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Author Topic: Ryoji Uchiha Vs Sabu Hōzuki  (Read 3836 times)


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Ryoji Uchiha Vs Sabu Hōzuki
« on: March 10, 2016, 02:58:40 AM »

Current Host: Ryoji Uchiha

Affiliation: Uzushiogakure

Battle Method: 1v1/2v2 IC/OOC death match

Judge(s): PMs will be used to determine an agreed-upon judge

List of Challengers:

Special Rules:

-If you take 5 days to post, the fight will be called off and you will be declared the loser. If the fight was OOC that means you just lose. If it was IC that means the opposition gets to legally auto-hit you, likely meaning you die or are sealed. Note that the timer does not reset if you posted once and then have to repost. I.e. You waited 3 days to post, but your post was all godmodding and autohitting, and then waited another 3 days to repost, then you still lose.

-The match can be OOC for the benefit of both participating characters. This is essentially to prevent either playing from having to deal with the hassle of dying IC, and additionally leaves both participants free for IC RP during the match. Thus, though the match will be OOC, participants must still RP as their character, exactly as if they were IC, with the addition of following any decided voids, nerfs, etc.

-If desired, a logical RP can be worked out for a reasonable and plausible IC transfer of the beast to the next host.

-No match will begin without a judge agreed upon beforehand.

-You must have a biography/profile detailing what abilities and techniques you have, which includes your mastery in your abilities. Techniques used that are not listed in your profile will be voided. The same will go for notable skills and abilities not explained in your profile. Exceptions for this are General Skills, such as Tree Climbing Practice or Water Surface Walking Practice. Simple nature manipulation such as producing a small gust of wind to re-balance yourself or causing some water to flow into your mouth to drink is fine as well. Combining techniques on the fly, such as using a wind technique to empower a fire, is also exempt from this. Should it be discovered after the fact that these rules were broken, then the match will be called off, and result in a loss for the challenger.

~If using any of the eight IG KG, the same system against combing rinnegan/sage, uchiha/hyuga, etc. applies. Any external or custom special skills will need to be accurately assessed and set before the match begins.


-Arguing is discouraged. I will talk over any concerns regarding the match with you if the conversation remains calm and logical. If it steps outside of that, then the judge will be asked to make a decision. Pointlessly bickering is not fun or useful for anyone.

-If any of the rules set forward are broken, I reserve the right to cancel the match. This will not prevent you from re-challenging (3-Month Cooldown)

Non-Negotiable Voids:

-Anything that does not have a reasonable explanation within the Naruto/SL lore
-Any custom technique that has no prescribed flaw (auto-hitting/character control)
-Any of the recent Rikudo powered abilities
-Body Revival Technique (when used to survive Hachimon)
-Swift Release
-Hijutsu: Kirisame

~ All information subject to change
~ Mail me with any questions

The sun would hang high in the sky bathing the abandoned township in an everlasting glow, casting shadows within its many allies and crevices for one to take refuge. A mighty gust of wind would blow south through the streets causing forgotten clothes on their lines to sway with a ghostly semblance. Two vultures would circle some decaying beast in the distance; their ominous cries for the rotting flesh ripping through the landscape with an uncouth resonance.

In the center of this village, a single building would tower above the rest. A clock tower of sorts; used to keep the passing of time for the once bustling municipality, now nothing more than a clockwork gravestone whose epitaph reads only the time in which their lives came to a halt. 11:59

At the very tip of the towers antenna, a pinhole distortion within the fabric of time and space would materialize. From this distortion, a red haired man would step forth garbed in the traditional robes of his clan; the Uzumaki. The distinct whirlpool emblem embroidered on his back with the utmost pride. With his left hand the man would reach upward to fix a rogue strand of hair that had become misplaced in his arrival, momentarily revealing a unique tattoo that he bore upon both hands and forearms before resting it upon the hilts of two out of the three most powerful tools he possessed. The first being the sword of Kusanagi, and the second being the Dragon’s blade.

Balancing himself upon the antenna, the Uzumaki would utilize his mind’s eye as a means of detecting any unwanted guests from getting the drop on the righteous monarch. With a smile, the mad king would allow his magnetic chakra to resonate throughout the clocktower in which he stood, forcing it’s inner machinations to lurch to life with rust induced screeches of protest. Suddenly the hour hand would shift forward, finally striking 12, and the bell would begin it’s final toll alerting any and all whom wish to hear it. 12 times the bell would call out into the wastes, How long would it take for someone to answer?

The tyrant would slowly fold his arms over his barrel chest in wait for his next opponent. "Perhaps this one will put up a better fight? Eh Hiru?" to which the vile beast within Ryojis mindscape would reply with a malicious cackle.   
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Re: Ryoji Uchiha Vs Sabu Hōzuki
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2016, 08:09:28 AM »

Sabu had followed his flies to a rotting pile of garbage within a house. Looting wasn't a job for Sabu, it was purely a hobby. Today it had taken him to an empty town, and empty home, and unfortunately an empty pile. "Gah, bunch of crap..." he stated angrily to himself, but also his flies. They failed to heed his word, as they were quite pleased with what they had found, evident by their swarming of the pile.

The feast was cut short by a very striking noise, one that had Sabu almost leap out of his skin. He spun in the direction of the doorway, brandishing Sakata in his right hand and Mōi in his left. Obviously something had occured, and Sabu while hidden away in the house had either missed it or was just in time. Well he intended to find out, as being startled and threatening open space had gotten him nowhere.

It was a simple feat for our hero to scale the house and scope out the village. A bulge appeared in his forehead, thanks to his unique body Sabu could force his Byakugan to appear as a "third eye". Still, it offered the same benefits of letting Sabu see Ryoji and what was within him almost immediately. Such power... Sabu had his flies return to within his armor while he gathered his chakra and absorbed Sakata into his body, leaving his right hand empty. Mōi was put to work, carving a seal into the roof at Sabu's command. Our hero believed he'd need to take the element of surpise and use it to his advantage, preparing to assault this large pool of chakra all at once.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2016, 01:44:41 AM by Sabumaru »

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Re: Ryoji Uchiha Vs Sabu Hōzuki
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2016, 07:15:45 AM »

Though the use of his mind’s eye, Ryoji was able to witness Sabumaru’s trash pile escapade with a haughty grin. He had heard stories of this missing ninja and had always wanted to experience mania such as this firsthand. Squinting his eyes Ryoji’s mind would wonder, “Didn’t he kill Shinko? Or was that another Akatsuki member?” Furrowing his brow he would continue, “Hmmm, I always forget who's killed who around here.” With a light hearted shrug the Uzumaki would unfold his arms and bring his palms together. It was obvious that Sabu was leaving behind a rune of some sorts, though it’s purpose was currently unclear. “Looks like we are just going to have to stop that, now aren't we?”  He spoke rhetorically and to no one in particular, but with the Byakugan Sabu would be more than capable of reading his lips.

With his palms brought together Ryoji would suddenly allow his chakra to fluctuate, creating an aura of ghastly energy to envelop his body in a form mimicking wisping strains of smoke that would radiate killing intent. In response, the sky quickly began to darken as clouds formed overhead. Within seconds these clouds would begin to produce a precipitation most foul; purple in color, the technique’s origin was obviously from the heartland of Otogakure. Should the clouds reach maturity they would progress from a light drizzle to a grand monsoon, aiming to deluge the land with it’s insidious plague. Unique was this storm in that contrary to soaking the land upon contact, it would mutate rapidly, shifting from a liquid state into a gaseous one with intentions of permeating the breathable air with a horrid smog.

Should any of the techniques states of matter come into contact with Sabu or his techniques on an internal or external level, they would be subject to deterioration upon their very structure. Appearing to the naked eye as “Eating” the chakra, in a similar fashion to the Kirigakure’s legendary crutch, those with eyes able to comprehend such things would notice the difference immediately. This rain causes chakra to rot away in a much more unpleasant and barbaric fashion.

If the rain had been unhindered up until this point, Ryoji would lower his arms, watching with feigned interest in what Sabumaru had that could counter such an attack. Obviously he had high expectations, otherwise he wouldn’t have used something that would end most opponents before the fight could even start. From within the darkest confines of his mind, a ghostly yet wistful voice would echo, “Don’t get too enthusiastic, he’ll be just as bland as the other ones…” Hiru would coil up before releasing a lethargic sigh.   

While watching what his opponent intended to do but still listening to his partner’s contempt, Ryoji would roll his eyes in response before taking a deep inhalation of air to focus. Abruptly, his body began gathering the surrounding natural energy in response to what he believes could be a fight that escalates very quickly. At least he hoped as much. 
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Re: Ryoji Uchiha Vs Sabu Hōzuki
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2016, 09:11:37 AM »

Sabu could see the chakra plain as day, and since he had earlier assumed he had the element of surprise, he now could only assume the exact opposite. (Sabu was a genius by the by.) Oh and before I get he had his flies conjuring natural energy for him now. Well anyway one didn't summon up that much chakra for show unless they were Sabu, and while the killing intent might have been a sign too, Sabu couldn't feel it. With his years of murder and et cetera, he either emanated too much of his own naturally or he just was too blissfully ignorant in general. Oh and the clouds that formed almost instantly which was pretty crazy.

With the posturing done and everyone behind the fourth wall satisfied, Sabu now would react. He'd activate a storage seal (pockets are for chumps) by tapping his right middle finger to his thumb to bring three wooden tiles attached by a string and a tag attached only to one of the tiles into his palm, which he would raise over his head. Each one of the tiles had a different seal on it. Good at multitasking, he'd be continuing to draw his seal in the rooftop as quickly as possible although this lead to looking down a lot which was awkward. But still he was able to launch his little toy sky high much the same way the Hōzuki clan shot their bullets of water, only liquefying his arm to do it. There was no bang, only more of an ugly "sploosh" noise as the tiny little object shot upwards, on the way to break the cloud cover just as the rain began to fall.

With his right hand freed up again, Sabu tapped his right index finger and thumb together to summon an umbrella he'd purchased ages back after fighting a Kirigakure ninja who used a rain technique as a crutch. Basically it was a 100% normal umbrella, big enough to cover Sabu and his work as the rain made it's way down towards them. Of course, it would take a moment or two due to the distance between clouds and the ground, but Sabu felt the need to prepare. That's why he remained focused on his work, this seal on the rooftop he was carving. What would it do?! Sabu was deciding even as he drew it out, occasionally changing his plan and adding new lines and effects. No just kidding that could be godmodding, and Sabu knew what it was.

Above the clouds, Sabu's tool would activate. The tag would glow, followed by the tiles. This was Sabu's way of using the Three Jewels Suction technique without the mess of puppets. Each of the tiles would be the conduits, while the tag was a simple sealing tag with an explosive seal on the other side. Unleashing a great and mighty suction force, the whole of Ryoji's attack would be swallowed up in moments by the vortex dragging the vapor into the tag, sealing it away. The beauty was there was almost no chakra required, and none of it required until the wee device had broken the cloud cover, AND Sabu had just sealed a bunch of Ryoji's chakra into a tag that, once filled to the brim, would fall.

The cloud cover would be taken away, light shining back down on and around Sabu's umbrella. He waited a moment, making sure any droplets that may have fallen ran off his umbrella and away from him and making sure to not breath in the fumes, truly an easy task with how little fell, before closing the umbrella and catching the tool he'd sent upward, probably. And now, the attack! Actually no, he'd just keep fiddling with his seal.

Damn sorry about the writing. <__<
« Last Edit: April 05, 2016, 01:45:29 AM by Sabumaru »

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Re: Ryoji Uchiha Vs Sabu Hōzuki
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2016, 07:55:37 AM »

The Uzumaki’s eyes would trace the object as it ascended into the plague infested skies, the idea that such a small thing being used to counter a storm such as this was foolhardy to say the least. Alas, no matter how arrogant Ryoji seemed, he would not be the man underestimate his opponent unless it was obvious they stood no chance.

Focusing on the air before the object in it’s predicted trajectory he would aim to create a portal utilizing both of the spacetime abilities that were linked to his eyes. The portal would extend in a 15 foot diameter, linked directly to his dimension like a doorway of rippling space in the empty air. Should the tool be unable to shift its trajectory in time it would pass harmlessly into the oblivion before the gate would shut behind it, allowing the rain to fall unimpeded by the sealing technique.

With that out of the way Ryoji would redirect his attention to Sabu and his enigmatic fuinjutsu. If the portal counter had worked as planned, Ryoji was certain he would need not fret over the seals purpose for the rain will eat it away, but until that time came he would remain cautious. The threads stitching together his patchwork body would loosen. From this loosened flesh, black threads would sprout forward violently, ripping themselves from his body with a ferocious haste. Immediately the thread mass would take shape into a winged chimera. Lurching forward, the monster would dart through the air with incredible speed, covering the distance between the two shinobi (100 feet) in 3 seconds. As it flew through the air a small orb of water would form from the mouth of the beast’s mask. Upon nearing Sabu, the beast would fire a highly pressurized jet of water with enough cutting power to slice through solid steel. Moving it’s head in accordance with the techniques path, the beast would aim to slice clean through the building that Sabu stood upon as it flew 20 feet overhead. Should Sabu remain stationary he and his seal would be sliced in two.     

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Re: Ryoji Uchiha Vs Sabu Hōzuki
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2016, 01:41:42 AM »

Thanks to his flies and six resets, Sabu "poofed" into Sage Mode, the only noticeable physical difference being the addition of his helmet to his armor. With his "incredible insight abilites" Sabu could see up to ten kilometers around him, not mentioning the pesky weakness of like one degree. It had not been in this degree that Ryoji had countered as Sabu had shot straight upwards. But Sabu had hardly expected to see what he saw. A portal opening in time and space? What was the name of this godly technique.. Aji-Suki-Taka-Hi-Kone? Kage-Zuchi? Fūjin? Hachiman? Ame-no-Uzume-no-Mikoto? Whatever it was or was not called, the implications of such an ability would no doubt change our theories of reality forever. Just kidding. Sabu had to react quickly, and so he summoned his last remaining copies of the Suction Crushing toy (a total of four) and repeated his earlier counter but in greater force and multiple directions - one north, south, east and west. (I know that's incorrect hyphen usage but honestly I could never get it right and I like it there) Now the clouds were being pulled apart in several ways, and at an exponentially faster rate. Sabu would have done this the first time, but he wasn't going to waste all his toys only to find out the cloud was made of acid or something. Hopefully our hero's opponent couldn't use Aji-Suki-Taka-Hi-Kone multiple times at once. Sabu was pretty sure that was impossible, so ideally even if he got one or two the rest would do their job. Being in Sage Mode, Sabu sent them all flying three-times faster. Alas, he was just guessing this would work, or maybe it was his opponents reaction that dictated Sabu's action.

Not interested in equals and opposites or other Newtonian nonsense, and also being extremely busy with this seal, Sabu moved on. Well speaking of which, thanks to his very basic umbrella which completely halted the effects of the rain, Sabu was done the seal on the ground and absorbed it into his sword, Mōi. The seals that were originally on the blade were replaced by this new one, while the rooftop was completely normal and seal-free.
"Okay! Let's get-" Sabu was forced to shut up and leap comically out of the way and off the rooftop as some freaky monster started spitting water at him. Since it was a fairly thin stream, Sabu easily dodged it and would quickly and effortlessly absorb all the water left over as it soaked the ground. Sakata, which was currently part of Sabu, would purify the foreign water of any malicious chakra or even sediments. Neat!

It was clearly time for some offense, or maybe just more Sabu. Out of his back would sprout Senjutsu-enhanced chakra chains that would erect (lol) a massive barrier around Sabu with a radius of one-hundred fifty feet. It was simply there to keep anyone or anything from entering or exiting, by means of dramatic chakra absorption on contact. Sabu hoped Ryoji would keep pouring his chakra into the sky, as it would now be just absorbed by the barrier. Since it was senjutsu-enhanced, even if Ryoji's rain did fall it would be absorbed by the barrier, unless it wasn't made of chakra. However, Sabu specifically did not use the barrier as his counter to the rain because Ryoji could not "see" it's chakra absorbing properties, and Sabu liked his secrets. Enigmatic was the word I believe.

The barrier would however be very obviously shrinking at a rate of two-meters a second, which was great for Sabu because he liked to get close to his opponents. One minute and fifteen seconds later, and Sabu would get to give his Ryoji a kiss with ease, unless the leech-boy wanted to test his luck with passing through the barrier. Of course the shrinking would take a while (specifically one minute and fifteen seconds or seven posts in total, assuming each post is roughly ten seconds) And so on that note our hero would summon a kunai with the Hirashin seal on it to his right hand and with Mōi still in his left, charge Ryoji screaming at the top of his lungs. He was extordinarily fast, aided by his Sage Mode, and would reach his opponent's bell tower in three short seconds to swing at his chest with Mōi horizontally while throwing the kunai at his head.

Edit: changed the amount of the Suction Crushing toys from 9 to 4 because it seemed excessive.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2016, 01:45:43 AM by Sabumaru »

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Re: Ryoji Uchiha Vs Sabu Hōzuki
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2016, 05:46:25 AM »

Ryoji shoulders would slump ever so slightly from their broad default upon seeing the the 4 seals fly into the sky. Being a man who relishes new experiences, seeing a repeat action was all but disheartening. “I told you he would be bland” Echoes Hiru on the precipice of the tyrant’s mind. Before he could respond in full, Ryoji would sense the burst in energy as his clan’s signature chains sprouted from Sabu’s back. “Have faith Hiru, for he may impress you yet.”

As the barrier was sprouting, the thread beast that had lost no momentum from its previous attack would continue into the sky, arcing it’s flight pattern in order to escape the barriers boundaries just in time as they would seal shut.

Obviously the king had no idea what the effects of the barrier were, or if they had any effects to begin with. Though, a thought did cross his mind; a story he had been told by a close friend. A story of a chakra chains barrier that acted in a fashion similar to the Uzumaki sealing technique. Was this the same move? When considering the ever shrinking radius of the barriers walls, one could assume that Sabu intended for Ryoji to resist the entrapment, or to simply create a means to close the distance between the combatants. Looking back on the seals Sabu had integrated into his sword, and the sword he had absorbed into his body at the beginning of the fight, it was only natural to assume he was proficient in using them, so a close quarters battle would be more than deleterious. “Sealing barrier or not, it won’t help you.”

Bringing his hands together once again, he would form the tiger hand seal before taking in a deep breath of air. Mentally he would intone, “Katon: Gōka Mekkyaku!” Before expelling a massive stream of fire that would rapidly grow in size to that of a tidal wave which aimed to crash down upon the incoming Sabu intending to purge him of all impurities such as they would in colonial times.

As he would spewing forth this grand flame, a second thread beast would burst from Ryoji’s back with a sickening rip of his flesh, only partially removing itself so it could aim at the fire. From it’s mouth, a ball of air would form before instantly exploding outward in a similar stream of pressure as the fire. This would be Daitoppa; a wind based technique that would serve to only enhance the already tremendous flames to a white hot state, able to melt steel beams within seconds of exposure.

Though if something is worth doing, it’s worth overdoing. Suddenly the Natural energy that had been gather for some time would flood Ryoji’s body, altering his appearance drastically as he entered the Dragons Sage Mode. In doing this, Ryoji would enhance both techniques through the application of Natural chakra. With this he would create a flame so powerful, that it would rival even the Amaterasu in offensive ability. The only setback was that it would not last 7 days like he wished.

The wave would reach 130 feet into the air, and 130 feet in its width, though the heat waves produced from this attack would create a deadly radius that extended even farther than that almost encompassing the entirety of the barrier Sabu had created. It was time to see if Sabu could take the heat, or be forced out of the kitchen.
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Re: Ryoji Uchiha Vs Sabu Hōzuki
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2016, 08:45:24 AM »

Terry Michael Brunk could only expect the attack, what with the natural energy and his Byakugan giving him all the insight he needed. And thanks to that he was prepared for the assault of flames. Sabu hated flames almost as much as he hated foliage, but less than he hated whales. Seriously some of those things are just too big to be alive. No seriously, do you know how big blue whales are? Flames will burn your house down but if a blue whale actively wants you dead.. Okay I'm done with that but look it up after you're done regretting the fact you read this entire post.

Okay! Now for some science. Sabu fully liquefied himself, with Mōi kept safe at the core of his liquid form. Thanks to Akutoku, and his mother's bloodline, Sabu was able to control the density of the water he was made of, which was the same amount that's in an Olympic swimming pool. By carefully controlling his size and the aforementioned density, Sabu could use this heat to his advantage. He took the shape of a spinning disk as he continued his rapid approach, sending his marked kunai flying high overhead as the flames and heat surrounded him he allowed his liquid form to become supercritical. Supercritical fluids acted like both a solid, and a gas, with their properties being highly dependant on the heat and density. Sabu was able to keep shape and barrel through the flames unhindered. Ryoji would not be able to see Sabu's chakra through the flames, but he would surely sense the approaching Sage not being vaporized.

The moment he "popped" out the other side of the wall of flames, Sabu would release his body pressure entirely, causing his form to explode violently into an intensely dangerous and scalding hot mist that would ecompass the area (100 m) around where he unleashed it as fast as a literal explosion. Quickly it would fill the whole of the dome he'd made, and would destroy almost anything in it. This mist had been made hot enough to melt tungsten, so flesh and bone or weird string things would be liquefied, which was awesome if you were a Hōzuki, but bad otherwise. Thanks to his Sage Mode, this maneuver would only take half a second. And since he'd already been running towards Ryoji who spent his time doing this, that would be very little time.

Sabu's backup plan would take place that half-second afterwards, upon which time his body would emerge from the kunai, lacking his armor. With his speed enhanced almost 600% thanks to the significant weight reduction and again, Sage Mode (damn that does need a limit), Sabu, with his all-seeing eye and now the mist filled with his chakra helping him "see", would immediately locate Ryoji if he escaped and move to his location in the blink of an eye, moving through the water-filled air faster than you can say "Hydrogen Bonding" (which, because of the mist, actually also increased his movement speed) and slice at him with Mōi like he'd planned before. He expected Ryoji to be moving backward when he appeared at the kunai, but he'd be ready for anything. He hoped that he'd find a screaming, melting half-corpse, or at the very least a busy, busy man who would be unable to react in time. With all the natural energy in the mist, his predictable trajectory would be well-hidden, and even with a warning dodging Sabu at this speed would take some serious buffs. But hey, that's the game! The barrier would keep on closing too, moving along the ground it covered at a steady pace.

Whales are too big.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2016, 01:45:56 AM by Sabumaru »

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Re: Ryoji Uchiha Vs Sabu Hōzuki
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2016, 06:35:10 AM »

Ryoji analyzed the data he was collecting through the use of his Mind’s eye, Sage enhanced sensory perception, and Negative emotion sensing to try and understand what was going on. Sabu had nonchalantly barreled head first into fire that was probably reaching upwards of 10,000 degrees when considering the enhancements that had been placed; needless to say the king was baffled.

He knew Sabu was a houzuki based off of the stories he had heard, so he figured an attack such as this would cause him to evaporate instantly. Instead the man seemed to be taking on some new kind of form? Ryoji’s interest was no longer feigned, as he waited with high hopes for what came next. In the meantime, his thread beast would recede back into the host body, sitching itself back up while Ryoji moved freely.

Sabu then burst through the other side and exploded with violent force, expelling a massive amount of steam into the area. Without hesitation, Ryoji’s body became coated in a cloak of black chakra, manifested through the application of Hiru’s vile influence. This would be Ryoji’s tailless tailed beast cloak, granting him a boost in his physical parameters and techniques that worked in flawless conjunction with his Sage mode, allowing for an even higher multiplier for both forms.

This activation was due to his original belief that the expelled steam would be composed of chakra, contrary to what was really happening. Much to his surprise, the steam would wash over his body unimpeded by the dark chakra, though unlike what Sabu hoped for, Ryoji would be quite alright. Due to his natural levels of durability he had been granted the moniker of the Strongest Shield and when coupled with his Sage mode and Tailed beast cloak, his body would become even stronger than before, allowing him to withstand such an attack with relative ease. It felt as if he were standing in a sauna where the steam was moderately above regulation temperature. Out of a paranoia for sneak attack techniques that accumulate inside of his body, Ryoji would be sure to hold his breath until the steam could rise into the air. Because ya know, heat rises.

Suddenly Sabu would change his location to the marked Kunai he had thrown previously. All this would do for Ryoji is give him a firmer grasp on his opponent’s abilities and how to deal with them. Sabu then proceeded to rapidly approach his location once again attempting to attack with close quarters combat.

Much like the steam Ryoji would make no attempt to dodge the attack, instead understanding that even if Sabu were to coat his sword in some element to enhance it’s cutting, or attempted to transfer the Fuinjutsu upon contact it would be absorbed and nullified by his cloak. Instead as the attack was being launched Ryoji would widen his eyes while his sharingan would begin to spin in a counterclockwise fashion. In doing this, the Tyrant was aiming to take advantage of the Byakugan’s greatest asset; it’s all encompassing vision. With the Byakugan’s ability it’s user can see everything within a 360 degree field of vision for upwards of 10KM. It was through this clarity that it's user would almost be forced to make "Eye contact" with their opponent, however unfortunate it may be. 

With his eyes widened Ryoji would attempt to cast the Sharingan: Genjutsu upon Sabu just as his sword was coming into contact with it’s mark. Should it be successful, Sabu would find himself paralyzed, unable to move in the slightest. Rapidly Ryoji would spin around to parry the deflected strike, regardless of the genjutsu’s success, and in a quick motion would draw the Dragon blade from it’s scabbard with a reverse grip attempting to stab it into the head of his opponent. His selection of the dragon blade was not random by any means, for this tool held it’s own special ability much like Sabu’s own creations. in a startling parallel with Samehada, the Dragon blade would absorb chakra it came into contact with at a rapid rate, bottoming out at 2 tails worth of chakra per swipe. Should Sabu decide to liquefy and dodge the attack, the water that made up his body would be absorbed, draining him of a vast amount of chakra if not killing him. While if he didn't liquefy, the blade would pierce his brain, killing him instantly.     

(For an idea of what the attack looks like)
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Re: Ryoji Uchiha Vs Sabu Hōzuki
« Reply #9 on: April 01, 2016, 09:30:28 PM »

(Warning: this post may have secret links and hard-to-read content. Views discretion is advised.)

Sabu was the best Hōzuki, and in order to get to this point it took him years and years of training and work, all sorts of cool work like body-to-water and body of water stuff, but honestly all that happened off screen and you'll never see it. Myah!

In all seriousness, Sabu was the best everything. This guy who just kept trying to absorb Sabu's chakra had really not done a lot of cool things yet, just a big fireball and now a Sharingan genjutsu? But oh how the crazy prey on the less crazy. I'm getting ahead of myself and being rude, because Ryoji's done cool stuff right? I mean he's got at least one heart somewhere else, so let's go back and this time, maybe I'll show some respect. Maybe not.

Mankind began on this crazy rock when- I'm sorry? Too far back? Okay. Uhh... One two, skip a few... Ninety-nine, one hundred.. Okay! Firstly Sabu's all seeing-eyes could see the focus of chakra to his eyes a mile away, and then they started spinning, and just before the technique activated, Sabu liquefied his optic nerve and blinded himself until the technique passed. He would pretend like he was caught in the genjutsu though, stuck there right close to Ryoji, until at the very last second he'd duck under the blade with such ease he was laughing as he did it. He was still more than able to see everything with all the steam still in the air, it had only just started to rise. That steam was his body, you know.

Hey speaking of that, we gotta figure out what happened when the steam "would wash over his body unimpeded by the dark chakra". Being of his body, and thanks to Ryoji not moving, Sabu was in pretty close range to the water that would wash over his body and his very open, spinning Sharingan eyes. The mucous membrane would lap up the liquid almost too easily, and as that water seamlessly made it's way into Ryoji's eyes as he filled them with chakra, they would absorb that chakra and convert it immediately into Kenton. Normally, Kenton couldn't be created without being connected to the body, but that water was Sabu's body. Thanks to the rest of his body's close proximity (he could reach Ryoji's head with his sword from where he was standing/ducking) he could make his infamous Kekkai Tōta inside the eyeballs of his opponent, far away from the chakra absorbing coat.

This had been Sabu's plan since the fireball, he had only needed to be close enough to his opponent to make it happen. Now that he was, he could (and, obviously, did) in a second rip the insides of his opponents to shreds. If this wire mess even had a brain it would be turned to ground beef, and the hearts would be all slashed in half before he could finish his sword's swing. There was no point trying to absorb the blades with a new technique, as they would slash through any forming chakra like butter. Sabu knew he probably had one heart left, but this trick should have killed the rest and since that last heart was stuck outside the barrier, Sabu was extremely curious to see what would happen. Should it try and break through the ground or walls of the barrier it would have all it's chakra absorbed. But would this now hollow man die without it returning to him? Time would tell as the barrier closed in on the duo, Sabu's sight coming back after the eyes and body were destroyed. Unless, of course, Ryoji could undo his actions with the Sharingan. But he couldn't because they were ruined.

Happy April Fools. This post is real though. Seriously look for the secret links.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2016, 01:46:27 AM by Sabumaru »

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Re: Ryoji Uchiha Vs Sabu Hōzuki
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2016, 12:46:51 AM »

It seemed even with the Byakugan, Sabu was blinded by his own arrogance; an ironic statement considering his opponent's mannerisms. Upon trying to manipulate chakra within Ryoji’s eyes, it would simply be absorbed away just as any other technique. “How?” One might ponder; the answer being a simple one. Within the confines of his eyes, around his own optic nerve, would be tenketsu; the chakra nodes used by every shinobi in order to manipulate chakra. From these tenketsu, and all others, Dark chakra was free flowing in order to escape and shape itself into the cloak that surrounded his person. Despite being “the best” at everything, Sabu was pretty lackluster with his attack, prompting another exasperated sigh from Hiru. “How does someone with the Byakugan forget about Tenketsu?”

Alas despite the lukewarm battle, Ryoji was beginning to ponder just how he was to kill Sabu. It seemed the Houzuki clan were notorious for completely nullifying their only weakness, Raiton, and with Sabu’s willingness to close the distance in this way one could only assume there was some failsafe for such an attack; whatever it could be was lost to Ryoji at the moment. He could of course try and seal the man away, but conventional methods of sealing never worked when they were needed the most. So, why not try something brand new?

With Sabu ducking under the Dragon blade, Ryoji would leap backward with his incredible speed and strength, sheathing his sword mid flight. Landing in the center of a dirt road he would come to a skidding halt about 25 feet from Sabu, bringing his hands together as he did so to create a Kage bunshin from a plume of smoke that shared all of his enhancements.   

Next, Ryoji would form 3 hand seals, starting with rabbit and ending with ram, before immediately following through with a second set of hand seals that started with Snake and ended with his hands clapped together.

Unbeknownst to Sabu, an ethereal being would take shape behind the original King, one that would exude killing intent on a supernatural level that outclassed anything produced by the men on this plane of existence. Unfortunately that too would be lost to Sabu, be it from his previously mentioned mania, or from the fact it was literally impossible to sense or see at this stage of the technique.

Taking full form the ethereal being morphed into that of a demonic priest with white flowing robes and skin greyed like a corpse long since deceased. With ghastly cackle the monster plunged it’s fuinjutsu covered hand into Ryoji’s back, gripping his very soul with macbar glee, partially separating it from his body so it’s hair may restrain his prize. It was apparent that the Shinigami had been waiting for this moment for a very long time. Once it had Ryoji’s soul restrained, The Shinigami would shift its gaze to the crazed swordsman, it’s demonic smile never faltering. From the King’s gullet, the ethereal hand of the death god burst forward, looking to grip any portion of Sabu’s body in order to capture his soul with blinding speed. But wait...what’s this?

That steam was his body, you know.

The steam being of Sabu’s body would be a sufficient medium for a god so powerful. Should the death god be able to “grip” any of the steam that filled the very air itself, Sabu would finally be able to see and sense the deity worshiped by the Uzumaki clan, but seeing the beast would not save him. Not in the slightest. In a ripping motion the Shinigami would aim to strip Sabu of his very soul before sealing it away within its gullet for all of eternity. Ryoji of course was very aware of the cost of such a technique, but he would not have to pay this price until the death god had delivered its side of the bargain in full. 
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Re: Ryoji Uchiha Vs Sabu Hōzuki
« Reply #11 on: April 05, 2016, 01:44:22 AM »

Sabu's plan seemed to have failed. But that was fine! Instead of making knives with chakra that was just absorbed, Sabu resorted to using the water he still controlled in Ryoji's eyes to crush them like grapes with sheer physical force. Specifically, with his pressurizing ability, he was able to put his opponent's eyes under greater pressure then they would have ever felt, and since Sabu could pressurize water nearly infinitely, no moniker would save Ryoji's eyes. It was also far too late at this point to use any of his eye's tricks, as the water would just absorb that chakra as it came out of the eyes since we're playing this horrendously lame absorption game. After it had edited out his eyes, the water would try and enter further into Ryoji. Moving his watery body without chakra was just one of the many things that made Sabu the best, which he was. This battle was quickly turning into an arrogance-fest behind the fourth wall, among other things, and despite Sabu knowing that he just couldn't stop.

Now, with that done (just before Ryoji jumped away) and his enemy making seals, Sabu would return all the water in the air to his body at the speed of hydrogen bonding, not even because he sensed the technique or because he knew what it was if Ryoji started it, just because it was an obvious opening. Unbeknownst to Sabu, his simple logic that any good fighter would have just saved his life. "Common mashed potato-eyes, do something!" Sabu said before Hirashin-ing back to the kunai which had fell at the edge of closing the barrier to make his move, and coincidentally far from the death god. Sabu would have been honored to know the Shinigami was a fan, but not surprised. Like I was saying, the barrier was pretty small now considering this was the fifth post since it started and it only took seven to close. Although, unbeknownst to Sabu, this might not still be an advantage anymore.

Sabu, still all Sagely, drank his Hero Water to increase his chakra tenfold and used that chakra to alter his body to beyond inhuman levels. His muscles were bigger, faster, and more powerful than any man who had ever lived, as converting water to chakra and vice-versa was simple, Sabu turned into a bit of a hulking freak in an instant with his superhuman condition enhancing him to the level of a master. Blind old Ryoji would have surely sensed this, as the ground would be crushed into a crater under this newly-made thing. He was less human and more water golem now. But none of it mattered as he coated his body in Kenton and vanished, making the crater twice as big from his departure from that spot. Upon closer inspection, it would show the crater had two slashes in it that were over 10 feet deep. The sage mode and insane amount of chakra released and focused into the sword-body armor allowed Sabu's Kenton to reach exactly that far from his body, and he would just try and slice right through Ryoji and his clone.

"Hah!" Ryoji said confidently as he read that. "Now I can just absorb him! Like I've been doing this whole time! Truly I am a genius." But wait, dear readeryoji, and continue. It has been noted that fast enough users can cut chakra absorption techniques before they take effect to break them, but usually this took speeds impossible for man to reach, even with the Lightning Release Armor. But now Sabu our hero and Sabu our lord and savior (he made me write that) was far, far beyond that limit. He could cut anything, and the Shinigami was a thing, so he wouldn't be stopped by it reaching out to diddle his piddle and "seal his soul in hell" or whatever. Realistically, with his form and buffs allowing him to reach speeds around the hypersonic level, the death god himself would probably miss if he'd be trying to reach Sabu where he was, not where he was going. That was likely, as Sabu left an after-image that someone might be able to catch a glimpse of. Maybe the death god had sharingan! Well it wouldn't have helped him react in time. Maybe if Ryoji had a pair too! But alas, they were crushed grapes because he made no effort to deal with the water that had clearly invaded his eyes. He couldn't absorb the physical water like it was chakra, unless Sabu had converted it as such for him. Oh well, no Inanazazanagi-gi or Amaterasmisu or Susannano'o or whatever would save him from Super-Sabu at this point. Unless he could alter his physical makeup like Sabu could, Ryoji would never be able to keep up.

Seriously this fight has been pretty fun for me at least and Ryoji and I have been friendly to each other throughout it behind closed doors so don't read this and think of either of us as dicks. Well, you can, but know it's dickishness in good fun. I hope.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2016, 07:17:58 AM by Sabumaru »

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Re: Ryoji Uchiha Vs Sabu Hōzuki
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2016, 07:13:12 AM »

If either party has any issues with my decision, you guys can always get a second opinion :)

As for who was in control during the battle, I would have to give this one to Ryoji. Many of the actions resulted in Sabumaru having to react appropriately at the beginning, though towards the end of this judging period, Sabumaru managed to gain some momentum. Even Sabumaru's most powerful ability (displayed) was the result of him jumping into Ryoji's fire. Plus, the use of the reaper death seal forced Sabumaru to revert from his steam mode back to his normal mode. It also caused Sabumaru to rely on the Hero Water in order to react. I believe that the stalemate was caused by both parties, despite both parties not really being able to damage/hit each other (due to Ryoji's 'strongest shield' and Sabu's speed). It came down to the reaper death seal and Sabumaru basically blitzing each other the find out who would kill the other first.

As for who showed the greatest skill in the fight? I believe this would go towards Sabumaru. His unique utilization of the Hozuki ability was something that I have not seen before, but also would have been effective if Ryoji wasn't his opponent. For the most part, he was the one in motion the most even though he might have not been able to manipulate the battle as well as Ryoji had.

But in the end, I think I am going to have to declare the winner of the fight to be Ryoji. There were some discrepancies with both parties regarding information that was not in their bio, but those were cleared up through PMs. I believe there was not any misconduct with either member, and both handled it very professionally. It was pretty hard for me to actually make this decision, as I felt like it could go either way and I'd say it'd be a tie if I could. It's probably also due to the fact that I can't make the best sense of RPs that occur on the scale that this fight took place on.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2016, 07:32:29 AM by Becquerel »
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Re: Ryoji Uchiha Vs Sabu Hōzuki
« Reply #13 on: April 23, 2016, 12:06:20 AM »

Thanks Bec!

If there are no complaints from the opposition, this topic can be locked.
If you can't beat them, eat them.

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