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Author Topic: Are standardized matches a possible solution?  (Read 1419 times)


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Are standardized matches a possible solution?
« on: July 26, 2015, 11:43:41 PM »

This topic comes to my mind from no one match, but rather all of them in the last few years.

What do we do when a bijuu match comes to mediation? A judge lose. But you feel like your move would have worked just fine. So you either argue yourself blue in the face, hoping someone will acknowledge your train of thought, or you just shrug and take the loss feeling like it just was not right?

I can see both options and will not be throwing in one way or the other. However, what do we do when things come to an impass?

So far, not very many of these situations...regardless of who is involved or who is called in to arbitrate...seem to be going very well. I see special rules being made by hosts that are not included in the official rules, but the challenger agrees and there you are. What if a challenger does not want to agree to nerf himself, or to post in one week instead of the official 2 weeks? Can the host tell him to go away?

These super advanced powers seem to be a huge sticking point between folks. What if in the future..

We went with something like the Sasori try-outs in Suna. It is a matter of honor to only use taijutsu and no chakra based powers.

Now I am not saying no chakra. That is far fetched to me. But...What if some things were a standard omission from the matches due to a desire to show certain skills, to emphasize them as a show of prowess as a warrior rather than upon who has the greater collection of hacks?

like in gladiator is the tool set. now have at each other! Doesn't work for you in an IC setting? Well, most never get to rp with the bijuu anyway so...meh. what does it matter? and i mean, it has been years since I have seen someone RP protecting their village with a bijuu unless someone attacked to get the bijuu. They are self sustaining and seem to serve no RP purpose other than to be claimed. "this is my rock and you cannot have it... what? no way am I gonna throw this rock, it is mine... and you can't have it!" really...well I have a shoe and you can't have that! nyah.

rather silly to me.


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Re: Are standardized matches a possible solution?
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2015, 11:52:21 PM »

As cool as that seems (and I'm not just saying that because I'm a chakra-less fighter lol), I don't believe this community is strong enough for something like this to happen. Look at the myriad of topics that litter this forum that are full of spiteful, hateful, and hurtful comments. Comparing this forum now to how it was years ago shows how much it changed. Years ago, the topics all seemed to be about fun and goofy things. People seemed to get along pretty well and it was much more active.
Now, the forums only really seem active when people are arguing about whether or not what they did in a fight/RP is 'legal' or not. Or it's about the bijuu and all the problems that come with it.
I'm betting you're going to be hearing a lot of nos because people will say that they 'earned' their bijuu and deserve to use it to its fullest extent in their fights. Just like they've 'earned' and 'claimed' all of their other special abilities that they also want to use.
It's really hard to have a ninja-like battle when this game is based around a series full of wizards in ninja clothes. We'd have to nerf everyone back to the Zabuza arc to have real ninja battles.
(plus, I've done a few taijutsu battles in RP. It's extremely hard to do because the opponent usually doesn't reciprocate based on the locations of limbs/weapons. Lots of stuff gets forgotten. It's like trying to do a turn-by-turn wrestling match. I can manage it, but not a lot of people can)
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Re: Are standardized matches a possible solution?
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2015, 11:57:59 PM »

I know...I should prolly just take this down.


But look at all those old RP threads in the village square!!! man that was some fun stuff. I am liking the spam section more and more. It is nice to be serious...RP and all, but it is also very very much fun to just be silly.

If this is growing up please make it stop!!!


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Re: Are standardized matches a possible solution?
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2015, 04:43:25 AM »

Technically we do have matches that are standardized by what the Jinchuriki allows in their matches.

Although if we ever come down to having a tournament for a Tailed Beast, there probably will be some standardization taking place.


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Re: Are standardized matches a possible solution?
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2015, 04:56:26 AM »

this self made rule is not a standard, it is a preference.

if the challenger does not wish to abide by the rules of the host then what? Is he denied his challenge?


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Re: Are standardized matches a possible solution?
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2015, 10:42:48 PM »

Well as the current rules are written out, it's pretty much like that. Bearers of a Tailed Beast are acknowledged as some of the most active and strongest people in many ways. And as such, they receive a sort of high-ground to dictate who they choose to RP with. And since there is much RP involving them, then that dictation expands quite a bit sometimes. Though that doesn't mean they can flat-out deny anyone due to certain abilities the challenger could have. The rules also state that there has to be good logical reasoning as to why they can deny a challenge, or otherwise face stripping.

It's a very fickle game to play when listing out one's challenge preferences and denying a challenger a match, when they are entitled to address all challenges they receive.

Likewise, a village kage has the same power of preferences as well. Though on a much wider scale and range, due to them being an authoritative figure. But they bare a larger stake, as what they dictate is acceptable or not can influence not only themselves, but also their shinobi and villagers. It can even cause some to leave, and change allegiance to someone who is more accepting of things here and there. This can in turn, give them less authority. Though at the same time, they can be used as references as to what is considered to be too outrageous or outlandish. Perhaps there should be a sort of preferences that each village has. Village RP preferences, similar to a Jinchuriki's challenge preferences. But that's a topic for another thread.

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