I'm sorry I just had to point out the title of the topic and the name of the OP.

I thought the whole point of creating a character was that it was
YOUR OWN character that suited your own personal desires and needs. The problem here is most people can't spark their own individuality or for the lack of better words are just lazy. In that sense, this is where the Madara-esque or Sasuke/Itachi-esque persona comes into play in SL's RP. Sure we can relate to the series but doesn't mean we have to copy the series xD
Another problem would be the 'stacked account' method people seem to go by now, I mean I myself have reached such in the past which is why I don't really bother with the forest or earning reborns anymore. Been there done that, not doing again, if you don't like it too bad. But with newer players joining they kinda see it as a 'norm' to go through this method as well, without really understanding that I myself, as well as many others started this site as a noob. Meaning we didn't have the reborns everyone else did and were literally weaker than the 'top dogs' only until working our way up through in-game and RP to get to where we are today. Its not like jumping into double dutch jump rope its more gradual like learning how to ride a bike. Until some of us get too cocky and start using no hands and crash into trees or something. Besides, even with all of my 'stuff' Keito as a character hates revealing his most secret techniques unless he knows they're a sure hit and his opponent won't even be able to comprehend what hit them until its too late. 'Missing' is one of his biggest peeves and thus will only use something if it works, as opposed to just throwing out techniques left and right hoping one would hit. If anything I start with the lowest rank techniques first, leading up to the higher more devastating ones. Just for the thrill of the fight