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Author Topic: Hero's Guild: Spooky Scary Skeletons  (Read 8813 times)


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Hero's Guild: Spooky Scary Skeletons
« on: January 04, 2016, 08:55:18 PM »

As night came over the sky, dark powers began to stir outside of Carne Village, and inside the Cemetery. The cemetery was large in size, having carried Carne Village's dead since people built the town, which was some time ago. Of course, countless graves of mostly the same size covered the grounds, though there were a dozen or so large grave stones spread here and there and fewer, small buildings that housed a few corpses in them, mostly mayors or important people of Carne Village. There was a mausoleum to match the Cemetery at the far side of the entrance through the gates, where the corpses of the warriors or militiamen Carne Village once had were buried safely.

Soil shifted, bones creaked, and activity started in the Cemetery. Corpses, most which were skeletons with tattered clothing on them, patrolled the graveyard. Some of the corpses still had decaying flesh or muscle on them, giving off horrible and sickening smells, as well as being a horrific sight to behold.

The air seemed thick over the whole cemetery, and had an odd sensation throughout the air. What could cause the dead to rise?
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Hero's Guild: Spooky Scary Skeletons
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2016, 12:54:15 AM »

Masane reached the village and knew she was in the right place. The thick sickening smell of the rotting bodies filled the air. She clutched her long bow as a small clay arrow slid from the mouth on her palm.
She followed the smell to the grave yard and what she saw nearly scared her so bad her hair could have turned white. Masane crouched behind a tree hoping that the wandering dead would not spot her. Hopefully steel would soon arrive so she would not have to sneak around alone. Though if need be the girl could be very sneaky. For now she would just watch, counting the undead trying to get an idea of what she was up against.

When you smell like you can do anything, there is nothing you smell like you can't do.


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Re: Hero's Guild: Spooky Scary Skeletons
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2016, 06:52:27 AM »

(Because this quest hadn't fully been started, I'm stepping in)

The sky had indeed fallen victim to the Moon's curse. Casting it's counterpart, the Sun, into temporary exile so that it could have its time to rule the night. Monsters and evildoers were subjects to the Moon's rule over the land and as the last flicker of light left the cemetery, the creatures in that certain domain returned to life.

Jay would find himself neck deep in the vile stench and thick, and overall, malicious intent that seemed to fill the air. The Nara, might have bit off more than he could chew with his utter disdain he had for the dark. A little girl from his past had been correct when she stated that she wasn't afraid of the dark, she was more afraid of what was inside the dark. Since she said that, the Nara had constantly found himself fighting monsters in such darkness, to the point that he had to grow accustomed to fighting blindly. A hair trigger had developed over the years and doing this alone was the best course of action he could take.

Atop the Carne Cemetery sign at the entrance, he would position himself. Out in the open, but shrouded in a dark blue cloak and hood that made him blend in with the dark blue sky above. A true ninja tactic, but a dramatic position he had taken to make his entrance. "I never understood the living dead. How could they live... if they're dead?" With that thought in his mind, he prepared himself for what was to come.

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Re: Hero's Guild: Spooky Scary Skeletons
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2016, 07:00:19 AM »

The cemetery wasn't just overwhelmed with the disgusting smells of decaying corpses, but also with the disturbing sound of clattering bones, or moving flesh. When they had mentioned that the place was overrun at night, they hadn't been exaggerating. The graveyard was almost covered in undead patrolling the area, but there was something unsettling about the monsters roaming the grounds, something one couldn't put their finger one.

But, one could tell that there was a deep and dark energy emanating from the large mausoleum that rested deep on the grounds of the graveyard. And if that wasn't enough of a sign, the numbers of undead increased the closer one would get to the building. This was going to be a lot more difficult than Jay originally thought.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Hero's Guild: Spooky Scary Skeletons
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2016, 07:46:50 AM »

Jay smiled under the hood of his cloak as he looked at the plethora of undead that filled the cemetery. He paid little mind to the dank stench that filled the air, nor the sight of the decomposing flesh slipping from walking corpses. He was a warrior. No matter the situation, no matter the field, He would persevere.

But running in there, daggers swinging widely, was not the best of options at the moment. Despite how exciting that sounded, he was Nara, smart and calculating. There were questions to this situation that needed answering. What was causing the undead to be undead? What exactly was he sensing in the air? Nature Energy? Corrupted Energy? A demonic figure controlling things behind the curtains? Something just wasn't right in this situation.

He peered his golden hues out towards the entirety of all that was in sight. They all seemed to be guarding the large building, simply from the fact that they seemed to be more crowded in that general area of the cemetery. It was a mistake to seal his bow and arrows in a scroll. If these things could sense chakra, they would no doubt sense their release. This made him think about his daggers and where he got them. Of course, when his thoughts turned towards the thief from his previous mission, it turned to the amulet around his neck and wondered why it had stopped working. "Whatever, the undead don't have minds to fool."

For now, the Nara would continue to watch the undead, though he would began to circle around the perimeter. Ice and Shadow would be his friends, all he would need to do would be to keep watch of his chakra levels and make sure things didn't go too out of hand during the mission. Tactical retreats were going to be necessary, he has to know that.

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Re: Hero's Guild: Spooky Scary Skeletons
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2016, 07:53:16 AM »

There wasn't much to be said about the skeletons that roamed the grounds. On the outer layers farthest from the building, the undead fell into basic patterns of patrolling and walking in circles. In the middle layers, their numbers nearly double, very few breaks throughout each patrol. But it didn't seem impossible to get through, if the man could move at just the right exact time.

Then there was the closest layers near the building, where the numbers were amassed so much there was seemingly no openings to get into the building without a fight. To get through, it was going to take something spectacular.

The man avoiding to use chakra was a smart move, whether he knew it or not. But as to why, it would come to be explained later. But the undead hadn't picked up on him just yet, even as he walked around the perimeter.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Hero's Guild: Spooky Scary Skeletons
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2016, 08:14:34 AM »

To say the Nara was surprised at the apparent superb usage of patrolling by the seemingly mindless undead, was an understatement. It more than proved that some mastermind was behind this whole spectacle. Jay made mental notes of what he seen and felt that it was nearing the time for him to act. He reached into his ninja pouch, inside his cloak, and pulled out a kunai and an exploding tag. He wrapped the tag around the handle and made sure that it was nice and tight, using a bit of saliva to make it stick close.

He thought about how he was going to proceed ahead. Perhaps, daggers swinging was just going to have to do? He returned to the entrance, after completely circling around the perimeter. Something in his head told him that he was just going to have to make sure these skeleton stay down and cant piece themselves back together. "Time to break some bones." That was such a cool line, it was a shame nobody was there to hear it but him.

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Re: Hero's Guild: Spooky Scary Skeletons
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2016, 08:20:31 AM »

It was a shame no one was around to hear it, because it wasn't that bad. But sadly for the skeletons, they were unaware of the assault that they could possible be the victim of currently. Inside the mausoleum, one could see a sudden flash and flare of purple light before it would fade once more.

As this happened, the graveyard would soon be a chorus of moans and groans, with bones shaking and rattling. Whatever this power was, the undead responded to it and returned to their duties moments later, though seemingly with slightly more purpose than they had been using before.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Hero's Guild: Spooky Scary Skeletons
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2016, 08:40:42 AM »

Wouldn't notice the flash of light, emitting from the mausoleum, but he would have to be deaf not to notice the sounds of groans and rattling bones becoming more pronounce than before. He narrowed his eyes at this development and covered his kunai with a thin film of his chakra. This would make it so that the next thing it came in contact with would end up releasing the power of the explosion. With this in mind, and hopeful no straw crows flew by, he lobbed the kunai into the air, aiming for it to land in the middle layer of the cemetery.

As soon as he did this, he grabbed hold of his cloak and tossed it aside, revealing his attire underneath. It wasn't any different from what he was wearing during the thief mission and pulled the daggers from his hips. He took a deep breath and rushed forward. As soon as he reached the first skeleton and aimed to slice it's head in half, the kunai impacted one of the skeletons ahead of him and exploded in a five meter radius.

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Re: Hero's Guild: Spooky Scary Skeletons
« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2016, 08:48:42 AM »

The Kunai would have hit the mark it was intended form, not only obliterating the whole skeleton that it had come in contact with but two others that were nearby as well. Three others were caught in the radius, toss to the side and knocked apart... But with their limbs unbroken, they started to pull themselves together.

As for the Skeleton that was Jay's first target, it's head would be cut in half, the body shaking for a moment... Before it would aim to lunge blindly forward and attempt to wrap itself around Jay's body. Jay had made himself known, and now the undead knew.

All of the monsters in the immediate area screeched, glowing red lights appearing in the empty sockets of their eyes. Suddenly, the stragglers of the outer layers were starting to pile in towards Jay. Two came in first, aiming to grab the man's arms and legs from both sides at the same time, trying to be useless distractions as the horde tried to form around the man.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Hero's Guild: Spooky Scary Skeletons
« Reply #10 on: April 06, 2016, 08:58:31 AM »

Jay had to give the hive-minded like undead props as they reacted in perfect coordination. The skeleton that attempted to lunge blindly wouldn't find him there as he hadn't stopped moving. He pressed forward, allowing for the hoard to surround him. Even from this distance, he found his hypothesis true, as those rattling bones ahead began to pull themselves back together.

He infused wind chakra in his daggers, for a much longer reach and crouch. He waited for them to get just a bit closer before springing back into action. Once he sprung, he began to spin, making a full 360 degree motion. The blades of wind spread outwards in five meters again, guided by his chakra, and began to slice into the bones, spraying them dust outwards in a miniature cyclone(1).

As soon as it died down, he noted that it took out a few. Deciding, not to remain in one place for too long, he jumped forward, hovering a for a moment as he looked below, being at least teen feet in the air.

1- Futon: Kaika Tatsumaki no Mai (Wind Release: Dance of the Blossoming Tornado)
« Last Edit: April 06, 2016, 09:09:03 AM by JayJay »

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Re: Hero's Guild: Spooky Scary Skeletons
« Reply #11 on: April 06, 2016, 09:03:41 AM »

As the Skeletons caught in his tornado were cut down, the horde tried to surround it once he had stopped. But as he took off into the air, he would clear himself of the first horde momentarily... Some of those in the horde would go to the fallen bodies of their brethren, doing something with the remains of their bodies.

But as he landed, the horde from before would only come from behind now and try to catch him. But not only that but they would also be driving him deeper into the larger, overall horde of them, where they got thicker closer to the building. If Jay started to move forward towards the rest, their eyes would waist no time turn red and turning their attention towards the man.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Hero's Guild: Spooky Scary Skeletons
« Reply #12 on: April 06, 2016, 09:19:27 AM »

As the man landed, he stomped his foot on the ground. In the process for his next plan of action, he steeled his mind and covered his body in a film of wind chakra. He would let them come to him and in the mean time, he would find out just how they fought at close range. He wouldn't do much with the wind chakra around his frame, but it would help with lessening the natural wind resistance around a body.

As the skeletons came, he would swing, chop, turn, twist and evade to the best of his abilities. His golden hues, while not as sharp as a Sharingan, or wide ranged as a Byakugan, were still just as trained to perceive oncoming attacks of what was around him.

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Re: Hero's Guild: Spooky Scary Skeletons
« Reply #13 on: April 06, 2016, 09:30:07 AM »

These skeletons were smarter than they let on originally, it seemed. The ones that were messing with the bodies from before would have 'upgraded' in a sense. Jay had cut some bones and sharpened their ends in the process, almost giving them weapon. The skeletons were much too smart for your average undead, this much was obvious at this point.

But as he would start to chop down more and avoid their tactics, more of them would become armed with weapons. They either held sharpened bones in their hands, or replaced their arms with sharpened limbs. Their taijutsu wasn't too great, even in their numbers, Jay's armor would protect him from most attacks.

But just as he was seemingly started to turn the tide of the fight, another flood of lights would leave the mausoleum and the chorus would start up again. All the bones of the deceased that couldn't be used shifted suddenly and started to fly towards each other. From the remains slowly rose a figure, a skeleton form that would be almost six feet tall. It was rugged looking, with an mishappened face and appearance. It walked awkwardly from where it was, twitching faintly as it would approach Jay.

The more that he started to leave more bones, the more they seemed to start turning into these odd monsters.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Hero's Guild: Spooky Scary Skeletons
« Reply #14 on: April 06, 2016, 09:54:59 AM »

The man noticed what his actions were causing. A group of skeletons formed a much larger being. So perhaps, they all would end up into one singular skeleton? Whatever the case, it would take too long for that to work. In any case, he was too out in the open for this to truly turn in his favor. He narrowed his eyes and jumped backwards with a powerful jump. He coursed ice chakra through his daggers and sought to even the playing field, starting with the larger construct of sturdy bones.

He swung his arms outwards, releasing a gust of freezing, buffering winds that stretched 15 meters ahead of him(1) and was 8 meters wide, four meters on each side. Everything that the wind came in contact with began to freeze even as it being sliced by wind blades. "I bet you guys could use a blanket." Not a good joke, but the man couldn't help that he was still having fun.

1- Hyoton: Gokkan no Kaze no Ogama (Ice Release: Frigid Wind Scythe)

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