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Author Topic: Hunters Guild: Tango in the Tundra.  (Read 6477 times)


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Re: Hunters Guild: Tango in the Tundra.
« Reply #30 on: September 03, 2015, 03:00:03 AM »

Becquerel covered his eyes with a hand as he watched the beast yell out in anger after the attack connected, leaving nothing more than a splintered tree and angry monster.
"Oh, he doesn't seem to happy. That's not good. Well, I gotta get up there."
After the beast yelled out in anger, its eyes quickly locked onto Becquerel. It was most likely the sun reflecting off his shiny scalp that gave away his position. Either that or his billowing cape. Regardless of what it was that put him in the eyes of the beast, he stood fast as the monster moved towards him. It wasn't because he knew what Chikitada's actions were to be, it was mainly because he wanted to observe this monster's movements. It was extremely familiar to the motions of a human, only scaled up an innumerable amount of times.
Because he volunteered himself to be the distraction, he would wait for the monster to get closer as he dropped one shield face up onto the ground as the other he held like a discus. A strange blue shimmer seemed to fill up the face of the shield.
If Chikitada's attack was successful and the monster were to fall, it would only make his shield throw require less ground to cover.
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Re: Hunters Guild: Tango in the Tundra.
« Reply #31 on: September 04, 2015, 12:05:10 AM »

With a grunt Rusaku would send out a pulse of powerful chakra as his body would become fully enveloped in dark red chakra, 7 tails of red bubbling chakra would sprout from his back whilst flapping wildly through the air. Suddenly the tails would become absorbed into his body once more, before the entire area would begin to rumble with a terrible force.

With a confident smile, Rusaku’s eyes would open just as two massive hands of mokuton would erupt on either side, embedding themselves into the nearby rock formations. Displaying an awesome power, those hands would begin to claw forward, dragging behind them the reminder of a colossal body of mokuton.

Scars would be made in the earth as this goliath raised to it’s full form, standing at approximately chest height to the monster before them. Once the dust had settled from it’s creation, Rusaku could be standing atop it’s head with his arms folded over his chest. Immediately the entire crew would be able to see Thousands of hands  that originate from the statue's back in countless concentric rows, while its two main hands are clasped, as if in prayer.

Dirt would fall to the ground as if in slow motion as the avatar shifted it’s head to look upon the giant. Obviously, Rusaku was winded from creating something so large. He had never attempted something this big before, and the overload of Biju chakra wore him out especially. Cursing his own weakness, the youth would push forward.

Should the old man’s attack work, Rusaku would be more than happy to aid in that giant’s decent. Stretching his arm out to the beast before him, the arms of his avatar would fire forth like rockets, aiming to impact the beast’s chest in an attempt to absolutely overwhelm it. Though he made certain that none of his attack would come to hit his party, using the Byakugan to solidify his aim. 

Wood Release: Several Thousand Hands enhanced with 7 tails of chakra.
Chōjō Kebutsu
If you can't beat them, eat them.

-Jeffrey dahmer


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Re: Hunters Guild: Tango in the Tundra.
« Reply #32 on: September 11, 2015, 04:32:24 AM »

There was a lot that had happened to the beast suddenly, and it became painfully aware that it was under attack. It's ankle stung suddenly, but it was a pain that felt like getting a small paper cut. Of course, it's durability would be shown in the wound, no blood coming from it despite the distance that the blades managed to strike. Their target wasn't missed, per se, but it was as though they couldn't make it deep enough.

But before it could even plan it's counter for the ants near it's feet, the beast assuming that the man were behind him since that was where he was struck, from the ground came something that was an impressive size. But seeing the amount of fists that was about to strike it, the temperature around them shifting to fall slowly, the skies above seeming to dark slightly and a fall of snow started.

What happened next could be categorized as unexpected, seeing that the large beast actually crossed it's arms over it's chest and took the incoming strikes. As they all came to meet where it's arms was crossed, the monster braced it's knees and took the shot.

It drove it backwards backwards, a distance almost the size of the mountain the beast was towering over. But this also meant that it's large feet aimed to slide over both Athos and Chikitada, rolling over them like a bulldozer. Of course, even if they dodged the feet, the snow and earth torn up as the beast was pushed threatened not only to engulf them but to also blind them.

And, last but not least was Bec's attack that had actually struck. The shield, it thrown and wherever it was thrown at and not blocked by the beast's defense, managed to struck against it's target. The small object went unnoticed but the sudden appearance of the giant monk thing that threatened to clobber it.

All of what was happening suddenly made Athos take in a deep breath. He had just regained his balance and was running out from behind the beast before everything went into motion. He didn't make it out the way, not fully. As the beast was pushed backwards, Steam Exploded from the man's Tutumen on his limbs and he flew upwards, so avoid being crushed, also throwing himself backwards at an angle. This decreased the forced of impact as he'd slap against the calf of the large humanoid figure, clinging nearly for dear life as he was carried backwards on the beast.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Hunters Guild: Tango in the Tundra.
« Reply #33 on: September 12, 2015, 07:56:49 AM »

As he was plowed aside it became evident that opening the first gate was clearly not enough power to cut through the hide of the creature's heel to reach to the deeply buried tendon. At that moment, however, what he needed was speed and immediately. Chikitada would open Shōmon, the 4th gate of pain. Tumbling across the ground, a great surge of energy was activated within the elderly warrior turning his skin red, patches of skin lifting from the surface in random places about his body to let the blood seep forth. And then he shot toward the beast in such a blur that those with un-enhanced vision would be unable to track his movements. Literally ping-ponging about the body of the colossus, he drew he sword and surged his katon through the blades to light them on fire. Only the glow of those blades leaving arcs of afterglow from their flames would make it possible to trace his path. His trail up the leg of the beast would see him lash out with his blades at the back of the ankle and knee, the thigh, curving round to its right side, striking at its kidney, racing round its expansive abdomen attempting to score half a dozen other blows from the twin blades before jettisoning toward its throat.


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Re: Hunters Guild: Tango in the Tundra.
« Reply #34 on: September 13, 2015, 04:24:23 AM »

Becquerel smiled warmly as he saw the shield get jammed into the skin of the monster's abdomen. Time for the follow u-..Well, his plan would end up changing as Rusaku's assault connected with the beast. Hundreds of fists struck the monster, and several of them managed to land directly on top of the shield. Normally, a shield would have crumpled under such a force, but his shields were built of an extremely tough alloy. The strikes just ended up embedding the shield under the monster's skin like a small, circular splinter.

He observed the movements of his partners and tried to guess what they were up to. A slight change would have been able to be observed in his eyes as a sort of 'radar-like' display appeared. Though he was unable to witness Chikitada's movements visually, his mind was able to process and track the speed demon. He was hoping that if the man was unable to pierce the skin, he would at least distract the beast for what was coming next.

A panel opened up on both of his forearms, revealing several strange and metal objects. A disk slid out of both compartments into his hands before the panel closed again. He pressed and held down small buttons on both disks, activating the timed explosion that was enough to level a small two-story home. He then approached the downed shield and looked into it, a wall seemed to look back at him. In truth, he was looking beneath a few layers of the monster's skin where the other shield lay.

He then jammed both of the disks into the skin of the beast before shutting off the matter transportation function in the shield. This would ensure that none of the explosion would be wasted. Hopefully, in a few seconds, a doorway would open up to the creature's abdominal cavity that the others could crawl into to do some damage. He looked at the monster from afar with a hand shielding his eyes and a smile on his face.
"This will be interesting. I wonder if it'll work."
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Re: Hunters Guild: Tango in the Tundra.
« Reply #35 on: December 01, 2015, 01:42:58 AM »

Rusaku was so exhausted from the last technique, his strain under more stress than he thought... So he retreated without a word.(He dropped out >>; So, yeah.)

The beast was starting to have a really bad day. Wounds appeared upon it's body, though none deadly. The back of the ankle shed an odd colored blood, a light blue color, just a few shades deeper than it's skin. The blow against the back of it's knee caused it to buckle just faintly, though not enough to take it down fully. The blades cut into it's skin, drawing more blood as the kidney area was struck, although not deep enough to actually hit the internal organ. The marks on it's chest had blood drawn as well, but like a deep thin cut. Of course, at the time that Yoshi was getting on the upper part of it's chest, Bec's weapons would explode, splattering out the odd color blood as the wound was created. Of course the beast wasn't equipped to fight against technology like that, almost the hole wasn't the size that Bec hoped for, seeing as it was more like the size of a manhole compared to the door and the depth of 2 and half yards. The beast screamed in pain, it's arms that were blocking it's chest coming to swipe down it's body, aiming to swat Yoshi down with enough force to crush his body, and swipe at the pain in it's abdomen.

Of course, a lot was suddenly happening on the field and to keep up with it all, Athos would rely on his Mind's Eye of the Kagura. Seeing Yoshi successful draw blood, as well as Bec, he would decide to capitalize on the moment. Seeing as the beast would come to a halt, especially when it's leg started to buckle, Athos would attack then. He would follow Yoshi's example, calling on the power of the Hachimon, opening the Sixth Gate. Power flowed from his body, his skin turning a deep crimson as well, and he pushed backwards off the leg. He moved in a blur, turning his body and pressing them against a platform of chakra that appeared beneath his feet. Taking a second to actually adjust and lock his eyes onto the wound that Yoshi created on the back of the beast's leg, wanting to see it himself, he smirked before pressing off and darting like a bullet towards it.

Up reaching the back of the knee, his fists would start moving, moving so fast actually that the friction caused them to catch fire. Steam poured through his Tutumen to increase the strength of his punches. As he preformed the Morning Peacock, his blows were aimed towards the gash, each one tearing open the skin further and getting the blows onto the muscles beneath. Of course, this caused a bit of blow to spray out, staining the man's fists and part of his upper and lower body. The blows still hadn't caused something that would be permanent damage, but the strength and sudden pain was enough to cause the knee of the beast to fully buckle. Athos' barrage ended once the beast started to bend as it fell with a roar, scorch marks on his hands.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.

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