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If you could change one thing about SL.

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So, if you could change one thing about SL to make it better in your opinion, what would that be? Or, if you don't want to replace anything, would you be able to add or remove something to make it better?

Mind you, this does not need to be just RP related. This includes all aspects of SL :)

Annual/biannual/whatever staff member elections. Other than neji and perhaps a core group staff should held accountable to the community. Right now for a staff to get in trouble they need to do something so painstakingly obvious that it is visible from space like the Great Wall, and I don't know if a staff member has ever been removed for anything other than inactivity.

I wouldn't mind spending money that we donate to perhaps advertise the game. :P On say DevaintART or some other fantasy story site. On Proboards or the likes.

Nor would I mind some new staff members. Alas Neji and Ace have both stated their opinions on that matter. Not gonna happen. We don't need more mods. The mod to member ratio is already over saturated even if you count the inactive mods as, inactive.

As well I wouldn't mind getting some PhP devs in to 'upgrade' SL and make it better. There's quite a few cosmetics changes that could be done and corrected. Wouldn't mind extra stuff to be added.

But that's where I see the problem. Our player base is very seclusive as is everything else about SL. 2007 was a bloody good year. I've talked to Neji about maybe 'expanding' the game. To not include just Naruto/Bleach related things, but all anime. However that requires development. Something Neji can't and won't do alone. No one else knows/wants to help dev though so no dice.

That's my take on it. :P

Mind you, this is all my opinion that I'm about to post. That's all :)

--- Quote from: Madara (Shadow) on March 17, 2016, 02:31:11 AM ---I wouldn't mind spending money that we donate to perhaps advertise the game. :P On say DevaintART or some other fantasy story site. On Proboards or the likes.

Nor would I mind some new staff members. Alas Neji and Ace have both stated their opinions on that matter. Not gonna happen. We don't need more mods. The mod to member ratio is already over saturated even if you count the inactive mods as, inactive.

As well I wouldn't mind getting some PhP devs in to 'upgrade' SL and make it better. There's quite a few cosmetics changes that could be done and corrected. Wouldn't mind extra stuff to be added.

But that's where I see the problem. Our player base is very seclusive as is everything else about SL. 2007 was a bloody good year. I've talked to Neji about maybe 'expanding' the game. To not include just Naruto/Bleach related things, but all anime. However that requires development. Something Neji can't and won't do alone. No one else knows/wants to help dev though so no dice.

That's my take on it. :P

--- End quote ---

Advertising is probably pretty expensive. I try to help out by recommending this game to anyone I meet that's interested in Naruto Games/RP games...But having something like an advertisement on deviantart or another RP-ish site might help increase traffic.

But it would be nice to bring this game up to a modern time, but there's only so much you can do with a browser-based game like this (I think). Not only that, but Neji works full time and I'm sure it's hard for him to devote time for this...Perhaps if we chip in, he could hire a coder to do some of the stuff he has on the backburner? I know he said that he had a lot planned, and I have noticed changes from when I first joined (some new enemies in the forests) so he has been working on it bit by bit. But, an update would be nice :)

Also, I don't know if this is possible, but I know that there's a LoB site as well...But what if he was able to consolidate the two sites and gives you the option to move from one to the other seamlessly by clicking on it? Basically, it would change the whole 'theme' at the click of a button. As for bringing other Anime/Manga into the game, I believe it would be difficult to do considering how some of the members feel about non-Naruto related RP.

And as for voting for staff...While I think that would be a good idea, I think it'd be hard to put into practice because it's a bit difficult for the community to come together because many don't even use the forums (or even care about the RP community). Maybe it'd be possible, but there would probably need to be tests before-hand. And of course, even if someone if voted, it would still be up to Neji (and the other staff) to decide.

If I could, I would introduce a Clan Wars aspect in-game. For the most part, clans are mostly functional in an OOC, out of gameplay fashion. How to implement that is beyond me at the moment, since the closest thing that comes to what I'm talking about that we have already is the dusty Village War system.


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