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Author Topic: Death to the Wondertwins! Part 2  (Read 20594 times)


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Re: Death to the Wondertwins! Part 2
« Reply #15 on: September 08, 2015, 05:48:14 AM »

OOC lying is not meta gaming. It is a war tatic that had been around sense the beginning of SL.

You newer players may do well in takin up a history lesson on the subject of clan wars and such.

Should this rp be void? No. I don't see any grounds of it.

Do you have a chance to counter? Yes, but keep in mind that you must watch yourself as to not mess up. The wrong wording here could cause your counter to fail.

I wish you the best of luck with your counter. However I must also complement Yujo on using such an old trick.


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Re: Death to the Wondertwins! Part 2
« Reply #16 on: September 08, 2015, 05:50:18 AM »

thank you for your kind words but you know as well as I do as soon as I make this counter everyone is going to say that I couldn't do what I'm about to do

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Re: Death to the Wondertwins! Part 2
« Reply #17 on: September 08, 2015, 05:52:02 AM »

I'm gonna let someone else give it a try here. Guys? Anyone?

@ Masane: For future reference (In my opinion) It's better to stop it mid post if possible then to wait for the whole thing.. You see an immediate error? Point it out don't let them finish the error. This way it's get corrected that much quicker. It's like you said "It was Stopped after"
It should have been stopped the moment it happened.

@Senju Just like i stated previously.. All eyes are on her and how she words it all and ahh the clan wars don't you just miss them?

Food for thought though on that example.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2015, 05:52:58 AM by Murciélago/Bryantheexiled »


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Re: Death to the Wondertwins! Part 2
« Reply #18 on: September 08, 2015, 05:56:08 AM »

whatever you guys all have just proven to me that it's okay to metagame as long as I died the end of it but whatever I'be fought bocc too much to be caught with this coward ass b******* but I know as well as the rest of you that whatever action I do is going to get shot down because you all hate me which is why I think that this whole situation is cool that he lied OOC and meta gamed because the result could possibly mean my death y'all just made me feel better about me because now I know that you have to metagame and God mod just to have a shot to kill me pathetic

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Re: Death to the Wondertwins! Part 2
« Reply #19 on: September 08, 2015, 06:03:35 AM »

OOC lying in SL's beginning where pretty much everything had no consequence to it, not even death, is one thing. But we're a lot more composed and stricter about what goes on here now, and have separated OOC and IC things.

Using the knowledge of deceiving somebody in an OOC manner and then applying that knowledge to cause something IC isn't meta-gaming? I mean, wouldn't it make more sense to tell someone and then reveal to deceive them entirely in an IC manner? That's another topic, but if you're solely using that reasoning to support it, then maybe you guys should actually learn how to RP and stop acting like acads. We're playing SL 2015, not SL 2005.

Keito Uzumaki

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Re: Death to the Wondertwins! Part 2
« Reply #20 on: September 08, 2015, 06:11:48 AM »

I'll be honest >.> straight up from the ground honest with you on how the situation looks right now. ( From my own opinion) Everyone is of course free to deny and or agree with any of it.

1. The RP was accepted by everyone.. (regardless of why be it lies or truth) and acted upon. The move even though incorrect and wrong was never corrected or stated upon.. so.. why try to use it as a defense later when it was accepted at face value. The Phrase im gonna use being:  I'm gonna lay in the mud and play in it and then run to my mom and tell her they made me do it to avoid getting in trouble.

2. The situation your in (from my view point) Your character (Masane) Has no reason to not trust him.. I mean you've shown him trust and even at multiple points just gone along with what he was saying.. I don't think your character's would recognize a Sealing Seal that advanced? ( I could be wrong since your character could be a seal master?) but then that raises the question why would you character even gave them their hand in the first place which you did and quite freely before being betrayed..

3. To purpose a defense of I had a feeling, an assumption, or a quick something registered in her mind without ample date could and will probably be considered A metagaming post. (No offense to you) but you got caught with your hand in the cookie jar and their's 3 security cams and your mother watching you. You're gonna have to word it beyond right.

4. You both honestly should have said something from the moment he mentioned the Shingami and stopped the RP but didn't. If this is repeated i apologize but it's a big deal.

I personally have no distaste or hate towards you except an unfinished fight (Masane) as we're even hunting a beast together but this is sadly a brief occurrence and situation of an RP that shouldn't have happened, and should have been stopped or interrupted a whole lot sooner by either one of you but didn't.

I like this guy.
I was going to say a lot of things but hey, its all been said already. Despite the shady methods, his intention was never to revive Ichirou. With that being said you can't argue against him about something he never was going to do. Either way, she accepted his faults and he certainly accepted her own faults to the point where he released the 'kill switch' and had enough with her, leaving her very little if not any chance to defend towards the well executed trap. Everyone obviously has their own zone ettiqute but you can't put the blame some one for being deceptive, some use lies to get ahead thats just life put into the RP world. Yujo panned out an RP sequence that allowed his character to persuade hers into her own downfall due to sheer blindness of the fact that he wasn't all goody two shoes. I mean even I told Yujo I wouldn't trust him with such a situation, not ever. >>; Too risky to be giving up my soul or skin contact, I already been down such a road of backstabbings to know not to trust someone like she so willingly did. Sometimes you gotta take a L, I mean even Meek Mill did it, kept on tweeting and moved on.


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Re: Death to the Wondertwins! Part 2
« Reply #21 on: September 08, 2015, 06:13:36 AM »

So Masana..the character...dose not trust Yujo ...the character.

Why did she release the Edo Tensei jutsu on her brother and place her hand in his seal filled hand? YOu release that jutsu, dosn't the brother just die? She even brought his corpse to Yujo upon request.

To me...the character seeing him play act at telling you he is going to cut Ichi's soul from the Shinigami...before he does the light show and ventriloquist act...causing Shinigami to gripe about losing more souls and stuff...more light shows of souls leaving Shinigami...

Before he did all that...just letting you know what he planned...that should have caused Masane to wait...before I kill my brother by undoing my jutsu on him...i got some questions dude...enemy of mine...from Uzoshiogakure....

don't you think?

<||||> ???, Uzumaki Yujo | With a sigh he continued to ponder the situation that the two were in, "I am in a rare position to help you both out, though it will require more space than this place." He looked around to check if he was correct in his assumption, "Do you have a larger room than this one?" He now  stood up to stretch his legs, and turn to Ichirou, "Where is your original body? And on that same subject, did you have your soul preserved, or is it in the hands of the Shinigami now?" He sighed, absolutely hating the idea of having to deal with the shinigami on ninja not of the Uzumaki clan, but exceptions could be made, and with the Shinigami mask in his possession the Death god had little choice in the matter anyway.

Masane's reply, is it...hey what do you mean is his soul with the is not. She even mentions that Ichi's house is better place for the plan Yujo has.

<||||> Uchiha ?? Masane She sighed. Masane was not prepared at all for this. "I have his body. Though I have to go get it." She mumbled. "Ichirou has a better place than here. He will take you there while I retrieve his body."

Does Ichi go...uhmm hey dude,...what do you mean is my soul in the shinigami...he hasn't been impaired through soul partioning like Oro...and is an Edo of course his soul is whole.

No he just says

<||||> Otsutsuki, Ichirou nodded as Masane left the building, he turned to Yujo and extended his hand as if for Yujo to take it. Once he had the two would teleport via Hiraishin to a basement level of Ichirou's Monk temple within the slums of Amegakure. The room was roughly ten times larger than the room they were in before. And was mostly empty. Upon their arrival the room was dark, and with a single hand seal Ichiou would trigger a few pre-placed jutsu tags that were attached to torches in various corners of the room. Causing them to ignite and luminate the area. "As far as my soul is concerned, it should still be preserved." he continued to explain to Yujo while they waited for Masane to return. "so what exactly are you going to do?"

So both are either...
1] RPing their characters and being fooled and playing along.
2] just metagaming their way through the rp to get the OOC deal and get duped, pawned, and put in a situation where...we are now. Which means...they RP'd their characters as trusting Yujo.

now that the back stab is time to metagame the characters into a position of not trusting Yujo? because the ooc deal went sour?

Yujo then explains what he is gonna do...yet another chance for Ichi's characters to don't know what you are talking about or trying to screw me here...

<||||> ???, Uzumaki Yujo looked up and down Ichi's extended arm, glancing over the chakra structure to ensure this stranger did not mean him harm, but Yujo trusted this man well enough to take his hand and allowed the two to be teleported away. Once they landed inside of the dark room, his body felt completely fine as he was an avid user of space-time himself. As Ichi flicked the lights on, he nodded to the zombie man, "Glad to hear. Now I just have to figure out how much of your soul is still being trapped within that pile of crap you call a body now." Of course he spoke badly of the Edo tensei jutsu, the same jutsu that trapped his father for so many years, to do the bidding of his own brother. He took a look around and nodded, this room being perfect for what was to transpire, and to begin the process he reached into his back pouch and removed the fabled Shinigami Mask. "Well my friend, I don't know how to say it really, so I will say this, you ever see the Shinigami at work? It is truly a marvelous thing, and you get to see it, first hand." Yujo took a few breaths before walking towards the center of the room, needing much space to summon a literal god.  Once at the center of the room he placed the mask over his face, and pulled outa ceremonial dagger, that looked to pertain to an older age of the Uzumaki, like the Uzumaki himself. "This next part is going to hurt, a lot. I will take the dagger into my gut, and tear my abdomen open."  He took a few breaths, preparing himself for Masane's arrival, to which would prompt him having to stab himself. "From there, I will grab the pieces of your soul that he has collected. Then combine those with the ones trapped inside of that Zombie body, into your original body." He now grinned once more, "Then we begin breathing life into the shell that harbors your soul, otherwise known as your dead body. Pretty simple, eh?" He laughed aloud, knowing that his archaic jutsu was more than complex but he had hoped Ichi got the gist of it.

does he do that? no. he talks about how cool it will be to see it in action.

When Masane comes back with Ichi's body, released the Edo Tensei, and Yujo tells her what he is gonna do.

<||||> 預言者, Uzumaki Yūjō took a few deep breaths as he watched Masane release the jutsu, this not being the first time he had seen the Edo tensei jutsu at work, then in unison as the soul of Ichirou was released from the Renanimated body, both Yujo and the Shinigami swung out and grabbed the soul.  Once again the Shinigami's hand slammed down onto the chest of Ichirou's corpse, and reunited the two soul parts. With this done, he removed the mask from his face and allowed the Shinigami to fade back to his world. Yujo panted a bit, and turned to face Masane, "Alright, now that his soul is intact, we can begin bringing his body back to life, which will be made much easier since you preserved it for this very reason, I appreciate it." The wound on his abdomen began opening up further, allowing a beating heart to be removed from it. Once it was out, he spoke out "The life force within this heart will be used as the catalyst to bring him back, though I don't believe it will be enough considering it is just a heart. That is where you come in, Masane." He bent down onto one knee, as he did so, several threads pierced the chest of the corpse before  him, latching onto the heart within. Now connected he began funneling the life force from the extracted heart, directly into Ichirou's dead one. With a look back at Masane, he made a motion with his head that now was the time for her help. With labored movement he extended his hand to the woman, giving her access to enter this chain of life, so her chakra could be funneled into Yujo's extracted heart, and eventually into Ichirou, once it's life force had run out. As this happened, a blue aura began to envelop Ichirou's corpse, a visual effect of the jutsu he was performing on her brother. "Quickly now, this isn't exactly the most fun jutsu to use. Imagine opening 7 of the 8 gates, and running a marathon, that's how this feels." He said with a bit of a chuckle, his pain and fatigue being easily dealt with due to his incredibly durable body.

does she stop it? no...she even sympathizes with how much it must be hurting yujo to cut himself open.

<||||> Uchiha 爆弾 Masane She placed her hand in Yujo's and did what she was told. This proccess was gruesome and she knew Yūjō had to be hurting. She wanted this to be overnas fast as possible. There was nothing she wanted more than to have her brother brought back to her. For this the wonder twins would owe a debt. She began to wonder what she would be made to do. It was times like this that she wished she was not a female.

So when is it they are not trusting Yujo in Character? not until the very next action by Yujo when he screws them. With her hand in his hand.

<||||> 預言者, Uzumaki Yūjō | Once his hand was met with Masane's, the warmth of her chakra began washing through him, "What an incredible chakra you have..." He grinned up at her, still slowly channeling chakra into Ichirou. Time passed, and the heart that Yujo had extracted withered away into dust, signifying that this process was nearly complete. With another glance back at her his grin still spread across his face, he interlocked their fingers to bring her hand closer to his own. "Nearly done, but I am growing weak rather quickly." He panted a bit and turned back towards Ichirou who was but a few moments before breathing his first breath of life since death. Though there was an issue here, Yujo had just met these people, why would an Uzumaki make such sacrifice for someone not sharing his blood? Correct answer happened to be, he wasn't. If anyone knew Yujo personally it would not have gone down this way, but the so called wonder twins did not. The tattoos on his hands that rested within Masanes came to life in the form of the Uzumaki Sealing technique, and when the technique was used at such close range, by a user of such mastery, there was no escape to be had. Within the time span of less than 2 seconds would Masane find herself sucked inside of the inscriptions that made up the tattoos on his arm, and forever trapped within them. Considering the amount of trust she had in Yujo, one could doubt that there was much reaction to be had from her, which would make trust the factor that would seal their fate. Once completed, Yujo would simply use another seal to capture Ichirou before any shenanigans were to be had, if any. If all went successfully, he would sealed Masane sealed within his right palm, and ichi in his left.

FRom there you will have to continue. I see no legit way to undo any of the prior RP.

as for lying? it is part of the game.
remember the clan wars? the whole point was to get someone to trust you, stab them in the back, and bust their clan after they gave you an office slot in the clan.
You can't even cry to the mods about getting scammed and losing an account for nonpayment...
he lied to me and stold my account?
well too bad. you should not have trusted them!
same thing
« Last Edit: September 08, 2015, 06:17:37 AM by KayentaMoenkopi »


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Re: Death to the Wondertwins! Part 2
« Reply #22 on: September 08, 2015, 06:17:52 AM »

OOC lying in SL's beginning where pretty much everything had no consequence to it, not even death, is one thing. But we're a lot more composed and stricter about what goes on here now, and have separated OOC and IC things.

Using the knowledge of deceiving somebody in an OOC manner and then applying that knowledge to cause something IC isn't meta-gaming? I mean, wouldn't it make more sense to tell someone and then reveal to deceive them entirely in an IC manner? That's another topic, but if you're solely using that reasoning to support it, then maybe you guys should actually learn how to RP and stop acting like acads. We're playing SL 2015, not SL 2005.

I assure you Kage I know how to rp. I know how yo forum rp which is what you want and how to SL rp which is the reality of this site.

Now I will go and say no one forced her to accept Yujo's OOC lie. She did that on her own. It is her fault. I have nothin against her I just simply must state the fact of the mater in such a case as this. She accepted it all not his fault. She could hav said yeah OOC I trust you but IC I'm not gonna to this with you cause it would make no sense for our characters to. However she did not that can not be changed now.

Now on the flip side I do believe Yujo's actions may have been rushed. His post perhaps covered to much and should have been split into more post allowing for a counter. To not give one a chance to counter is god-mod after all. Therefor he pretty much retro-post into the future. Which means she can counter the beginning of his post so it is not retro-posting to fat ahead. To deny her a chance to counter is bull shit.

But like I said she must take advantage of this and becarefu with her chance to counter. She only gets one shot after all.

I think all this can be settled very easily with a compromise of both sides. The rp keeps going with the next posting beig a chance to counter.

No reason that can't be worked out and this be conducted civil.

Keito Uzumaki

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Re: Death to the Wondertwins! Part 2
« Reply #23 on: September 08, 2015, 06:25:20 AM »

:smt041 and there we go, Kayenta making it all too surreal I believe. I mean clearly, this is quite the classic case of the little girl who finally realized there wasn't any candy in the van.....we all know how that story goes. Masane dipped and reached too far to finally reveal the true intentions of Yujo only to not like the unfortunate outcome. Sourapple! the most sourest of all kinds!


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Re: Death to the Wondertwins! Part 2
« Reply #24 on: September 08, 2015, 06:26:10 AM »

point on hating Manane..

Uhm no. I am saying you are wrong. period. no agenda.

And look who I am defending? The love of my life? Yujo and I have a long history of trust, respect, understanding, and backing each other up that predates the selling of the brooklyn bridge.

This time though, I truly believe he is right. Don't make this about something it is not. At least don't include me in that hating on you agenda. I am not doing that. Of all the people involved with this thing? I should be supporting Kage. But this time, I think he jumped the gun cause he didn't know Yujo the character was acting. I think at first he thought Yujo was just character controlling Ichi's soul being in the Shinigami for real. When in fact that jutsu was not used at all, only play acted.

after that I dont' know.

But if liking and disliking someone was what moved me to give an opinion on something, my point is...i should be on Kage's side.

But I feel yujo did a legit rp here. and you should not get to suddenly stop trusting him when you rp'd you did all along even though numerous chances were given to act otherwise.


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Re: Death to the Wondertwins! Part 2
« Reply #25 on: September 08, 2015, 06:42:46 AM »

point on hating Manane..

Uhm no. I am saying you are wrong. period. no agenda.

And look who I am defending? The love of my life? Yujo and I have a long history of trust, respect, understanding, and backing each other up that predates the selling of the brooklyn bridge.

This time though, I truly believe he is right. Don't make this about something it is not. At least don't include me in that hating on you agenda. I am not doing that. Of all the people involved with this thing? I should be supporting Kage. But this time, I think he jumped the gun cause he didn't know Yujo the character was acting. I think at first he thought Yujo was just character controlling Ichi's soul being in the Shinigami for real. When in fact that jutsu was not used at all, only play acted.

after that I dont' know.

But if liking and disliking someone was what moved me to give an opinion on something, my point is...i should be on Kage's side.

But I feel yujo did a legit rp here. and you should not get to suddenly stop trusting him when you rp'd you did all along even though numerous chances were given to act otherwise.

For real. When this lady is defending me, something magical has happened. I today will pray for the ability to repeat this type of magic. Unfortunately, I was made to reveal my trick to the public and now the magic has died. :/

Shame on you Ame people, now how are the children supposed to know the dazzle of The Colossally-Enourmous Yujo!

On the real though. Masane, Ichirou, Kage.

I asked that this remain civil, now there is cursing, calling names, and insults that simply aren't fitting for a post of this nature. Things like this are why people scheme to kill you all, then you are like, "WTF! No...It can't be, h-he lied to me? -sniffle-". Can't try and pull the, "Ya'll are just haters." When you merit the hate.

I really did like you guys OOC, but you plopped a pile of nonsense into my lap, and gave me one option.

So I ask that the arguments concerning this topic be closed until Masane attempts her counter. As it was said in the last topic, you all know, the one that was exactly like this, but locked by someone of higher power than Kage, who he dare not try and claim some nonsensical circle-jerk theory to, yeah that one...And once her post is made, I will either bring it up here (If another load of BS), or as warren said, if her post is legit, then you all won't hear about it, and these TWO topics can die.
They say there is a strength in numbers, well, tell that to 6 Million Jews.


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Re: Death to the Wondertwins! Part 2
« Reply #26 on: September 08, 2015, 06:45:47 AM »

If it's not one thing, it's another it seems.  :-? Let me go on the record saying that I do not approve of the title of the thread.  :cry:

Moving on though to more pressing matters:

OOC lying is not meta gaming. It is a war tatic that had been around sense the beginning of SL.

You newer players may do well in takin up a history lesson on the subject of clan wars and such...

It is a general tactic to not be entirely truthful in OOC situations, but  from where I sit, it doesn't seem like the main crux of the problem.

The main crux of the problem seems to be that a seemingly  nonsensical situation (portion of a soul being in Shinigami and Edo Tensei?) has turned sour and is now entirely being called into question. If things would have went on without a hitch, and someone questioned Ichirou's method of revival, a case could be made that he should not have been brought back to life from the get-go.

But we haven't gotten to that stage. The stage we are at is a little further back where the future takes a most unexpected turn; rather than being revived, Ichirou's Edo is released, and both Masane and Ichirou are subsequently motioned to be sealed into the palms of Yujo. It is at this juncture that treachary inspires questioning.

Akin to Trev's Epheremeal usage against Bocchiere, generally when tricks of this nature are used, elaboration that it is a trick has become a relative norm, and failure to do so tends to revert to reposts and voids (since you can claim that you did it post-action without having actually prepped it) so in the case of a randomly exploding kunai supposedly tagged the previous turned with a special technique formula, I would have to call bs on that alone.

And yet, as Murc put it, had there not been a betrayal at all, I think it is safe to assume that Ichirou would breathe life, Masane would be thrilled to have her brother back, and Yujo would be asking for payment. It's a matter of misinformation that begs the question of how the illusion was created in the first place. If it were genjutsu I am fairly sure that the two would have noticed something amiss and acted; it would be character control to assume that they wouldn't.

However, I doubt it is genjutsu:

... Though there was an issue here, Yujo had just met these people, why would an Uzumaki make such sacrifice for someone not sharing his blood? Correct answer happened to be, he wasn't. If anyone knew Yujo personally it would not have gone down this way, but the so called wonder twins did not. The tattoos on his hands that rested within Masanes came to life in the form of the Uzumaki Sealing technique, and when the technique was used at such close range, by a user of such mastery, there was no escape to be had. Within the time span of less than 2 seconds would Masane find herself sucked inside of the inscriptions that made up the tattoos on his arm, and forever trapped within them. Considering the amount of trust she had in Yujo, one could doubt that there was much reaction to be had from her, which would make trust the factor that would seal their fate. Once completed, Yujo would simply use another seal to capture Ichirou before any shenanigans were to be had, if any. If all went successfully, he would sealed Masane sealed within his right palm, and ichi in his left.

All of it seems to be real as far as jutsu goes, meaning that the only deception was the ultimate goal of what was going to be done with all of that jutsu before. It is not typed as smoke and mirrors (an illusion) it is typed as reality (the spilling of the souls, the summoning of shinigami, etc.). Him saying that it surely was Ichirou's soul does make a difference in meaning. Could suggests that it might not be (which is the reality if all is to be believed here) but surely strongely implies that it does.

Kage's main disagreements stem there, that being his reasoning for declaring a void. His likely justification for having the power to do such being that:

A) This is not a biju fight or anything of that sort, so the following has some bearing in the manner.

B) The village in-game rules, according to the wikia, are that mainstream RPers who RP within Amegakure must abide by the decisions made by higher-ups, and that if issues concerning said decision come up they are to bring it to their (his) attention directly (which I presume wasn't done based on Kage's first post on the topic mentioning his reasons for unlocking the original topic).

I am unsure of how Kage would have reacted had there not been any betrayal involved, but based on his post in the original topic:,8558.msg223892.html#msg223892


... Here's what irks me about the RP. Yujo takes liberties in adjusting the lore to his own needs so he can use an OP revival technique that outmatches Edo Tensei and Rinne Tensei...

He is likely to have objected even if it had been a success. The "change in lore" does not become smoke and mirrors at all from what has been posted. At no point does he go, "Haha, none of that really took place, you fools got fooled". From what has been brought here to the forum, everything he did happened, and trust and deception ultimately brought about the downfall of the twins.

I thus have to object to the notion that, "People lie all the time on here, totally legit strategy" when not even after betraying them he bothered to make mention that it was all a visual trick, to falsify his earlier statements and assertions.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Death to the Wondertwins! Part 2
« Reply #27 on: September 08, 2015, 06:48:42 AM »

I feel there is no need to look the topic when a lot can stil be said. Lockin it only favors Yujo's side and would be unfair.


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Re: Death to the Wondertwins! Part 2
« Reply #28 on: September 08, 2015, 07:01:59 AM »

If it's not one thing, it's another it seems.  :-? Let me go on the record saying that I do not approve of the title of the thread.  :cry:

Moving on though to more pressing matters:

OOC lying is not meta gaming. It is a war tatic that had been around sense the beginning of SL.

You newer players may do well in takin up a history lesson on the subject of clan wars and such...

It is a general tactic to not be entirely truthful in OOC situations, but  from where I sit, it doesn't seem like the main crux of the problem.

The main crux of the problem seems to be that a seemingly  nonsensical situation (portion of a soul being in Shinigami and Edo Tensei?) has turned sour and is now entirely being called into question. If things would have went on without a hitch, and someone questioned Ichirou's method of revival, a case could be made that he should not have been brought back to life from the get-go.

But we haven't gotten to that stage. The stage we are at is a little further back where the future takes a most unexpected turn; rather than being revived, Ichirou's Edo is released, and both Masane and Ichirou are subsequently motioned to be sealed into the palms of Yujo. It is at this juncture that treachary inspires questioning.

Akin to Trev's Epheremeal usage against Bocchiere, generally when tricks of this nature are used, elaboration that it is a trick has become a relative norm, and failure to do so tends to revert to reposts and voids (since you can claim that you did it post-action without having actually prepped it) so in the case of a randomly exploding kunai supposedly tagged the previous turned with a special technique formula, I would have to call bs on that alone.

And yet, as Murc put it, had there not been a betrayal at all, I think it is safe to assume that Ichirou would breathe life, Masane would be thrilled to have her brother back, and Yujo would be asking for payment. It's a matter of misinformation that begs the question of how the illusion was created in the first place. If it were genjutsu I am fairly sure that the two would have noticed something amiss and acted; it would be character control to assume that they wouldn't.

However, I doubt it is genjutsu:

... Though there was an issue here, Yujo had just met these people, why would an Uzumaki make such sacrifice for someone not sharing his blood? Correct answer happened to be, he wasn't. If anyone knew Yujo personally it would not have gone down this way, but the so called wonder twins did not. The tattoos on his hands that rested within Masanes came to life in the form of the Uzumaki Sealing technique, and when the technique was used at such close range, by a user of such mastery, there was no escape to be had. Within the time span of less than 2 seconds would Masane find herself sucked inside of the inscriptions that made up the tattoos on his arm, and forever trapped within them. Considering the amount of trust she had in Yujo, one could doubt that there was much reaction to be had from her, which would make trust the factor that would seal their fate. Once completed, Yujo would simply use another seal to capture Ichirou before any shenanigans were to be had, if any. If all went successfully, he would sealed Masane sealed within his right palm, and ichi in his left.

All of it seems to be real as far as jutsu goes, meaning that the only deception was the ultimate goal of what was going to be done with all of that jutsu before. It is not typed as smoke and mirrors (an illusion) it is typed as reality (the spilling of the souls, the summoning of shinigami, etc.). Him saying that it surely was Ichirou's soul does make a difference in meaning. Could suggests that it might not be (which is the reality if all is to be believed here) but surely strongely implies that it does.

Kage's main disagreements stem there, that being his reasoning for declaring a void. His likely justification for having the power to do such being that:

A) This is not a biju fight or anything of that sort, so the following has some bearing in the manner.

B) The village in-game rules, according to the wikia, are that mainstream RPers who RP within Amegakure must abide by the decisions made by higher-ups, and that if issues concerning said decision come up they are to bring it to their (his) attention directly (which I presume wasn't done based on Kage's first post on the topic mentioning his reasons for unlocking the original topic).

I am unsure of how Kage would have reacted had there not been any betrayal involved, but based on his post in the original topic:,8558.msg223892.html#msg223892


... Here's what irks me about the RP. Yujo takes liberties in adjusting the lore to his own needs so he can use an OP revival technique that outmatches Edo Tensei and Rinne Tensei...

He is likely to have objected even if it had been a success. The "change in lore" does not become smoke and mirrors at all from what has been posted. At no point does he go, "Haha, none of that really took place, you fools got fooled". From what has been brought here to the forum, everything he did happened, and trust and deception ultimately brought about the downfall of the twins.

I thus have to object to the notion that, "People lie all the time on here, totally legit strategy" when not even after betraying them he bothered to make mention that it was all a visual trick, to falsify his earlier statements and assertions.

Tell me, would anyone of you continue in an Rp where someone says, "Muhuhahah. I can't believe these idiots haven't seen through my deception...HAHAH. Fools!" I think someone pointed out the term, "Soft-Metagame" where someone tries to change the outcome of an Rp with OOC knowledge.

Seriously. There is no way to just hint at being deceptive, without someone catching on, and meta-gaming super hard so that they won't die.

But that is beside the point.

As it has been stated a million and a half times, they made no effort to refute anything in that post when they had ample opportunity, until they knew they were screwed. They blindly accepted all of my claims, thus making all of my claims the truth of what happened.

If I said, "King Kong gyrates his hips in a helicopter motion, and slaps you to death with the resulting dong attack." And you don't refute it till after you realize it's a giant dong and you actually die from the attack, then that's your fault. If you don't read into the details of an Rp then I'm sorry for your loss, and hope you learn to read the rp's concerning your life with more attention.
They say there is a strength in numbers, well, tell that to 6 Million Jews.


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Re: Death to the Wondertwins! Part 2
« Reply #29 on: September 08, 2015, 07:05:45 AM »

Here's the ultimate problem I'm trying to prevent though.

Ichirou is to be the Hachibi's host. Host. He was at the time an Edo Tensei, who cannot become a host. But I'm voiding this method of revival because it's silly and OP. But to let it slide, is to have him come back alive. And if he's alive, then he can become the host of the Eight Tails.

Would you guys ultimately accept that? Because that's the future problematic issue I'm trying to prevent, since the Tailed Beasts are a community issue that would blow up into an even bigger one than this current topic.
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