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Dead or Nah

Death to the Wondertwins
- 10 (55.6%)
Life to the Wondertwins
- 5 (27.8%)
By your powers combined, I am Captain Planet! (Death)
- 3 (16.7%)

Total Members Voted: 18

Voting closed: September 15, 2015, 10:38:40 PM

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Author Topic: Death to the Wondertwins!  (Read 26362 times)


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Re: Death to the Wondertwins!
« Reply #120 on: September 14, 2015, 08:55:01 PM »

Out of curiosity, do all the SL Clan-Villages have rules like that.
"Abide by the decisions made by the higher ups within the village, even if you don't agree with them."
So does that mean, if a group of people attacked the village AND successfully won, you have the power to void the whole event? That doesn't sound fair. >.>

In regards to the 'Constant RP State', you're saying that as long as the person remains in the same area/village, they do not have to repeat what abilities are held active, even though the person could have remained in the same place without leaving for a whole year?

Anyways, Masane is sleep deprived and gave full trust to Yujo. That's undeniable. Correct?
I feel the whole 'Active Sharingan' can be let go as well as the argument of the 2-second Uzumaki Sealing Tattoo Tech.

I want to focus on the Sleep Deprivation.
"Lack of sleep hurts these cognitive processes in many ways. First, it impairs attention, alertness, concentration, reasoning, and problem solving ... Lack of sleep can affect our interpretation of events. This hurts our ability to make sound judgments because we may not assess situations accurately and act on them wisely."
Taken from 2 & 10 from

I assume Masane would not even know what is happening until she feels her body being sucked in, right? If that is true, then she does not have the reaction time to even escape the seal, let alone respond to it. If Minato did not 'hiraishin' in time, he would have been stuck in Tobi's dimension and that's from an alert Minato. >.>
I'm using this as an example because I assume the Sealing Tattoo has the same 'suctioning' speed as Kamui.

I feel the real argument is rather or not Masane really have the reaction time to do what she did.
I don't think so. And to be honest, I'm surprised she even posted an attack attempt (still in direct contact with Yujo (and his sealing tattoo) btw), instead of just 'hiraishin'-ing right away. >.>

It's nice to be on the same page with you for once Mei.
If you can't beat them, eat them.

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Re: Death to the Wondertwins!
« Reply #121 on: September 14, 2015, 09:01:58 PM »

Okay, so nobody is "going back" im responding to him trying to d grab me and seal me. Not the stuff before. You keep saying it was a success because we were making contact. Sooooooo in order for the seal to work it needs direct contact. Are you saying that anything and everyone the seal touches just instantly takes them and there is nothing to be done? Thats an auto hit.

Again you claim metagaming and cant say how. Im staring at him, he tries to grab my hand closer and I stop that and when the seal activates I create an explosion at the same time.  How is my character reacting to what she sees metagaming? ???

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Re: Death to the Wondertwins!
« Reply #122 on: September 14, 2015, 09:10:53 PM »

Okay, so nobody is "going back" im responding to him trying to d grab me and seal me. Not the stuff before. You keep saying it was a success because we were making contact. Sooooooo in order for the seal to work it needs direct contact. Are you saying that anything and everyone the seal touches just instantly takes them and there is nothing to be done? Thats an auto hit.

Again you claim metagaming and cant say how. Im staring at him, he tries to grab my hand closer and I stop that and when the seal activates I create an explosion at the same time.  How is my character reacting to what she sees metagaming? ???

That's what I've been trying to clear up this whole time.
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"I don't know, I don't have 2020 vision."


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Re: Death to the Wondertwins!
« Reply #123 on: September 14, 2015, 09:15:45 PM »

I skimmed through the role-play, so I could be wrong, but a problem I see is the betrayal component. There was no evidence in the writing to display or hint at his betrayal -- it's kind of like if someone decided to claim they planted mines on a zone but didn't put the effort into writing it at the beginning. It's the same concept. Yujo didn't convey his intention from the get-go, so to me, I voted for keeping them alive. There's really no set-up... as to how/why the group would be meeting... I feel? Because that was done OOC.

Someone can easily write their intentions, it's up to the 'opponent' or other character to discover or investigate that suspicion, to be aware of it. Plenty of people I know have RPed stating that they planned on doing something malicious to a character right at the beginning of the RP but have easily pulled the 'lying/actor/actress' component off, because a character shouldn't know what they plan to do (unless they're like telepathic or something). It's possible it's a difference in SL rping, I suppose.

Because Yujo didn't allude to that behavior until the action, I feel, is kind of a breach of role-play. It's obvious that it was an OOC-related offense, so I'm wondering if it's a breach in character all-together. You haven't updated his personality, and you claim he can be factitious, but the fact of the matter is that he's driven to make Uzu prevail. What was his incentive in doing this, if it doesn't benefit his clan? He didn't even answer as to what brought him into the house (why Masane let him in is obvious: the OOC intention of helping Ichirou out). Reading your personality component of Yujo (based on the wikia), I don't see him doing these sorts of things that would benefit the clan. I don't see the purpose as to why two strangers would even be gathering over something like this. So, to me, I see this as OOC incentive, a character conflict, and that's why I chose to keep them alive. But of course, the twins themselves are at fault for not understanding or being aware of techniques they use... but that's another matter entirely. Had Yujo proclaimed his intention from the get-go, they might have used their critical thinking skills to realize that something was off, but they chose to abide by it because they were under the belief that Yujo was going to help them.

And, well, yeah. That's all I have to say on the matter.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2015, 09:17:32 PM by Court »


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Re: Death to the Wondertwins!
« Reply #124 on: September 14, 2015, 09:28:31 PM »

I think I can say this and not come off as a bitch.

My sharingan has been active since I was in the tower of pain. I went home and then yujo and ichi showed up. Yes I stated being awake for "some time" However I did not state that I was drained or sluggish so no one can say anything to that effect.  You guys even saw the post were I state that my ems is ever active. If you think that is ridiculous then look at itchi. The man always had his sharingan active and his eyes wre not eternal.

Moving on to the actual counter. One cant say that I would not be alerted to a guy I dont know trying to interlock our fingers for no reason. Yes I gave him my hand but I never allowed him to grab me. I even stated that I should have known something was wrong sooner but was blinded by my goal. It was when he tried to grab me that I suspected something. While staring at him, I notice the activation of a seal that I am familiar with.  At the same time the seal was activated,  I release an explosion to stop it.

now in there series when the guy uses the same tech I did, there was no "gathering of chakra" he just threw a punch.  Now how could I be sealed into a seal that was destroyed by an explosion? Why would the explosion not destroy the seal? Why is everyone cool that he used this jutsu wrong? Why is it ok for him to say it took 2 seconds, when it takes 7?

Yes I was unaware of the threat until it happened, but there was no threat until he attacked. He took advantage of my lack of knowledge of the verse in this area which is why I myself did not know something was wrong. Guess I should have paid more attention.  But to sit here and say that there is nothing I could do is staight auto. With my sharingan and knowledge of the seal, 2 seconds or 7, makes no difference, I still had time to react.

Now I was going to blow my whole arm off but then read up on the release.  The landmind fist is capable of destroying a target far bigger than the user without even a recoil. So why is this such a big deal? Just try to counter and shut the hell up. Im down for giving him the chance to post a counter because I dont just do something and say its done, NO MATTER HOW SURE I AM. There is always a way to counter. Im even sure there is a way to counter what I did. But countering it and sticking to his original plan is impossible for the simple fact that the seal would be destroyed. If he can word the post right to where he wont lose his left half then go fr it, but dont sit up here and say a bunch of stuff and never explain why.

(8d) <||||> Uchiha 爆弾 Masane Masane detected Yujo as he drew closer to her home. She stood up and moved to the door just in time to see her brother come up. He had been missing for a long time but she would get to that later. The door opened and she stood there, still in her ninja gear. She had not taken ( c )
(8d) <||||> Uchiha 爆弾 Masane the time to unwind. She had been trying to locate Amegakures would be assailent. It was clear from the dark circles under her eyes that she had not slept in a while. "Hey guys, come in." she mumbled as she moved back into her living room in order to ( c )
(8d) <||||> Uchiha 爆弾 Masane make a thrid attempt to find her target. It was beginning to seem as if the mad would never show himself. As she stared into the crystal ball she spoke. "What brings you guys here?"
If that's not sleep deprivation, I don't know what is. >.>

<||||> Uchiha 爆弾 Masane She placed her hand in Yujo's and did what she was told. This proccess was gruesome and she knew Yūjō had to be hurting. She wanted this to be overnas fast as possible. There was nothing she wanted more than to have her brother brought back to her. For this the wonder twins would owe a debt. She began to wonder what she would be made to do. It was times like this that she wished she was not a female.

<||||> 預言者, Uzumaki Yūjō | Once his hand was met with Masane's, the warmth of her chakra began washing through him, "What an incredible chakra you have..." He grinned up at her, still slowly channeling chakra into Ichirou. Time passed, and the heart that Yujo had extracted withered away into dust, signifying that this process was nearly complete. With another glance back at her his grin still spread across his face, he interlocked their fingers to bring her hand closer to his own. "Nearly done, but I am growing weak rather quickly." He panted a bit and turned back towards Ichirou who was but a few moments before breathing his first breath of life since death. Though there was an issue here, Yujo had just met these people, why would an Uzumaki make such sacrifice for someone not sharing his blood? Correct answer happened to be, he wasn't. If anyone knew Yujo personally it would not have gone down this way, but the so called wonder twins did not. The tattoos on his hands that rested within Masanes came to life in the form of the Uzumaki Sealing technique, and when the technique was used at such close range, by a user of such mastery, there was no escape to be had. Within the time span of less than 2 seconds would Masane find herself sucked inside of the inscriptions that made up the tattoos on his arm, and forever trapped within them. Considering the amount of trust she had in Yujo, one could doubt that there was much reaction to be had from her, which would make trust the factor that would seal their fate. Once completed, Yujo would simply use another seal to capture Ichirou before any shenanigans were to be had, if any. If all went successfully, he would sealed Masane sealed within his right palm, and ichi in his left.
Grabbing and interlocking fingers are two different things. You said it yourself, you gave him your hands, where's the grab? o.o

And I bet if Yujo waited 1 more post before revealing his true intentions, you would have let that 'interlocking fingers' bit slide and moved on with the RP. >.>

Every ninjutsu involves 'focusing/melding/gathering' of chakra, it's obviously implied that the character did that upon usage. Also, I think you have a misinterpretation of that jutsu does. It's the area that is being struck that gets blown up. Your hands is in contact with Yujo's hands, so the only thing that Yujo would lose in that situation would be his hands and possibly the lower part of his forearm. He would not be dead. >.>

And why do you keep saying '7 seconds' when Yujo said 2 seconds? Like what gives you the right to change the time duration of his jutsu? o.o


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Re: Death to the Wondertwins!
« Reply #125 on: September 14, 2015, 09:30:43 PM »

Theres not really anything i can do. Im just a body as of right now, so all im doing is waiting for things to come to a head. I bring up the beast because i actually have something to say on the beast.

Madara told me i could have the beast before the rp started with you, but i can host it until im revived. So i put it in my bio before you went all twoface on a homie. But since i am either not revived or still am edo i put it as kuchiyose, even if you have my body you dont get the beast, as its not sealed in me.

Well, if Edo Tensei was released, then you are dead. By the rules the beast would spawn where you died at (the scene of this RP, presumably in Amegakure) after a certain amount of time, so it would not automatically go to anyone. Now might would be a good time to settle on a GM for the beast, preferably one who is not involved in the affair and does not plan on "showing up by chance" at the scene.

Out of curiosity, do all the SL Clan-Villages have rules like that.
"Abide by the decisions made by the higher ups within the village, even if you don't agree with them."
So does that mean, if a group of people attacked the village AND successfully won, you have the power to void the whole event? That doesn't sound fair. >.>...

Though I think that's an extreme example, from my experience, clan halls (not public village boards) have a tendency to work like that, an unsaid benefit of having relatively private clan halls be the location of the village/area. I recall the incident in Kusa going down under a similar basis despite some disagreements from Akatsuki attackers. I could be wrong and these may be exceptions rather than norms.

Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Death to the Wondertwins!
« Reply #126 on: September 14, 2015, 09:34:30 PM »

I put my hand on his yes, but when he tried to interlock our fingers,  I stopped it because it was unnecessary for what he asked of me. Thats all im saying. For him to just say he interlocked them is an auto hit. Especially after I posted stopping him

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Re: Death to the Wondertwins!
« Reply #127 on: September 14, 2015, 09:43:00 PM »

I put my hand on his yes, but when he tried to interlock our fingers,  I stopped it because it was unnecessary for what he asked of me. Thats all im saying. For him to just say he interlocked them is an auto hit. Especially after I posted stopping him

Is the 'interlocking of fingers' considered an auto-hit?
What does the majority say? To me that's a grey area because your hands
But don't say he grabbed you when there's really no grab. >.>

But question, how does Masane (the character) knows that 'interlocking fingers' was not required for the jutsu that Yujo was going to 'use' on Ichiro? Does the character have knowledge of 'this jutsu'?


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Re: Death to the Wondertwins!
« Reply #128 on: September 14, 2015, 09:44:58 PM »

He asked me to funnel chakra into him. Simple contact is needed, nothing more. There is no need to interlock the fingers for what he asked her to do.

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Re: Death to the Wondertwins!
« Reply #129 on: September 14, 2015, 09:52:25 PM »

I put my hand on his yes, but when he tried to interlock our fingers,  I stopped it because it was unnecessary for what he asked of me. Thats all im saying. For him to just say he interlocked them is an auto hit. Especially after I posted stopping him

Is the 'interlocking of fingers' considered an auto-hit?
What does the majority say? To me that's a grey area because your hands
But don't say he grabbed you when there's really no grab. >.>

But question, how does Masane (the character) knows that 'interlocking fingers' was not required for the jutsu that Yujo was going to 'use' on Ichiro? Does the character have knowledge of 'this jutsu'?

Well, the last purpose Yujo had spoken of prior to the finger locking attempt, chakra transfer, had been going just fine without finger locking. He did not, as he had previously with other interactions, mention why this extra action was necessary, so it could very well stand out among the interactions between the two.

One of my prior arguments had been that Yujo should not have done such a gesture in the first place if it had not been necessary (since the technique's usage requires physical contact, he could have just started with the sealing and been done with the theatrics).

I don't think it should be automatically assumed that the fingers were interlocked.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Death to the Wondertwins!
« Reply #130 on: September 14, 2015, 09:54:33 PM »

I put my hand on his yes, but when he tried to interlock our fingers,  I stopped it because it was unnecessary for what he asked of me. Thats all im saying. For him to just say he interlocked them is an auto hit. Especially after I posted stopping him

Is the 'interlocking of fingers' considered an auto-hit?
What does the majority say? To me that's a grey area because your hands
But don't say he grabbed you when there's really no grab. >.>

But question, how does Masane (the character) knows that 'interlocking fingers' was not required for the jutsu that Yujo was going to 'use' on Ichiro? Does the character have knowledge of 'this jutsu'?

Yeah, it would be an auto-hit if Masane didn't allow for it to happen and he claimed it did in the next post, because he's imposing his fingers and 'action' on the character without her defense, etc.

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Re: Death to the Wondertwins!
« Reply #131 on: September 14, 2015, 10:07:24 PM »

Theres not really anything i can do. Im just a body as of right now, so all im doing is waiting for things to come to a head. I bring up the beast because i actually have something to say on the beast.

Madara told me i could have the beast before the rp started with you, but i can host it until im revived. So i put it in my bio before you went all twoface on a homie. But since i am either not revived or still am edo i put it as kuchiyose, even if you have my body you dont get the beast, as its not sealed in me.

Well, if Edo Tensei was released, then you are dead. By the rules the beast would spawn where you died at (the scene of this RP, presumably in Amegakure) after a certain amount of time, so it would not automatically go to anyone. Now might would be a good time to settle on a GM for the beast, preferably one who is not involved in the affair and does not plan on "showing up by chance" at the scene.

I thought the beast only spawned like that from hosts? The beast hasnt been sealed within me, or technically given to me at all, as it was rp to happen after revival. However we went ahead and gave possession, and planned to do the rp after, so u guess if anything that would count it in Amegakures possession, waiting delegation. but if its that big a deal i can just put it in one of my alts, since it wasnt officially sealed into anything,


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Re: Death to the Wondertwins!
« Reply #132 on: September 14, 2015, 10:11:00 PM »

Alrighty peeps. We've been going back and forth for pages and pages of arguments, never once coming to an agreement on basically anything.

So I opened a poll and there was a resounding support for their deaths. I gave 24 hours for people to vote, so that everyone got a chance to do so if they cared about this.

The count was 13-5 in favor of their death, and because of this, the poll has been closed, along with this topic. I'm sure there will be arguments that carry on by the opposition but at this point I cannot forsee and change in opinion from either side.

I wish the Ame team the best and will likely not be seeing you soon.

Thank you.
They say there is a strength in numbers, well, tell that to 6 Million Jews.
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