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Author Topic: Chuunin Exam 2015  (Read 17766 times)


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Re: Chuunin Exam 2015
« Reply #75 on: December 20, 2015, 12:10:25 PM »

Dandy Echizen
Age: 16
Height: 159 cm
Weight 55 KG

Dandy has been training under his older Brother Rani for some time now even before the academy. He always looked up to Rani and would often tell others that didn’t know his older brother that HE was Rani. When Rani would leave the village to train Dandy would get picked on for copying his older brother was often taunted by the other children saying “you’ll never be like your brother, you are nothing compared to him!” This only made Dandy train harder vowing to one day surpass his brother in every way possible. He would be training under Rani for his speed, Raiton, and his Kyudo. Like his brother he’s below average when it comes to Genjutsu, but his taijutsu makes up for his lack of his visionary skills and hopefully one day he’ll awaken his sharingan.

[bio submitted by Dandy on SL]


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Re: Chuunin Exam 2015
« Reply #76 on: December 21, 2015, 03:44:21 AM »

Naruko Uzumaki

Naruko Uzumaki (うずコきナルト, Uzumaki Naruko) is a shinobi and self-proclaimed prodigy of Konohagakure.

Age: 12
Height: 145.3cm (4ft. 9in.)
Weight: 37.9kg (83lbs)
Rank: Genin
Village: Konohagakure

Chakra affinity: Wind
Signature Technique: Shadow Clone Technique

Full bio:


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Re: Chuunin Exam 2015
« Reply #77 on: December 21, 2015, 12:42:59 PM »

Ōkami Katsuro
(Nickname: MaliciousWolf)
Age: 18 l Weight: 60kg l Height: 170cm l Eyes: Azure Blue l Hair: Auburn
Birthplace: Ōkamigakure l Residence: Konohagakure l Rank: Genin l Chakra Natures: Fire + Wind

Complete Biography:

One day some eighteen years ago, a boy was born within Ōkamigakure (Village Hidden by Wolves) to a family of the Ōkami clan comprised of a battle hardened father that served as second in command of the village’s forces and a caring mother who was one of the village’s healers and also leader of the village’s healing division of medical shinobi during times of war. Katsuro led an easy life for the most part, growing up under the direct supervision of his mother where his father was always away conducting official business for the village’s head chief and also orders directly from the Hokage himself. Ōkamigakure resided after all within the Konoha Forest and thus was under direct control of Konohagakure. Thus all the shinobi of Ōkamigakure wore headbands with the insignia of the leaf, and ultimately served under the rule of the Hokage. The current Hokage and the Hokages before him were kind rulers though, and ultimately allowed Ōkamigakure to handle its own affairs and trading day to day unhindered. If anything it felt the two villages were more of an alliance with the mutual goal to protect all of the inhabitants of the Forest through the strength and will of Fire, and strain was never felt between the two.

The village was called Ōkamigakure for a reason, and that was due to a specific class of transformation ninjutsu that utilizes the Ōkami clan’s Kekkei Genkai of autonomous nature chakra absorption (a variation of Jūgo's Clan's Kekkei Genkai) that would turn the user into a stable form of a wolf (Ōkami no jutsu) that could not be dispelled from taking any sort of blow, and increased the user’s senses and general awareness greatly while in the form. Their physical strength and speed was also vastly improved, and it was a great technique that had many uses in reconnaissance missions, various attack paradigms, and even for strategic retreats. The technique was such commonplace within the village that specific sets of armor and weapons were created to outfit users of the techniques in the field of battle, which they kept within seals on their person to be released during the time of transformation so they were quickly outfitted. The user of the technique, thanks to the kekkei genkai’s characteristics, has total control of how much they actually transform where some opt to only make their bodies appear more feral and simply just boost their strength and speed so they can still use conventional weapons made for man. The clan’s kekkei genkai was very unstable though, and almost a curse, and originally came from the Jūgo Clan. The Ōkami clan thoroughly researched the nature of their own kekkei genkai, eventually coming up with a seal that essentially cut their kekkei genkai off. Through the use of the seal, those aptly trained can properly use their abilities. Unfortunately some thirst for too much power and utilize their kekkei genkai too much and too freely, eventually falling into madness…

Being under the care of his mother for the most part, Katsuro grew fascinated in the art of medical ninjutsu seeing the acts of the healing his mother performed within his own home. As he grew older, he would come to assist his mother in the basic mending of wounds, splinting of injuries, and the administration of various medicines concocted by his mother through the art of herbalism. He would go through and study many books describing and outlining the intricacies of human anatomy and physiology, but not only human, but also of the various beasts that comprised the realm and had been studied before. He would also practice some of the more basic medical ninjustu techniques, such as infusion of chakra to speed the healing of wounds on small animals, and during practice on the people of the village under the direct supervision of his mother and only for the smaller wounds.
Katsuro not only inherited his mother’s good will and interest in the healing arts; however, but also his father’s fighting spirit and bad habits of always getting into trouble. As much as Katsuro loved learning, it got boring to read or study after sometime so he would go out into the village and conduct pranks and get into all kinds of fights. The fights led him to develop a bit of a knack for taijutsu, and he would win just as many of the fights he lost on average despite them always being three on one, and he would always offer up to heal his opponents as an act of good sportsmanship after the fight before eventually tending to his own wounds. During the few days his father was home and free of duties, he would take Katsuro out into the forest and put him through intense training as he would coax and unleash various beasts upon him. It was through these intense trainings that Katsuro ultimately learned the way of the land and the basic survival skills needed to live during the most trying times. He also further improved his taijutsu skills by learning how to focus his chakra into his attacks, and became adept at close combat utilizing various weapons and coating them in chakra through the use of his wind nature such as a pair of Battle Claws his father gave to him as a gift one day when he returned after a long battle.
Soon Katsuro would become of age once turning 13, and per the tradition, would partake in a ceremony in which each adolescent of the Ōkami clan would have a wolf’s print sealed on the center of their upper back (Fūinjutsu: Wolf’s Seal) by the clan’s leader to limit the amount of outside nature/spirit chakra that would enter their body autonomously as their kekkei genkai emerged. Given the nature of the kekkei genkai, the untrained body of an adolescent would otherwise keep absorbing nature chakra until the person turned savaged and enraged fairly quickly and went on a killing spree, eventually their own body breaking down as their chakra channels could not handle the large influx of energy if they were not tracked down and killed before hand by a special division of nin within the village specifically trained to handle rogue kekkei genkai users. The seal was similar to the sealing jutsu utilized on bijuu carriers, but instead of keeping foreign chakra isolated and sealed within the body, the clan’s seal was designed to keep foreign chakra outside and sealed away from the body until the user matured enough physically and mentally to slowly release the seal in stages and utilize the nature chakra around them. Following having received the seal per tradition, Katsuro’s father would teach him the clan’s special wolf transformation technique. The technique only required a small amount of nature chakra in addition to the user’s innate physical/spiritual chakra, and thus stage zero of the seal release was all that was necessary. Stage zero involved the user making a basic hand sign while focusing on the seal as a whole on the user’s back, imagining a current of warmth emanating out from it. This would cause the seal as a whole to appear on the user’s back, as a steady small amount of nature chakra would then be allowed to enter their body freely. It was through this that Katusro was able to transform into a wolf and train in the arts of wolf combat under his father’s supervision. Eventually Katsuro would learn to utilize stage one and two of the seal release process, where there were six stages in all along with a final seventh stage that involved complete seal break, considered suicidal, and the technique only known by the clan’s leader.
Katsuro at one point in time managed to achieve stage four of the seal release process completely on accident and by fluke where the seal was designed not to allow the next stage of release until the user was truly ready. This came one night when the village was attacked when his father, mother, and most of the village’s forces were away in a large scale battle, the battle later found out to be a diversion so the village could be attacked and raided for its secret techniques. Katsuro awoke to blood curling screams outside his home within the streets, and now being age sixteen, much stronger, and well trained as he was, he grabbed his pair of Kusarigamas given to him as a gift from his father for becoming a genin and jumped into action. The young genin was not prepared for the sight before him though, as he saw countless women and children lay slain across the street. All he remembers next was seeing a foreign nin toying with a corpse before him, before rage boiled up inside of him, and then… nothing… total blackness. He awoke two weeks later within a hospital within Konohagakure where apparently most of the injured from his own village were transported here for treatment when a convoy of Konoha nin caught wind of the attack on the village and came to aid. When they arrived though, all they found where remnants of the assailants bodies torn to shreds as if attacked by some large wild beast, and the rest having retreated. What survivors that remained and recalled events of that night spoke of the genin going berserk to anbu nin investigators, which led them to find out the shock of the events somehow managed to cause the genin to overtake the seal and cause an instant stage 4 release. The genin eventually collapsed from exhaustion, and the seal was then able to take back control of his kekkei genkai. Such was what the genin heard from the anbu’s report to the Hokage outside his room. Since then, the genin acquired the nickname of “MaliciousWolf’ to those aware of the events from that night. Most though only knew him simply as Wolf/Ōkami, few knew his given name Katsuro.
Now two years later at age eighteen, the young genin returns to Konohagakure to assist in its affairs while showcasing himself as a force to be reckoned with as he aims to show the Lords of the Land during the Chuunin Exams that Konohagakure’s fighting force is not one to be toyed with, and to fear the bite of its wolves.

  • Kekkei Genkai: Variant of Jūgo's Clan's Kekkei Genkai (Never could find official name, this is how it is listed in the Naruto wikia)
    --->Body has enzymes that autonomously absorb nature chakra with ease and great power.
    --->Fūinjutsu: Wolf’s Seal in place by Ōkami clan to completely cutoff the flow of nature chakra into the body due to negative effects of the Kekkei Genkai.
    --->Seal releasable in further stages as body ages/matures. Katsuro can only release up to Stage 2 of 7.
    --->Stage 0 release: Seal of wolf's paw appears on back briefly like a flash as small steady stream of nature chakra is allowed into the body. This release is mainly used to carry out Wolf Technique, as in transform into a wolf. Slight boost to strength/speed/healing, can be maintained for days with no issue.
    --->Stage 1 release: Wolf's paw remains visible on the genin's back, eyes will begin to slightly glow a soft blue, increased flow of nature chakra into the body, strength, speed, healing, focus moderately increased, human features start to look slightly more feral, wolf form slightly increased in size and more feral in appearance. Stage 1 release can be maintained/used for a total 1-2 hours at genin's current level before fatigue. Once fatigued, takes 12-24 hours to recoup before seal can be released again. Genin is slightly more easily agitated during this stage, which can be more a negative than a positive.
    --->Stage 2 release: One of the four digits of the wolf's paw disappears, eyes now more obviously glowing, human features appear much more feral and wolf like, if in wolf form then form is even larger in size and more menacing looking. Speed, strength, healing, reaction time greatly increased. At genin's current level, can only maintain stage 2 release for 15-20 minutes before fatigue. Will remain fatigued for at least 24 hours before seal can be released again. Genin's perception declines at this stage, despite greatly increased reaction time. Basically becomes more head strong and forward in his attacks, and relies more on his increased healing ability then to simply dodge attacks. Genin is easily agitated and enraged at this stage, and could potentially be coaxed into focusing attacks on aggressor alone for better or for worse.
    --->??Stage 3 release??: Genin has not yet achieved this stage, could be a possible achievement during the chuunin exam given the exam's tendencies to bring out more within its participants. Regardless, will be a brief one time use before genin becomes incapacitated not being accustomed to its use.
  • High Marks in Taijutsu, along with chakra infusion into attacks.
  • Moderate Marks in Medical Ninjutsu: Able to heal most small injuries, repair most moderate injuries, control bleeding in severe injuries for self and others.
  • Some marks in Katon and Fūton, mainly using Fūton to strengthen Katon attacks and increase sharpness/speed of weapons. Higher grade attacks more easily utilized with Kekkei Genkai stage releases.
  • Wolf Technique (Ōkami no jutsu): Transforms users partially/fully into wolf. Through use of nature chakra this has true physical form and will not dispel from being attacked. Wolf form obviously faster, has increased senses, can be armed, harder to detect when on the move. Weakness is limitations in use of weapons and some Katon/Fūton jutsu, also cannot use taijutsu.
  • Shadow Clone Jutsu: Katsuro can spawn two shadow clones.
  • Wolf Communication: Members of the Ōkami clan can speak to one another while in wolf form using wolf tongue, along with simple gestures. This is useful in communicating verbal information more openly while in enemy territory without fear of enemy nin intercepting the communication, except of course nin with well trained ears and/or some ability that makes them adept at communicating/understanding animals. If necessary, nin can speak human tongue while in wolf form to other human's; however, speech is grizzly and spoken through growls which can make it difficult to understand for some. Members can also speak to, and understand, wild wolves and other canine like species similar to the Inuzuka clan. More experienced clan members can understand the speech of other animals/species; however, the genin cannot do this yet at his current level of experience.

  • Duel Kusarigamas (sickle blades) each with 5m in length chain attached, light/medium weight. Chains have special clasp at end that can be worn on the wrist of each hand for throwing, swinging, recalling weapon, or to interconnect chains together for longer reaching attack with one blade, among various other techniques/uses. Can be coated in chakra to strengthen/speed up attacks. Great for close to medium distance combat. Released from seal tag during time of need.
  • Duel pair of battle claws, worn like brass knuckles, with three sharp, slightly curved yet thick, blades that are aprox 10 inches in length. Close combat use obviously, light weight, thickness and curvature of blades allow deflection of large weapon attacks up close, great deflection tool for distant attacks. Can be coated in chakra to strengthen/speed up attacks. Each individual pair of claws are worn on quick release clasps hanging on either side of the genin's waist for quick access, plus it just looks pretty dang cool to him :P Go to weapon for most close encounters.
  • Katsuro himself wears studded leather nin attire that have thin plates of metal concealed underneath. Armor is designed in such a way to not conflict with movements, with material thinner and more flexible near joints. Katsuro has a silver/red fur hooded coat he likes to wear that was made from the fur he sheds from his wolf form. The coat not only provides warmth, but is used to conceal his human scent from the various beasts he may encounter, as well as from special tracking nin units where it gives off the scent of a wolf. Given its thickness though, Katsuro is known to take the coat off during direct encounters and tying it around his waist so his movements are not restricted.
  • Set of wolf armor with metal plates across vital areas, legs, and head, studded soft leather like material in areas requiring freedom to move/bend, even thinner material under the pits of the legs that serves nothing but to hold everything together and not hinder leg movement. A few side pouches holstering kunai among other small ninja tools and pills easily accessible by a wolf's mouth. Full set contained within a small summoning seal somewhere on the genin's person, can be released during full wolf transformation technique or sometime later after the transformation had occurred. Resealable of course after finished being used.
  • Various other common shinobi tools such as explosive tags, smoke bombs/releasing tags, kunai, shuriken, food pills, first aid supplies, flash bombs, list goes on.


Well that's all I could think of. Took me about five hours to write this out where this it is the first time I really gave a lot of thought into my character, his background, aspirations, what all he can actually do. No one in the realm really knows anything about my character, nor did I honestly before writing this. Cannot believe it took me 6+ years to finally do all this and sum everything up about him. Hope this is an acceptable character, my RP skills are not that great though, especially during active RP, so who knows just how efficiently I'll end up using all this. I'm pretty happy about the solidness though, and really like the spin I put to the Kekkei Genkai to make it my own.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2015, 06:38:10 AM by MaliciousWolf »

Garō, Ichirou

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Re: Chuunin Exam 2015
« Reply #78 on: December 22, 2015, 01:42:43 AM »

Name: Ichirou
Alias: Lobo
Kekkai Genkai: Byakugan
Affinity: Ototon, Futon
Hiden: Paper Ninjutsu
High chakra control
Efficient at Taijutsu

« Last Edit: December 30, 2015, 12:46:31 AM by Maquinista Ichirou »

Uchiha Madara

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Re: Chuunin Exam 2015
« Reply #79 on: December 29, 2015, 06:13:07 AM »

Bio: During his time in Konoha’s Ninja Academy, Naruto’s skills were mediocre at best, and that’s putting it nicely. Failing terribly at the Clone Technique especially.  The other children would tease and make fun of him for his terrible ninjutsu, taijutsu, and overall ability as a ninja. Many told him that he should quit, but Naruto was still determined to be Hokage, so that others would look up to him, instead of looking down and belittling him. As he began to drift further into his hatred, there were some kids who looked past the trouble maker, and saw how badly he wanted others to be around him. Making friends for the first time had delighted Naruto so much he no longer would he feel like he was alone. The new shinobi had dedicated constant time and effort to training, slowly building up his chakra reserves, but he was still lacking in the skills required to pass the Academy like his buddies.

The encouragement by his friends had given Naruto that drive to never give up, so he trained hard until he finally graduated, though he was not any stronger than the normal entry level Academy Student.

After graduation, Naruto was excited to become a part of a team, to increase his field of friends. But to his dismay, he was refused to put into a squad because of his selfish and immature actions as a young one. This unwavering ninja was not going to let this prevent him from becoming stronger. So from behind the scenes Naruto would halt Konoha infiltration from minor threats, but this did not satisfy him.

Still being looked on as the same decadent, irresponsible, prankster; the villagers still refused to see Naruto as one of their own. This made it hard for Naruto to get important missions, leaving him usually with D Ranked or even the rare C Ranked missions. This would include escorting travelers, protecting gardens from vermin, walking dogs etcetera. 

One day, after seeing Naruto’s power in battle, the new Hokage of that time, Tommi Uematsu, had taken him under his wing for a short time, noticing his potential and what Naruto soon discovered was his 火の意志, Will of Fire. Along with his fellow colleague and rival, Nathan Uchiha, Naruto’s strength and skill had increased ten fold. Now under the tutelage of the Hokage, people finally began to respect Naruto, seeing his Will of Fire burn brightly. After some time, the Hokage eventually taught the young man the potent jutsu, Rasengan. This, along with Shadow Clone Jutsu became primary in his arsenal.

Tommi had allowed his two students to sign the Toad contract, which triggered the start of a long line of friendship with the amphibians of Myobokuzan. After a long time spent with his sensei, the two eventually parted ways. His rivalry with Nathan continued to push him to new heights until eventually they caught the attention of the Sages of Myoboku, Shima and Fukasaku. To avert a threat foreseen by the Great Toad Sage, the Two Toad Sages gathered Nathan and Naruto to Mount Myoboku for training. The old geezers became like surrogate parents to Naruto, which is why till this day he affectionately calls them Ma and Pa. During his time there, he became aquanited with many of the inhabitants, learned new skills and invented there the Wind Release: Rasenshuriken. Most importantly though, he completely mastered the art of Hermit Mode, a transformation that drastically increases his ninjutsu, taijutsu, strength, speed, agility, and durability.

Returning to Konoha after a month of intense training, Naruto felt stronger, but yet there was a void he couldn't ignore. His soul yearned for a piece of himself he believed was out there somewhere, leading him once again to leave Konoha. He would eventually search out Uzushiogakure to immerse himself in his history and clan. He would spend 3 years living with the Uzumaki, developing his fuinjutsu skills to the point he became a master, creating his own as well as discovering his own unique ability to produce Adamantine Sealing Chains.

 The Uzumaki spent many joyous days with his brothers, reading through the Grand Library, helping with missions and pigging out on ramen. However, he got that feeling again. This time around Naruto knew what it was, he had a nomadic nature to himself, never staying in one place for too long. He desired to make many friends, new memories, explore the world and eventually become the greatest ninja alive. So he left the clan, though never cutting ties with either it or Konoha. To this day, he still travels, visiting his homes whenever he finds the time.

Notable Traits:
- Superb Sensory Skills
- Monstrous Chakra Reserves
- Inhuman Stamina
- Super Human Strength
- Great Durability

Notable Jutsu:

- Rasengan (including it's many variants such as the Rasen-Shuriken)
- Adamantine Sealing Chains
- Hiraishin
- Shadow Clone Jutsu
- Hiding with Camouflage
- Minds Eye of the Kagura

- Sage Mode (Excluded in the exams)
- Adamantine Chain Armor (A converted Adamantine Sealing Chains Barrier into a mobile suit of armor)
- Fuinjutsu: Yang Release

-Fuuton for more detailed description, though a bit outdated.



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Re: Chuunin Exam 2015
« Reply #80 on: December 30, 2015, 03:49:26 AM »

Tezuka, Natsuki

Age: 20

Height: 5’ 7’’ / 170cm

Weight: 145lb / 66 kg

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Village of Origin: Kumogakure
Current Village: Uzushiogakure
Rank: Genin (Left her home village before getting tested in the Chuunin exams)
Chakra Affinity: Lightning release, Water release
Special Abilities:
  • Storm release KG, not proficient
  • Learning fuinjutsu
  • Proficient with bladed weapons, especially projectiles (shuriken, kunai)
Impatient, independent and sarcastic, Natsuki is often deemed rude. She is charismatic, egotistical at times even, considering how she has spent years on her own. She is secretive about her past, plagued by nightmares and guilt of how she killed her own sensei, and just as afraid that she might get found out and have to pay for her actions. Despite her powerful jutsu, she has nothing in her life to fight for but her own life itself. This gives her a superiority complex where Natsuki puts on an air of not wanting to go on missions, or help others, or spar the shinobi she meets in her travels because she is above ‘wasting her chakra on such trivial things’ (Though she will spar if she feels like testing out her abilities). The fact is that Natsuki is driven most by her longing of power so that when the day her nightmares come true… she will be strong enough to survive it. However, she decided Uzushiogakure’s kage was worth fighting for, because his power impressed her.

Character History:
Natsuki was from Kumogakure, born and raised there. She graduated the academy at 11 years old, average like the rest of her classmates and became a genin. By 13 years of age, she was bored of the D missions she and her team were given and asked her sensei, a woman named Kazue, for extra training before the Chuunin exams which Natsuki desperately wanted to take part in. Natsuki learned quickly and was frustrated by the way Kazue seemed to want to teach in a slow, patient and gradual manner. During a misunderstanding and an argument with Kazue about the Chuunin exams, Natsuki unleashed a jutsu in her direction and killed the woman accidentally. Since her team wasn’t around, she dumped the body of her sensei and in fear of retribution, Natsuki abandoned the village. She was nearly 15 when she removed her protector from her forehead and took to the road (though she doesn’t consider herself a true missing nin and has not slashed the protector to defy her village of origin). Her family, and her team, and the village believes her to be dead after finding Kazue’s body but not her own so she was never pursued. She was on the road for many years, training herself by spying on various villages, before coming to meet the kage of Uzushiogakure.

[Submitted by Tezuka, Natsuki on SL]

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Re: Chuunin Exam 2015
« Reply #81 on: January 13, 2016, 08:24:06 AM »

[Submitted by Zayne from SL]



6ft / 183cm

185lbs / 84kg

Eye Color:

Hair Color:

Chakra Color:

Athletic, Lean, Toned

Fighting Style:

Earth Release
Fire Release
Lightning Release

Kekkei Genkai:
Explosion Release

Eight Gates

"An irrepressible, fiery young man, Zayne dives headfirst into danger using nothing but his powerful physique as a weapon. Swayed by emotion, he is prone to rash words and actions. Nonetheless, many are won over by his outgoing and optimistic nature."

Zayne is a relentless optimist and a self-proclaimed "hero" who wishes to protect and help anyone in need. Although his heart may be in the right place, his naivety and optimism sometimes rubs people the wrong way. He is an exceptionally hard worker with the belief that hard work and passion trumps natural talent. He is respectful of authority and is willing to follow orders. However, in the event that an order compromises his beliefs, he will refuse and surround himself to the consequences. He tends to take on more responsibility than he should only because he doesn't want to see others carry any burdens.

For reasons yet unknown, Zayne grew up in numerous foster homes  and orphanages. Thus, his skill set was developed from defending against older assailants and protecting younger "siblings". He hasn't earned an official shinobi schooling but he does understand the principles and basics. Despite this shortcoming, his heart and passion for being a shinobi definitely rivals the veterans of old. The only thing of his past that he carries with him is an old and worn Kumogakure headband. He has always wondered who it belonged, often fantasizing that his father was a strong and well known shinobi. Now that he is an adult (18), he has finally been released to discover the truth behind this trinket.


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Re: Chuunin Exam 2015
« Reply #82 on: June 06, 2016, 03:29:58 AM »

So...the only people who completed a hunt exam were:

Dandy = 1
Maliscious Wolf = 1
Natsuki = 2

So here is the results of the awards....

After natsuki completes her NPC fight...she will be the only one to graduate. She will be awarded half the DP, and all the RP items.
Dandy and Wolf will get a quarter of the DP.

Pay out is:

Dandy = 6800 dp...paid 6-26-16
Wolf = 6800 dp...must return by August 9 to receive or DP will be used for site wide mission pay outs upon request.
Natsuki =  13600 dp, and Sakuragakure's - Summons Contract Ownership for Kongamato; Oogakari, Steel's - Koton Steel Black Armour Jacket; Skye Ramius' - Scroll of Borrowed Knowledge, Scroll of Sacrificed Knowledge, and Lesser Scroll of Sacrificed Knowledge
« Last Edit: June 26, 2016, 10:20:52 PM by KayentaMoenkopi »


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Re: Chuunin Exam 2015
« Reply #83 on: June 06, 2016, 04:05:23 AM »

Dang, that's a lot of money... and knowledge. ROCK THAT JACKET!!

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If they stand against you, SHOW NO MERCY!


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Re: Chuunin Exam 2015
« Reply #84 on: June 06, 2016, 05:19:34 AM »

I am quite pleased with everyone who was able to participate. This last year was quite the struggle for me. I had hoped to keep up with things better, harass people to stay active and the like. be more on tops of things. Not my usual showing to say the least.

But  still not too shabby. Not too shabby at all.


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Re: Chuunin Exam 2015
« Reply #85 on: June 06, 2016, 06:14:51 AM »

The few participants I had under me seemed like they were doing good, but none of them made it too far unfortunately :( It's too bad, because I actually had some (at least I thought they were) fun RP planned for those guys. But, it's good to hear that some people actually went through with it!
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Re: Chuunin Exam 2015
« Reply #86 on: October 12, 2016, 10:04:07 AM »

You know...I am still holding TezukaNatsuki's DP.

If she ever finishes the exam just post here so I can pay her off already. It's pretty hefty sum.


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Re: Chuunin Exam 2015
« Reply #87 on: October 12, 2016, 09:35:45 PM »

You know...I am still holding TezukaNatsuki's DP.

If she ever finishes the exam just post here so I can pay her off already. It's pretty hefty sum.

She's still on and active. I asked her today. Should be all good.
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

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Re: Chuunin Exam 2015
« Reply #88 on: October 12, 2016, 10:25:12 PM »

Its progressing in PMs, just not very fast due to both of us having work etc


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Re: Chuunin Exam 2015
« Reply #89 on: December 02, 2016, 06:41:26 AM »


From: Kuroi Kokoro ♥ TezukaNatsuki offline
Sent: 2016-12-01 03:09:59
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Hi kayenta
Warren said to message you. He just made me a chuunin!


paid off in full!
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