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Author Topic: Server Move / Upgrades  (Read 27751 times)


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Server Move / Upgrades
« on: December 19, 2015, 04:21:44 PM »

Well. It has been done.

Took much longer than expected, mostly because I had an appointment in between  :o

You recall (or may read again) about the server we were (and currently still are, partly) hosted?

This machine is now around 6 years old, and I decided to replace it.
-> parts may not be available in the future
-> monthly costs now more than necessary
-> server OS would have needed an upgrade (which means adaptions of all virtual hosts stuff like routes/bridges etc)

So, the new machine is now basically faster, larger etc. and costs 1/3 of the current host  :roll: :roll:

For those who want stats:
1x Intel® Core™ i7-6700, Quad-Core Skylake
2 x 500 GB SATA 6 Gb/s SSD (Software-RAID 1)
Internet Bandwith max. 1 GBit/s-Port

Should be enough for us, the mail server and storage space.  :twisted:
I rented a new storage unit (2 TB) for backups too, dirt-cheap.

Mailserver (+forum/wiki) will follow in around a week.
Will be much less hassle, I don't need to adapt virtual hdd and such things, so it will be smoother and quicker. Also, game will keep running  :twisted:
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Re: Server Move / Upgrades
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2015, 04:23:50 PM »

PHP was also upgraded, and the old code is ... old. I needed to make adaptions.

Some sideeffects which you may need to petition:
- if you find code displayed or a function does not work correctly, please write a petition
- the server has a new IP, so if you can't access it, check if you ping to the old one (46.4.37. at the beginning)
- anything else that does not seem right
Never judge a cow by its udder.

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