Casual > Game Related Discussions

What's the first thing you do when you log in SL?

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So out of curiousity, what's the thing you usually do when you log into SL?

- Check if Kyuubi is in the Shop
- Check your PMs.
- Check to see if it's your turn to post in an RP.
- Go straight to the Forest to do your turns.
- Check out your clan hall.

For me, it's going to the Forest.

Check RP's I'm currently in line for.

Come to think of it, for the past few weeks that's all I've really been doing when I log into SL, aside from PM's.  :shock:

Raifudo Oppa:
Check PVP fields.

Check my PMs.

> Check PMs
> Decide if I have the will to level any
> Decide I don't
> Log off


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