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Author Topic: 蛭, Hiru The Zero-Tails Leech (零尾, Reibi), Ryoji Uchiha vs Sharuto  (Read 1790 times)


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Current Host: Uchiha Ryoji (Zero tails) Rusaku Ōtsutsuki (Seven tails)

Affiliation: Otogakure (Ryoji) Konohagakure (Rusaku)

Battle Method: 1v1 IC deathmatch

Judge(s): PMs will be used to determine an agreed-upon judge

Special Rules:
If you plan to hunt me, be active. Once interaction with our characters start, frequent posting is inviolable. 7 days without posting (Unless prior consent was given) will result in a loss of the match, or a simple “ending” of the match where both players move on with their lives.

Non-Negotiable Voids:

-Anything that does not have a reasonable explanation within the Naruto/SL lore
-Any custom technique that has no prescribed flaw (auto-hitting/character control)
-Any of the recent Rikudo powered abilities
-Body Revival Technique (when used to survive Hachimon)
-Swift Release

~ All information subject to change
~ Mail me with any questions

Hints on how to find Rusaku
Frequents Konoha
Frequents Death Valley, Greenlands, and Dark Caves.
Yatagarasu/Athos/Kite/Madara/Vale All know of his possession of the beast.

If you ask the Trees nicely enough they might just help you, at a cost

Hints on how to find Ryoji
Potent Negative Emotion
Frequents Otogakure/Uzushio
Frequents Fire Valley and Empty Town
Ask nice enough in Pm’s and he might fight you out of boredom

The battle will be continuing from where the Iwa interaction had left off.

In a blur of movement, the man known as Ryoji Uchiha would come to a skidding halt at the center of a large rocky flatland. Now quite the distance away from Iwagakure, Ryoji would have determined this was a suitable location for Sharuto and he to clash without interruption.

Garbed in red robes, with the Uzumaki symbol brandishing their back, the Uchiha would stand at 6’3”; the burnt orange hues of his sharingan, still very much alive, would scan the immediate area in lieu of being snuck up on by his quarry. The visual changes of his Ryujin Sennin Modo would still be quite noticeable, as his head retained it’s crown of horns, and his skin was still dyed a dark grey.

With a sharp inhalation of the dry air, Ryoji would ready himself for the battle to come.
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Re: 蛭, Hiru The Zero-Tails Leech (零尾, Reibi), Ryoji Uchiha vs Sharuto
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2015, 06:09:29 PM »

Quote from: Camel
I agree to above-mentioned rules and will be posting on behalf of my character, Sharuto.

I am continuing from where I left off at the Iwagakure's village boards.

The hulking stature of the Nidame Tsuchikage appeared on the opposing side of Ryuji; unlike his opponent, he didn't come to a skidding halt but rather landed in a crouching position. Sharuto appeared to be clad in custom flak jacket that was overlaid with beige robes, a jewel-like headband adorned his head--whilst his more traditional headband could be seen wrapped around his waist. Sharuto dwarfed the Uchihan in height by a foot, a rather large smirk came across his face and he stared at his opponent with anticipation; the crimson orbs of his doujutsu darted around the area in attempts to scan his surroundings, before coming to a halt in Ryoji's direction.
Sharuto still maintained the drastic changes that came with opening three of the eight gates, his skin was a noticeable crimson-hue and his power as well as his speed remained enhanced.  The minute that Ryuji made his sharp inhalation of breath, his movements became a blur and he appeared adjacent to the man, his intent? He was aiming to strike the man with a devastating elbow strike to his neck; this attack was all enhanced by his initial release of the Eight Gates and could possibly send the man flying. If he had failed in striking him, he would attempt to withdraw himself further away from his opponent and analyze his situation with his active doujutsu, the Sharingan. If he was successful, he would follow up his initial elbow strike with a quick shunshin towards him then aimed a flurry of punches to send him back the opposite direction from whence he came.


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Re: 蛭, Hiru The Zero-Tails Leech (零尾, Reibi), Ryoji Uchiha vs Sharuto
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2015, 08:55:49 PM »

If Ryoji had been given the time to speak, he would have noted how rude it was to attack without at least addressing his opposition with the intention of exchanging some form of banter, perhaps to analyze one another’s ideals before engaging in mortal combat. Alas, it seemed Sharuto had no interest in such things, and Ryoji would have to deal with it.

Having been watching for such dirty tricks, Ryoji would be quick to react; his sage enhanced reflexes saving him from being overwhelmed by the 8 gates formation. Bringing his arm up, Sharuto would be able to predict that his intention was to block the initial strike, cushioning the blow enough for it’s impact to loose any lethality it may have by attacking his neck. When coupled with his Strongest Shield durability, enhanced 3 times over by his Sennin Modo, Ryoji would fear no real damage from such a trivial strike. In fact, he could have evaded such if he had so wished, but what Sharuto wouldn’t know was that the Uchiha wanted to be struck in this fashion.

In bringing his arm up to block the strike, should Sharuto continue with his assault, Ryoji would cause his hand to brush momentarily with the Tsuchikage before being sent flying by the powerful taijutsu strike, even releasing a cry in pain and shock from the awesome power the 8 gates would allow. Of course this reaction would only add to his facade. In this momentary contact, Ryoji would utilize the remaining fuinjutsu that was still upon his hand from the Iwagakure battle to leave behind a chakra chains seal upon the man’s elbow.

Should the Fuin make contact, it would immediately spring to life, causing a chain-like formula to spread around the man’s body with the intention of binding him in place with a strength on par with the Uzumaki clan’s Adamantine chakra chains. Of course these chains would have had the ability to immobilize even Kurama, so a normal man would have no hope of overpowering their binding effects.

Considering the speed in which the attack was executed, and the nature of the attempted counter, it was highly unlikely that Sharuto would notice the Fuin in time, if at all, before it’s effects kicked in. Having no knowledge of Ryoji’s status as an Uzumaki grand master, and Fuinjutsu just recently making it’s way into more mainstream combat (At least as far as Ryoji was concerned) This would hopefully take Sharuto by surprise. 

(Should Sharuto’s elbow connect and Ryoji be sent flying, the post will continue as such. If not, ignore this portion of the post)

Now skidding across the hard earth, Ryoji would need to move quickly. Pushing off of the ground with his hands, he would launch himself into the air with finesse, forming a set of hand seals as he moved. Upon reaching the apex of his flight, he would release an enormous amount of purple liquid from his gullet that would quickly grow into a massive tidal wave that would aim to overwhelm Sharuto (Should he be dealing with the Fuinjutsu, or aiming to follow through with his aforementioned flurry of punches, it mattered not). This would be a Dokuton variant of the Dai Bakusui Shōha, enhanced to even greater heights through the application of Senjutsu. With this, Ryoji would move to transform the barren flatlands into an ocean of poison liquid, that should any amount come into contact with the opposition, would begin to disintegrate his chakra network.

A technique like this would normally be incredibly taxing, even for a sage, but Ryoji was no ordinary man. Through his Jiongu, Ryoji had collected 4 additional hearts that would add to his already commendable chakra pool. What made these hearts especially unique, was that each had belonged to Kage level Jinchuruki before they had been taken by this man. If being the Zero tailed Jinchuruki had not already reaffirmed his moniker of tailless tailed beast, his chakra pool would. 
If you can't beat them, eat them.

-Jeffrey dahmer


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Re: 蛭, Hiru The Zero-Tails Leech (零尾, Reibi), Ryoji Uchiha vs Sharuto
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2015, 09:25:24 PM »

7 days have passed since the last post. As the rules stated, 7 days of inactivity without prior consent will result in a loss for the accused.

Edit: A compromise was introduced and was generally accepted by the challenger. This post will stay as a placement for record purposes and the previous message is not to be taken into consideration by both parties and their judge.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2015, 12:25:05 AM by Camel »
If you can't beat them, eat them.

-Jeffrey dahmer


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Re: 蛭, Hiru The Zero-Tails Leech (零尾, Reibi), Ryoji Uchiha vs Sharuto
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2015, 10:56:19 PM »

A compromise was introduced and was generally accepted. This post will now be here for a placement for now to inform the masses of our intent and another new post will resume under the discretion of the challenger. (Me? Lol.)

The post above is to not be taken into consideration and may be removed/edited through either the host's permission or through my own means of gaining permission from the host by private mail.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2015, 12:05:52 AM by Camel »


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Re: 蛭, Hiru The Zero-Tails Leech (零尾, Reibi), Ryoji Uchiha vs Sharuto
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2015, 10:54:13 PM »

I concede this match due to a injury that I received on my way home from work.
The host may do what he wishes with the character above and vice-versa.

Edit: Locked until further notice. I will unlock it under the discretion of the host. Until then this match has been decided.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2015, 10:55:24 PM by Camel »

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