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Author Topic: Father Vs. Son  (Read 3316 times)


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Re: Father Vs. Son
« Reply #15 on: May 27, 2016, 09:18:49 AM »

Thankfully for Athos, the increase to his strength and speed weren’t the only thing granted to him by the infamous Raiton no Yoroi, powered by this explosive and almost literally overwhelming chakra the redhead was emitting and utilizing currently. The other ability that would be granted would be the processing of the brain, which was also aided with the Golden Mangekyo Sharingan that he was using, meaning that his reaction time was on outstanding levels. It was because of this insane feat that a proper counter would be able to be made.

The clone that had casted the chakra chains had been staring at the Ryoji(s) within the dome, processing each of their motions with ease. As the water started to pour from the one Ryoji’s mouth, the clone of Athos acted immediately, with an action that came as easy to him like a muscle reflex. All of the chakra chains, the plethora that covered a majority of the arena’s ground that they had access of, moved quickly together and soon formed a Chakra Chains Barrier just as the real Ryoji seemed to disappear. Before the water dome would have reached full fruition, thanks to the predictive nature of the Sharingan and enhanced brain function of the clone, a dome of chains would be formed around the water to keep it from expanding outwards. Of course, the water would start to eat away swiftly at their makeshift container, so this clone would copy the other. Pouring it’s chakra into its chains so that they would repair almost just as fast as they were destroyed. Of course, this rose urgency immediately in the man’s clone, causing him to pour the rest of its chakra into the Uzumaki Sealing Technique. With this, he hoped not only to speed and power up the process, but build a resistance to the water so it wouldn’t be eaten away immediately, if the water did manage to break through this layer of chains.

The second clone, which had been focusing its chakra into keeping the dome up against the rain, let out a grunt as it saw the water spew from the clone’s mouth, the way raiton was being poured out, and even how the real Ryoji started to disappear just as the Chakra Chains Barrier fully took form. Without a real moment’s thought, it was obvious what the man had to do. Chains exploded from his back and dug into the ground before exploding in thick chains that would come and wrap around the already formed barrier of chains. These would act as second level that would be fueled and replenished by the second clone’s chakra.

As for the Real Athos, he hadn’t the same clear view that the other two had, nor any magical mental connection, or even the Rinnegan, to help him with this. Instead, what he reacted on wasn’t the water coming out, or Ryoji disappearing, or even the Raiton or chakra that would be expelled. As the Chakra Chains from the first clone, and then the second not even a whole second later, erupted from the ground, the only option left would be to join in the action. So as the other two barriers went to form, the real Athos left spiked chains explode out his back and tunnel into the ground to explode in giant, thick, chains that seemed to glow. This was the Adamantine Sealing Technique that would be the third barrier on the outside of the other two, even if the water or Ryoji had managed to beat the other two, this would act as the final defense. This ability was able to even restrain the Nine Tails, meaning something only greatly stronger than such a beast would be able to shatter out of these defenses. And with a smirk on his face, Athos would easily pour chakra and keep his ability up against the poisonous water, knowing that it should hold fine any assault that could be thrown at it.

With the three layers of defense, and with the super charged Uzumaki Triangle Seal only need a few seconds to do its job, the three Athos hoped to keep Ryoji trapped and end this fight in a few seconds.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Father Vs. Son
« Reply #16 on: May 30, 2016, 03:31:22 AM »

The first clone would curse under his breath as he witnessed the next set of barriers sprout to contain the water. With his own quick thinking, he would once again use the Dark chakra’s ability allowing him to perform techniques without hand seals to save precious seconds. Bringing his hands together, he would manipulate the immensely blighted water that has already been produced to create a massive shark that formed around his body. Thrusting his hands forward the leviathan would rage through the waters and into the side of the multi layered dome in order to apply pressure and attempt to break it. Luckily, this shark contain not only the ability to taint chakra (considering what it was made of) but also the ability to absorb it to become larger and more powerful. Should the Shark break through, it would continue onward to assault the clone that had not dissipated.

The second clone would also take notice of the Barrier, and thus would redirect the Iron senbon he was firing at athos to aid the shark in the barrier’s bombardment. Simultaneously, he would utilize his immense speeds from the Raiton armor and version two of his biju cloak in order to traverse to the opposite side of the barrier that was being produced. Upon reaching it’s border, he would allow susanoo to manifest itself around his body in it’s complete form, and upon it’s arm would be the legendary tool; the Yata mirror. Bringing his arm up, the Susanoo would mimic the clones movements, following through by bashing the mirror into the dome in order to utilize it’s nullifying ability, hoping to break through the dome in conjunction with the Shark on the opposing side. The intention was to cause substantial enough structural instability that the barrier could no longer contain the hundreds of thousands of gallons of poison that had been produced and allow it to wash over the land unimpeded, hopefully touching Athos and his clone in some way. As this was happening, he would manipulate more of the Iron sand that had been washed up to create medium sized blades, each firing through the water in order to stab into the Uzumaki formula in key points. If he couldn’t disintegrate the formula, he would simply destroy it. 

The real Ryoji, now completely invisible, would shrug. Of course his clones would have no idea what he was going to do, for as athos mentioned they had no magical connection with then, he would utilize the Izanagi technique to sacrifice one of the 6 spare eyes he had stored in his body, floating about the Jiongu threads, causing him to fade from reality. Manipulating his own state of reality to disappear, and reappear behind the original Athos. Still invisible due to to his previous supplements, he would move to poke Athos with his pointer finger between his shoulder blades, placing a sage enhanced chakra chains seal upon him. Considering his chakra would be undetectable, and the seals were placed previously, it would be incredibly difficult for Athos to anticipate this attack. If that were to land, he would immediately follow up by extending out his middle finger and placing a chakra restraining seal to prevent Athos from utilizing the same technique he had just used as a means of escape.           

For an obligatory update on the status of the zone outside this barrier. The monsoon has reached hurricane levels, producing immense amounts of smog that has permeated the air. There is no longer breathable oxygen within the zone save for what was caught within Athos’s woundless zone. The dome is now being relentlessly bombarded by the attacks two states of matter.

If you can't beat them, eat them.

-Jeffrey dahmer


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Re: Father Vs. Son
« Reply #17 on: June 03, 2016, 06:09:29 AM »

My opponent forfeited the match, which he told me through text.

So, this topic can be unstuck and locked.

Thanks :)
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.

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