive and it goes to the leader/kage/council/previous kage then they CANNOT hand it back to said Jinchūriki until after a 3 month period. (Unless they haven't used their free card) By then however it will already be sealed inside someone else.

If the Jinchūriki comes back within a WEEK of the kage/leader having it (and they still haven't picked a new host champion) then the previous inactive host can have it back. This is a one time pass. It cannot be done again. Ever. If it passes the 1 week mark then you're SOL.

This ^ Minus this: If the Jinchūriki comes back within a WEEK of the kage/leader having it (and they still haven't picked a new host champion) then the previous inactive host can have it back. This is a one time pass. It cannot be done again. Ever. If it passes the 1 week mark then you're SOL.

Is perfect!
They say there is a strength in numbers, well, tell that to 6 Million Jews.


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Re: Amendment to the Biju Rules (Where do Stripped Beasts go?)
« Reply #10 on: July 08, 2015, 06:46:46 AM »

Isn't this a bijuu topic? Like...for the Bijuu Arena?


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Re: Amendment to the Biju Rules (Where do Stripped Beasts go?)
« Reply #11 on: July 08, 2015, 10:26:31 PM »

Well, the biju arena originally was supposed to be for the biju fights. Then biju topics started getting transferred there, and it has been a bit of a trend. I 'unno, should this biju topic go in the biju arena?
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.

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