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Author Topic: Ratification (Vote)  (Read 3938 times)


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Re: Ratification (Vote)
« Reply #15 on: February 01, 2016, 04:26:25 AM »

requesting a topic lock on this thread.


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Re: Ratification (Vote)
« Reply #16 on: February 01, 2016, 04:35:35 AM »

My mistake I thought you were saying the rules were supposed to have been changed from their current state to what you were suggesting they were.

So you were wrong and Warren is actually breaking the rules. Ok. Glad we cleared that up.

I hope you realize you just described yourself.



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Re: Ratification (Vote)
« Reply #17 on: February 01, 2016, 07:10:57 AM »

... No ones saying just make the rules official right now...

That's exactly what I was saying in the beginning of this thread. I'm irritated that both you and Kayenta have so quickly derailed the topic while I was offline. >_>

No Kayenta, this is not a kneejerk reaction to just the latest thread regarding Warren.  The latest Warren thread AND my impatience with the inactivity that has plagued the board brings me to once again be "that guy" who makes a vote thread to sweep stuff out the door.

IC hunts are not currently written into the rules, yes, I am aware of that.,8721.0.html

That thread should make it fairly clear why I am not tripping over that particular detail. Someone makes a bunch of rules for IC fights and suddenly there's an expectation that there will be a dramatic change in the votes?

Maybe, but I find it unlikely.

Additionally, these rules are "incomplete" in one sense, but the biggest topics have been covered. Amendments can be added via voting at a later date, when we can get even more of the people interested in this actually in here without having to wave a flag in front of Ace's face to do some spring cleaning of the who's allowed list.

As far as I am concerned, the rules are complete enough for publishing. That's the way I see it, agree or disagree, and I request that this thread not be locked until more people have a go at it, or at the very least Ace gives his input.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.

Suishou Koji

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Re: Ratification (Vote)
« Reply #18 on: February 01, 2016, 07:27:39 AM »

If I recall, wasn't the old rules pretty much useless now seeing that we're tasked with creating new ones? So Warren wasn't breaking anything because those were under guidelines of the old rules. Annnd like Asadi said, people have their own right to choose between OOC and IC hunts, it shouldn't be us demanding him to use just pure OOC.

Another bit. This topic was labeled as 'vote' not 'discussion' so I was assumed people would be voting not attacking each other. Keep that in mind when you create a thread here. Attacking doesn't solve anything, constructive discussion does.

Snarky commentary DEFINITELY doesn't help either so let's allow ourselves not to do that in an offensive manner.
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Re: Ratification (Vote)
« Reply #19 on: February 01, 2016, 08:06:17 AM »

No you don't recall Koji because that was never decided anywhere. Some people just took it upon themselves to declare it the Wild West, no laws for them.


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Re: Ratification (Vote)
« Reply #20 on: February 01, 2016, 08:48:25 AM »

No you don't recall Koji because that was never decided anywhere. Some people just took it upon themselves to declare it the Wild West, no laws for them.

Bocc this is not helping.

I also missed both you and Koji's vote on the matter. I'm getting the idea Koji is a "no" though, which would have a starting tally of 1 yes and 3 no, which means plan B of petitioning Ace may have to be put into action after all.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Ratification (Vote)
« Reply #21 on: February 01, 2016, 09:02:14 AM »

I vote yes.


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Re: Ratification (Vote)
« Reply #22 on: February 01, 2016, 11:06:59 AM »

Eric. This is word for word from the rough draft. Nothing in the rough draft was included that has not already been voted upon. We hardly need to repeat what we have already done but need to press on and finish the rules.

That means of making a set of rules for people who want to do an IC hunt instead of accept OOC challenges.

No to ratification.


I am fully aware that this is word for word from the rough draft; however, as I mentioned, discussions here have stalled while biju matters have continued to move on. Unless we want this to stay in limbo indefinitely we either need a fresh rotation of people in here or we need to, as I am proposing, formally publish the rules we have so that we can start voting in a Council and start putting what rules we do have in action.

No doubt the option to do IC hunts would be the first thing to pop up after such a ratification measure, and with renewed vigor people will discuss it and get that kinked out.

As it is now, something has to be done or else we might as well consider this whole thing filibustered by the invisible Life troll.

Well then include yourself in derailing the topic, vote does not mean comment on every vote people make and then refute them. What you set up from the get go was a discussion thread, not a voting one. Why in the world you thought you could call for a vote on a topic without first having a discussion about it is beyond me. Oh but the expediency to control something that was not broken must have suddenly made getting the rules out a priority in your life again.

And after what Bocchiere said about me I don't see why I am included in your censure of the derailment. Like I was just gonna stay quiet after he stooped to such vulgarity and slander.

Get real.

Let me ask you this.
 Why pretend, pointing to the rule i edited into the old rules [which Koji rightly points out came into question of even being valid anymore because you called for a vote to void all bijuu- which i will correct you all right now and say was NOT a tie. You all keep forgetting Gitsune's vote was there by proxy making it void by a count of 1] after living through a hue and cry session about IC host hunts and attempting to quell the outrage and preserve the ability to even do this as an RP...

Why pretend that the host is being given the option to even have an IC hunt when the hunter/challenger can just say, no I do not agree to this. He has to accept my challenge?

How is that providing for the host to have an RP option at all? Who among you is actually going to go through an RP when you can just say, no? That gives the host no option at all but forces him to submit to the desires of the challenger or risk having the bijuu taken away! We were charged to stop up loop holes. Well there is a great big huge exploitable one right there!

It's the illusion of choice and nothing more. And shame on me for trying to supplicate you by backing down on the issue of IC hunts in the first place!! <-----yes right there a compromise. A concession, yet another in the loooooooooooooooong line of them.

The desire to be hunted in RP must be accommodated for. Without denial of that wish. You all get to do just as you please with the bijuu. OOC challenge. fine. OOC bijuu. Fine, if i lose it nothing happens to me. OOC sealing. Nope, don't have to RP that. OOC extraction, Nope, don't have to rp that either. Summons it? Sure why not? Own more than one? yes, and by god you are a big so and so and just want to ruin my life,  its a conspiracy every one is against me if I don't and I will just make my own bijuu and put them all together and destroy you all, so there. nyah! and boom. Multi beast is fine and dandy.

But a host who wants to RP all aspects of his term? problem child. cheater. Rule breaker!!!! Which worked really well. Gitsune and Court gave up their beasts just to stop having the headache for the sin of wishing to do RP!!! BRAVO! All hail the conker's bad fur day! Two exemplary rper's just curb stomped into non-existence.

oh no katie bar the door. the sky is gonna fall. it's just an excuse not to fight or defend your status and we can't have that!

Clearly I am the biased one here rather than someone who is trying to ensure that these rules suit everyone in the community who would wish to host a beast. Even those who actually care about RPING!

Oh it causes too many problems?
well stop bitching about it and just do the damned RP without god modding and metagaming and we would stop having the problems.
god, there's a notion. Imagine, some people would get to be OOC host and others would get to be IC hosts.

pft, can't have that. It might be fair. It might not swing the scales in My favor!

your hasty railroading tendencies got us here to begin with. Making the rules a point of contention because the majority of voters voted to void the beast. Now you wish to act precipitously again by putting forth rules that have not been completed. Even going so far as to post on the public boards for people to come here and get back to work, when a notice in this board in the proper location would have been more than visible to those who needed to know. We voted to keep this out of the public for the time being. But you take it upon yourself to ignore that. And immediately Sabu is literal in all caps giant 28 pt font WTFing all over the place.

i understand your frustration in not having them done yet. believe me...if this rant is not exemplary of frustration over this issue then  i do not know what is.

but if you want to just undermine all we have managed to accomplish then keep turning a blind eye toward proceeding properly through to completion while not saying one damned word about Bocc accusing me of being so deep on Warren's shaft that he could start charging people $100 to challenge him for the bijuu and I would applaud his sense of entrepreneurship. oh yes, he makes a benign comment to koji and then you call him out and say that's not helping.   :smt023

I have as yet to make such a statement to anyone. This kettle is not black. its copper!!!

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Re: Ratification (Vote)
« Reply #23 on: February 01, 2016, 05:35:08 PM »

I say yes.

We need to show we've gotten somewhere with our decisions thus far, and that we haven't spent our time twiddling our thumbs and hoping someone will accidentally stumble upon a golden rule.

As mentioned, we can always add in more rules as we did before with the old rules. At the very least, we have ground work for what people can work with.

Sure, IC isn't set in stone yet, but that doesn't mean we should host OOC hostage. Also, the feedback from the greater community would be great to see how we're doing.


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Re: Ratification (Vote)
« Reply #24 on: February 01, 2016, 05:40:18 PM »

I was under the impression that this was a voting thread. Keep the discussions to a bare minimal, please. 

Please drop the subject of 'warren' and what-not, if it really bothers you that bad. Go make a separate topic addressing the problem.

Stop throwing fuel into an already growing fire that from my perspective has already spiraled out of control from a subject that was a bought up by Bocchiere.

Sure, IC isn't set in stone yet, but that doesn't mean we should host OOC hostage. Also, the feedback from the greater community would be great to see how we're doing.

I vote yes. We should already publicized the OOC rules that were discussed and agreed upon, as for subject of IC rules. We will tackle that and hopefully establish some sort of guidelines for IC scenarios.


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Re: Ratification (Vote)
« Reply #25 on: February 01, 2016, 07:19:43 PM »

Or just leave me alone already.

I vote no.

Only thing I feel could be released without modifying is possibly the council bit, rest needs time still.

Suishou Koji

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Re: Ratification (Vote)
« Reply #26 on: February 02, 2016, 05:21:42 AM »

No you don't recall Koji because that was never decided anywhere. Some people just took it upon themselves to declare it the Wild West, no laws for them.

Bocc this is not helping.

I also missed both you and Koji's vote on the matter. I'm getting the idea Koji is a "no" though, which would have a starting tally of 1 yes and 3 no, which means plan B of petitioning Ace may have to be put into action after all.
Yeah my vote is a no.
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