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Should "Village Items" be a thing?


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Author Topic: Village Items  (Read 6782 times)


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Re: Village Items
« Reply #15 on: April 05, 2016, 07:08:21 PM »

Should they be stolen...then it would still be an SSM sword, only in the hands of an antagonist that an SSM member would be duty bound to engage in rp for the purpose of retrieval and possible slaying. WHOOOT!
omg....there is a storyline for you.

Let me start by drawing attention here. When has this ever happened? When has this ever happened?

The only time I can think of a Kiri nin making any effort to retrieve a sword IC was when I went to Kusa as Rakudo to retrieve Kiba and extradite Kaito after he did his best to start a war over I don't even remember any more.

Remember when I killed Isaribi and stole Samehada? (Which I was only able to do because he challenged me for the 6 tails and the fight was IC) Remember how I had it for like 2 years? And do you remember the 0 Kiri nin that attempted to retrieve it even though they all knew IC I had it because Ranketsu sold it to me over Isaribi's still warm fishy corpse? They always said they were totally about to come get it back but that never materialized. I remember all those things.

I'll save someones time and give the obvious response to that which is,"Yeah because no one wants to rp with you Bocch." To which I say, fair. So what if, hypothetically speaking the swords were stolen by someone Kiri did not summarily hate? What if they were stolen by a Kiri nin, who was a SSM member, and who also stole every sword Kiri had from her husband (who was 1st seat at the time) and made off with them? They definitely wouldn't just completely void the whole thing and continue claiming their swords? Right? Surely you can't be serious...


You know as well as I do Kay that you're a friend of Kiri right up until you're not, and at that point you're as good as voided.

The thing is nothing you're saying is wrong, but it is assuming Kiri uses the swords to promote rp and not to just hoard as the dragon hoards it's gold. I don't ever see that occurring.

You say just rp it but the thing is Kiri has no accountability, from any avenue of rp, to give you a shot. If you make a Kiri nin and attempt to join the swordsmen they can deny you for any reason. One person I was talking to attempted to join and was denied because his characters face claim was Vergil from Devil May Cry and he had some abilities based on that, so he was denied for not being original enough.

You wanna attack the village or sneak in and try to steal a sword? Good luck. The second you begin your approach to Kiri you will start with people taking issue with your entrance post for one reason or another and it will get worse from there.

When I was Rakudo Kiri loved me because I was kicking ass and taking names (and bijuu) for the village. I was a member (3rd or 4th seat I think, which ever is the lowest one that allows you a "command" position) of the SSM. I had two blades! I wanna say Kubikiribocho or Samehada and then later Kiba.

But once it we revealed I was Bocchiere they all flipped on a dime. (Well all the ones who are wont to do that anyway) When I was challenging Jolt for the 5 tails I asked Kotetsu, who was still 1st seat at this time to loan me the Kiba blades, the swords with complete power over lightning, so I could trivialize a man whose entire fighting style was based around lightning. He said, "No I'm leader all the swords belong to me you can't have it." I was an SSM member at the time and as you'll recall from the recent debacle Kiri claims that all the swords belong to all of the SSM members. Which I'm sure is true. Right up until they decide they don't want that anymore.

Isaribi actually wanted to arrest Rakudo, IC, for the fact that I was Bocchiere. There was not even a semblance of an IC reason so I just said go ahead and try.

The point of this is that Kiri has shown time and again that they will completely shut you down for any little reason. Time and again they show that they'd rather void people and ignore than do any sort of rp. So no one has any reason to believe an rp to take a sword would ever be a success, not because it is hard to steal a blade from a legendary swordsmen, but because there is no reason to think you would not just be voided as soon as your intentions are made clear.

That is why I honestly like Bec's idea the best. If the user goes inactive throw the item (whatever item that may be) into an rp and let someone grab it. If it is a Kiri blade than Kiri should certainly have reason to join that rp and make an attempt to retrieve it, if they care about their blades as much as they say they do then that should not be an issue for them.

That is a good idea to me. Having massive lists of inheritance the item goes down for friends and acquaintances and your local butcher to make sure it never really gets out of the inactive person's hands is not.

Let's actually make this about rp like we all say we want to. As a show of good faith from everyone in the community I think a great start would be to have such an item rp about the up in the air Kiri items, don't you?  :)
« Last Edit: April 05, 2016, 07:11:29 PM by Bocchiere »


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Re: Village Items
« Reply #16 on: April 05, 2016, 07:31:12 PM »

Should they be stolen...then it would still be an SSM sword, only in the hands of an antagonist that an SSM member would be duty bound to engage in rp for the purpose of retrieval and possible slaying. WHOOOT!
omg....there is a storyline for you.

Let me start by drawing attention here. When has this ever happened? When has this ever happened?

The only time I can think of a Kiri nin making any effort to retrieve a sword IC was when I went to Kusa as Rakudo to retrieve Kiba and extradite Kaito after he did his best to start a war over I don't even remember any more.

Remember when I killed Isaribi and stole Samehada? (Which I was only able to do because he challenged me for the 6 tails and the fight was IC) Remember how I had it for like 2 years? And do you remember the 0 Kiri nin that attempted to retrieve it even though they all knew IC I had it because Ranketsu sold it to me over Isaribi's still warm fishy corpse? They always said they were totally about to come get it back but that never materialized. I remember all those things.

I'll save someones time and give the obvious response to that which is,"Yeah because no one wants to rp with you Bocch." To which I say, fair. So what if, hypothetically speaking the swords were stolen by someone Kiri did not summarily hate? What if they were stolen by a Kiri nin, who was a SSM member, and who also stole every sword Kiri had from her husband (who was 1st seat at the time) and made off with them? They definitely wouldn't just completely void the whole thing and continue claiming their swords? Right? Surely you can't be serious...


You know as well as I do Kay that you're a friend of Kiri right up until you're not, and at that point you're as good as voided.

The thing is nothing you're saying is wrong, but it is assuming Kiri uses the swords to promote rp and not to just hoard as the dragon hoards it's gold. I don't ever see that occurring.

You say just rp it but the thing is Kiri has no accountability, from any avenue of rp, to give you a shot. If you make a Kiri nin and attempt to join the swordsmen they can deny you for any reason. One person I was talking to attempted to join and was denied because his characters face claim was Vergil from Devil May Cry and he had some abilities based on that, so he was denied for not being original enough.

You wanna attack the village or sneak in and try to steal a sword? Good luck. The second you begin your approach to Kiri you will start with people taking issue with your entrance post for one reason or another and it will get worse from there.

When I was Rakudo Kiri loved me because I was kicking ass and taking names (and bijuu) for the village. I was a member (3rd or 4th seat I think, which ever is the lowest one that allows you a "command" position) of the SSM. I had two blades! I wanna say Kubikiribocho or Samehada and then later Kiba.

But once it we revealed I was Bocchiere they all flipped on a dime. (Well all the ones who are wont to do that anyway) When I was challenging Jolt for the 5 tails I asked Kotetsu, who was still 1st seat at this time to loan me the Kiba blades, the swords with complete power over lightning, so I could trivialize a man whose entire fighting style was based around lightning. He said, "No I'm leader all the swords belong to me you can't have it." I was an SSM member at the time and as you'll recall from the recent debacle Kiri claims that all the swords belong to all of the SSM members. Which I'm sure is true. Right up until they decide they don't want that anymore.

Isaribi actually wanted to arrest Rakudo, IC, for the fact that I was Bocchiere. There was not even a semblance of an IC reason so I just said go ahead and try.

The point of this is that Kiri has shown time and again that they will completely shut you down for any little reason. Time and again they show that they'd rather void people and ignore than do any sort of rp. So no one has any reason to believe an rp to take a sword would ever be a success, not because it is hard to steal a blade from a legendary swordsmen, but because there is no reason to think you would not just be voided as soon as your intentions are made clear.

That is why I honestly like Bec's idea the best. If the user goes inactive throw the item (whatever item that may be) into an rp and let someone grab it. If it is a Kiri blade than Kiri should certainly have reason to join that rp and make an attempt to retrieve it, if they care about their blades as much as they say they do then that should not be an issue for them.

That is a good idea to me. Having massive lists of inheritance the item goes down for friends and acquaintances and your local butcher to make sure it never really gets out of the inactive person's hands is not.

Let's actually make this about rp like we all say we want to. As a show of good faith from everyone in the community I think a great start would be to have such an item rp about the up in the air Kiri items, don't you?  :)

Agreed. It's all well and good to say that RP needs to get done, but it never does. Rp never gets done in these situations. It's always an OOC shit show where mud gets slung every which way, and then it gets voided.

Stop giving them the benefit of the doubt when they do not deserve it. They have not earned that right whatsoever. They are not good enough people to have that courtesy.

I'm pushing for the public RP like Bocc said.
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Re: Village Items
« Reply #17 on: April 05, 2016, 09:39:58 PM »

Shima actually burned the scroll that contained all the swords and they no longer exist. But that got voided. Then I just kept the scroll and that got voided.

But the auto enter and theft of the scroll from my home without permitting me a chance to post somehow managed to become canon...

So yeah, I remember all these things too.

They break my heart and I haven't really RP'd on Shima for years. Until my current attempt at a come back to RP with her. I really liked her, she was a favorite of mine. But you go from that to village cat lady...It's difficult to put that stuff behind me.

However, discounting my own personal issues in favor of what I feel to be right and wrong is not a hard thing to do. For me its not a matter of who I am friendly with at any given time or what my own standing with respect to those individuals might be.

I just truly do not understand why the swords are up in the air to begin with. Why this is being considered an issue. As SSM property, they were being used in sparing matches and for some reason that was found fault with.

Anyway, at this point I feel we are just repeating ourselves. I have no new opinions to offer on this matter.



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Re: Village Items
« Reply #18 on: April 05, 2016, 09:48:54 PM »

Shima actually burned the scroll that contained all the swords and they no longer exist. But that got voided. Then I just kept the scroll and that got voided.

But the auto enter and theft of the scroll from my home without permitting me a chance to post somehow managed to become canon...

So yeah, I remember all these things too.

They break my heart and I haven't really RP'd on Shima for years. Until my current attempt at a come back to RP with her. I really liked her, she was a favorite of mine. But you go from that to village cat lady...It's difficult to put that stuff behind me.

However, discounting my own personal issues in favor of what I feel to be right and wrong is not a hard thing to do. For me its not a matter of who I am friendly with at any given time or what my own standing with respect to those individuals might be.

I just truly do not understand why the swords are up in the air to begin with. Why this is being considered an issue. As SSM property, they were being used in sparing matches and for some reason that was found fault with.

Anyway, at this point I feel we are just repeating ourselves. I have no new opinions to offer on this matter.

Like I mentioned before the only evidence that was provided that the swords were being used at all was the testimony of one person that I trust. And that Kiri nin said that to their knowledge only Nuibari had been used within the 90 day period and the other 3 were definitely up for grabs.

So the 2 currently claimed by Shadow and Rusaku are up in the air till Kiri can provide proof, and I'd like to see some actual proof not just their insistence, that the swords were being used and not just in storage. They never provided it which makes me assume it does not exist.


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Re: Village Items
« Reply #19 on: April 05, 2016, 11:21:07 PM »

A hard part regarding activity (for anything, not just the seven swords) is actually measuring it :/ Besides word-of-mouth, it might sometimes be hard to find evidence of an RP that happened 60ish days ago in a zone that might have been taken over by two/three different stories in that time.

Since the SS are jointly owned, it'd be even harder to measure. Perhaps there would be a way for Neji to code in some sort of system that measures when the last time someone actually posted was? Kind of like how the game says last log-in time or time joined in the clans...I guess that would be one way to remedy the situation. Like, for example, in my bio it could display something like

Becquerel: Last post X days ago in Fighting Zones/Gardens/Kirigakure/Etc.

That's just an idea, and that would be something that Neji would have to implement if it were considered good.
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Re: Village Items
« Reply #20 on: April 05, 2016, 11:26:26 PM »

I don't think certain items should only be tied to a village, as some have quite different rp origins. Like the 5 treasures in Kumo for Instance. Otogakure went through many lengthy rp's to acquire all five. They were even weapons for the Sound Five at one point. They were later traded for the Sanbi, but the "Kumo" treasures were not always Kumo's.

I think a recall a similar story where some sound ninja crafted Zabuza's blade to bring it into SL world, don't know how accurate that is.

But I'm of the opinion no "village" items to be permitted.
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Re: Village Items
« Reply #21 on: April 06, 2016, 05:52:04 AM »

yeah. i recall the great rush to claim the kumo treasures through rp on oto's part before they could do anything about it too. As though they were not part of the Kumo treasury all along as standard village artifacts and free to make up rp about claiming them and all.


just cause you make it up and all, don't mean that the 'origins' was the way to go about it. But it certainly is part of our history now.



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Re: Village Items
« Reply #22 on: April 06, 2016, 11:31:26 PM »

yeah. i recall the great rush to claim the kumo treasures through rp on oto's part before they could do anything about it too. As though they were not part of the Kumo treasury all along as standard village artifacts and free to make up rp about claiming them and all.


just cause you make it up and all, don't mean that the 'origins' was the way to go about it. But it certainly is part of our history now.


Seems legit, and what we want, right? People to RP claiming stuff right?

RPing to make claims on unclaimed/unused items:

Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.

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Re: Village Items
« Reply #23 on: April 07, 2016, 02:09:00 AM »

Shima actually burned the scroll that contained all the swords and they no longer exist. But that got voided. Then I just kept the scroll and that got voided.

But the auto enter and theft of the scroll from my home without permitting me a chance to post somehow managed to become canon...

So yeah, I remember all these things too.

They break my heart and I haven't really RP'd on Shima for years. Until my current attempt at a come back to RP with her. I really liked her, she was a favorite of mine. But you go from that to village cat lady...It's difficult to put that stuff behind me.

However, discounting my own personal issues in favor of what I feel to be right and wrong is not a hard thing to do. For me its not a matter of who I am friendly with at any given time or what my own standing with respect to those individuals might be.

I just truly do not understand why the swords are up in the air to begin with. Why this is being considered an issue. As SSM property, they were being used in sparing matches and for some reason that was found fault with.

Anyway, at this point I feel we are just repeating ourselves. I have no new opinions to offer on this matter.

You know, there are two sides of this story in which it all goes back and forth. First, I may not have been Mizukage at the time, but I sure as hell do find Kay's post very concerning that you would auto enter to steal the scroll but void all other attempts because you just don't like it. If the void didn't happen for the scroll being burned, guess what? We'd have no swords to bicker about, and yet look where we are again..... BICKERING OVER THE DAMN SSM SWORDS!!!

I'm tired of seeing this argument continue and wish the thread to be locked.
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Re: Village Items
« Reply #24 on: April 07, 2016, 05:18:31 AM »

well Eric, yes. RP is the way to go.

However, let me RP claiming something of yours... oh yes. until like last week you had not officially claimed the Nara Forest.

So let's say that two week ago Suna decided to do an RP with only myself and a bunch of NPCs, maybe another character player...and we run the rp and at the end we of course win...we take over the forest and now own it.

I would assume that is not going to be ok with you. I assume that just because you did not officially claim he forest that you would say, "But its the Nara forest, of course we have owned it all along It was not un-owned to be claimed to begin with"

and that is like this. and now I have officially been awake for 25 minutes.

Anyway, something will be figured out for future situations. I do not feel there is much to be done about the past.

Truthfully I am not interested in fixing the past but just want to move into the future RPs that are waiting for us on SL.


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Re: Village Items
« Reply #25 on: April 07, 2016, 06:04:46 AM »

I do have you on ignore by the way Xia, I just thought you might be here to contribute something in defense of the village items claim so I checked. We are discussing your villages claims of "Village Items" which would have quite wide reaching effects if allowed. The debacle with the SSM swords is what brought this along so expect it to be mentioned, yes. If this bothers you so and you have nothing to contribute than no one is making you read this, but the community needs to decide if we're going to allow this or not, so I don't see any reason to lock the topic, I want to leave the vote open for at least a week.


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Re: Village Items
« Reply #26 on: April 07, 2016, 06:11:14 AM »

well Eric, yes. RP is the way to go.

However, let me RP claiming something of yours... oh yes. until like last week you had not officially claimed the Nara Forest.

So let's say that two week ago Suna decided to do an RP with only myself and a bunch of NPCs, maybe another character player...and we run the rp and at the end we of course win...we take over the forest and now own it.

I would assume that is not going to be ok with you...

There's a difference between taking the triple bladed kunai and shadow imitation techniques away from Konoha and outright taking land from it. But I cannot pass up an opportunity to have some fun with your proposal.

As long as Warren isn't that other player character, I would probably take the time out to fight you for it, IC mind you (and presuming Konoha is pissy about having territory in the middle of the village/country depending on your storyline would probably have enough backing to win). Otherwise I would just go find a new forest (since I am a missing ninja technically, I aint too tied to the land) and make sure my new base and medicines and etc. are there.

Or I would just not bother with doing anything about it at all. Hey, if he/she can do more with it than I am willing to go for it. Just don't sit on it and not do anything with it, cause then I"ll just claim it back without having to get into a single argument with any of you (odds are low tho, Kayenta doesn't seem to disappear for very long in truth).
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Village Items
« Reply #27 on: April 07, 2016, 06:15:44 AM »

but the community needs to decide if we're going to allow this or not,

I would like to bring to the table that we on the forum are not the whole community. You could say that maybe we care a little bit more because we have discussions like we're doing right now which might mean that we 'carry more weight'. But, I know that there's several RPers that do not have a forum account because they do not like what 'we' do here :) But, it is nice to come to a general consensus regarding the forum-goers.

I know that whatever decisions are made here, there are still plenty who don't and won't care. But, they'll keep playing even if the forum players manage to destroy the whole SL world, because they're having fun doing what they do. And, isn't having fun the whole point?
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Re: Village Items
« Reply #28 on: April 07, 2016, 08:27:41 AM »

well Eric, yes. RP is the way to go.

However, let me RP claiming something of yours... oh yes. until like last week you had not officially claimed the Nara Forest.

So let's say that two week ago Suna decided to do an RP with only myself and a bunch of NPCs, maybe another character player...and we run the rp and at the end we of course win...we take over the forest and now own it.

I would assume that is not going to be ok with you...

There's a difference between taking the triple bladed kunai and shadow imitation techniques away from Konoha and outright taking land from it. But I cannot pass up an opportunity to have some fun with your proposal.

As long as Warren isn't that other player character, I would probably take the time out to fight you for it, IC mind you (and presuming Konoha is pissy about having territory in the middle of the village/country depending on your storyline would probably have enough backing to win). Otherwise I would just go find a new forest (since I am a missing ninja technically, I aint too tied to the land) and make sure my new base and medicines and etc. are there.

Or I would just not bother with doing anything about it at all. Hey, if he/she can do more with it than I am willing to go for it. Just don't sit on it and not do anything with it, cause then I"ll just claim it back without having to get into a single argument with any of you (odds are low tho, Kayenta doesn't seem to disappear for very long in truth).

sorry but you do not get a chance to participate. It was done 3 week ago behind your back and I get to pick my RP partner, you do not. So if I bring Warren with me and you do not show up, too bad.
so now the Nara forest is mine. Nyah Nyah.

anyway, my point is that...I make a village  from the naruto world, right? you can by god guarantee it has all its bits and pieces without me having to list each of those and claim them for all the world to see.

by saying...i have created know right away that it has hot chicks and sand all over the place. And so someone else don't get to claim hot chicks and sand keeping us from having them. cause it is part of the total vacation package of the land...the base line of operations, the ground floor, the first pancake, the blue prints, the yeast starter, the big bang, the shizz!

and hey! I resent you implying I am predictable. I was gone for like one week that one time in that one place when i was doing that one thing!!!!
« Last Edit: April 07, 2016, 08:30:52 AM by KayentaMoenkopi »

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Re: Village Items
« Reply #29 on: April 08, 2016, 12:20:03 AM »

You know as well as I do Kay that you're a friend of Kiri right up until you're not, and at that point you're as good as voided.

You say just rp it but the thing is Kiri has no accountability

You wanna attack the village or sneak in and try to steal a sword? Good luck. The second you begin your approach to Kiri you will start with people taking issue with your entrance post for one reason or another and it will get worse from there.

Someone answer me this, why does Bocchiere always put Kiri on a lot of replies? What is it with Kiri this? Kiri that? Kiri blah blah blah..... Why is Boccheire so OBSESSED with Kiri? I don't know what has gotten into Boccheire, but I question his judgement and the way he has handled things.

Stop giving them the benefit of the doubt when they do not deserve it. They have not earned that right whatsoever. They are not good enough people to have that courtesy.

Says the ones who are constantly harassing me many times after I try to fix a situation. I can't help the fact that people go inactive, so that would be on them, but the fact you are bashing countless times again, and again gets very annoying.

I might as well just say whatever and ignore everything to just be happy because I want no part in this when you can't talk in a civilized manner as you have shown countless times. Y'all have fun hashing it out like children.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2016, 12:37:24 AM by Xiarawst »
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