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Author Topic: A Numbers Game  (Read 8930 times)


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Re: A Numbers Game
« Reply #30 on: February 12, 2016, 10:01:14 PM »

I'm just confused on how giving Sage mode a multiplier was a perfectly acceptable notion, that everyone agreed on and has yet to cause problem, but when I suggest putting numbers on techniques that are spammed just as often, it's a fail system that would never work, once again despite the fact that it's ALREADY working with sage mode. It makes no sense. Yes, I see where issues can arise, but for some reason they have not with sage mode, so why would they arise here?

If you guys are absolutely dead set on denying this for...some reason(?) then cool go ahead. I asked right from the start for community feedback, and apparently this is what the community has to say xD   
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Re: A Numbers Game
« Reply #31 on: February 12, 2016, 10:35:20 PM »

People barely enjoy fights, RP, and the such on SL how things are as of now >>

Adding numbers and math is only going to increase the number of people who don't like public RP/fights, and make people who already don't like it hate it more D:

>> But at the same time, I mean, I see what Rusaku is wanting to do. Like, Sage Mode is 3x(?) your normal stats. I can understand wanting to do the same when it comes to everything else, so people can't claim too much with power ups but... Like... >> It's easy to remember Sage Mode = 3xEverything. If you add a whole list, people will be forced to come here and look every time they are fighting or using a buff e.e;

Which would only make fights longer, and do they really need to be longer? XD

But really. It's not a bad idea... But I dun think it's a good idea right now, given SL's fragile state.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: A Numbers Game
« Reply #32 on: February 12, 2016, 10:50:30 PM »

In other words sage mode itself is a perfect example of why this won't work. No offense to sages but almost every single one of them already does the whole 'senjutsu so I win' shtick, often regardless of what you do. This would just multiply the problem exponentially.


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Re: A Numbers Game
« Reply #33 on: February 13, 2016, 12:35:22 AM »

The Sage Mode 3x multiplier applies to how much stronger normal jutsu would be under the influence of being fueled by Senjutsu Chakra, as opposed to normal Chakra. This is actually a lower multiplier than the original 5x that was proposed.

But yeah, Senjutsu is stated to be another dimension of power, exceeding that of regular chakra. So it's really no surprise if Senjutsu beats out Ninjutsu at all. That's just another part of the lore that people have to deal with. Just like how if you're born into one of five special clans that descended from aliens, you've got a one-up in various different forms. And it's even more-so if you're a hybrid or have gone through blood transfusions to gain some of their passive perks.

Just because it's unfair that a regular shinobi has to go toe-to-toe against a more experienced one who sports the Sharingan, doesn't mean that the latter has to make things fair and close their eyes while tying a hand behind their back.

Quantified stats in the form of numbers may seem like a good idea, but not for SL. I can guarantee that you'll only make the strong even stronger, and the weak even weaker.


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Re: A Numbers Game
« Reply #34 on: February 13, 2016, 12:42:04 AM »

first of all, I was not aware that Sage mode had been quantified. So...

Secondly, I am not saying it won't work. I am saying it is a ton of work. You might want to check out a Naruto D20 system, instead of reinventing the wheel. I am not really happy with that system as it stands either because it is quite limiting when it comes to creativity.

Certainly in that system though there are many many buffs that simply do not stack upon each other. You can only take a buff to certain things at certain times, not have them running all together for a great bit 50x multiplier.

If you are going to figure this thing out, then start posting more ideas about how it might work. let's see the math. Let's see how it might work. then balances and checks to see what makes sense.
Oh wow...this buff actually makes you better than being a host. well that makes no sense.

then correct it.

It is very frustrating to be put into a situation where all the argument a person has is:

Well I had my force shield up. oh yeah? well I had my force field piercing sword in play. oh yeah? well I had my force field piercing proof long johns on under my force shield. Really? well I charged my force field piercing sword with energy that defeats your force field piercing proof long johns. Oh yeah? Well i bathed with my special anti- sword energy infused force field pericing proof long johns soap that cannot be beat!

Well you never said you put that soap on so i don't believe you. Well, duh. I thought the whole point of being a ninja was to do things in secret. >.>

While I love being creative and not being pinned down to a joy killing strict sense of fighting. While I certainly don't want to walk into the zones, see a list of someones buffs, and just feel likesaying, "Oh I walked into the zones and died. Why? well cause you can't look upon the face of God and live."

I sure would like to be able to point to something and say, "Well...I am stronger than you so at the very least if I slap you it ought to hurt!" and we all have faced people who will deny you have even that much ability over them and their actions. Kay is no weak creature, and yet...everyone around is so much stronger?

TripleBlitz one day, when i asked him to tell me what was wrong with my zoning and why I never won, he said, "it's the people you play with."

hard truths. Cause you are the people I play with. But here it is. and how do we change that? I hear you laughing now. I don't see change going in the positive direction, but I still hope and long for it.

I want you to try one more time. I want you to to write this up and explain it to me. I want to be in on the alpha testing and see if it will work.
oh least then we could point to it later and say, " don't work"
but until we have really tried...its just opinion with no facts behind it.

I would wish for a system that relies on creativity first, then could fall back on stats if required.

--> and Kage, all chakra users are descended from the aliens. That is why we can use it.


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Re: A Numbers Game
« Reply #35 on: February 13, 2016, 05:53:03 AM »

Realistically, it's too late.
These ideas are good for a board that's starting out, where rules or more accurately habits have not already been formed.

I think that trying to make this a numbers game is only going to make everyone more inclined to try and stack, and I'm pretty sure it was Kirk and a few others saying that would take all point out of clever fighting, tricks, and unique ideas.

Trying to set a new record for number of toddlers fought off simultaneously


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Re: A Numbers Game
« Reply #36 on: February 14, 2016, 12:25:12 AM »

While I love being creative and not being pinned down to a joy killing strict sense of fighting. While I certainly don't want to walk into the zones, see a list of someones buffs, and just feel likesaying, "Oh I walked into the zones and died. Why? well cause you can't look upon the face of God and live."

The most baffling thing about this statement is that you all continue to look.

I haven't really read every post in this thread, but I've spoken to the OP about it in the past. While I would love for us to quantify how insignificant a majority of this community is, I'd much prefer relying on the ignorance of my opponents to these techniques and continue...

(In case you think I'm actually being serious about most of this, refer to the picture above)

In all seriousness, I think this system has it's potential benefits. A lot of people don't understand just quickly some of these techniques speed up the user. Your name could be J.K Rowling and still you couldn't write a post well enough to explain that it simply isn't possible to keep up with what your less informed opponent designated to be a suitable defense to whatever buff you've activated.

In the most basic form, this is a way to end all stupid arguments that arise when people think their C-Rank custom will indefinitely keep up with my "Legendary Technique".

(again refer to picture above)
They say there is a strength in numbers, well, tell that to 6 Million Jews.
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