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Author Topic: Sasori Test: Kaname Caelum, Lone Warrior of the Abyss (invite only)  (Read 2518 times)


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The courier nin would arrive at the dwelling of Kaname in the dead of night. her task was simple, deliver the scroll and leave. Do not speak, do not answer any questions, merely place the cylinder into the hands of the man residing at the address mentions. And so off into the night she sped through the forest that would lead to the dwelling of the man's last known residence. As she approached she at last sighted the house but she stopped upon encountering a dragon. Ducking behind a tree, her heart beating like a drum, she cursed. No one said anything about a dragon. She seriously needed to find better work. Peeking round the tree she could see no signs of the dragon anywhere. "What the heck?"

It was with great hesitancy that she proceeded toward the dwelling and then cursed again as it too would vanish without a trace. Clearly there was some sort of genjutsu going on. She formed the dispelling seal but nothing happened, no change in her perception occurred. Calling out into the night she would say, "I come with a delivery for Kaname Caelum, Lone Warrior of the Abyss. Show yourself or forever wonder what opportunity has passed you by in the night."


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Re: Sasori Test: Kaname Caelum, Lone Warrior of the Abyss (invite only)
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2015, 04:04:11 AM »

The dragon in question seemed to be resting, the rhythmic pattern of it's breathing the only sound able to be perceived within the space. It acknowledged the individual by opening one of it's massive eyelids, revealing the grey orb behind it before it and the house vanished. Unknown to the stranger, it contacted Kaname, who shortly came out to see what was going on.

Standing upon the threshold, he listened to her speak before stepping out of the house and placed his hand on the Dragon's flank. At this moment, he murmured a word and they slowly phased into the woman's view while the house remained hidden.
Speaking up, he addressed the woman with a bow,
"I am Kaname, to whom do I owe this visit at such an hour?"
« Last Edit: September 05, 2015, 04:24:38 AM by Lonewarrior »


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Re: Sasori Test: Kaname Caelum, Lone Warrior of the Abyss (invite only)
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2015, 04:14:18 AM »

Images coming and going, she definitely was not being paid enough, especially for a night shift. The young woman would reach into her mail bag as she spoke, "Courier nin. Just making a delivery." She had already broken the rules by speaking, and now by answering his question. Perhaps she should get other work, clearly she could not follow directions. The scroll would contain a symbol upon the outside of the Mutsu Sabaku Sasori, a black tribal looking scorpion. Truth be told if he asked her further about the delivery she would not be able to give any details for she knew nothing of the Six Desert Scorpions other than rumor.


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Re: Sasori Test: Kaname Caelum, Lone Warrior of the Abyss (invite only)
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2015, 04:50:34 AM »

Recognized the seal on the scroll immediately, he had heard the rumors and even knew one of the members, albeit from having seen the tattoo on a blind male long ago. The memories came unbidden, but assisted in making the connection. Looking back at the courier,"Indeed...thank you, is there anything else you need of me? I don't have much, but I can at least replenish some of your food or water if you are low."

Curiosity gnawed at his insides, however, he persisted with formality and dealt with the matter at hand. He noticed that the young woman didn't react much to symbol, or if she had, he didn't realize it. The dragon beside him yawned impatiently, revealing the rows off razor sharp teeth and layed it's head on it's front two paws, releasing a steady stream if smoke from it's nostrils.


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Re: Sasori Test: Kaname Caelum, Lone Warrior of the Abyss (invite only)
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2015, 04:58:57 AM »

One look at the dragon and she just shook her head,"No that is alright. I am well supplied." Bowing to the man she would take off for the office. It was as yet to been seen what her future career choice would be, but she knew this was not what she was cut out for.

The scroll was actually contained in a bamboo canister with a wooded cap at each end. Upon opening the scroll, Kaname would then be able to peruse it's contents in private. In there he would behold the following words:


The Mutsu Sabaku Sasori had reviewed your credentials and deems that you are worthy to take on the challenge of becoming one of our numbers. This is a rare opportunity that only comes to few, so it is advisable you do not squander this chance. Should you wish to accept the challenge to be considered for inclusion into our ranks, proceed out onto the Sand Seas and engage in battle with one of the Giant Black Scorpions before the sun sets three times after receipt of this scroll. Retrieve the stinger from its tail and return to the registrar's office in Sunagakure's great walls. Speak the following words to Utagai, she is an overly tall woman with a chronic smoker's cough.

~I have danced with the Scorpion.

Do so in great secrecy. It is forbidden to employ chakra and magics during your battle or to receive aid. This is a battle to test your courage in skill in the old manner of the Sands.

Good fortune to you.

The mark of the Mutsu Sabaku Sasori was at the bottom of the scroll.



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Re: Sasori Test: Kaname Caelum, Lone Warrior of the Abyss (invite only)
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2015, 05:13:21 AM »

He bid the courier farewell and quickly went inside, activating the magick's that kept the house hidden once more. Within the confines of his room, he read the letter carefully and nodded, understanding what it was he must do. Getting there wouldn't be the issue, but the challenge would be in fighting the actual creature.

Wasting no time, Kaname began to pack for the trip ahead of him by stocking up on food and water. Once the basic necessities were gathered, he created a portal that lead him to his armory and grabbed only what he could; 2 longswords, a belt with an assortment of knives, a belt with several flasks filled with basic potions and poisons.

Reading over the letter one more, he read the part that mentioned no magic during the fight, but did not mention before or after it. Nodding, he exited the dwelling and muttered the flight spell and took to the skies, heading towards the great sea of sand.


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Re: Sasori Test: Kaname Caelum, Lone Warrior of the Abyss (invite only)
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2015, 09:10:39 AM »

The Sand Seas would stretch out before the Lone Warrior as far as the eye could see. This vista, polluted with the detritus of centuries of weathering and erosion of once mighty rock formations, looked like the dumping grounds of the realm in a world that time had long forgotten. In the darkness, vague hulking shadows were still visible due to the overly bright light of the moon which cast its eerie light upon the landscape before him. The other worldliness of it all might make one think they were walking on the surface of the moon were it not for the wind blowing relentlessly across the terrain with careless abandon, that of which such a force of nature only could embody.

How would one locate their prey in such a world of only shadows and light? A place where each ebony mass could be a rock behind which any manner of creature might be hiding, or the sinister colossus of The Sands for which the warrior hunted for itself. On such a night as this, sense of direction would not be an issue, not with those brilliant stars marking the sky to lead and guide each step. But once the sun would rise, what then? Without the map of the night to steer by, the sun soon to rise and wipe away their glow by the might of its brilliant glare, the stones and dunes would soon take on such fractal repetition as to give one the sense of wandering around in circles.

The chill of the night was at its height, and this might provide discomfort for one un-conversant in the drastic range of temperatures the desert did encompass; however, come morning when the world would be washed with a myriad of desert hues and the heat begin to build, they would soon long for those shivers the biting chill had provided and beg for respite from the roasting oven the world had become long before noontime ever arrived.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2015, 09:19:18 AM by KayentaMoenkopi »

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